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Christians & Lions — Skinny Fists
Album: More Songs For Dream Sleepers And The Very Awake
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Total ratings: 1117

Released: 2006
Length: 3:49
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Blue smoke and cider sounds
curled above our heads like tongues of fire
under wires in a big
City Hall stands tall and every pregnant pause
is giving birth to answers
I can't understand.
"We're only starting a racket 'cause you've started a racket!"
I scream, "We only want to level this city because
things are so uneven!" But I don't think they can hear me.
Like hot breaths between my praying hands
could make my fingers glow,
like the psalms between my palms are all
I'll ever need to know,
I count out hymns for hims and hims and hers and hers
and hims-for-hearses, turn to face the wind and silence
flying sins in words-like-curses.
"Church and state had their day in the centuries before,"
I say, "The future is unwritten if we hold what can erase."
But I still get sad ripping up ads that the Marines
send to friend every kid in my family.
('Cause I can afford to.)
I told her once, "There's a great line in this song I heard,
But I can't tell you unless something really big happens to us."
Comments (151)add comment
At the change in the song I almost expect them to start singing the Beatles song,  She's so heavy.
This is why i listen to RP all day. 
I downloaded this song after hearing it on RP about 12 years ago and have played it regularly ever since. 
My 17 year old son can now sing along with the whole thing, word for word, and he's played it for friends who now have it on their Spotify lists... and the cycle continues. 
 Michael_Dean wrote:
I'm cheering for the Lions!  {#Clap}

The Shins meet Calexico. Love it!
 Michael_Dean wrote:
I'm cheering for the Lions!  {#Clap}

I'm cheering for the Lions!  {#Clap}
I like the transitions. Would have given it more than a 7 if I had also liked the uptempo part.
 SandwichBoy wrote:
At the start dude sounds an awful lot like Andrew Bird.

 scrubbrush wrote:
I have liked this song from the first time i heard it... I kinda-hear the Beatles, but i also hear Calexico... good combo in my book

"She's So Heavy" is in the bass line. And yes, Calexico's trumpet work and the guitar jangling in a certain key.

It is a cool song.  
I haven't listened to the album, but am attracted every time this song comes on.  Anyone got an opinion on the rest of the album?
I have liked this song from the first time i heard it... I kinda-hear the Beatles, but i also hear Calexico... good combo in my book
This post apparently contained an image that was dragged into the post editor. Sorry, but any text contained in the post after this point has been lost.
stealing the beatles riff there
hey that's alright we all do it : ) 
 fredriley wrote:

RIP? Has something happened to her? Please don't say it's so... :((

Edit: I've just seen the Sayonara Cynaera thread on the main forum. This is just so, so sad. She was a distinctive personality, made great comments, wore her heart on her sleeve, and an integral part of the RP community.
Fred, agreed in spades.
She was worth 10 of the self-proclaimed voices of authority. I, too, will miss her.
 ziakut wrote:

Gee! I miss these kind of comments. Miss a fine human like Cynaera! Rest in peace.
RIP? Has something happened to her? Please don't say it's so... :((

Edit: I've just seen the Sayonara Cynaera thread on the main forum. This is just so, so sad. She was a distinctive personality, made great comments, wore her heart on her sleeve, and an integral part of the RP community.
 Cynaera wrote:

I was thinking the same thing!  This song doesn't really blow air up my skirt, but it's still pleasant. Maybe with a few more listens, it'll hit me.  For now, it just fwufffs me with a feather.

Gee! I miss these kind of comments. Miss a fine human like Cynaera! Rest in peace.
Noooooo!   It's Walking Pubic Hair Monster Man on the cover attacking a regular retired pedestrian. {#Sorry}
 Sasha2001 wrote:
Wow! This is one of the most pretentious songs I've heard in long time - and I'm not just talking about the lyrics (which I can't decifer) but all of those musical influences worn like flair on a TGI Fridays waitress' vest.
Can't say I agree with the sentiment, but I love the metaphor.
 SandwichBoy wrote:
At the start dude sounds an awful lot like Andrew Bird.
I was thinking the same thing!  This song doesn't really blow air up my skirt, but it's still pleasant. Maybe with a few more listens, it'll hit me.  For now, it just fwufffs me with a feather.

At the start dude sounds an awful lot like Andrew Bird.
This is a really, really cool song... what's with all the hatin'?

 HazzeSwede wrote:

Looong shades....{#Yes}
Dreamy sleepers. Sleepy drreamers. Brass can be so lilting when applied correctly. Thank you, CalexiLiions.

 socalhol wrote:
Shades of Calexico here...?
Looong shades....{#Yes}
 Sasha2001 wrote:
Wow! This is one of the most pretentious songs I've heard in long time - and I'm not just talking about the lyrics (which I can't decifer) but all of those musical influences worn like flair on a TGI Fridays waitress' vest.
Yes, well, you apparently would know pretention.
 Byronape wrote:
Or Connor what'shisname from Bright Eyes.
 C'mon, it's not that bad.

 mem_313 wrote:
{#Yes}sounds like rhett miller!!!!
 C'mon, it's not that good.

