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Noir Désir — Le Vent Nous Portera
Album: Des Visages des Figures
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 5301

Released: 2001
Length: 4:42
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Je n'ai pas peur de la route
Faudrait voir, faut qu'on y goute
Des meandres au creux des reins
Et tout ira bien la

Le vent l'emportera

Ton message la grande ourse
Et la trajectoire de la course
l'instantanee de velours
Meme s'il ne sert rien

Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparaitra
Le vent nous portera

La caresse et la mitraille
Cette plaie qui nous tiraille
Le palais des autres jours
D'hier et demain

Le vent les portera

Genetique en bandouliere
Des chromosomes dans l'atmosphere
Des taxis pour les galaxies
Et mon tapis volant, lui

Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparaitra
Le vent nous portera

Ce parfum de nos annees mortes
Ceux qui peut frapper a ta porte
L'infinite du destin
On en pose un, qu'est-ce qu'on en retient ?

Le vent l'emportera

Pendant que la maree monte
Et que chacun fait ses comptes
J'emmene au creux de mon ombre
Des poussieres de toi

Le vent les portera
Tout disparaitra
Le vent nous portera
Comments (624)add comment
Sophie Hunger's version is also amazing 
You should also check out the cover by Mea Culpa Jazz on Youtube! Bill should play it on this station!
I love every rendition of this song I ever heard. This is my favorite though.
 christophe1 wrote:

Very strange to hear that song today, while the news in France are about the 20 years since M. Canta (the singer) killed his girlfriend....
That was just a plain savage thing done by a drunk guy.
But you can find many people giving kind of excuses because he's an "artist"...

How does that change the music? 
I give this song a one because I think this guy copied music for this song from a  ballad I heard when in the Soviet Union in the 70s, modified it a little, and claimed it as his own. I cannot find this Russian song online, but one day I will.
 christophe1 wrote:

Very strange to hear that song today, while the news in France are about the 20 years since M. Canta (the singer) killed his girlfriend....
That was just a plain savage thing done by a drunk guy.
But you can find many people giving kind of excuses because he's an "artist"...


Love this song and the other version played here. The guitars and the horn is great in this.
Very strange to hear that song today, while the news in France are about the 20 years since M. Canta (the singer) killed his girlfriend....
That was just a plain savage thing done by a drunk guy.
But you can find many people giving kind of excuses because he's an "artist"...
 todbothom wrote:

Who would have guessed that French music would improve so much in the last decade? I remember when even the French themselves would listen mostly to American and British rock music. They liked Jazz and Blues but were usually poor imitators. But no more.

Well, at list in this song they seem to imitate Sahel music. I had to see their picture to realize they are not immigrants from Mali or Senegal, or else.
 asap.band wrote:

i m french . this song, this artist are amazing.... more upon any facts , he paid his rent to the society... many years jailed ..i play in concert in a festival with "noir desir".. amazing band, amazing men. Rédemption.....

The fact, as a human being about the lead singer is deeply disturbing. I don't believe someone like him can "pay enough rent to the society" in his lifetime  for what he did.  To me,  this overclouds his music  with very very dark clouds.
Hence his bands name, I just realised
Who would have guessed that French music would improve so much in the last decade? I remember when even the French themselves would listen mostly to American and British rock music. They liked Jazz and Blues but were usually poor imitators. But no more.
 timmus wrote:

The lead vocal is a guy who was convicted of beating his girlfriend to death?  Yeesh.

Upon learning this I removed my rating. That does nothing for anything,but it is a statement. 
Exactly this - this guy is a massively abusive jerk.  Shouldn't be allowed around women.   EVER.

mattenuttall wrote:

According to Wikipedia, Cantat was not fully reformed by serving that sentence:
On the night of 10 January 2010, Cantat's former wife Krisztina Rády died by suicide. At the time of her death, Bertrand Cantat was present in the house. She was discovered by their children the following day.[10] Shortly before her death, Rády had complained of mental abuse by Cantat. The physical abuse she complained of on the answering machine is that he threw some objects at her, but she never mentioned that he was assaulting her. According to Cantat, Rády's parents had spent a week with him after the suicide.[11] Magistrates in Bordeaux investigated Cantat in connection with Rady's suicide, but ultimately decided not to press charges.

