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Cloud Cult — The Arrival: There's So Much Energy In Us
Album: Light chasers
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Total ratings: 2045

Released: 2010
Length: 7:15
Plays (last 30 days): 2
A million years it's been, since the search began.
Still can't find it. Still can't find it.
The fuel is nearly spent. Check the maps again.
Can't let go of it. Can't let go of it.
Now the crew is cold and drunk on chemicals.
Can't believe in it. Can't believe in it.
And I heard the captain say, I heard the captain say,
"We' re so close to it, so very close to it.
We still have energy in us."

We feel our hearts break as the engines fade.
Still need to find it. Still need to find it.
So we took the written words of our philosophers,
and built a fire from it. Let's get those engines lit.
We took the church's veil and built a mighty sail.
to carry forth this ship. but we're still losing it.
And I heard the captain say, I heard the captain say,
"We' re so close to it, so very close to it.
We still have energy in us."

The mission's over now, and my breath is running out.
Can't let go of it, can't let go of it.
I didn't mean what I said, I didn't mean what I said.
I love you more than this. I love you more than this.
Then lights they fill the air, or were they always there?
I finally see it. I finally see it.
And I heard the captain say, I heard the captain say,
"You're always close to it, so very close to it."
There's so much energy in us.
Comments (164)add comment
 aaronm wrote:

I can't articulate why, but their music simply makes me happy.

words water down innate feelings 
There's So Much Energy in Us
Cloud Cult and The Minnesota Orchestra during COVID made a fantastic video IMHO.
They are great live.
It's really rather lovely.....
 Ihatethissong wrote:

I'd love to have a beer with you.

I literally changed my rating from 10 to 7 but then slowly moved it back up as the song progressed.  This is absolutely beautiful at this time and place for me as a listener and a human.  Looking forward to discovering more.
 CoYoT51 wrote:


I'm very sure you can do better, eh?
This is one of those albums and groups best appreciated while laid back in a quiet, lighing subdued, room with the 'srooms juuuusst starting to kick in.  😏
Nice drums.
 unclehud wrote:

Others say it below, and probably better than I will say it:  This song used to irritate the hell out of me; all emo BS and lushy strings.  After a dozen listens, I started to "get it".  Now I stop and focus sharply on the music and lyrics.

There's so much POSITIVE energy in all of us.  Let it out into the world!

You're right, unclehud, and a long over-due adjustment on my end; +2 to 7; LLRP!!
 mikemayday wrote:

I've gone
from turning the song off in fury at the singer's voice,
through rolling eyes at the sappy music but enjoying it nevertheless
to listening to the whole album and crying at the end.

Either I'm going crazy or I have always been.
10 from me and that's a final. 

(If you FEEL this song, I really recommend the whole album, it works a lot better)

yes. i agree. same experience. 

now, every time i hear this song begin, i feel like i'm going to cry.  i can't listen to it sometimes...
Others say it below, and probably better than I will say it:  This song used to irritate the hell out of me; all emo BS and lushy strings.  After a dozen listens, I started to "get it".  Now I stop and focus sharply on the music and lyrics.

There's so much POSITIVE energy in all of us.  Let it out into the world!
I will always enjoy hearing this song.  I'm glad that it's still in rotation.
I heard the captain say
I heard the captain say
"Make it so"
so much whiny milquetoast energy
jfc, that voice!
Comments made me go grab the album on YT Music. I'll have to "spin" it for the complete experience.
This song always grabs my attention and makes me pause. There is power in it. Not sure why.  

Sure the voice the music etc.. might not be the most whatever (see Neil Young) - but it has it.  That thing.  That thing you just know when you hear. 
Pure RP!
As a sci fi kid and long time seeker this comes as close as I’ve ever heard to the truth 
I highly recommend a Netflix show airing now:
“How to change your mind “
By Michael Pollan
There are profound things that are just beyond our ability to put into speech 
Thus, music
Thank you RP for playing it
my new favorite band
soooooo bad....
After reading the singer's story and in light of the Texas school tragedy over the past days, this song provides some solace (even though it brings tears).  Now I must listen to the whole album.   
Bet this guy had a lot of Flaming Lips and Star Trek posters in his room growing up.
love this after hearing it so frequently - it’s filled with hope. something we all need so dearly in life…
New release out this Spring.  On April 1st they played it with the Minnesota Orchestra in Minneapolis and shown on the local PBS station.
 kingart wrote:


