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DakhaBrakha — Ой ішов чумак
Album: Шлях (The Road)
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Released: 2016
Length: 8:17
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Ой ішов чумак з Дону,
Як із Дону до дому.
Ой як з Дону до дому
Та й сів над водою.
Та й і сів над водою,
Та й проклинає ж свою долю.
Ох доле ж моя доле,
Да чом ти не такая?
Ох да чом ти не такая,
Ох як доля людськая?
А я чужу долю да сім раз поцілую
Да долю хорошую.
Ой а я свою долю поб’ю-порубаю
Да в річку побрасаю.
Ой пливи, моя ж доле, пливи за водою, Ох а я за тобою.
Comments (39)add comment
very strange sound I will not rate therefor. They have their reasons.
 goodenough wrote:

Why what?

Appropriate reply to an idiotic question!!
 glassman wrote:


Why what?
Bloody brilliant, I can listen to this over and over again. Such exciting music.
 stacey.otte wrote:

Thank you for exposing us to this fascinating Ukrainian folk music group! Salva Ukraini!

"Glory to Ukraine!" (Ukrainian: Слава Україні!, romanized: Slava Ukraini!, IPA: [ˈsɫaʋɐ ʊkrɐˈjinʲi] ) is a Ukrainian national salute, known as a symbol of Ukrainian sovereignty and resistance to foreign aggression. 

It is the battle cry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is often accompanied by the response "Glory to the heroes!" (Ukrainian: Героям слава!, romanized: Heroiam slava!

Thank you, thank you for playing DakhaBrakha.  And to listeners:  If you have a chance to see this group live, don't miss it!  
I think it's a very interesting song though I confess it reminds me of music they'd play when someone was being sacrificed to Kong.

The peddler walked from the Don,
As from the Don to his home.
Oh, from the Don to his home,
And he sat by the water.
And he sat by the water,
And he curses his fate.
Oh, my fate, my fate,
Why are you not like that?
Oh, why are you not like that,
Oh, like human destiny?
I will kiss someone else's fate seven times
For a good fortune.
Oh, and I will beat and chop my own fate
And throw it into the river.
Oh, flow, my fate, flow with the water,
Oh, and I will follow you.
Suddenly ends and I feel like I experienced a whole film?!
It is nice to hear Slavonic language and harmonies on American radio - the best radio I have ever listened to.  I was born 100 miles west from Ukranian border. There is a large Ukranian minority living in my homeland, along with sub-tribes like Ruseens and Hutzuls. (In Poland and Hungaria, Romania as well) All of them are enriching our culture, our brotherhood our humananness
 Finnbayer wrote:

Haunting sounds very fitting for the insanity going on in Ukraine right now.

Check out their anthem. About the same. 
my favourite group at the moment.
 Lemmes wrote:
Oh, here comes the plague from the Don,

I believe "чумак/chumak" means a person that travels between villages with their ox cart and buys/sells stuff as they go. The AI seems to confuse it with "чума/chuma", which means plague. 

The common root might be due to the Black Plague spreading to eastern Europe via merchants. Or not. I'm just thinking aloud.
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

This is a popular sentiment in the West.

Thanks for letting us know, but thanks not for turning the forum in a political platform where ukranazis spew their uniformed hatred.
 stacey.otte wrote:

Thank you for exposing us to this fascinating Ukrainian folk music group! Salva Ukraini!

Long live Russia 🇷🇺
 Lemmes wrote:

Not from someone speaking Ukrainian but from DeepL, which is an astonishingly good translator:

Oh, here comes the plague from the Don,
As from the Don to home.
Oh, as from the Don to home
And sat down over the water.
And sat down over the water,
And cursed his fate.
Oh, my fate, my fate,
Why aren't you like me?
Oh, why are you so different?
Oh, my fate, my fate, my fate
I'll kiss someone else's fate seven times
I'll kiss someone else's fate
Oh, I'll chop up my fate
And throw it into the river.
Oh, swim, my fate, swim for the water, Oh, and I'll follow you.

Translated with DeepL

Saw them in concert two weeks ago, and even though it was of course in a really difficult context with the war happening in Ukraine it was worth every penny - amazing.

Below is a more accurate translation. The wording of two lines had to be changed to a complete opposite to make sense, and some punctuation and comments in [ ] were added for clarity. Not sure if the lyrics are in pure Ukrainian or some Russian got mixed in.

