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Sigur Rós — Hljomalind
Album: Hvarf/Heim
Avg rating:

Your rating:
Total ratings: 2313

Released: 1997
Length: 4:48
Plays (last 30 days): 2
u r sul non fl
u r sul non fl

u r so uld n (hmm hmm)

u r son m fon
u r son m fon
u r son m fon

old sj rus
old sj rus

old sj rus
old sj rus

u r son m fon
u r son m fon
u r son m fon

old sj rus
old sj rus

old sj rus
old sj rus

u s gv

old sj rus
old sj rus

old sj rus
old sj rus
Comments (418)add comment
Love this.
Some people like a good wine. Fewer like a good whine.
complete and utter crap
 EssexTex wrote:

"Your eyes on my fork"!

"Au jus
Au jus
I like."

Don't knock it till you try it.
A song all about potential iPhone theft...we live in strange times 
 EssexTex wrote:

"Your eyes on my fork"!

"Your eyes on my phone."
 timmus wrote:

Those lyrics don't even sound accurate... did the submitter just type random stuff on the keyboard?

It looks more like all the "special" characters were ditched in the process, if you compare it to the actual lyrics:

Ýu ræ sul non fól
Ýu ræ sul non fól

Ýu ræ so uld nó

Ýu ræ son mæ fon
Ýu ræ son mæ fon
Ýu ræ son mæ fon

Old sjí rus
Old sjí rus
Ó læ

Old sjí rus
Old sjí rus
Ó læ

Ýu ræ son mæ fon
Ýu ræ son mæ fon
Ýu ræ son mæ fon

Old sjí rus
Old sjí rus
Ó læ

Old sjí rus
Old sjí rus
Ó læ

Ýu sæ gvæ

Old sjí rus
Old sjí rus
Ó læ

Old sjí rus
Old sjí rus
Ó læ
 EssexTex wrote:

"Your eyes on my fork"!

Don't be ridiculous. It's obviously "Your eyes on my iPhone."
Re: tip?: Stop listening Stop trolling
Your eyes on my phone!!!
Those lyrics don't even sound accurate... did the submitter just type random stuff on the keyboard?
 jktravl wrote:

Good, you probably need your sense of musicallity altered

tip:  Stop listening
Please stop. You are awful.
listening to this torture.
worst music ever.
smth interesting
I love this song.
1997??  Wow, that's crazy, this song would fit right in with a 2010 or 2020 release.
This group reminds me of the Flaming Lips.  In a good way...
Looking forward to seeing them on their NA tour this summer.  Saw my first show since 2019 over the weekend.  It was such joy to see live music again.
Not sure how anyone can dislike Sigur Ros. Just beautiful!
Rite frum the hart!
might be a nice song to play when your dog just died,.
GOOD TUNE!! I never heard of them before. Thank You RP!
Doesn't this sound a lot like the Flaming Lips?
Bill just pronounced Sigur Rós as Sigure Rose. I'm nitpicking here so don't take it too serious but despite the ' on the 'o', the o in Rós is pronounced like boss.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/w... for prove.
not too sure how to describe this music and what it does to me so I will try:. I somehow feel like A10 year old boy again right where I'm not sure if Santa is real.  
Viva....Iceland! Unique kind of sound! Loving it1
This sounds like a feral cat me-OWW-ringgg! at 2AM.

...which is fine...

...if you like that sort of thing.
what a joy to discover
Really soothing and pleasing...
Just sound and precious articulation of it. 
 tompoll wrote:

I don't think this is Icelandic. It's pretty well documented that Sigur Ros use a made-up "language" which they use strictly for vocal tonality. Though I could be wrong for this particular song since I wouldn't know real Icelandic if I heard it.

I tend to agree but also don't know for sure. These lyrics do not translate from Icelandic using Google Translate.

Any native Icelanders on the forum can address this? 

Are they singing in Icelandic?
Really love this, sublime
 EssexTex wrote:
"Your eyes on my fork"!
I think it's phone envy...."Your eyes on my iphone" !
Your eyes on my phone...old juice, old juice.
"Your eyes on my phone".  Yes, I find that really annoying too - like, I found the cat video, find your own.
 terryweir wrote:
Horrible horrible horrible...

I'm guessing you would prefer to hear Counting Crows?
 terryweir wrote:
Still horrible, horrible horrible...  Please stop playing this.
According to the ratings, other people like it. So, rather than deprive the rest of it, if you don't like it, downrate it and PSD. K?
Still horrible, horrible horrible...  Please stop playing this.
Horrible horrible horrible...
 xkolibuul wrote:
 a_genuine_find wrote:

Your ice on my fowl. You rise on my fall. You don't speak Icelandic  

He's not singing in Icelandic.  It's an invented language.  

