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Tom Petty — Yer So Bad
Album: Full Moon Fever
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Released: 1989
Length: 3:03
Plays (last 30 days): 0
''One. Two. Three. Four....''

My sister got lucky, married a yuppie
Took him for all he was worth
Now she's a swinger dating a singer
I can't decide which is worse

But not me baby, I've got you to save me
Oh yer so bad, best thing I ever had
In a world gone mad, yer so bad

My sister's ex-husband can't get no lovin'
Walks around dog-faced and hurt
Now he's got nothin', head in the oven
I can't decide which is worse

But not me baby, I've got you to save me
Oh yer so bad, best thing I ever had
In a world gone mad, yer so bad

Oh, but not me, baby, I've got you to save me
Oh yer so bad, best thing I ever had
In a world gone mad, yer so bad

Oh yer so bad, best thing I ever had
In a world gone mad, yer so bad
Comments (97)add comment
A real toe-tapper!
 conglif wrote:
I don't like all his stuff (and this one's ok, but note my fave).

But damn if I don't just respect the hell out of the man.


 newwavegurly wrote:
Why yes, yes I am.
            {#Roflol} {#Dancingbanana_2}

Some really irritating voices coming through the headphones this AM, though, none more irritating than Tom Petty's.
 contractor07 wrote:
great song, if your a dinosaur, barf{#Puke}

Dinosuars rock, and you can feel the earth shake when they walk.

Why yes, yes I am.
 RobRyan wrote:

 RadioDoc wrote:
This gets an 8 on the opening lines alone.
I gave it a 1 for, among others, pretty much the same reason.
So, you're his sister's ex-husband...

okay, a confession, all his songs sound the same so I gave it a 5 like all the others...
what do YOU have against dinosuar barf?  (look in the mirror)
 steeler wrote:
Warren Zevon voiced this as looking for the next best thing . . .
What did you say? You must be channeling old Warren...not making any sense.{#Think}
Outstanding, at worst!
I don't like all his stuff (and this one's ok, but note my fave).

But damn if I don't just respect the hell out of the man.

Warren Zevon voiced this as looking for the next best thing . . .
Wow, this brings back memories of my high school years on the Outer Banks. Thanks, Bill.

 RadioDoc wrote:
This gets an 8 on the opening lines alone.
I gave it a 1 for, among others, pretty much the same reason.