But, and this is the crucial part, not wrong.
 nickodgers wrote:


I was sitting at a pier-side restaurant in August of 2019 in Duluth, MN  with  my husband.  I heard this song being played across the water at what appeared to be a festival.  I said "I know this song!" to my husband, who as usual thought I was crazy.  I was right. I'd heard this song on RP so many times but never knew or looked to see who it was.  Since then I've become a lover of Cloud Cult  They are powerful and amazing., moving with their lyrics.  This album is the soundtrack from that summer.  Thank you ,  RP, for all the musical adventures you have brought me on over the past 16 years.  
These guys are interesting.  I like them. 
не надо пиздеть лишнего.. Пробойная вещь- Огонь!!
 jlind wrote:
Really it is hard to appreciate any single song on this album without listening to the whole thing

I disagree. The songs on this album are nearly all amazing on their own. Yes, listening to it all as a single composition is even better.
Classic RP! Never heard this anywhere else.
 mikemayday wrote:
I've gone
from turning the song off in fury at the singer's voice,
through rolling eyes at the sappy music but enjoying it nevertheless
to listening to the whole album and crying at the end.

Either I'm going crazy or I have always been.
10 from me and that's a final. 

(If you FEEL this song, I really recommend the whole album, it works a lot better)

Not being one for esoteric things I still am on this same journey not sure if I will get to the embracing bit though.
 zaebb wrote:
voice like grandma, maybe when he says in toilet same time make shit ?  but sound good lyric too
I feel sorry for your grandmother. Give her (or... him?) some privacy when she's in the john.
 kingart wrote:
I can see why not. But in these days, some of you are just not getting the flow or those lyrics. Clap with higher numbers, people. 
You're not my supervisor. 
 kingart wrote:
I can see why not. But in these days, some of you are just not getting the flow or those lyrics. Clap with higher numbers, people. 

I can see why not. But in these days, some of you are just not getting the flow or those lyrics. Clap with higher numbers, people. 
Really it is hard to appreciate any single song on this album without listening to the whole thing
voice like grandma, maybe when he says in toilet same time make shit ?  but sound good lyric too
the singer is good and so id the song , what are y'all people saying ?
 mikemayday wrote:
I've gone
from turning the song off in fury at the singer's voice,
through rolling eyes at the sappy music but enjoying it nevertheless
to listening to the whole album and crying at the end.

Either I'm going crazy or I have always been.
10 from me and that's a final. 

(If you FEEL this song, I really recommend the whole album, it works a lot better)

This inspires me to investigate further.
I gave it a 7, then +1 more for being from Daloot, ya der, eh?
This entire album gets a 10. A bunch of great songs and  a thematic coherency that’s lost in most modern work.
I always found this band interesting when I heard them on RP, but sometimes I wasn't sure if I liked their music or not. I've been listening to them a lot over the past year or two and now just love them - sometimes I even listen to them all day. Superbly unique. 
 blue-ice wrote:
His voice is not pleasent to listen to. Cool lyrics, but damn, his voice is just grating and whining  whimpering. Which , I could imagine, is how I may sound after being confined to a life support pod for a million years. But, just imaging, if he woke up had some coffee, ate a good breakfast, took a walk, visited the water closet,  talked with a few other people (even if they were still asleep) and  then sung the story he's telling . I have to imagine there would be no whimpering in his voice, and many more people would enjoy the music. 

I appreciate those comments. Having read the full lyric for the first time even though this has been a 10 for me a long time, I love the hope written in them.
His voice is not pleasent to listen to. Cool lyrics, but damn, his voice is just grating and whining  whimpering. Which , I could imagine, is how I may sound after being confined to a life support pod for a million years. But, just imaging, if he woke up had some coffee, ate a good breakfast, took a walk, visited the water closet,  talked with a few other people (even if they were still asleep) and  then sung the story he's telling . I have to imagine there would be no whimpering in his voice, and many more people would enjoy the music. 
For some reason this song makes me feel like hanging out with Bill in a hot spa. Not sure why but please?
As we test the crew capsule for a mission to Mars... Let's get those engines lit... We still have energy in us.!!!
Somewhat reminiscent of Sufjan Stevens.
Clear Nine. One of the first songs I heard on this station, nearly a decade ago.
aaronm wrote:
I can't articulate why, but their music simply makes me happy.