 They should get together with Ekova!

 a_genuine_find wrote:

Your ice on my fowl. You rise on my fall. You don't speak Icelandic  

He's not singing in Icelandic.  It's an invented language.  

Without a doubt, one of the best bands I've ever heard. Every time I listen to their music I cry. Their ability to take me to a different place and reveal previously undiscovered parts of myself is unmatched. I've often set an album of theirs to play and have only realized my reverie a good while later. Glad to see them played here. Thank you Bill!
 EssexTex wrote:
"Your eyes on my fork"!
Oh Dear! Oh Dear!
 zaebb wrote:
Your eyes on my ford !
I'm certain it is "Your eyes on my iPhone."
These guys rock pretty nicely, for a group of Christian fellas! Surely have been blessed!!
 EssexTex wrote:
"Your eyes on my fork"!

Your ice on my fowl. You rise on my fall. You don't speak Icelandic  
 PeteCreech wrote:
Just excellent, no need to analyse. If it hits the spot, enjoy, if not, move on.
This stuff is what makes Radio Paradise superb!

 Egctheow wrote:

...I'm aware that it can be misconstrued...
I wouldn't worry.  It seems unlikely to me that anyone will ever misconstrue that as not vaguely racist, at best.
 blotto wrote:
worst band ever

Absurd, but thanks for the chortle!
What is he talking about?
worst band ever
 unclehud wrote:

Hmmmm?  It's worked for me twice before.  Takes an overnight drying or perhaps 36 hours, though.  Patience, grasshopper.

As for my comment on this song ... it's OK; mellow and dirge-like while retaining an element of hope.  Lyrics are a hoot!
I apologise in advance for the non political correctness of what I'm about to write in reply to you. But I just think it's funny :)

Actually, the reason why overnight rice overnight works so well is because it attracts highly skilled Asian electronic workers who fix the phone while you're asleep

Sorry, and yes, I'm aware that it can be misconstrued, and I wouldn't be making that joke on many other sites. Most of the comments I read here make me think that most of us can take a slightly twisted joke.
Alexa, stop. Please stop.
 zaebb wrote:
Your eyes on my ford !
Let's adapt to the region of origin.

Your eyes on my fjord.   

If you are a powerful enough Old Norse or Viking chieftain, you might 'own' the entire fjord.  That does not necessarily mean that you can tell folks living there how to blow their noses.  
 ziggytrix wrote:
I recently learned putting your phone in rice to try to dry it after it gets wet is pointless.

I wonder why I suddenly thought of that...
Hmmmm?  It's worked for me twice before.  Takes an overnight drying or perhaps 36 hours, though.  Patience, grasshopper.

As for my comment on this song ... it's OK; mellow and dirge-like while retaining an element of hope.  Lyrics are a hoot!
 blotto wrote:
shut up, shut up, shut up
Why do people bitch and moan instead of TAKING ACTION and going somewhere else?

shut up, shut up, shut up
Your eyes on my ford !
I recently learned putting your phone in rice to try to dry it after it gets wet is pointless.

I wonder why I suddenly thought of that...
 EssexTex wrote:
"Your eyes on my fork"!

Chewy I bet.
Your eyes are mind-ful
Your eyes are mind-ful
Oh you...
Oh you...
Oh oh I 
Well, let's see what's on SOMA.FM this morning.
Your ice on my spork.  Or maybe "You're ice on my spork", which would change things a bit.
I hear it as 'your eyes are mindful' (being aware and openly soulful). Rather nice :)
 EssexTex wrote:
"Your eyes on my fork"!
Note to self: beware of avant-rock star Icelanders with forks.
 mrselfdestruct wrote:
It's not a made-up language, he's saying "You write on my phone." Riddle solved!

I always sing "Your eyes on my phone." Like a close-up of someone's eyes is his home screen photo or something.
It's not a made-up language, he's saying "You write on my phone." Riddle solved!
Not even everyone's cup of tea and this is quite the deep end to be dropped into. I'm a big fan of Sigur Ros and their live shows are pure fantasy. For an easier entry point, try the song Glosoli or the album Takk.

Also, if you're a fan of the movie The Life Aquatic, I defy you not to well up when Bill Murray finally finds his leopard shark. The music in this scene is Staralfur by Sigur Ros.

