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Cake — Comfort Eagle
Album: Comfort Eagle
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Total ratings: 2838

Released: 2002
Length: 3:35
Plays (last 30 days): 0
We are building a religion
We are building it bigger
We are widening the corridors and adding more lanes
We are building a religion, a limited edition
We are now accepting callers for these pendant key chains

To resist it is useless
It is useless to resist it
His cigarette is burning but he never seems to ash
He is grooming his poodle
He is living comfort eagle
You can meet at his location but you'd better come with cash
Now his hat is on backwards
He can show you his tattoos
He is in the music business
He is calling you "dude!"

Now today is tomorrow, and tomorrow today
And yesterday is weaving in and out
And the fluffy white lines
That the airplane leaves behind
Are drifting right in front of the waning of the moon

He is handling the money
He is serving the food
He knows about your party
He is calling you "Dude"

Now, do you believe in the one big sign?
The double wide shine
On the boot heels of your prime?
Doesn't matter if you're skinny, it doesn't matter if you're fat
You can dress up like a sultan in your onion head hat

We are building a religion
We are making a brand
We're the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand
Take a bite of this apple Mr. Corporate Events
Take a walk to the jungle of cardboard shanties and tents
Some people drink Pepsi, some people drink Coke
The wacky morning DJ says democracy's a joke
He says, "Now do you believe in the one big song?"
He's now accepting callers who would like to sing along
He says, "Do you believe in the one true edge,
by fastening your safety belts and stepping towards the ledge?"

He is handling the money
He is serving the food
He is now accepting callers
He is calling me "Dude"

Do you believe in the one big sign?
The double wide shine on the boot heels of your prime?
There's no need to ask directions if you ever lose your mind
We're behind you, we're behind you
and let us please remind you
We can send a car to find you if you ever lose your way

We are building a religion
We are building it bigger
We are building a religion
A limited edition

We are now accepting callers
For these beautiful
Pendant key chains
Comments (264)add comment
This is CAKE.
 thundrpants wrote:

Not their best work.

This is about the only Cake track I can stand and I love it.    
I love these guys :)
This is exactly what I needed today!
There is always time for more Cake
Good Tune!
 Skydog wrote:

Beastie Boys made it to RP
I'll give it a 2

If the Beastie Boys ever did make it to RP i'd give it a 2-digit rating (10) 
 alain.brault wrote:

Going very much against every single fibre of my body on what I will write next:

...I don't enjoy cake.

Gustatory choice

But what about Cake?

 MrStatenIsle wrote:

Raw, ballsy, groovy, unusual, whimsical and musical. What's not to like about Cake?

am still trying to figure it out...a 'samey thing'? Not always a fan, though occasionally will hear one of their tunes and not dislike it... Dude!

 yobyot wrote:

Why, oh why?, does RP play so much Cake? This band isn't an acquired taste -- it's a taste of the stuff that looks like chocolate cake...but isn't.

This will certainly come as a shock, but ... other people don't agree.  Hard to believe, eh?
Best Cake song ever.  Absolutely love this, and I have no idea why.  Give it a 10 for the DUDE!!!
 Typesbad wrote:
I have no explanation for why I like this.

Neither do I but I really love it.
 Derecho wrote:
I have fun yelling that out when listening alone! DUDE!

Lots of fun to yell out when they're playing this live.

Irritating and tiresome😣😣😣😣
"What do your guts tell you, Chowder?"

I like Cake a lot, but sometimes they sound like Harry Connick Jr. being fed lines by David Byrne.
We are building a religion.

That's a damn fact.
Why, oh why?, does RP play so much Cake? This band isn't an acquired taste -- it's a taste of the stuff that looks like chocolate cake...but isn't.
Sounds like a modernized twist of Lou Reed style music... definitely likes this!!!
Well, Marie Antoinette [probably] said it best: Let them have CAKE! 
Did they have a chat with Beck when they came up with this wonderful composition?
Diverse melody in the slightest way. 
The right ingredients in a recipe for a good cake, - groove, chops and a bit'O'camp!
This is a cool band
Going very much against every single fibre of my body on what I will write next:

...I don't enjoy Cake.
Great lyrics!
 thundrpants wrote:
Not their best work.
Beg to differ.  Theme song for modern religion, which is as much about media organizations as it is about religion.