PockettVenus wrote:
That's odd, because it makes me feel melancholic.
Thank you guys:   I feel both !  what can ya do ?
One the first total discoveries RP offered to me.
I never liked the whole album, but the opening AND this closing part are worth it alone. Really.
 snegel wrote:
Yay my upload has been added, thanks very much Bill. Can't await the first playing {#Notworthy}
Thanks a lot, snegel.
I think these guys are pretty talented when it comes to song writing, etc... I just can't like the singer.  I've tried...
I keep hearing Forbert.......tho he can sing better
 aaronm wrote:
When I hear this song, read the words, and recall the band's story, I marvel at what kind of spirit it takes to write something like this, and I'm moved to tears.

Thanks for the link. I agree with you - how could anyone turn something so horrible into anything positive? My soul would be destroyed.
When I hear this song, read the words, and recall the band's story, I marvel at what kind of spirit it takes to write something like this, and I'm moved to tears.
 daniel_rusk wrote:
I can't imagine a song that sucks worse than this!

then check out their "Time Machine Invention",
he is full on with his hayseed boyscout vocal, barf inducing
 justin4kick wrote:
I hear echoes of the Flaming Lips.

I wonder if they dress up like chipmunks
I can't imagine a song that sucks worse than this!
 Thin_Air wrote:
This song reminds me why life is too short to waste time whingeing.  I don't know what this song is about and I know nothing about the band but together it just sounds like whingeing - sorry.

No agreement here. He's not whining.  He's affirming. Listen better. You don't know what the song is about? Meditate on the very title of the song. In its own way, it's quite upbeat.  Overcoming the odds.  Being heroic.  Saving each other from doom.  What could be more uplifting? There is not so much energy in you?

Anyway, what's "whingeing"? I must have missed that memo about the spelling lesson and my dictionary. 
More people than not on RP, for instance, seem to revere Thom Yorke. But he whines. Please tell Thom Yorke to stop whining and play some fucking roll and rock. Maybe he could get on a spaceship like Cloud Cult, see the sights, and uplift his downbeat horizons. 
This song reminds me why life is too short to waste time whingeing.  I don't know what this song is about and I know nothing about the band but together it just sounds like whingeing - sorry.
sucko barfo, sorry
Long sweeping melodies featuring a grating voice. Even poor orchestration couldn't save this one.
 aaronm wrote:
I can't articulate why, but their music simply makes me happy.

That's odd, because it makes me feel melancholic. {#Stupid}{#Rolleyes}
 justin4kick wrote:
I hear echoes of the Flaming Lips.

Yeah, that's what I first thought too. The thin almost breaking high vocals with the marching rhythm. 

I dig it.
i don't belive he's the best singer in that band
i like the music and their choice of instruments 
I hear echoes of the Flaming Lips.
I can't articulate why, but their music simply makes me happy.
Can't help but think this is a Blue October/Justin Furstenfeld song whenever it plays.
 blue-ice wrote:
just can't get over the whining... 

I suppose  , once in a while is ok, like once a year.

Generally when I feel like thinking about interstellar space travel, I read some SF or watch a kick ass SF movie.

or Mooncake.

Time to put on my  Chinese silk padded jacket. Moon Cakes will soon be here.

One of my very favorite Minneosta bands. Amazing to see live. 
 cbazinet wrote:
I really like it.  Play again.  :)

 mikemayday wrote:
I've gone
from turning the song off in fury at the singer's voice,
through rolling eyes at the sappy music but enjoying it nevertheless
to listening to the whole album and crying at the end.

Either I'm going crazy or I have always been.
10 from me and that's a final. 

(If you FEEL this song, I really recommend the whole album, it works a lot better)

Echo that Mike. This one grows on you for sure. 
 Hippostar wrote:
"I heard the Captain say..."

Does he just use this line in every song or something?