Lastly, Heima is a beautiful journal by the band and a love letter to the dramatic and historical gem that is Iceland. 
No PSD on mobile (or for this song I like to think of it more as PTSD) so time to see what SOMA is playing this afternoon.
Thought this was My Morning Jacket!
This might be a good cinematic rock song if they ever finished lyrics for it. Sorry, but "Hopelandic" is the same as Lorem Ipsum for songwriters who can't finish a song. Lots of songwriters use something similar. Yesterday started as "Scrambled Eggs" and that sort of thing. Most of it doesn't get recorded that way. Weak. Lots of negative comments going back to 2011, but it keeps getting played. When were these playlists created? Hello, Autopilot?
I really wish people wouldn't strangle cats on the radio. It's distressing.
blotto wrote:


I really love Sigur Ros. I don't own any of their music, but I've liked everything I've ever heard from them (which has been almost exclusively on RP). Their sound is unique and transcendent. And I LOVED the documentary Heima. If you ever get a chance to see it, DO! Visually and aurally gorgeous.
Just excellent, no need to analyse. If it hits the spot, enjoy, if not, move on.
 linz_bobinz wrote:
a lovely morning line up......Portishead, Beth Orton & now Sigur Ros........thanks again for the ear candy :)

and the cherry on TOP! Talk Talk YESSSSSSS!!!!

I generally like the type of music Sigur Ros puts out. However, these guys were never my thing. I don't know why... maybe of the vocals that say nothing? :-/
I saw a 2 part documentary on their tour after first international fame, very interesting they played small towns all over iceland even in bars but mostly outdoor events.  Didn't finish the 2nd part, they were going into a long climax and the film cutting was flashing way too many quick shots and would have caused a seizure in most people .
a lovely morning line up......Portishead, Beth Orton & now Sigur Ros........thanks again for the ear candy :)
I like this song, and this band, just fine. They won me over when I happened to catch their documentary "Heima" in gorgeous hi-def. Absolutely transporting. Perfect combination of sound + visual.

(P.S. Anyone who criticizes them for singing in their native language can kiss my ass.)
 AhhtheMusic wrote:

They do and it sounds just like this. 

My cat is in fact seated next to me and is gazing intently at my left speaker as this plays. Like bird evisceration or butt licking, I find it less compelling than he does.
 jameshay wrote:

True, except that often rankings are based on opinions. Just the kind of blurring our politicians love.

Damn! You are a clairvoyant.
 Hannio wrote:
If cats had their own language, it would sound like this.

They do and it sounds just like this. 
your eyes on my phone?
 Hannio wrote:
If cats had their own language, it would sound like this.


Dammit, Hannio, you beat me to it! Was about to post something like you did, but yours is better.

Yes, the guy sings very well...for a cat. One that's coming off a catnip/cough syrup high. Maybe he's an absolute stud in Icelandic but for all I know the band's lyrics are devoted to the high-speed thrills, chills and spills of stamp-collecting. 

A little of this band goes a long, long way.  

easmann wrote:
"... they sing in Icelandic, and another language they created." Well, why not? No need to ponder apparent or deeper meanings. Wait, they created their own language? I'm kind of stupefied.

I'm kind of terrified. What's next, Scientology? Perhaps we can turn to Rabbi Stingray for some words of wisdom. 

Orange juice, orange juice; oh, will I?
If cats had their own language, it would sound like this.
 jktravl wrote:
SIgor Ros is from Iceland, and they sing in Icelandic, and another language they created. The bass player plays with a bow, to create some incredible, uh, noise. One of my absolute favorite bands. Hope you like them, and thanks Bill for giving them a play, although, not enough IMHO
JK Love Sigur Ros!
I like them and particularly when they catch me in the right mood. "... they sing in Icelandic, and another language they created." Well, why not? No need to ponder apparent or deeper meanings. Wait, they created their own language? I'm kind of stupefied.
Anyone else hearing Flaming Lips here?
Time to see what's on SOMA.fm this morning . . . 

tutakea wrote:
hahaha... interesting to see the hate comments here...
it´s not new to me that there are a lot of people who just are too narrow-minded or too prejudiced or just too mainstreamed to recognize the REALLY good things, but i thought there are fewer than average of this folk among listeners of RP. seems that i´m wrong here...

OMG! it should be forbidden to rate SR below 10 !! (okay - below 9, if it´s one of their weaker efforts, which is the case with Hljomalind)


 blotto wrote:

Feels like someone is jabbing pitchforks in my ears.


Good, you probably need your sense of musicallity altered
 Highlowsel wrote:
Interesting tune....but those lyrics (or lack thereof)!  What the.....? 