We are now accepting callers
For these beautiful
Pendant key chains ...

 Derecho wrote:

Lots of fun to yell out when they're playing this live.
You're the guy!
Not their best work.
I don't hear any yelling.  This is not typically my type of music but I like this one. 
 galestro wrote:
maybe it's me, but I prefer singing to yelling.
You prefer singing to yelling....so it's not just you...I on the other hand find CAKE to be one of my favorite bands w/ their tongue-in-cheek lyrics and sly humor.  So this one's an 8 for me, DUDE!!!  Long Live RP!!
One of the only CDs I ever owned was Comfort Eagle. I started using MP3s for everything about when I started high school, making this one of the few full albums I  listened to every track on over and over again. 
Raw, ballsy, groovy, unusual, whimsical and musical. What's not to like about Cake?
maybe it's me, but I prefer singing to yelling.
everyone loves cake
*puts on his onion-head-hat* *builds a religion* Thanks for the great track, Bill- I mean- DUDE!! =3
PSD. I rarely do that, but I must with this group.
Cr.p music. Awful. Next please.
 Tippster wrote:

Lots of fun to yell out when they're playing this live.
I've always thought John McCrea is one of the more interesting guys in the music biz. 
awfully stupid
 1wolfy wrote:
Rage against the Machine want to be
Dude... have you listened to Cake? 
 zerosomething wrote:

OH you just don't understand. It's OK we'll carry on with out you. ;)

Maybe you did ,,, but I have been here all along,,, listening,,,, thinking,,,,all this time,,,,Plotting against the world of Cake 
Very Maynard James Keenan - fun, wacky, acerbic!
I agree, chyk5.  At least someone else sees the humor, sarcasm and fun besides me {#Laughing}
This is hilarious. Love it. 
Just can't work when this is on. Too disruptive. Sigh. 
 NeuroJoe wrote:
Because a rating scale of 0-10 provides substantial resolution for valid data collection and the calculation of statistical significance
Well, the scale range is 1-10, but the rest of your answer is excellent, thanks.
I have no explanation for why I like this.
 Jeff_Guinn wrote:
Why, oh why, do not ratings go into negative numbers?

Because a rating scale of 0-10 provides substantial resolution for valid data collection and the calculation of statistical significance
Why, oh why, do not ratings go into negative numbers?
Cake Rules!!!!!!!!!!!! 
 ...nuff said!
Most excellent!
The preceding post brought to you by The Department of Redundancy Department. :-)
Not my favorite band but have to give them credit for being very original and unique.  They definitely have a distinct style and sound.
 user4176 wrote:
 ... weird stuff. I don't really understand what the lyrics are about …
That's Cake for ya! I can't believe I rated anything from them a 7. Gin, probably. Must downgrade to something more appropriate now.
 Skydog wrote:

Beastie Boys made it to RP
I'll give it a 2

I wish Beastie Boys were on here.

Love me some Cake, too.
Rated this a 4 a while ago, but listening to it again ... weird stuff. I don't really understand what the lyrics are about (not my mother tongue, but would that make a difference?), but somehow they make sense?

Beastie Boys made it to RP
I'll give it a 2
From the Fred Schneider school of singing.

Gotta love Cake: "The wacky morning DJ says democracy's a joke"

- Seems legit. 

There are times when you'd like to go make a cup of coffee but are listening to RP. Cake is made for those times.
Fingernails on a blackboard comes to mind.
 Kaisersosay wrote:
PSD.....What is it? Bill,,,,,? Why Why,,,,Why Cake?

OH you just don't understand. It's OK we'll carry on with out you. ;)
 justin4kick wrote:
They have made better songs than this. Not my piece of Cake.

I should hope so.......
They have made better songs than this. Not my piece of Cake.
she is touring the facility and picking up slack.. {#Rolleyes}
PSD.....What is it? Bill,,,,,? Why Why,,,,Why Cake?