I can't hit PSD fast enough when this one starts, or any other Cloud Cult number for that matter {#Eek}
 Sasha2001 wrote:
Can we retire the glockenspiel from alt/rock all together?  While we're at it, why does it have to be a march-based rhythm as if to signify humanity's inexorable path towards doom/enlightenment/sorrow/etc. ? We get it, this is an important song and a seminal work for your band, its time to move past tropes already worn thin by other, better bands.

- Cranky Dad
Sasha my friend, perhaps you're taking the first steps on the road to a certain kind of hell: 

Grandpa Simpson:  

At least that glockenspiel isn't a goddamned cowbell. 

(BTW--private aside: Prince Harry?)
I really like it.  Play again.  :)
just can't get over the whining... 

I suppose  , once in a while is ok, like once a year.

Generally when I feel like thinking about interstellar space travel, I read some SF or watch a kick ass SF movie.

or Mooncake.
Brought an amazing and long, heavenly set to a grinding halt, and sent me to iTunes, as it has done nearly every single time I've heard it...
I've gone
from turning the song off in fury at the singer's voice,
through rolling eyes at the sappy music but enjoying it nevertheless
to listening to the whole album and crying at the end.

Either I'm going crazy or I have always been.
10 from me and that's a final. 

(If you FEEL this song, I really recommend the whole album, it works a lot better)
Can we retire the glockenspiel from alt/rock all together?  While we're at it, why does it have to be a march-based rhythm as if to signify humanity's inexorable path towards doom/enlightenment/sorrow/etc. ? We get it, this is an important song and a seminal work for your band, its time to move past tropes already worn thin by other, better bands.

- Cranky Dad
Lyrics strike me as kind of overwrought ... but I love this song anyway. Especially the overwrought lyrics.

The metaphors of the philosophers' words and the church's veil are spectacularly appropriate. Maybe it's the educator in me, cynically approaching the week on this early Sunday morning, seeking to avoid grading my students' work, grasping blindly for the energy that must be around here somewhere ... yeah, I love those lyrics.
Great song for the optimist in us..., but heart breaking at the same time.
Love the music...but puleez unplug the microphone. Ugh.
more than enough of this tune.....
 fatcatjb wrote:
I don't get this band at all. Every song I hear (all here on RP) sounds so messy and without direction. I can see that others are hearing something that I'm missing...problem must be on my end

Try listening to the album in one sitting - it makes much more sense! Some of the real 'pay-off' songs don't get played here so the ones that do can feel a bit disjointed. It's not an album to dip into, but it works really well as a full piece (esp. with decent 'phones and a comfy chair...)
I don't get this band at all. Every song I hear (all here on RP) sounds so messy and without direction. I can see that others are hearing something that I'm missing...problem must be on my end
It grew on me as I listened to it. Interesting song.
 EdmoJoe wrote:
This song in particular is so positive and affirmative, I'm not sure where the negative comments come from.... Thanks RP for continuing to introduce us to a range of music.

 fedtho wrote:
This works for me. Upping my previous '7' to an '8'... yep.
Yes, it *does* remind of several other bands. Just so happens that I think that Cloud Cult's "mix" of them all tastes good. Even remarkably so.
One other thing: I'm completely fascinated by the extremes in the comments.
And by how completely exchangeable some of the negative ones are with their exact contraries:
"Fucking horrible. I just hate this band so much."   Just replace the *two* negative words with, i.e., "gorgeous" and "love". Might sound a little silly - I feel it's not.
I think sometimes music reveals the amount of passion we have inside us, and that passion comes out through one channel or the other depending on our experiences past, the mood of the moment etc.

Anyway, even though there's no opportunity like an anonymous post in a thread online, everybody should think twice before expressing hate and contempt about something that someone else says he apreciates.
I'm not saying all music is good. Just that music should not be taken hostage to convey our anger, our frustration, our desperation.

One piece of music can arouse a range of emotions in a listener, depending on his/her mood, how many times the listener's heard the piece, etc. 

Songs like this and the stuff that Polyphonic Spree produces sometimes amuse me or just turn into sonic wallpaper. Other times (like today) they make me reach for the PSD button or wish I could speed up time to get rid of the song. When we dislike a song that much, it feels like it's taken our lives and moods hostage. 