Nice tune but prefer the Sophie Hunger version.
 haretic wrote:

For those of us limited in language, this from Google translate:

I'm not afraid of the road
Should see, we have to taste it
Meandres in the hollow of the kidneys
And everything will be fine there

The wind will prevail

Your message the big bear
And the course of the race
instant velvet
Even if it is useless

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

The caress and the grape shot
This wound that tugs us
The palace of other days
From yesterday and tomorrow

The wind will carry them

Shoulder strap genetics
Chromosomes in the atmosphere
Taxis for galaxies
And my flying carpet

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

This scent of our dead years
Those who can knock on your door
The infinity of fate
We ask one, what do we remember?

The wind will prevail

As the tide rises
And that everyone does their accounts
I take in the hollow of my shadow
Dust from you

What a beautiful song! 10

Oh to meander in the hollow of your kidneys...
 nightdrive wrote:

In July 2010, the conditional status of Bertrand Cantat's release was lifted and he was declared as having completely served his sentence.

According to Wikipedia, Cantat was not fully reformed by serving that sentence:
On the night of 10 January 2010, Cantat's former wife Krisztina Rády died by suicide. At the time of her death, Bertrand Cantat was present in the house. She was discovered by their children the following day.[10] Shortly before her death, Rády had complained of mental abuse by Cantat. The physical abuse she complained of on the answering machine is that he threw some objects at her, but she never mentioned that he was assaulting her. According to Cantat, Rády's parents had spent a week with him after the suicide.[11] Magistrates in Bordeaux investigated Cantat in connection with Rady's suicide, but ultimately decided not to press charges.

 ezandmoss967 wrote:
the singer is a murderer

 Johnny_Alpha wrote:
and will be judged in court, not here - the music still stands

In July 2010, the conditional status of Bertrand Cantat's release was lifted and he was declared as having completely served his sentence.
The lead vocal is a guy who was convicted of beating his girlfriend to death?  Yeesh.
If ever there was an equivalent of a pop hit that gets played into the ground on RP, it's this song. It seems to turn up on RP with alarming regularity. Maybe it's my particular listening habits/bad luck?
i m french . this song, this artist are amazing.... more upon any facts , he paid his rent to the society... many years jailed ..i play in concert in a festival with "noir desir".. amazing band, amazing men. Rédemption.....
 mgkiwi wrote:
As French songs go, this is quite listenable 

Don't understand a word but gave it 10 :-)
As French songs go, this is quite listenable 
 haretic wrote:

For those of us limited in language, this from Google translate:

I'm not afraid of the road
Should see, we have to taste it
Meandres in the hollow of the kidneys
And everything will be fine there

The wind will prevail

Your message the big bear
And the course of the race
instant velvet
Even if it is useless

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

The caress and the grape shot
This wound that tugs us
The palace of other days
From yesterday and tomorrow

The wind will carry them

Shoulder strap genetics
Chromosomes in the atmosphere
Taxis for galaxies
And my flying carpet

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

This scent of our dead years
Those who can knock on your door
The infinity of fate
We ask one, what do we remember?

The wind will prevail

As the tide rises
And that everyone does their accounts
I take in the hollow of my shadow
Dust from you

What a beautiful song! 10

Bonjour & Thank You for the translation!!!
Please... Noir Désir is Noir Désir. Not only the singer Cantat. They wrote all the band together and composed.
I can't excuse Cantat and the band didn't also. Now... Maybe my favourite album of this band. Really shamanic writing. There is also more rock from this french band before.
By the way... I'm really glad this music is still on RP ^^ 9 for me
It was 2 extreme personalities. One died the other is a ghost now ...
It was an awful night 
A great lyricist and, incidentally, a murder. 
 dandueck07 wrote:

I loved this song even before you posted the lyrics in English.  But then again, even though my French is far too limited, I love a lot of songs sung in that language.  
The old saying that French is a language meant for singing,  English is meant for speaking, and German is meant for spitting.  I agree with the first part (not necessarily with the third part, but my parents only spoke German in our home when they were arguing - so maybe there is something to it.)

