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The Decemberists — Don't Carry It All
Album: The King Is Dead
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Total ratings: 2303

Released: 2011
Length: 4:12
Plays (last 30 days): 5
Here we come to a turning of the season
Witness to the arc towards the sun
A neighbor's blessed burden within reason
Becomes a burden borne of all and one

And nobody, nobody knows
Let the yoke fall from our shoulders
Don't carry it all, don't carry it all
We are all our hands and holders
Beneath this bold and brilliant sun
And this I swear to all

A monument to build beneath the arbors
Upon a plinth that towers t'wards the trees
Let every vessel pitching hard to starboard
Lay its head on summer's freckled knees

And nobody, nobody knows
Let the yoke fall from our shoulders
Don't carry it all, don't carry it all
We are all our hands and holders
Beneath this bold and brilliant sun
And this I swear to all
And this I swear to all

A there a wreath of trillium and ivy
Laid upon the body of a boy
Lazy will the loam come from its hiding
And return this quiet searcher to the soil

So raise a glass to turnings of the season
And watch it as it arcs towards the sun
And you must bear your neighbor's burden within reason
And your labors will be borne when all is done

And nobody, nobody knows
Let the yoke fall from our shoulders
Don't carry it all, don't carry it all
We are all our hands and holders
Beneath this bold and brilliant sun
And this I swear to all
And this I swear to all
And this I swear to all
And this I swear to all
To all
To all
To all
Comments (225)add comment
I very much like this song, but "pitching hard to starboard?"
Lovely.  Kind of like a different take on The Weight
Love these lyrics!
 Michaeljcovel wrote:

Jfc, this band goes on and on like December......
is it January yet?

January has the same number of days as December.
Jfc, this band goes on and on like December......
is it January yet?
 xkolibuul wrote:

Your problem, not ours.  More Decemberists, please!

No, it actually is your problem fuckhead!
 Chimpmeister wrote:

Monotonous, dull, droning, terrible vocals, and it drags on far too long. Awful. 

this band is the worst.
Monotonous, dull, droning, terrible vocals, and it drags on far too long. Awful. 
 Proclivities wrote:

No, it's not a "note-for-note ripoff" at all ("pretty much" or any other sort); it's got a very similar-sounding harmonica intro (which is playing different notes), it has a very similar drum beat, and the chord progression is completely different.  Sure, I'd say it  was influenced by Petty's song, but I wish people would stop using absolute terms like"note-for-note" or "exactly" unless they are actually true; there's already more than enough hyperbole these days..

Absolutely!  This is the age of hyperbole!  The most stupendous amount of hyperbole the world has ever seen is extant in our time!
 mrtuba9 wrote:

This is the King of the British Empire.
 jbuhl wrote:


I swear I like the Decemberists more each time I hear them.
William can we have some more Warren Zevon, Craig Finn and Brian Fallon?
 flatop wrote:

I swear, I hate the Decemberists more each time I hear them

Why do you continue to listen?
 flatop wrote:

I swear, I hate the Decemberists more each time I hear them


 Proclivities wrote:

No, it's not a "note-for-note ripoff" at all ("pretty much" or any other sort); it's got a very similar-sounding harmonica intro (which is playing different notes), it has a very similar drum beat, and the chord progression is completely different.  Sure, I'd say it  was influenced by Petty's song, but I wish people would stop using absolute terms like"note-for-note" or "exactly" unless they are actually true; there's already more than enough hyperbole these days..
God, I love intelligent musical comments. Thanks for the additional information. Clearly, there are a lot of intelligent musicians who listen here. For that (too) I am grateful. 
 flatop wrote:
I swear, I hate the Decemberists more each time I hear them

Your problem, not ours.  More Decemberists, please!
I swear, I hate the Decemberists more each time I hear them
 TJS wrote:

Yeah it was pretty much a note-for-note ripoff of "You Don't Know How It Feels".
No, it's not a "note-for-note ripoff" at all ("pretty much" or any other sort); it's got a very similar-sounding harmonica intro (which is playing different notes), it has a very similar drum beat, and the chord progression is completely different.  Sure, I'd say it  was influenced by Petty's song, but I wish people would stop using absolute terms like"note-for-note" or "exactly" unless they are actually true; there's already more than enough hyperbole these days..
colin meloy,  the singer , who i have shaken hands with and spoken to briefly, describes his own voice as "braying" and i gotta say, apt, that

not my fave decemberists tune
Reminds me of Lindisfarne.
 nicknt wrote:
Mediocre song, a bad copy of Neutral Milk Hotel. 



wonderful to the rest of us

Mediocre song, a bad copy of Neutral Milk Hotel. 
 JoeHaarlemNL wrote:
No problem with RP playing this but don't like it at all.
Now that is a mature attitude.  

Not everyone likes everything, and it takes restraint to listen without complaining or stabbing at the PSD button.  Thank you, JoeHaarlemNL!
 h8rhater wrote:

Mess?!? You live in a hovel. 

Hovel:  "a small extremely dirty or unpleasant dwelling".

Love the Decemberists... now if only Bill will follow this up with Carbon Leaf!
 DaveInVA wrote:
I hate this song more every time I hear it. And it usually takes at least 2 clicks of the PSD to cover up the mess it leaves.

Mess?!? You live in a hovel. 

Hovel:  "a small extremely dirty or unpleasant dwelling".
LOOOVE when the bass line starts....
No problem with RP playing this but don't like it at all.
 LowPhreak wrote:
Yes, RP is not allowed to play anything that may have been even a minor hit, or known of by more than a handful of kewl beatniks at the local hip coffee house.

Get over it and enjoy the music, nerd.

What?  It's not just music, it's a referendum on people's coolness.
I didn't always hate this song, but I am starting to now. 
WOW look at all the haters!  I really like The Decemberists.  I don't hear any yelling.  Gets a solid 7 from me!
I disagree with this sentiment, as I enjoy the song, but this comment made me laugh out loud.  Bravo!  {#Clap}

DaveInVA wrote:
I hate this song more every time I hear it. And it usually takes at least 2 clicks of the PSD to cover up the mess it leaves.


STFU, already.
I hit PSD and got Zep's 'No Quarter'. Much better! Thank you random generator.
This song is more yelling than it is singing.
 hayduke2 wrote:
way down there, instant psd or mute

absolutely, every time.
 JHZ wrote:
And again I was hoping for TP's "You don't know how it feels when this started" - too bad it is just this tune.
Oh but if only.
Ouch! The harmonies give me an instant headache.
I swear, I like the Decemberists more each time I hear them.

6 -> 7
Love it - this is my feel better song when I'm having a crappy day
I hate this song more every time I hear it. And it usually takes at least 2 clicks of the PSD to cover up the mess it leaves.
Yes, RP is not allowed to play anything that may have been even a minor hit, or known of by more than a handful of kewl beatniks at the local hip coffee house.

Get over it and enjoy the music, nerd.
yuk very commercial sukie bill
 Dosequis wrote:

Or REO Speedwagon. 

I don't think there are any REO Speedwagon songs with a harmonica, but then I've always made it a strict rule to avoid ever hearing any of their 'music', so it's possible that there is.  The music arrangement in this tune sounds cool, it's his strained yodeling and affected enunciation that detracts from this song for me.
 Dosequis wrote:

Or REO Speedwagon. 


Put this song in the category of 'I can't stand it but I also can't articulate why I can't stand it.' These are some heavy and thoughtful lyrics but they deserve to be interpreted by a better vocalist. And maybe lose the shitty harmonica and replace it with a shitty accordion. 
 jagdriver wrote:

How about forever? Like many RP listeners, I've had ENOUGH of the Decemberists!

And I haven't had nearly enough. Keep 'em coming. Loving this! :)
 ench wrote:
I swear, every time this song starts, I think its Tom Petty.

Or REO Speedwagon. 
This song has always annoyed me.
Can we please be coming to the turning of the season? 


I know Imbolc and all just passed, but sheesh! I'm so ready for winter to end.

