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Rush — The Enemy Within
Album: Grace Under Pressure
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Total ratings: 1234

Released: 1984
Length: 4:26
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Things crawl in the darkness
That imagination spins
Needles at your nerve ends
Crawl like spiders on your skin

Pounding in your temples
And a surge of adrenaline
Every muscle tense to fence the enemy within

I'm not giving in to security under pressure
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
Experience to extremes
Experience to extremes...

Suspicious looking stranger
Flashes you a dangerous grin
Shadows across your window...
Was it only trees in the wind?

Every breath a static charge
A tongue that tastes like tin
Steely-eyed outside to hide the enemy within

I'm not giving in to security under pressure
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
Experience to extremes
Experience to extremes...

To you, is it movement or is it action?
Is it contact or just reaction?
And you... revolution or just resistance?
Is it living, or just existence?
Yeah, you! It takes a little more persistence
To get up and go the distance

I'm not giving in
I'm not missing out
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
Experience to extremes

I'm not giving in to security under pressure
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
Experience to extremes
Experience to extremes...

Hey, yeah, yeah
Comments (356)add comment
 blotto wrote:

any Rush is good for a 10 from me.

Yeah, how boring, NOT!!
The last hour on Rock Mix is the best I've heard from RP in a long, long long time! 
Recognizable as Rush within 5 seconds, no matter how obscure a track might be. And that’s a very good thing. 
Yes!! Thanks William
THANK YOU for playing something that's not Tom Sawyer, The Spirit of Radio or Limelight! Fantastic song with a great message.
I'm more of a 70's Rush guy but this album had some solid tracks on it too, this one being one of them. 
This is one of my least favourite Rush songs - but it's still objectively really goddamn good. 9 all the way.

That's how you know a band is legendary. R.I.P, Professor. 
 Montreal_Mort wrote:

No more Rush on RP pls BillG

You are perfectly free to start your own Rush-free streamer, Mort.  Me, I can live without a lot of Rush, but an occasional double shot of drum thumpin' Canadian espresso is good for one's musical education.
 Montreal_Mort wrote:

No more Rush on RP pls BillG

A lot of people here like Rush! I think they are OK, I'm not their biggest fan. But, thank God we don't have to listen to YOUR playlist, skippy!
Fine, you don't like Geddy's voice, Alex's flashy guitar.  Let that all fade into the background and just listen to Neil.  Focus on the beat and the little side roads.  After a while, you feel like doing something ... big.  and you get Rush.
No more Rush on RP pls BillG
Rest in Peace Professor

More RUSH on Radio Paradise, please!
the best.....
Saw them last night at Summerfest in Milwaukee. Amazing show... still blown away by how technically brilliant they are. Rare to see one of the best bassists, drummers and guitar players of all time perform. Rarer still to see them on stage at the same time, in the same band...
any Rush is good for a 10 from me.

"It's terrifying to play your favorite song in front of your favorite band," he said. "It's one thing to sit in the basement to sit in the basement and woodshed 2112, and it's another to stand in front of Rush in a fucking kimono and a wig. Tonight was one of the most special nights of my life." Dave Grohl
Ha! Love it. Actually, it's not even close to my favorite song of theirs. But in your faces, Rush-haters! Hall of Fame AND kicking great, cohesive, intelligent, soulful, technically demanding music long past the shelf-life of most bands you (and me) have on our radar. Long live the Holy Triumvirate!
Good to hear some Rush here.  Not the best song on this release, but solid in itself.  Thanks!  Always good to hear RP mixing it up.  Rush haters can FOAD.  Get over it already.
 joelbb wrote:

Breathes there a man with mind so dead
Who never to himself has said,
"Rush is the most annoying, bloviating, pompously-lyriced pile of crap that ever made the airwaves tedious?  Not to mention having a castrato for a vocalist."
Wow. Good for you paraphrasing Scott. And no, I've never said this simply because I have an open mind for music.

"A closed mind is like a closed book - just a block of wood."