And for the linguistically challenged, the artist's name translates as:  'Black Desire'.  'Nuf said!
Song is beautiful, everything beside just sad and horrible. 
 haretic wrote:

For those of us limited in language, this from Google translate:

I'm not afraid of the road
Should see, we have to taste it
Meandres in the hollow of the kidneys
And everything will be fine there

The wind will prevail

Your message the big bear
And the course of the race
instant velvet
Even if it is useless

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

The caress and the grape shot
This wound that tugs us
The palace of other days
From yesterday and tomorrow

The wind will carry them

Shoulder strap genetics
Chromosomes in the atmosphere
Taxis for galaxies
And my flying carpet

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

This scent of our dead years
Those who can knock on your door
The infinity of fate
We ask one, what do we remember?

The wind will prevail

As the tide rises
And that everyone does their accounts
I take in the hollow of my shadow
Dust from you

What a beautiful song! 10

I loved this song even before you posted the lyrics in English.  But then again, even though my French is far too limited, I love a lot of songs sung in that language.  
The old saying that French is a language meant for singing,  English is meant for speaking, and German is meant for spitting.  I agree with the first part (not necessarily with the third part, but my parents only spoke German in our home when they were arguing - so maybe there is something to it.)
 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:

not that it mitigates the crime in anyway but he did apparently try to kill himself with an OD of pills when he found out how bad her injuries were.

Apparently they both left their families and partners to be with each other, which is pretty heavy stuff emotionally and a big ask, and it sounds like he lost it completely. The whole thing appears to be an unmitigated disaster, with his ex-wife later committing suicide.  Passion and morals don't always bed together, yet they need each other. A life lived without the one or the other is a life half-lived. 

You can believe no one knows the full story but we can observe its tragedy.
 TerryS wrote:
Excuses can never excuse what this man did, yet and yet, I still like his music.


his creations and his facts... both are different
Perfer Sophie Hunger's version but this is a great beat to paint to! is tha klesmer in the background?
hahaha jus saw the 3 downvotes...should i have said a "great beat to murder someone to?" i was painting for goodness sakes. get over yourselves
 Brianinfkstone wrote:

Hi listening to Radio Paradise for v first time. Will listen to Station a lot more. 

 VH1 wrote:
In 2003, Cantat began an affair with French actress Marie Trintignant. On July 26 of that year, Cantat and Trintignant got in a fight in a hotel room in Vilnius, Lithuania,
following a dispute over a text message. Seven hours later,
Trintignant’s brother called emergency services to go to the couple’s
Lithuanian hotel room, as Trintignant had slipped into a deep coma. She
died of swelling to the brain several days later in hospital.
The post-mortem examination suggested that Cantat had inflicted 19
blows !!!!!!
to Trintignant's head, causing irreversible brain damage.

In court, Cantat claimed he "slapped" Trintignant four times before putting her to bed. He claimed he had flown into a jealous rage after she received a text message from her ex-husband.

Trintignant was 41 at the time of her death, and left four young sons.

His house was burned down in Moustey.
His spouse and his two children initially were supposed to be in the house at that
time, but were in Bordeaux, instead.

At the request of his lawyers, Cantat was moved from a Lithuanian prison to a prison near Muret, France, September 2004. Cantat served four years of his eight-year
sentence in prison. According to French law, after half of a prison
sentence has been served, a criminal with good behavior can be released
to serve the rest of his sentence on parole.

Cantat was released from the French prison on parole in October 2007, after
serving half of his sentence. His early release aroused the anger of
women's rights activists and the victim’s parents, who had failed to
persuade French President Nicolas Sarkozy and French judges to block his early release.

On the night of 10 January 2010, Cantat's ex-wife Krisztina Rády
died by suicide. At the time of her death, Bertrand Cantat was present
in the house. She was discovered by their children the following day.
Shortly before her death, Rády had complained of mental abuse by
Cantat. The physical abuse she complained of on the answering machine is
that he threw some objects at her, but she never mentioned that he was
assaulting her.

This is tragic and sad and truly horrible. I won't be hearing this music the same.
 TerryS wrote:
Excuses can never excuse what this man did, yet and yet, I still like his music.