Wow! This is one of the most pretentious songs I've heard in long time - and I'm not just talking about the lyrics (which I can't decifer) but all of those musical influences worn like flair on a TGI Fridays waitress' vest.
Glad I gave it a chance... Too young/wordy/clever at start... but it gets some Ennio Marconne going and flows better.
Am I watching a spaghetti western?
 mem_313 wrote:
{#Yes}sounds like rhett miller!!!!
Or Connor what'shisname from Bright Eyes.

{#Yes}sounds like rhett miller!!!!
Shades of Calexico here...?
Now if it would just suddenly en

Because - this song is awesome!! {#Angel}
Great song.

Echoes of a few Beatles songs? Maybe, but completely new and, besides, the Beatles were fairly influential. Their echoes are everywhere if you're listening for them.
This was really abrasive after James Yuill. If I could hear it in a different set, maybe I'd like it more. Not thrilled with it right now...
 Proclivities wrote:

I think it's an obvious homage, besides, John Lennon didn't invent variations on D Minor.
I've always thought D minor was the saddest of keys.

Because the world is round it turns me on
Because the world is round...aaaaaahhhhhh Because the wind is high it blows my mind
Because the wind is high......aaaaaaaahhhh
 nate917 wrote:

I thought John based "Because" on some of the chords (in reverse) from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (which is in C# minor).  Seems like people are pretty quick to conclude theft or plagiarism when the true answer may be, as Proclivities points out, simple influence, paying tribute, variations on a theme, sampling, or even pure coincidence.  Contrary to the errant legal decision, for example, George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" did not plagiarize "He's So Fine," even if their respective verses used the same three chords.

I thought the legal decision was based on the melody.  You can't copyright chord progressions from what I understand, but melodies, yes.  I felt bad for George as I think he said he was guilty of "unconscious (subconscious?) plagiarisim."  I'm sure it was the last thing on his mind when we wrote the tribute to the deities.

 Suzl wrote:
What's the Beatle song I'm catching here....??


She's So Heavy?
The ending reminds me of a CAKE song ending
Love this song; yeah the horns are right on. One of only 5 songs I've ever purchased off I-tunes

 Suzl wrote:
What's the Beatle song I'm catching here....??
The first part of the song has the tempo of "I've Just Seen a Face"
Love the horns, good stuff!
 Suzl wrote:
What's the Beatle song I'm catching here....??


"I Want You (She's So Heavy)" from Abbey Road
 iransofaraway wrote:

And once again on 03-25-10
so? {#Ass}
 Proclivities wrote:

I think it's an obvious homage, besides, John Lennon didn't invent variations on D Minor.
I thought John based "Because" on some of the chords (in reverse) from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (which is in C# minor).  Seems like people are pretty quick to conclude theft or plagiarism when the true answer may be, as Proclivities points out, simple influence, paying tribute, variations on a theme, sampling, or even pure coincidence.  Contrary to the errant legal decision, for example, George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" did not plagiarize "He's So Fine," even if their respective verses used the same three chords.

What's the Beatle song I'm catching here....??

 jbunniii wrote:
I was hoping we were going to hear actual Christians being fed to actual lions {#Lol}

It certainly would have sounded better than this....
Not bad!!
 Laptopdog wrote:
This group reminds me of that commercial of the guys singing about FreeCreditReport.com


Because, the world, is round......
 travism wrote:
We go from this to David Bowie - Cat People (Putting Out Fire). ??
That's a rather jarring transition, RP.


And once again on 10-19-09

jbunniii wrote:
I was hoping we were going to hear actual Christians being fed to actual lions {#Lol}

I have an ancient copy of "The Grapes of Wrath". This looks like one of the illustrations from it.
Looks like the artist had one too many espressos.

I was hoping we were going to hear actual Christians being fed to actual lions {#Lol}

You'd think if you took all the influences mentioned below and melded them together, you'd get something really original. I guess not always.
 coffee-eyes wrote:
Do Paul and Ringo know about this? {#Eek} 
She's so heavy, heavy, heavy . . . .

Yep, I hear it too.
 Laptopdog wrote:
This group reminds me of that commercial of the guys singing about FreeCreditReport.com


 coffee-eyes wrote:
Do Paul and Ringo know about this? {#Eek} 
She's so heavy, heavy, heavy . . . .
Totally. But listenable anyway, if only for the tip 'o the hat.
Said it before, I'll say it again. Old 97s meet Conner Oberst. With a little Cake or Calexico (horns) thrown in. And i still like it.
Wasn't doing much for me . . . and then the trumpets.  Always a sucker for the trumpets. 
 coffee-eyes wrote:
Do Paul and Ringo know about this? {#Eek} 
She's so heavy, heavy, heavy . . . .
Exactly what I was thinking. Now if it would just end abruptly...

This group reminds me of that commercial of the guys singing about FreeCreditReport.com

 asbellem wrote:
I think the beatles could sue them for plagerism.
I think it's an obvious homage, besides, John Lennon didn't invent variations on D Minor.