Like I said, Rush-haters can flame away, but to deny Rush's influence and talent is simply to be blinded by one's own self-righteousness. You don't have to like them, but dismissing them, especially at this day and age, is simply shallow.
Yay! one thing this station could use more of is Rush!  (and more funk, but that's another story) I'd say equal parts Bob Dylan, Rush and James Brown and i'd never leave this station :)
Only 2 other bands in history have had 24 or more back-to-back gold albums.  (and most of them actually platinum)
 Coventry wrote:
A dynamic tune from a gifted band. Not my favorite Rush tune, but one always welcome for its musicality and lyrics. Rush haters can self-righteously flame away, but the band's an essential part of modern music and has been for forty years. Deal with it.
Breathes there a man with mind so dead
Who never to himself has said,
"Rush is the most annoying, bloviating, pompously-lyriced pile of crap that ever made the airwaves tedious?  Not to mention having a castrato for a vocalist."
This is colossal, distinctive and one of many tunes by Rush that I love! I'm almost glad they annoy some folk... {#Yes}
 jbunniii wrote:
I'm not much of a Rush fan, but I don't completely dislike this.
I feel the same way.
A dynamic tune from a gifted band. Not my favorite Rush tune, but one always welcome for its musicality and lyrics. Rush haters can self-righteously flame away, but the band's an essential part of modern music and has been for forty years. Deal with it.
 Jameswkerr wrote:
I have been a long time Radio Paradise listener (5 years or so), but this song prompted me to create a user profile.
I heard the song at about 7:30 am central time and have not yet been able to shake the putrid vocals of Geddy Lee...hopefully this posting will act as catharsis.
I am glad to see that the majority of other comments have railed against Rush, it surprises me to see that some actually like this band.
Well RP that is about 1500 perfectly placed songs that lifted my spirits and changed my day for the better and 1 that made me grumpy.

I suppose Rush has done one thing for me... acting as the impetus for me to join the musical discussion on RP.

Two simple rules to keep me happy. No Rush. No Van Halen   
with you on the lack of love for Rush, but come on..first 2-3 VH albums? Just don't take them seriously..
 us wrote:
I used to love Rush, even back in my college years, seeing them playing the "Grace Under Pressure" album at the Texas Jam Festival in Houston. That said, I'm not sure that Rush has overall aged as well as other bands, but if nothing else it brings back good memories. Most of all this: Even the stuff that does not (or does no longer) rock my boat still adds to the valuable variety that makes Radio Paradise my one and only favorite station. You cannot love the sunshine unless you get hit sometimes by storms. Take the good with the bad, and you will love life for all that it's worth.

/dancing banana 
..GUP was a downtick, but listening it's still Rush & their musicality..i like us's take that songs like this extend the exploration of RP..i rate this tune a 6 (a 5, but hey! it's Rush)..

/spinning spud 
I used to love Rush, even back in my college years, seeing them playing the "Grace Under Pressure" album at the Texas Jam Festival in Houston. That said, I'm not sure that Rush has overall aged as well as other bands, but if nothing else it brings back good memories. Most of all this: Even the stuff that does not (or does no longer) rock my boat still adds to the valuable variety that makes Radio Paradise my one and only favorite station. You cannot love the sunshine unless you get hit sometimes by storms. Take the good with the bad, and you will love life for all that it's worth.

/dancing banana 
I'm not much of a Rush fan, but I don't completely dislike this.
I have been a long time Radio Paradise listener (5 years or so), but this song prompted me to create a user profile.
I heard the song at about 7:30 am central time and have not yet been able to shake the putrid vocals of Geddy Lee...hopefully this posting will act as catharsis.
I am glad to see that the majority of other comments have railed against Rush, it surprises me to see that some actually like this band.
Well RP that is about 1500 perfectly placed songs that lifted my spirits and changed my day for the better and 1 that made me grumpy.

I suppose Rush has done one thing for me... acting as the impetus for me to join the musical discussion on RP.

Two simple rules to keep me happy. No Rush. No Van Halen   
Everybody in my Urgent Care is loving this! (apologies to RT) {#Dancingbanana}
Rush has a new release coming out next month, I believe. Tour dates start soon after. I saw them live in Cleveland last year. They sounded tight and even Neil smiled. 
It's such a positive affirmation to hear their music here....keep up the good work!!
 TJS wrote:
Clearly your musical talent is limited to the skin flute/pink oboe if you can't recognize musicianship of this caliber.
Not familiar with the skin flute. Apparently you're an expert?
As for Rush's musicianship, there's no denying Neil P is a great drummer, but that's not the point. There are lots of great musicians whose music doesn't interest me (or you, I'm sure). When was the last time you sat down and listened to Andre Segovia plucking away in bland perfection? Exactly. And ultimately, no amount of musical wizardry can overcome Geddy's tortured-duck vocals, easily the worst in popular music.
 somli wrote:
As a Rush fan, I bought this album when it was released.  I think it has gotten better over time.