American Net'Zen


SIgor Ros is from Iceland, and they sing in Icelandic, and another language they created. The bass player plays with a bow, to create some incredible, uh, noise. One of my absolute favorite bands. Hope you like them, and thanks Bill for giving them a play, although, not enough IMHO
JK Love Sigur Ros!
Interesting tune....but those lyrics (or lack thereof)!  What the.....? 

American Net'Zen
too bad you can't see the ratings distribution on the Android app.
 jkamm14 wrote:
Is he singing: "Your ice on my balls"? Is that a big issue in Iceland?

Been to Iceland. Listened to Sigur Ros whole time. Did not have that problem.

However my relationship to this song is now somewhat altered...;-)

Feels like someone is jabbing pitchforks in my ears.

 Hortense wrote:
... Great tunes to work to.
Except when you stop working to crank the volume up. 

tutakea wrote:
hahaha... interesting to see the hate comments here...
it´s not new to me that there are a lot of people who just are too narrow-minded or too prejudiced or just too mainstreamed to recognize the REALLY good things, but i thought there are fewer than average of this folk among listeners of RP. seems that i´m wrong here...

OMG! it should be forbidden to rate SR below 10 !! (okay - below 9, if it´s one of their weaker efforts, which is the case with Hljomalind)


What a treat!  I was introduced to Sigur Ros a few years ago, and am super happy I was.  Great tunes to work to.
Is he singing: "Your ice on my balls"? Is that a big issue in Iceland?
Bah! {#Eh}
Good God that was horrible
Just feed the damn cat already..
love love love. It's hard to drop bombs on ther countries if you saturate yourself in the beauty of music like this! Wish the higher ups were tuning in!

I can't get into this band when the lead singer sounds like Kermit the Frog. I just can't.

Hearing songs like this is what makes me keep listening to RP. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Perfect music for a snowy night in NJ. {#Good-vibes}
 jameshay wrote:
True, except that often rankings are based on opinions. Just the kind of blurring our politicians love.
Agree, wholeheartedly. That's why my song ratings reflect how much I want to hear ones like it, as opposed to how good I think it is. There are many songs I think (maybe even know) are immortal, wonderful, timeless classics, outstanding exemplars of their genre, etc., that I enjoy hearing now and then but don't want to be a staple of RP's playlist. Others, often more obscure or unknown, I'll rate high because I want to hear more like them. As time passes, I've down-rated some of my earlier favorites because they've grown stale for me. Others I've up-rated for the opposite reason.
 whomhow wrote:
solid ten with no doubt. The number of haters really makes me sad. Try to listen them!

SOLID 1 - if even!

If I am allowed to express my 2 cents!

Seems it gets more and more tricky to say what you want (in America).

In the land of "the free" speechers!

 Byronape wrote:

I am so sick of people mistaking their opinions as fact when it comes to music.  FACTS relate to solid and measurable things, record sales, rankings, things like that.  

True, except that often rankings are based on opinions. Just the kind of blurring our politicians love.
 MoheganLake wrote:
Bill, why do you insist on playing this crap? Please ban this group from RP.

I'll only take a look a your ratings just to see who could be capable of write this stuff.

Bill is surely beyond of good or evil in this world... He follows no orders or rules.

solid ten with no doubt. The number of haters really makes me sad. Try to listen them!

Taken a single track at a time, this music works !
 tutakea wrote:
hahaha... interesting to see the hate comments here...
it´s not new to me that there are a lot of people who just are too narrow-minded or too prejudiced or just too mainstreamed to recognize the REALLY good things, but i thought there are fewer than average of this folk among listeners of RP. seems that i´m wrong here...

OMG! it should be forbidden to rate SR below 10 !! (okay - below 9, if it´s one of their weaker efforts, which is the case with Hljomalind)
Ok, wait...  So if I don't like Sigur Ros, I'm narrow minded and prejudiced or "too mainstreamed" to recognize good music?  This coming from the person that gave Pink Floyd, The Black Keys, The Grateful Dead, Rush, Bob Marley, Iron and Wine, U2 and many other bands poor ratings?  It's all a matter of taste, and you have no grounds to criticize others for their taste. 

I am so sick of people mistaking their opinions as fact when it comes to music.  FACTS relate to solid and measurable things, record sales, rankings, things like that. 

Get off your self righteous high horse and accept that other people's opinions are just as valid as yours, even if they are different. 

 Decoy wrote:
seems a little repetitive, and it seems a little repetitive.

Hey, it's Jimmy Two Times' favorite band, favorite band...

Jimmy Two Times from the film "Goodfellas"