Do Paul and Ringo know about this? {#Eek} 

She's so heavy, heavy, heavy . . . .
I like this song and its feel.  The start kind of reminds me of hey there delilah which i also liked though not enough to remember who sung it i have to say.
This is about as banal as it gets. And the guy has the nerve to address the album to 'dreamsleepers and the very awake' — if you're very awake, you're sure as hell not gonna fall for the overproduction masking the total lack of substance.
Wow, I just walked in the room and thought "That's gotta be Ennio Morricone"
Wow, suddenly there's a lot of Ennio Morricone influences in a lot of music - Love it!
Overplayed now!!  But love the song.
We go from this to David Bowie - Cat People (Putting Out Fire). ??
That's a rather jarring transition, RP.

The beginning of this song reminds me of Windy by Greg MacPherson
 trekhead wrote:

"Hey there, Delilah..."


The aforesaid Beatles, and...

I think the beatles could sue them for plagerism.

"Hey there, Delilah..."



to the times songs exist that it seems equal to as much others........

Perhaps this on should get on a horse and RIDE —->>>>
South of the border. {#Hand}
Papernapkin wrote:     
If I have to choose, I'm rooting for the lions.


 Papernapkin wrote:
If I have to choose, I'm rooting for the lions.

You sound like a Roman

. . . moving. . .

7 {#Arrow} 8

This is going to piss someone off, I'm sure, but I hear Old 97's and...Cake.  Me likey.
 Papernapkin wrote:
If I have to choose, I'm rooting for the lions.

If I have to choose, I'm rooting for the lions.
I wish this song were longer, and the slow-down at the end shorter.
copymonkey wrote:
That's spot on my friend.
Thank you. I've liked Old 97s for ages. Mr. Oberst is a bit more of an acquired taste. A band that sounds a bit like both suits me just fine. c.
Because she's so heavy, the world is rooounnnnd....
Ooh! it just hit me! The acoustic with horns bit reminds me of "The Corn Years" era Death In June.
I think this was one of the first songs I rated on RP. I never get tired of it.
...i think the cover is kind of cool...
Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
This went from a four to a seven for me, but I sure do not like the cover. It looks like a bad, drug-fueled drawing that you would throw away in the morning. ugh
Look again. It's an action sketch; reactionary impulses of lines set down on paper by the artist witnessing movement over time often without even looking at the sketchpad. Back in the studio they would be refined down to a single frozen image to convey the chosen moment. Sometimes the sketch is more lively than the final result. Here: meh.
This song is so heavy.
I really like the beginnin of this tune. Had the words all wrong, still like the ones in my head better than the real ones. Don't care much for the horns sounds like a different tune all together. Like Eagle Eye Cherry or something.
I love this, and overall, it has been an outstanding set!
DoctorHooey wrote:
I really like this song, especially that acoustic picking in the beginning. I like the journey it takes, even through Beatles country and back again. Really cool.
excellent drawing on the album cover.
Sounds kinda Calexican. (That's good.)
cc_rider wrote:
Still likin' it, still sounds like Rhett Miller hangin' out with Conor Oberst. c.
That's spot on my friend.
Bright eyesesque lyric and vocals.
I really like this song, especially that acoustic picking in the beginning. I like the journey it takes, even through Beatles country and back again. Really cool.
wferrier wrote:
I hear that too.
Same here. interesting tune beyond that.
I expect to hear 'Mean Mr. Mustard' in the middle... anyway...I'll take Lions, at least you know where they stand.
I love the cd cover art....and the horns...great they are....
bdblinux wrote:
hehe...my vote went from 2 to 4 tonight. Perhaps it is the deadly cold out there that makes me more generous
pregister wrote:
At first I thought you people were nuts. Then i got to the middle of the song. I apologize.
same here
horstman wrote:
Reminds me of the Shins. And no, its really good, mellow, and indie is more of an aquired taste. Indy is the track down the street where the pigs race every Friday night. Can hear them squealing at the start up line.
When I first started listening to RP, I was amazed at how many bands were coming out of Indiana.
This went from a four to a seven for me, but I sure do not like the cover. It looks like a bad, drug-fueled drawing that you would throw away in the morning. ugh
joshfm wrote:
Mediocre indy hogwash.
Reminds me of the Shins. And no, its really good, mellow, and indie is more of an aquired taste. Indy is the track down the street where the pigs race every Friday night. Can hear them squealing at the start up line.
joshfm wrote:
Mediocre indy hogwash.
Wow, couldn't disagree more. Typical of the music I'd only hear on RP -- I like it!
Mediocre indy hogwash.
cc_rider wrote:
I'm thinking 'Old 97s meet Bright Eyes', sort of. c.
Still likin' it, still sounds like Rhett Miller hangin' out with Conor Oberst. c.
The title makes me think of Godspeed You! Black Emperor's album "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven"... would be interesting to hear some of their stuff here... (Yeah, that apparently random exclamation does go there)
The song developes nicely... Not bad.
DoctorHooey wrote:
To me it's a cross between "She's So Heavy" and "Because"
I hear that too.
Nice Herb Alpert solo there .... but they need more Cowbell!