I still drool over the tight guitar solos Alex put together at this time - Kid Gloves is a fave.
Great hearing this on RP.

A transition period for the guys. Brought back more guitar to the synth heavy Signals, and cleared up the mix, which was muddy in the latter. They shifted the balance to much more prominent keys in the next 2 albums (Power Windows & Hold Your Fire) before returning to guitar-centered work on all the later albums.
 On_The_Beach wrote:

{#Yes}  (worst band ever)


Clearly your musical talent is limited to the skin flute/pink oboe if you can't recognize musicianship of this caliber.
As a Rush fan, I bought this album when it was released.  I think it has gotten better over time.
 blotto wrote:
Rush fkn Rocks.
Yes, they do !!  Love me some Geddy Lee!!
 Cynaera wrote:

... Well, and then there's "Take Off!" by Bob and Doug McKenzie... {#Lol}
"...Ten bucks is ten bucks."

 Sasha2001 wrote:
I think you have to give Rush their due - those of you who can't stand them. They're a good example of a band that might not resinate in the parts that count (gestures to groin) but you gotta respect the quality if the artists and the loyalty of their fans. I never met a Rush fan with a bad overall taste in music.
Thank you!  I resemble your last remark.

Not familiar with this tune; wasn't a die hard fan, but I saw them on their "Counterparts" and "Roll the Bones" tours.  It's almost theater to watch Geddy Lee hammer out some of those riffs using the bass, keyboards, and foot pedals.  And Neil Peart...whoa.
i was a HUGE rush fan in high school but it does sound a bit dated now - especially this album. probably the weakest in my opinion.
It seems that most people either love or hate Rush..  I spent most of my high school years listening to Rush and this was a nice flashback. 
Rush fkn Rocks.
It's great to hear a little Rush on RP.  I have loved this band (early stuff at least) for over 35 years.
Damn, I didn't realize Neil Peart's drumming was that distinct but within two beats I knew this was a Rush song.
Cannot listen
I think you have to give Rush their due - those of you who can't stand them. They're a good example of a band that might not resinate in the parts that count (gestures to groin) but you gotta respect the quality if the artists and the loyalty of their fans. I never met a Rush fan with a bad overall taste in music.
Hell yes! From one of my favorite Rush albums. Nice choice! (Can I suggest, "Between the Wheels"?)

Also love the segue from The Cure's Disintegration into this one.
Dude, the handle is perfetto!

lerxst wrote:
Bliss.  I can't decide whether to air-drum, air-bass, or air-guitar.

An awesome track from one of their best albums. Classic. Thanks Bill and Rebecca, you never cease to surprise me with your selections! Six years and counting as an RP enthusiast and supporter! 

Bliss.  I can't decide whether to air-drum, air-bass, or air-guitar.
 horstman wrote :-  "They are amazing. And really great live!!!"

We are seeing them again in May  London O2.

Love the instrumental talent.  Don't care for the lyrics or vocal style.  Solid 7.

 hbs47 wrote:
RUSH must be one of the most consistently good bands ever.
I went to see Rush this summer with my teenage son. We've seen Porcupine Tree 3 times together, as well as Metallica, and Katatonia. I walked away from the Rush show saying "I don't think I have ever seen a tighter band in my life". Alex Lifeson is so technically perfect as a guitarist, Neil Peart is the best drummer out there today. And Geddy sings, plays the organ and bass all at the same time!

Rush has more platinum albums than any band in the history of rock and roll with the exception of the Beatles (1) and the Rolling Stones (2).

They are amazing. And really great live!!!
 frecko wrote:
RP should be a Geddy Lee free zone...
{#Yes}  (worst band ever)

RP should be a Geddy Lee free zone...
Screw the rest of the comments, Rush can do no wrong!

this is the least nail-on-a-chalkboardy I've ever heard Geddy's voice... still can't stand it though.