Okay tune. I gave it a 6 because it's one of those songs that, IMHO, would only be really cool if I was listening to it while driving along on a sunny day, windows down ... or perhaps hearing it at an outdoor multi-talent concert ... more like background music than anything else. Other than that, just a bit long and same-ol'-same-ol'. 
 Johnny_Alpha wrote:

and will be judged in court, not here - the music still stands

Would his music still have been played if he would have been guilty of a hate crime? I suspect that misogyny and wife-beating (killing in this case) is just not a crime that stirs up a lot of passion in todays culture.
For those of us limited in language, this from Google translate:

I'm not afraid of the road
Should see, we have to taste it
Meandres in the hollow of the kidneys
And everything will be fine there

The wind will prevail

Your message the big bear
And the course of the race
instant velvet
Even if it is useless

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

The caress and the grape shot
This wound that tugs us
The palace of other days
From yesterday and tomorrow

The wind will carry them

Shoulder strap genetics
Chromosomes in the atmosphere
Taxis for galaxies
And my flying carpet

The wind will prevail
Everything will disappear
The wind will Carry Us

This scent of our dead years
Those who can knock on your door
The infinity of fate
We ask one, what do we remember?

The wind will prevail

As the tide rises
And that everyone does their accounts
I take in the hollow of my shadow
Dust from you

What a beautiful song! 10
 hckrieck wrote:
Sophie Hunger's Version ist far better.
Thump, thump, thump, thump....ad nauseum - it has zero soul.

In 2003, Cantat began an affair with French actress Marie Trintignant. On July 26 of that year, Cantat and Trintignant got in a fight in a hotel room in Vilnius, Lithuania,
following a dispute over a text message. Seven hours later,
Trintignant’s brother called emergency services to go to the couple’s
Lithuanian hotel room, as Trintignant had slipped into a deep coma. She
died of swelling to the brain several days later in hospital.
The post-mortem examination suggested that Cantat had inflicted 19
blows !!!!!!
to Trintignant's head, causing irreversible brain damage.

In court, Cantat claimed he "slapped" Trintignant four times before putting her to bed. He claimed he had flown into a jealous rage after she received a text message from her ex-husband.

Trintignant was 41 at the time of her death, and left four young sons.

His house was burned down in Moustey.
His spouse and his two children initially were supposed to be in the house at that
time, but were in Bordeaux, instead.

At the request of his lawyers, Cantat was moved from a Lithuanian prison to a prison near Muret, France, September 2004. Cantat served four years of his eight-year
sentence in prison. According to French law, after half of a prison
sentence has been served, a criminal with good behavior can be released
to serve the rest of his sentence on parole.

Cantat was released from the French prison on parole in October 2007, after
serving half of his sentence. His early release aroused the anger of
women's rights activists and the victim’s parents, who had failed to
persuade French President Nicolas Sarkozy and French judges to block his early release.

On the night of 10 January 2010, Cantat's ex-wife Krisztina Rády
died by suicide. At the time of her death, Bertrand Cantat was present
in the house. She was discovered by their children the following day.
Shortly before her death, Rády had complained of mental abuse by
Cantat. The physical abuse she complained of on the answering machine is
that he threw some objects at her, but she never mentioned that he was
assaulting her.

 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:

...  Passion and morals don't always bed together, yet they need each other. A life lived without the one or the other is a life half-lived. 

Great post, friend.

Great tune, too.

Ce serait vraiment bien qu'un jour on puisse cesser de juger l,homme pour n'écouter que l'artiste.
 Johnny_Alpha wrote:

and will be judged in court, not here - the music still stands

Agreed that the music is what's important here, though he has been judged and has been released (some time ago) - though a lot of heartache around this guy....guess there's more than one reason not to have an affair.....Long Live RP!!
Merci Radio Paradise, Noir Désir est un groupe qui représente bien le rock français. Je vous conseille également le groupe Téléphone qui a été l'image de toute la jeunesse des années 80, le groupe Ange, pop rock progressif, notre Génésis français, Capdevielle, Bashung, Gainsbourg....
Sophie Hunger's Version ist far better.
 ezandmoss967 wrote:
the singer is a murderer

and will be judged in court, not here - the music still stands
the singer is a murderer
I almost can't believe my ears! This, here!?
the rythmn, the lyrics. Every time, it takes me places I want to go. I wish I had not learned (now) about the controversy attached because I will not be able to hear it the same way again.
I have no idea what they are singing about but I'm liking the music.
 7 -> 4  PSD 

 LonesomeDrifter wrote:
Not sure i can agree with playing this, given the lead singer beat up his girlfriend who died a few days later from her injuries.
It's easy to judge someone else—until you're in their shoes...
 LonesomeDrifter wrote:
Not sure i can agree with playing this, given the lead singer beat up his girlfriend who died a few days later from her injuries.
I really do appreciate your comment. Domestic abuse is still considered by most man as a "minor mishap"!! 
TOSTAKY please !!! What an energy song {#Guitarist} !