Oh, a chumak [merchant] was walking from the Don [river],
From the Don to his home.
Oh, from the Don to his home.
And he sat down near the water [sic: over the water].
Yes, and sat down near the water [sic: over the water],
And he cursed his fate.
Oh my fate, my fate,
Why are you like that? [sic: Why aren't you like that?]
Oh, why are you like that? [sic: Why aren't you like that?]
Oh, how is this a man's fate?
And I will kiss someone else's fate seven times,
[a] Good fate.
Oh, and I will beat-and-pound [sic: chop] my fate.
Yes, I will throw it into the river.
Oh, float away, my fate, float away with the water, Oh, and I will follow you.
Don’t understand a word, but man this is powerful! This is why we send a little bit each month. Nowhere else would I have heard this. Thank you RP for enriching our lives.
 ice-9 wrote:

Thanks for posting, but I'd love to get a a translation from someone who speaks Ukranian.  Anyone...?

Not from someone speaking Ukrainian but from DeepL, which is an astonishingly good translator:

Oh, here comes the plague from the Don,
As from the Don to home.
Oh, as from the Don to home
And sat down over the water.
And sat down over the water,
And cursed his fate.
Oh, my fate, my fate,
Why aren't you like me?
Oh, why are you so different?
Oh, my fate, my fate, my fate
I'll kiss someone else's fate seven times
I'll kiss someone else's fate
Oh, I'll chop up my fate
And throw it into the river.
Oh, swim, my fate, swim for the water, Oh, and I'll follow you.

Translated with DeepL

Saw them in concert two weeks ago, and even though it was of course in a really difficult context with the war happening in Ukraine it was worth every penny - amazing.
That was unexpected contribution from the Ukraine BTW.
 neil3 wrote:

I saw DakhaBrakha in a spellbinding show at WOMAD in NZ in 2016. The sole male in the group didn't have a lot of English but he was anxious to let us all know what he was thinking in two words only: "F*ck Putin"

This is a popular sentiment in the West.
I saw DakhaBrakha in a spellbinding show at WOMAD in NZ in 2016. The sole male in the group didn't have a lot of English but he was anxious to let us all know what he was thinking in two words only: "F*ck Putin"
A bit like Dead Can Dance's cousins!
sounds  very serious indeed!
 everettwa wrote:

More Ethno-Chaos music!

Music is pretty much organized sounds. It may be that it is differently organized than you are used to?
Does the Road End? Please.
Such a moving piece of work. RP never stops surprising me.
 ba2kell wrote:

From Google Translate:

Oh, there was a chumak from the Don,
As from the Don to the house.
Oh, how from Don to the house
And he sat down over the water.
Yes, and sat over the water,
And he curses his fate.
Oh my fate, my fate
Why aren't you like that?
Oh, why aren't you like that
Oh, how is human fate?
And I will kiss someone else's fate seven times
Good luck.
Oh, and I will beat my fate
Yes, I will throw it into the river.
Oh, swim, my destiny, swim for the water, Oh, and I for you.

Thanks for posting, but I'd love to get a a translation from someone who speaks Ukranian.  Anyone...?
 ba2kell wrote:

From Google Translate:

Oh, there was a chumak from the Don,
As from the Don to the house.
Oh, how from Don to the house
And he sat down over the water.
Yes, and sat over the water,
And he curses his fate.
Oh my fate, my fate
Why aren't you like that?
Oh, why aren't you like that
Oh, how is human fate?
And I will kiss someone else's fate seven times
Good luck.
Oh, and I will beat my fate
Yes, I will throw it into the river.
Oh, swim, my destiny, swim for the water, Oh, and I for you.

Thanks for the translation
I think that i will give it a 10, and Putin can send his bombs, if he does, he will be gone too, so not too bad a deal for me  )
I love this band! I have heard their music a fair bit - and I will seek it out more, now.
Haunting sounds very fitting for the insanity going on in Ukraine right now.
The name DakhaBrakha is original, outstanding and authentic at the same time. It means «give/take» in the old Ukrainian language. Accompanied by Indian, Arabic, African, Russian and Australian traditional instrumentation, the quartet’s astonishingly powerful and uncompromising vocal range creates a trans-national sound rooted in Ukrainian culture.
From Google Translate:

Oh, there was a chumak from the Don,
As from the Don to the house.
Oh, how from Don to the house
And he sat down over the water.
Yes, and sat over the water,
And he curses his fate.
Oh my fate, my fate
Why aren't you like that?
Oh, why aren't you like that
Oh, how is human fate?
And I will kiss someone else's fate seven times
Good luck.
Oh, and I will beat my fate
Yes, I will throw it into the river.
Oh, swim, my destiny, swim for the water, Oh, and I for you.
Rated 6 because *Ukraine* but I may have been exaggerating my liking for the track. pxd
Damn, that's pretty cool...attention grabber.
Thank you for exposing us to this fascinating Ukrainian folk music group! Salva Ukraini!