I think Rush is music that's very much appreciated by musicians because of the complexity (it's like a lot of jazz that way). I don't play an instrument and get lost by the bizarre chord progressions and rhythm changes. More power to those who can ‘get' Rush... I'd say I'm jealous but there's enough music out there for everyone, eh?

 Saliby_Br wrote:

I had almost forgotten how much Rush sucks.
{#Roflol} Apparently, Rush is a band one either loves or hates. I love them - yes, even Geddy Lee's caterwauling. There's always a time and a place for a certain band or song, and Rush always manages to fit in to a certain time or place in my life when nothing else, musically, will work.  Well, and then there's "Take Off!" by Bob and Doug McKenzie... {#Lol}
 Cynaera wrote:

I had almost forgotten how much Rush rocks.
I had almost forgotten how much Rush sucks.
RUSH must be one of the most consistently good bands ever.

This tracks stands out on RP, which can drop into a bit of a too easy listening listening station. 
It's amazing how many play choices can sound very similar.
It must do something though I keep it open most of the day. {#Angel}

 99 wrote:
I had almost forgotten how much Rush sucks.
I had almost forgotten how much Rush rocks.

 WonderLizard wrote:
What strikes me about this particular track is its similarity to The Police's early work. Yes,  they're both trios with identical configurations, and, yes, it may be anathema to mention Andy Summers and Alex Lifeson or Stewart Copeland and Neil Peart in the same breath, but both the rhythmic roles assigned to the guitars and the note-worthy drumming, tho' Lee's bass is more active than Sting's, are very similar. And for all you Peart loyalists (I'm one of you), IMHO Copeland's drumming has always been underrated.
If you look at the landscape at the time - many bands were experimenting with "modern rock" approaches.  I've always considered this to be Rush's foray into some of the sounds that were popular at the time.  It's not much of a stretch to see where some of the influences come from.  Your comments about the Police are spot-on.

What strikes me about this particular track is its similarity to The Police's early work. Yes,  they're both trios with identical configurations, and, yes, it may be anathema to mention Andy Summers and Alex Lifeson or Stewart Copeland and Neil Peart in the same breath, but both the rhythmic roles assigned to the guitars and the note-worthy drumming, tho' Lee's bass is more active than Sting's, are very similar. And for all you Peart loyalists (I'm one of you), IMHO Copeland's drumming has always been underrated.
Down, naysayers! Rush ROCKS.

Is it over yet? it is? Good. Sound back up.
I had almost forgotten how much Rush sucks.
 toterola wrote:
They still sound as good to me as they did back in '75, when I first saw them live. It's good to know that my teen-aged self had that much discriminating taste. {#Wave}
Your teen self is fine. It's just that you haven't listened to anything new since 1975. You're stuck.
 Trey wrote:
Thanks Bill! That hit the donation button.
I like your attitude, Trey!  {#Cool} 
Next time you're in Luckenbach, say 'Hi!' to Willie won't ya...{#Wave}

Only seems to work for me when I'm in the mood. And, I'm just not in the mood at the moment. {#Shifty}
 Bosami wrote:
Rush rocks. Deal with it.

They still sound as good to me as they did back in '75, when I first saw them live. It's good to know that my teen-aged self had that much discriminating taste. {#Wave}
Cool. Bought this album when it came out. Different but nice.
guilty pleasure
Rush is grace under pressure.
I was thinking that
 deadmessengers wrote:
... Like everyone else, Geddy's gotten older, and there's only so long a guy can keep that up.

Well that made this "Canadian" very happy.

If you're going to play Rush, play some of the good stuff.
Thanks Bill! That hit the donation button.
 gjr wrote:
i listen to rp to get away from this $&it
"In my van, it's Rush. All Rush all the time"...

Yeah! {#Dancingbanana}
Rush rocks. Deal with it.
i listen to rp to get away from this $&it
 JCEntMan wrote:
I wish I could play the bass this fast.

me too!!
Yay!! Love Rush!!!  Oooh a very good mornin'!!  Thanks!
I'm probably not objective because Rush is from my home town.  That said, this is not one of their best efforts, but it's still pretty effin good.

Rush was always very hit or miss for me.
 JCEntMan wrote:
I wish I could play the bass this fast.
Word. He's amazing. BTW, for another project, I looked up various lists of "World's Greatest Rock Drummers." Neil Peart headed every single list. Wow. Awesome band.