I swear, every time this song starts, I think its Tom Petty.
Bill, if you read these, I have a question.  Queen '39 followed by this song, where the drum part is SOOOO similar to Queen's We Will Rock You beat. You have some of the most excellent transitions between songs... so, Coincidence?

Love this place.  Thanks. 
Agreed. A hiatus would be good. Don't lose it though!
Excellent song.  Less play would even heighten that realization when it would run the next time.  Thanks Bill.
way down there, instant psd or mute
Ditto to comments on retiring this song for a bit.
 hanssachs wrote:
Ah - thanks!  I was right - it has been played too often!  Give it a rest, Bill - maybe six months, maybe a year?  It's gettin' tiresome.
How about forever? Like many RP listeners, I've had ENOUGH of the Decemberists!
7 to 8 on one listen. (haven't been listening for a couple of years...) Nice segue from Fairport from Neko Case. Not really my bag, that arc, but ya gotta hand it to the DJ.
 SwissReVox wrote:

Click on the Album Cover

Last play: Oct 04, 2013 - 03:13 Plays in last 30 days: 5

Ah - thanks!  I was right - it has been played too often!  Give it a rest, Bill - maybe six months, maybe a year?  It's gettin' tiresome.
 hanssachs wrote:
This is getting old ... where's the counter that shows how often it's been played in the past 30 days?


Click on the Album Cover

Last play: Oct 04, 2013 - 03:13 Plays in last 30 days: 5
This is getting old ... where's the counter that shows how often it's been played in the past 30 days?
 Jelani wrote:
I really like this guys' voice. I think I wouldn't like this if sung by another.
Well, maybe not. maybe Sandy Denny would have made it sound nice as well. 

He, he, or Michael Stipe - although this song doesn't sound as much like REM as some of their others.
And again I was hoping for TP's "You don't know how it feels when this started" - too bad it is just this tune.

It is time to retire this song from ever being played again.

I really like this guys' voice. I think I wouldn't like this if sung by another.
Well, maybe not. maybe Sandy Denny would have made it sound nice as well. 
 jkamm14 wrote:
Personally, I put all my Decemberists songs away in early January. 

Too soon. Their January Hymn is really beautiful
Too much of a sing-a-long feeling for me
 stackarukk wrote:

kinda reminds me of Blue Rodeo or Hootie and the Blowfish...

...and we need more Blue Rodeo... IMHO
This tune is about as regular and routine as a good, under rated bowel movement. Only difference is the BM is usually slightly different for each appearance. This tune?....not so much!
Sing don't shout.
Nice addition to the mix. Something not heard on a regular basis. 
Juvenile lyrics, try hard music- I'd rather listen to Billy Paul
So what if these lyrics evoke the memory of a 19th century poem.  It's poetry, and it's beautiful. 

SOME things that fly there be,—
Birds, hours, the bumble-bee:
Of these no elegy. Some things that stay there be,—
Grief, hills, eternity:
Nor this behooveth me. There are, that resting, rise.
Can I expound the skies?
How still the riddle lies! - Emily Dickinson

 lbeaton wrote:

I like the song, but a vessel that has a head?
I think he's using the word metaphorically to mean "person" or possibly even "sentient being."
I like the poetic lyrics.  It's certainly more interesting than "She loves you, yeah yeah yeah"...
 dig wrote:
A monument to build beneath the arbors
Upon a plinth that towers towards the trees
Let every vessel pitching hard to starboard
Lay its head on summer's freckled knees

So Annoying. Enough already.
I like the song, but yes. A verse that I thought started off pretty well ends in a solecism worthy of Neil Diamond. Surely they can do better.

Very rare for me to have to hit the mute button on RP music
A monument to build beneath the arbors
Upon a plinth that towers towards the trees
Let every vessel pitching hard to starboard
Lay its head on summer's freckled knees

So Annoying. Enough already.
Decemberists have one good album, and the rest is gag-me.  I wish they'd go away.
So, let's compare this with the Avett Brothers. Not too gimmicky, simple but honest, but with a bit of sophistication. Is that why I can still almost find pleasure listening to it?