great song, if your a dinosaur, barf{#Puke}
This gets an 8 on the opening lines alone.
i can't help but sing along when this song comes on. does that make it a good song or a bad one?
 Hannio wrote:
I never noticed. Prolly cuz around here, people pronounce it with three syllables.
Touche'! But, like the song says, Southern men tell better jokes. And in Bush's case, are bigger jokes! {#Cowboy}
gutboy wrote:
you know what bothers me about this song? its the way he sings the word "bad" as two syllables just a personal thing but it gives me the hee-bee jee-bees.
I never noticed. Prolly cuz around here, people pronounce it with three syllables.
Gambrinus wrote:
This tune is a regular request around the campfire. Love it. I caught my 5-year old singing it to herself as she played with her toys the other week.
I'm gonna get right on it for our camping trip in July. The kids will love it. Thanks for the idea.
Just takin' a moment out of my day to give Mr. Petty the solid 8 he deserves for this great song.
I've always said there should be a radio station called "Petty Radio"
mwhip wrote:
All Tom Petty rocks as road music I really like the new album, "Highway Companion" which was written as road music.
He could have saved some time and just made an album that was 12 copies of Runnin Down a Dream. There is no better driving song.
not me baby...I got you to save me...no singer...no yuppie...life is good.
Whew! My buddies emerge in my mind when this song plays!
you know what bothers me about this song? its the way he sings the word "bad" as two syllables just a personal thing but it gives me the hee-bee jee-bees.
DoctorHooey wrote:
This whole album is so full of fun stories. I didn't really like it when it came out - I think it just got overplayed - but the older I get the more I appreciate his humor and style.
Same here. I enjoy this album far more now than I did in '89. I guess it's kinda like that M. Twain quote, something to the effect of how it was amazing how much smarter and wiser his father was when Twain was 23 compared to when he was 18. Wildflowers is still Petty's best, though (IMO).
Love him or Hate him..there is definitely no in between
BillnDollarBaby wrote:
Silly or not... one of my all-time favorite Tom Petty songs. He's just so down-to-earth and easy to relate to.
Well said.
I guess I feel about Petty the way a lot of folks feel about Dylan: love the songwriting, but man, I'm sure not convinced by the singing. To paraphrase another TP tune: You don't . . . have . . . To sing through your nose like me!
A great song from a great album.
the song itself is a 7 but the lyrics make it an 8. Not me baby....
fretman wrote:
Nahhh, that only happens when you rhyme "suspicious" with "suspicious". Cheeky, no?
Or "taxes" with "facts is". I shudder to even think about it.
Tom Petty - Yer So Bad Freedy Johnston - Bad Reputation Amy Winehouse - You Know I'm No Good i like!!
This whole album is so full of fun stories. I didn\'t really like it when it came out - I think it just got overplayed - but the older I get the more I appreciate his humor and style.
BillnDollarBaby wrote:
Silly or not... one of my all-time favorite Tom Petty songs. He's just so down-to-earth and easy to relate to.
Not silly,in my opinion you nailed The True Rocker,"down-to-earth and easy to realate to!" This song also makes me giggle a bit.#9. {#Smile}
Ahh, to be 18 again. Went with a group of five people from my dorm freshman year to buy this cd. The whole dorm was soon listening to this disc. Half a lifetime ago seems like yesterday. I'm going to dig this out and listen to it.
divinemadness wrote:
yer so predictable tom
8. Sold!
thewaxtadpole wrote:
The musical equivalent of a rice cake.
seriously talented lyrist right there
MissAmy wrote:
This is a suberb driving song! Ah, maybe one fine day we will have RP in our cars.
All Tom Petty rocks as road music I really like the new album, "Highway Companion" which was written as road music.
BillnDollarBaby wrote:
Silly or not... one of my all-time favorite Tom Petty songs. He's just so down-to-earth and easy to relate to.
Absolutely. I love this whole album. "Now is the time when we pause to allow those who purchased this on LP or cassette . . . " Clearly I am paraphrasing, but that never ceases to crack me up. Simple pleasures for simple minds.
It's hard for me to get past the "yer".
MissAmy wrote:
This is a suberb driving song! Ah, maybe one fine day we will have RP in our cars.
Wouldn't that be sweet. I find myself hesitating to click off RP when its time to leave work, wanting to linger and hear more tunes -and I don't like my job!
This tune is a regular request around the campfire. Love it. I caught my 5-year old singing it to herself as she played with her toys the other week.
This is a suberb driving song! Ah, maybe one fine day we will have RP in our cars.
This is a great example how even in simplicity, TP can write a great song. Great song.
parrothead wrote:
TP's best,but then there was wildflowers. Tom will never be able to top the flowers!
Never say never, but I agree, Wildflowers is the best. It's a concept album, I think he was at a difficult point in his life when he wrote it.
TP's best,but then there was wildflowers. Tom will never be able to top the flowers!
TimeWaster wrote:
Yes, Petty in one of his "transition" periods - this is sort of a solo album, sort of a Wilburys album, sort of a Heartbreakers album. I love this album. BTW, did you ever see the video for this song? Pretty funny!
never saw a video for this. I never knew there is one. I got to try to find it on youtube. I just watched it. The whole blow-up doll thing is kind of funny.
Yes, Petty in one of his "transition" periods - this is sort of a solo album, sort of a Wilburys album, sort of a Heartbreakers album. I love this album. BTW, did you ever see the video for this song? Pretty funny!
great song, great album.
Used to like TP - this sounds like a rejected Turtles song from the 60's.
BillnDollarBaby wrote:
Silly or not... one of my all-time favorite Tom Petty songs. He's just so down-to-earth and easy to relate to.
Same here. Great driving song, too.
harmaton wrote:
nice. I miss 1990.
Me too. Holy crap did I get old in a hurry.
nice. I miss 1990.
yer so predictable tom
God, one of the BEST sing-along fun things since the B-52s! THANKS Bill! (The skies are charcoal gray it's a dreary downtown day)
kazuma wrote:
My sister got lucky Married a Yuppie ... Tom must have taken a class at the Steve Miller School of Rhyme at some point.
Nahhh, that only happens when you rhyme "suspicious" with "suspicious". Cheeky, no?
My sister got lucky Married a Yuppie ... Tom must have taken a class at the Steve Miller School of Rhyme at some point.
The song? not one of his finest...but I am lovin' the jingle jangle of that rick solo.
hippiechick wrote:
Tom Petty at his Tom Petty-est.
thewaxtadpole wrote:
The musical equivalent of a rice cake.
Maybe a bit less healthy for you...
The musical equivalent of a rice cake.
1guppy wrote:
Love Petty also and always get such a kick out of this little ditty!
When I was in college, a buddy had his own version of the ditty that started like this: My sister got lucky Married a transsexual transvestite... Don't remember the rest, but it was hilarious.
Incredibly unimpressive.
Tom Petty at his Tom Petty-est.
One of my favorite Tom Petty songs. Very nice.
Love Petty also and always get such a kick out of this little ditty!
great album.
I love Tom Petty music...
Next to the Stones, Petty is one of my all time favorite live acts. The man rocks!
Schmackdown wrote:
A great album when released, and has stood up respectably over time. A few standouts, this being one of them, but great for a full listen in the background as well.
Ah...Tom Petty, love him.
Schmackdown wrote:
A great album when released, and has stood up respectably over time. A few standouts, this being one of them, but great for a full listen in the background as well.
agreed, bought it for $2 at a yard sale...what a steal!
Guitars ringing like bells Rickenbacker City. His songs do sound the same, but the good ones are welcome like familiar old friends.
Dogfaced and hurt... head in the oven, can't get no lovin'...
TP is at least as good as, say, Bob Seger, or Steve Miller.
Tom Petty was asked once why all his songs sound the same. He replied, "All of them don't sound the same, it's only about half of them." Some Petty I like. Some Petty sucks. I think it is the half that all sound the same.
jimmyjacksteel wrote:
So does your mother. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, she does a great job!
can someone delete these knuckle-heads?
This song is just fun. Petty is always OK.
Lancer wrote:
Tom Petty sucks !
So does your mother. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, she does a great job!
Tom Petty sucks !
just love the voice of tom petty! :D
A great album when released, and has stood up respectably over time. A few standouts, this being one of them, but great for a full listen in the background as well.
This constant repetition is killing me. j/k --- 4 years between plays!
Good old Petty. How about some Wilbury's too?
Are those the Willburys singing backup? Don't answer that.
Tom Petty really has assumed control of RP hasnt he??
Petty\'s songs are always eminently singable and approachable yet still seem to function on a more complex level as well.
Fun to sing along with, with that Dylanesque drawl.