 CamLwalk wrote:
You know, I always thought Rush was fine & dandy...it's just...well, I think we all know some people a little too into this band.  Sometimes they sound a little dated to me.  Very eighties. 

I love Rush - I wouldn't consider myself one of those diehard fanatics though. I do think that the newest release (Snakes and Arrows) is certainly awesome and does not disappoint. Far removed from that eighties sound.

Also - you can't really go wrong with a live DVD by these cats. They are killer live.
Thanks for playing this tune!  It is one of my favorites from my favorite band!
You know, I always thought Rush was fine & dandy...it's just...well, I think we all know some people a little too into this band.  Sometimes they sound a little dated to me.  Very eighties. 
 Rick_V wrote:
Pleasantly shocked to hear Rush on Radio Paradise! They are a quality band.
And its shocking to hear a quality band on RP, you mean?{#Smile}

This is the first Rush song I have ever actually liked
Pleasantly shocked to hear Rush on Radio Paradise! They are a quality band.
Love it!!!     Yes previous comment totally agreed, the Geddy haters get over it!    Three great musicians that love to have fun, Rush!!
Wow, I haven't heard this in years, and I still like it.  And, for those of you who are complaining about Geddy's voice, while I agree that his singing in the 70s was more than a bit nails-on-a-chalkboard-y, he definitely toned down the shrieking in the 80s and beyond.  Like everyone else, Geddy's gotten older, and there's only so long a guy can keep that up.
Hey, Good to hear some Rush on RP.
Taking me back to high school here.  I wore this album out on my old garage-sale turntable.{#Bananajam}And do you notice how the Banana Man plays in time with the song?

Wow! This is the first time I've heard this song on RP. More Rush! Thanks so much!
 daveesh wrote:

got totally sidetracked there... went to her youtube channel and checked out her other performances. INCREDIBLE. she composes, too!
...and look at this...soooo cool...

they sound like they all went to very good music school and got allll A's.  ..so they play technically  ..and musically very accurate,  very precise rock n roll... kind of..     {#Drunk}   

I am not a Rush fan — in fact, just the opposite. I understand that they are great musicians, but Getty Lee's voice has the same effect on me as fingernails scraping down a blackboard.

More Rush!     Bill, play Analog Kid!
If you listen to this song closely, you'll note that it's essentially a sped-up reggae song. Rush aficionados appreciate how often the boys incorporated reggae beats into their music, particularly in the late '80s-early 90s.
There are many great Rush songs that could have been chosen, but this one's certainly not bad. Listen to the drums. Rush is easily one of the most under-appreciated bands of all time. Not that they don't have a solid fan base, but they're generally ignored by the mainstream. I've seen them live 5 times and it's always an incredible show.

Volume stays up. Thank you Bill.
 shawshank wrote:

What about Neil Young or the Tragically Hip or the Cowboy Junkies!? {#Arghhh}
...better voice too.{#Tongue}
 spichanator wrote:
Great live for such complex stuff with three guys. 

The GREATEST Canadian import! 
What about Neil Young or the Tragically Hip or the Cowboy Junkies!? {#Arghhh}
Thanks, this is good song from a very under-rated and under-appreciated album.  "Between the Wheels" would be an even better choice from this album though. Bill?

oh Rush ... oh well .... some people LOVE them .... 
 kerr wrote:
Not really a comment on the song but I was wondering about Alex Lifeson's guitar sound. It's, for me, a significant part of what makes Rush distinctive. Does anyone know, is it to do with the equipment he uses or is it a particular chord structure he favours or something else...?
Sounds like he uses a chorus pedal on many tunes.  I think he's using Hughes & Kettner amps these days.

I wish I could play the bass this fast.
I usually don't make too many negative comments but I've never liked Rush.  Always thought they were one of the most pretentious sounding bands.
Needed that, Bill.  Thanks!

BTW, it'd be great if you moved them back into medium or heavy rotation!  Pull some deeper AOR tracks!
Oh, Rush on RP, how you were lacking in the playlists!

Here's hoping for some "Natural Science" next time they are in lazy, really-long-song-playing-mode 
Wow, more Rush I'm hearing for the first time here on RP.

Words cannot express my gratitude.