Just finished a marathon washing up session (haven't joined the dish-washer era yet) and everything from Vince G to this number has had us grooving. Well done Bill.

Personally, I put all my Decemberists songs away in early January. 
Quite like this one.  May have to go to a 9 to offset some of the haters.
 KTransue wrote:
Hate the one-note harmony.  PSD.
First couple of plays I thought it was ok...but not now...PLEASE take it off the playlist for a while...TOO much.
Other than that, I love what you guys do! 
..this dude swears alot..8!..
great song great band - play more songs of them
very nice!
KTransue wrote:
Hate the one-note harmony.  PSD.

Hate the one-note harmony.  PSD.
 MsJudi wrote:
8 ~> 9
I'm close to doing the same. Don't get the hate some seem to have for this one.
 Proclivities wrote:

It has a very similar drum-beat and a harmonica at the beginning - there are probably no notes in common, though.  It wouldn't surprise me if they were influenced by that tune, and it's not as if no one would point out the similarities.

and I was sitting here thinking this song reminded me of Bare Naked Ladies "broke into the old apartment, this is where we used to live" it's very similar.
Not a great song, not a bad band...but P U L E E Z....don't play this so often. SO SICK OF THIS!!!
The PSD button sure is getting a workout..
Been trying to figure out who had comparable vocal styles—the Continental Drifters with Peter Holsapple (dBs), Susan Cowsill (yes, of those Cowsills), and Vicki Peterson (Bangles). Their Vermillion is terrific.
 Donaldinho wrote:
One of my favourite live bands. They have a cultish following here in the UK, so the venues are always pretty small. Loved them on the Hazards of Love tour where they played the whole album straight through in the first half, then came back out for a back catalogue second half. The King is Dead is knowingly derivative in places - check Calamity Song (featuring Peter Buck) vs REM's Talk About The Passion - but it all works. Great stuff.

Re: the R.E.M. connection...sometimes it confuses me when Calamity Song comes up on shuffle on my iPod. I wonder if it's a different version of Talk About The Passion...and then I remember. It's not problematic for me, though. I enjoy the song completely.
 leafmold wrote:
I never used to like this band, but somehow they grew on me.
I never used to like this band, I still don't like this band, but somehow they grew an inflamed, puss-filled boil on me.
One of my favourite live bands. They have a cultish following here in the UK, so the venues are always pretty small. Loved them on the Hazards of Love tour where they played the whole album straight through in the first half, then came back out for a back catalogue second half. The King is Dead is knowingly derivative in places - check Calamity Song (featuring Peter Buck) vs REM's Talk About The Passion - but it all works. Great stuff.
 TJS wrote:

Yeah it was pretty much a note-for-note ripoff of "You Don't Know How It Feels".
It has a very similar drum-beat and a harmonica at the beginning - there are probably no notes in common - so it is not a "note-for-note ripoff" - "pretty much" or not.  It wouldn't surprise me if they were influenced by that tune, and it's not as if no one would point out the similarities.
Thank you RP, for the "PSD" button ...
Had to stop this nonsense.  Wow, I thought I was listening to top 40 mush instead of alternative radio.
 hayduke2 wrote:
quik mute to this crap 
Hear hear! Or not to hear hear.... = mute. Agreed! 
8 ~> 9
Volume = zero
Like this
OUCH!!! My ears hurt from that segue.  outch, ouch.
God damn nattering nabobs of negativism.  {#Arrowd}
Love the PSD button..LOVE
 hayduke2 wrote:
quik mute to this crap 
here here
Count me in the "Like" column. 
I never used to like this band, but somehow they grew on me.
quik mute to this crap 
Just don't see the draw to this band.. Nothing special at all as far as I'm concerned..
Love the song, love the collection.
 ThePoose wrote:
The frontman has one of those very compelling voices that you would gladly listen to as it sang out phone book entries.
Your kidding..right?
 ThePoose wrote:
The frontman has one of those very compelling voices that you would gladly listen to as it sang out phone book entries.

kinda reminds me of Blue Rodeo or Hootie and the Blowfish...