This one is very good to and so cool.

And I think that what will happened in the futur cannot have an influence with the meaning of these songs wrote a few years ago.

My English is bad ?! I know it {#Bounce} 
OJ Simpson killed his wife, but that's not going to stop me from watching and enjoying The Naked Gun.  

LonesomeDrifter wrote:
Not sure i can agree with playing this, given the lead singer beat up his girlfriend who died a few days later from her injuries.

Not sure i can agree with playing this, given the lead singer beat up his girlfriend who died a few days later from her injuries.
100% thanks to RP for "finding" this. i love the whole album. thanks bill. miigwech
 gmichaelt wrote:
There's music, anyway.

Absolutely, and revertedly that's why French listeners don't mind hearing Pearl Jam, U2 and The Police on RP ^^
Really Like this, but have you heard Sophie Hunger's version? A total reinterpretation.
TOSTAKY {#Music}
Le Vent Nous Portera - Now that is a "nasal" sentence.  No way I could pronounce that correctly.
 Rockit9 wrote:
Say Kwa?

C'est Quoi?
Say Kwa?
There's music, anyway.
Excuses can never excuse what this man did, yet and yet, I still like his music.

If you like this kind of music you can lesson "Les négresses vertes" or "Les Rita Mitsuko" or "Manu Chao" etc.

Love you

And put on TOSTAKY PLEASE !!!!!
 DeltaD wrote:
Bill, I double dog dare you to play Tostaky!

  kcar wrote:

gif of woman double-dog daring...with two black terriers wearing Santa hats
But not triple dog dare. Not enough hands. 
Hands? What the hell do the number of hands have to do with the number of dogs you can juggle?


 DeltaD wrote:
Bill, I double dog dare you to play Tostaky!

gif of woman double-dog daring...with two black terriers wearing Santa hats
But not triple dog dare. Not enough hands. 

 Gatak wrote:
 I agree at 80% from your comment. 
But... an accident ? No  should NEVER slap (or hit) a woman. 
Bad temper, alcohol maybe (drugs ? Wtf : she was shooting a movie!) but the fault is 100% on his head and he says so. 
And he didn't stay very long in prison 
For "no reason for keep punishing...", we'll talk on this subject again the day your only daughter will be killed...

not that it mitigates the crime in anyway but he did apparently try to kill himself with an OD of pills when he found out how bad her injuries were.

Apparently they both left their families and partners to be with each other, which is pretty heavy stuff emotionally and a big ask, and it sounds like he lost it completely. The whole thing appears to be an unmitigated disaster, with his ex-wife later committing suicide.  Passion and morals don't always bed together, yet they need each other. A life lived without the one or the other is a life half-lived. 
I love this song "Le vent nous portera", do you know others french artists like Zaz, Francis Cabrel, etc ? Why don't you play some of their songs ?
7 -> 8
This might just be my favourite song in the world.
 Hannio wrote:

It would be great to have a PIA button, wouldn't it?

This seems to be on every 3 days.  I'm sure the spectrum of French music runs much deeper than "Le Vent Nous Portera".. maybe sample some other artists and songs from that region?
Is this song pretty much the full extent of French music on Radio Paradise? I've heard it easily 25 times so far. 

 Ulises wrote:

Frère Jacques!

I'll take it. Whatever happened to Sonny La Matina anyway.. what's he doing these days?
If you have 23 minutes to spare for the track "L'Europe" off this album, it is worth your time. Pretty impressive. 
 musicforme wrote:
Play it again, so good, makes me feel happy


It would be great to have a PIA button, wouldn't it?

Play it again, so good, makes me feel happy
Bill, I double dog dare you to play Tostaky!
 timmus wrote:
It seems like this song has been playing every single week since 2011 or so.  Maybe time to give it a rest.

  This is a pretty awesome radio station...like friggin awesome...free to listen to...or pay whatever u think it's worth to you...it seems kind of unappreciative to belittle the music...as I said...this is awesome...and we all have a choice{#Crown}

 timmus wrote:
This one is starting to get old.  Aren't there other good French songs?