Cake!  Either love em or hate em.  They go well with Spoon!{#Clap}{#Cheers}  I'm jumping in line to the automaton dance!

not for me thanks. another one for the very handy PSD button, thanks for that feature!
 jkhandy wrote:
Religion sucks
You should try the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!  {#Hungry}
 a2sibiu wrote:
Is this music?

If ya have to ask........
I'm a "singer" in a rock & roll band !!!!!   I mean I'm a "talker" in a rock & roll band. Heheheheheheh...hahahahah
Witness the sound from the central valley of the Radio Paradise universe… 
 jkhandy wrote:
Religion sucks
Especially Evangelical Atheism and Anthropogenic Global whatever it's calling itself these days, Marxism of all flavors (progressivism, socialism etc).
And islam. Can't forget that.
How can so many people rate this song with "1". The rhythm itself is already 7 ! The voice singer easily gives an extra point and I'm not even sure that 8 is enough. I can picture myself raising the rating later. This is excellent ! 
Religion sucks
This was clearly influenced by "I am the slime" by Frank Zappa.  
{#Bananajam}Cake lyrics: dogma I can get behind
It sounds like the B52's with more edge and overt lyrics.  I like it.
for whatever reason, love this song.
Reminds me of the great song "Don't Call Me Dude" by Scatterbrain.
Nice biting satire. Brutal and merciless, as the sharpest hardest-hitting satire always is.
Awful, Awful, Awful {#Frustrated}{#Wall} {#Beat}{#Stop}
 a2sibiu wrote:
Is this music?

Yup, liking it more and more.  8.
Is this music?
Wow, William Shatner has found a really good backup band. Too bad his voice doesn't do justice to the lyrics.


So far ahead of our collective minds from Facebook, Twitter and social media of all stripes...

What they put out in 2001 is a religion now... We meditate before the glowing glass encased in plastic.

We are verified, certified, re-enforced as valid by the glowing glass...

But we are surrendering our individual capacity for judgment, taste, and native skepticism of "facts" presented to sway, convince, politicize any mundane and mediocre whim that our glowing glass gods generate...These have the same deep meaning as a baby's smile... After a while you learn that the smile was just bodily gasses moving inside the child... It has nothing to do with you or your relationship.

"We are building a religion"...

Now, do you believe in the one big sign?
The double wide shine
On the boot heels of your prime?

Love it!
I've always loved this tune since the first time I heard it.
Awesome! Love it. Play more often PLEASE!!
 smackiepipe wrote:

Fucking PERFECT. 
Resistence is useless. He is calling you Dude. Love the Cake. Most excellent. 8 with icing.
So unfortunate. Musical variety Cake...not for me. Food variety...now THAT'S  a different story. I'm sorry, but this really sucks. Unplug this song.
{#Stop} SAD CRAP/RAP....SEE YA...gotta be the worst piece I have ever heard on RP....{#Stop}
Someone should play this back to Tim Armstrong over at AOL.

The guy sounded like an EST-hole.
Hey, this is the one CAKE song I have ever liked - great, Dude (the guy grooming his poodle got me :-)) 
Local heros... A tip of the hat, every once in a while...
I've never really liked Cake...not the band, they're fine...just cake in general...never liked it.
sucks just sucks,
I have this album...every song is classic. Pure CAKE.
I wish the rating mechanism was more rich.

I hate this song when working on my computer — grates my concentration to parmesan.  But it's great when I'm riding my bike, or doing jobs around the house.

I was all set to give it 2 and PSD, but I realized it has a lot to like.

Maybe the PSD switch could have a complementary GSMW switch : "Great Song, Mood Wrong"

Love the deadpan yet cheerful irony.
 smackiepipe wrote:
Jeff Bridges - the ultimate Dude. Cake rocks. I think the Dude would agree.

Wonderfully creepy.
Rage against the Machine want to be
Eclectic, oriental over rap hip-hop, that's nice!
 Cynaera wrote:
I have TRIED to hate this band, with their deceptively-juvenile spoken lyrics, etc., but every time I hear one of their songs, I just shake my head and mutter, "Dammit, they ambushed me again."  {#Bounce}