I doubt that there is or ever will be a piece of music or artist with universal, permanent appeal. 

 fedtho wrote:

Anyway, even though there's no opportunity like an anonymous post in a thread online, everybody should think twice before expressing hate and contempt about something that someone else says he apreciates.
I'm not saying all music is good. Just that music should not be taken hostage to convey our anger, our frustration, our desperation.


I disagree.  I know you don't mean to sound like one, but that is exactly the argument fascists make.  If you hate a song, then you should say so.  This is an informal forum, so we don't take the word "hate" in the sense you convey it. 

Everyone should be honest about how they feel about songs.    If you are not posting what you honestly think of a song, then don't post.  

It sounds like they are trying to be so significant and powerful and yet the lyrics, arrangements, and song overall just falls flat.  Perhaps if they were more heartfelt and less heady they wouldn't have to work so hard and get much better results?
Just flew from Kentucky to California to see these guys in LA on Saturday night....most incredible band ever and I have Bill to thank for turning me onto them years ago...
"I heard the Captain say..."

Does he just use this line in every song or something?

PSD >>
 snegel wrote:
I'm suprised to read so many negative comments here, i may admit that the singers voice is...sth. you need to get used to {#Cool}
But if you take this title together with the first one on the album it's a perfect interaction.
Well, everyone has his own opinions, which is of course nothing to argue about, but some people here should remember this fact when damning this, or any other, song I believe {#Eh}

Every once in a while somebody writes exactly what I was thinking.

Well put.
I'm suprised to read so many negative comments here, i may admit that the singers voice is...sth. you need to get used to {#Cool}
But if you take this title together with the first one on the album it's a perfect interaction.
Well, everyone has his own opinions, which is of course nothing to argue about, but some people here should remember this fact when damning this, or any other, song I believe {#Eh}
 fredriley wrote:
This guy's cracked voice reminds me of the spotty adolescent in The Simpsons.
Spotty teen from The Simpsons
thank you, now none of us have to say it.
 fredriley wrote:
This guy's cracked voice reminds me of the spotty adolescent in The Simpsons.
Spotty teen from The Simpsons
Here's your taco Sir. (Whoops) Oooh ah ah ah ooh ah ah...
This guy's cracked voice reminds me of the spotty adolescent in The Simpsons.
Spotty teen from The Simpsons
Hometown love. 
Well done!  I was moved and I love that!  
this sounds a lot like The Killers... not that I dislike them... just saying
Hey!  It's my brother's Birthday even!  {#Cheers}
 winotron wrote:
Terrible song, terrible band, terrible lyrics, terrible album cover.

Thats one terrible statement winotron.....
Terrible song, terrible band, terrible lyrics, terrible album cover.
I bought this album after hearing Cloud Cult for the first time on RP. The whole album is excellent and highly recommended. This song in particular is so positive and affirmative, I'm not sure where the negative comments come from. Right now, one of my favourites from the album is "Dawn" if RP is looking for another track to add to their playlist. Thanks RP for continuing to introduce us to a range of music.
I finally listened to this album in its entirety, and it's really pretty good. 8
For some reason, this track saps my energy.
I'd like it back please. It's mine and I don't want you playing with it.
Meh. Sounds like his underwear is too tight. 
The inept, muppet like vocal detracts from this otherwise sound musical accompaniment. Too bad it isn't just an instrumental piece. That...I would enjoy! Someone should have just unplugged the mic and let him "think" he was contributing to the recording. 
I really enjoy this whimsical band. Bring it on.
 Photo-John wrote:
I despise Cloud Cult. I have to turn off RP every time it's played. Terrible.
yeah sounds like one needs to be in the cult to enjoy
 kingart wrote:

So be annoyed and grumpy. On a thoughtful repose with a beer, this song works just fine for me. I like the idea. I can't imagine someone objecting to the theme of "there is so much energy in us."  You're the one getting all relaxed and comfy. So sorry Cloud Cult interrupted your chill, but maybe you'd be better off absorbing the vibe of the hopeful song than your own grumpiness. 

What a beautiful song.  I thank BillG silently nearly every day I listen to RP.  I'm going straight to Amazon for this right now!
Very good.