Frère Jacques!
 Danimal174 wrote:
7:03 am - Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera
7:00 am - Paul Weller - You Do Something To Me

Two of my favorite songs, back to back. Thanks, Bill!

Well, it happened again today—only in reverse—and I second that! Cheers! {#Cheers}
tres belle
 timmus wrote:
This one is starting to get old.  Aren't there other good French songs?

La Marseillaise.  {#Dancingbanana_2}
This one is starting to get old.  Aren't there other good French songs?
It seems like this song has been playing every single week since 2011 or so.  Maybe time to give it a rest.
heard a mash up of this tune with the 'Doors riders of the storm'...lovely {#Cowboy}
7:03 am - Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera
7:00 am - Paul Weller - You Do Something To Me

Two of my favorite songs, back to back. Thanks, Bill!
Excuse my French, and have some merci beaucoup.
Love this song.  If you also like it, try the La Maison Tellier song Sur un Volcan.  The video is interesting, particularly for the Peugeot 404 in one of which I learned to drive (while sitting on my father's knee).
What a great song. Sorry Bill, I stopped listening to RP for a few days because I had this - and only this - song in an endless loop. Thanks a lot for bringing this to us. Also the Sophie Hunger Version was new to me. What a shame, being Swiss myself {#Smile}...{#Music}...
practically the only french song here ... what a shame ...
what about "ce soir je bois" ? ...
memory of our lost friends !
I was thinking Bill was playing this song in memory/tribute to the loss of our French friends in another senseless attack.  And before I could finish my comment - Bill confirmed that this was related.  Thank you so much for keeping the music relevant and poignant (Bruce Cockburn follow on song - offered (and accepted) in same light).  Maybe the next song should be "What's So Funny About Peace Love and Understanding"!
Everyday is a good day to play french music, but today it is nessesary! Vive la france! Fraternite, liberte, egalite!
 ChrisVIII wrote:

That's a quick judgement... I doubt Marie Trintignant was as innocent as she has been painted. They seemed to be both pretty much equally into drugs and alcohol, I'm not the judge and haven't been to the trial but he has been heavily condemned, he has done his time in jail and he should now be forgiven. It was an accident, two people that were not in their right state of mind, who lost control and it lead to her death. It's unfortunate but no reason to keep punishing him the way the Trintignant family does. 

  I agree at 80% from your comment. 
But... an accident ? No  should NEVER slap (or hit) a woman. 
Bad temper, alcohol maybe (drugs ? Wtf : she was shooting a movie!) but the fault is 100% on his head and he says so. 
And he didn't stay very long in prison 
For "no reason for keep punishing...", we'll talk on this subject again the day your only daughter will be killed...

 reindeer wrote:
I cannot listen to this murderer's music.

PSD is there for you...

but this song existed before the murder, is played by a band and not only the singer...
The "damnatio memoriae" seems a bit excessive for me.
Today, the band doesn't exist anymore, due to this murder.
Here, in France, nobody forgets this case, but the man and his work shouldn't be so linked, in my opinion.

Forgive  my English  
Schönstes Lied ever!     {#Boohoo}
Nice song.  I like Sophie Hunger's version better.
Very cool song
I cannot listen to this murderer's music.
Ça fait du bien d'entendre du francophone ici!

Feels good to hear French music here!
 sibylle888 wrote:
Great song .. Such a sombre character though .. Can't listen to this song without thinking about all the evil Cantat brought onto the ones closest to him
That's a quick judgement... I doubt Marie Trintignant was as innocent as she has been painted. They seemed to be both pretty much equally into drugs and alcohol, I'm not the judge and haven't been to the trial but he has been heavily condemned, he has done his time in jail and he should now be forgiven. It was an accident, two people that were not in their right state of mind, who lost control and it lead to her death. It's unfortunate but no reason to keep punishing him the way the Trintignant family does. 
Does Caravaggio get royalties when someone looks at one of his paintings?
  fredriley wrote:
Now that Rolf Harris has been convicted of child sexual molestation, I wonder if all his oeuvre will become unplayable, as Garry Glitter's has.  

NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:
lord, I hope so. 

We haven't heard the end of all this.  Many, many more pervy heads will roll before this sordid rubbish is over.  Cliff is in the firing line as we speak.  They appear to be sniping them off one at a time to keep the old gits sweating.  String em' all up in a line, I say.
 fredriley wrote:

Now that Rolf Harris has been convicted of child sexual molestation, I wonder if all his oeuvre will become unplayable, as Garry Glitter's has.

lord, I hope so.
Great song .. Such a sombre character though .. Can't listen to this song without thinking about all the evil Cantat brought onto the ones closest to him
Great tune.

As for all the judgmental comments...........Much ado about nothing.

C'est la vie 
 Jota wrote:

Do you have a robots brain?  That's the impression I get from reading your posts in various threads as you have this formulaic, by the numbers type of mindset.

It's either A or B, black or white, no shades of grey.  Exactly the problems artificial intelligence has.

Jota, let us hope that your child is not taken from you like this man took another parents child...and left four young children without a mother....
Music is about good feelings and soul lifting.
But this tune will forever make me think of a woman killer, brutality and violence.
I don't listen to radio to be reminded of humanity's worst flaws  {#Frown} 
Love this song
 shplody wrote:

Oh what moral high ground you stand upon; hiding safely behind your computer screen whilst people in refuge camps die of thirst. Our inaction is as condemning as murderous actions and so, my fellow earthling, we are all murderers unworthy of high regard for the state in which our world lies.


Please first learn to distinguish between individual and collective responsibility.  They are not equivalent, however well-intentioned your advice.  See Fred's excellent citation of Hanna Arendt below.    
 Stingray wrote:
Murder(er) stuff!

so should i add "drunk", "junkie", "woman beater" to the vast majoprity of artists we hear on RP ?
hopefully for all of us, a word is not enough to describe completely what we are....
of course, there may be some exceptions

 shplody wrote:

Oh what moral high ground you stand upon; hiding safely behind your computer screen whilst people in refuge camps die of thirst. Our inaction is as condemning as murderous actions and so, my fellow earthling, we are all murderers unworthy of high regard for the state in which our world lies.

No. That's a very dangerous statement. As Hannah Arendt once wrote, on the subject of collective guilt: "Where all are guilty, none are". If all are guilty, by omission, of murder as you write, then the real murderers are different only in degree, not kind. Perhaps going off-topic, guilt is also a very poor motivator, and serves only to reinforce the position of those determining the guilt. I spent a good part of my growing-up in Catholic Ireland, so have some experience of this...

Now that Rolf Harris has been convicted of child sexual molestation, I wonder if all his oeuvre will become unplayable, as Garry Glitter's has.
 rdo wrote:

He was married, and so was she (mother of 4), she was his mistress and he bashed her head with lethal force upto 17 times.  That is the "love of his life".  I would hate to see what he does to people he does not love.  He did 4 years.

Do you have a robots brain?  That's the impression I get from reading your posts in various threads as you have this formulaic, by the numbers type of mindset.

It's either A or B, black or white, no shades of grey.  Exactly the problems artificial intelligence has.
Listen to the music! Great song! If you start screening for values then don't be surprised if you only hear silence, as this is not a perfect world. The sound of life is quite a raucous, and artists are sharing their imperfect hearts and passions with us. J'aime entendre le français et d'autres langues de temps en temps... Thank you RP for your diversity.
 rdo wrote:

He was married, and so was she (mother of 4), she was his mistress and he bashed her head with lethal force upto 17 times.  That is the "love of his life".  I would hate to see what he does to people he does not love.  He did 4 years.

I feel bad for you. Nowhere is as black and white as America, except maybe Stingray's world.
 tiare wrote:

Sophie Hunger ... 

While we are at it:

 shplody wrote:

Oh what moral high ground you stand upon; hiding safely behind your computer screen whilst people in refuge camps die of thirst. Our inaction is as condemning as murderous actions and so, my fellow earthling, we are all murderers unworthy of high regard for the state in which our world lies.

Well said.
 Mannick wrote:
Great to hear a French song on RP every now and then!
And even though I believe everything has been said about that on this thread... Bertrand Cantat wrote this song way before he killed Marie Trintignant...which he didn't do on purpose, deeply regretted cos she was the love of his life, and did his time in jail for.
What happened is tragic indeed, and you can hate the man for what he did, but don't condemn the song AND the band because it has nothing to do with blood and/or murder! 

He was married, and so was she (mother of 4), she was his mistress and he bashed her head with lethal force upto 17 times.  That is the "love of his life".  I would hate to see what he does to people he does not love.  He did 4 years.