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Crash Test Dummies — God Shuffled His Feet
Album: God Shuffled His Feet
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Total ratings: 1240

Released: 1993
Length: 5:10
Plays (last 30 days): 1
After seven days he was quite tired, so God said:
"Let there be a day
Just for picnics with wine and bread."
He gathered up some people He had made
Created blankets, and laid back in the shade

The people sipped their wine
And what with God there,
They asked him questions
Like: Do you have to eat
Or get your hair cut in heaven?
And if your eye got poked out in this life
Would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?

God shuffled his feet
And glanced around at them
The people cleared their throats
And stared right back at Him

So he said:
"Once there was a boy who woke up with blue hair.
To him it was a joy 'til he ran out to warm air...
He thought of how his friends would come to see
Would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease?"

God shuffled his feet
And glanced around at them
The people cleared their throats
And stared right back at Him

The people sat waiting
Out on their blankets in the garden
But God said nothing...
So someone asked Him,
"I beg your pardon.
I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke....
Was that a parable, or a very subtle joke?"

God shuffled his feet
And glanced around at them
The people cleared their throats
And stared right back at Him
Comments (264)add comment
WTF? God never existed and playing this sh*t isn't different than door-to-door proselytizing. What's next missionary songs of the morons?
New Feature: add preference to never play by tagged content. I would be willing to pay for this. 
This song ages well. 
 Easyrider wrote:

Great album coupled with good memories.
What happened to these guys?

We saw them at the Jube here in Edmonton.  It was a bit awkward and uncomfortable, TBH, because Brad was openly hitting on one of his backup singers.  I think he was intending comedy, but it was distracting, constant, and took away from the rest of the performances.
Great album coupled with good memories.
What happened to these guys?
 Derecho wrote:

A surprisingly good album as a whole.

Absolutely! Always worth revisiting. 

A surprisingly good album as a whole.
Great CD. 
Very similar sounding songs at first, but a lot of creativity in each one of them.
Hooray, CTD! Thanks RP! 
I haven't heard CTD in ages! So wonderful to hear. Always loved this group. Unique, fun, and that voice!!! Play more!!!
Holy crap....1993? How is it possible this song is 27 years old? 
Saw them in Austin not long after this album came out. Good show, but hardly seems that long ago. 
Another one from my collection that I never expected to hear on the Radio !
Hats off Bill ! 

One of my favorite albums from the 1990's.  Only one "skip" on the album (The Psychic).  Thanks for playing this Bill and Rebecca - another "Only on Radio Paradise" track...

great songs playing this morning
 Walrus_Gumbo wrote:

LOL! I can see "Weird Al Yankovic" singing that but of course it would have to be a food parody! {#Lol}
He actually did parody that song and it wasn't about food, it was about the news.  It was called Headline News.  The references in it are a bit dated now, though.

 Cynaera wrote:
I just love this group....

After seven days
He was quite tired so God said:
"Let there be a day
Just for picnics, with wine and bread"
He gathered up some people he had made
Created blankets and laid back in the shade

The people sipped their wine
And what with God there, they asked him questions
Like: do you have to eat
Or get your hair cut in heaven?
And if your eye got poked out in this life
Would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?

God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him

So he said:"Once there was a boy
Who woke up with blue hair
To him it was a joy
Until he ran out into the warm air
He thought of how his friends would come to see;
And would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease?

God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him

The people sat waiting
Out on their blankets in the garden
But God said nothing
So someone asked him: "I beg your pardon:
I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke
Was that a parable, or a very subtle joke?"

God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him

I've never bothered to really read the lyrics for this song. I never really thought about it, but it's a tale about the expectations people have of "their" God to provide answers to everything, even trivial questions that don't really matter.  It highlights the fact that too many people have forgotten how to think for themselves and instead expect others to provide answers to everything.

Or it could just be whimsy...  a band called The Crash Test Dummies pretty much exemplifies whimsy.

 nmcvaugh wrote:
Blasphemous rumors and now this. Joy! {#Jump}
Yes, Wow.  Both 9's for me and have very very few of those.  Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm is my favorite song on this album though.  The emotion is so powerful with this great voice.
That opening scratching sure will mystify the CD and MP3 generation who've never played a vinyl record ;)
By far the best song CTD ever did.  I was pleased to hear you play it.

I just love this group....

After seven days
He was quite tired so God said:
"Let there be a day
Just for picnics, with wine and bread"
He gathered up some people he had made
Created blankets and laid back in the shade

The people sipped their wine
And what with God there, they asked him questions
Like: do you have to eat
Or get your hair cut in heaven?
And if your eye got poked out in this life
Would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?

God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him

So he said:"Once there was a boy
Who woke up with blue hair
To him it was a joy
Until he ran out into the warm air
He thought of how his friends would come to see;
And would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease?

God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him

The people sat waiting
Out on their blankets in the garden
But God said nothing
So someone asked him: "I beg your pardon:
I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke
Was that a parable, or a very subtle joke?"

God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them;
The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him

 Canlistener wrote:
Another Canadian act that should be for export only like Celine Dion and Nickleback.  The rest of the world can have them.... Crapolla
I'm with you on Celine and Nickleback, but I'll disagree as regards these guys.  FYI, one of the best live shows I've ever seen...

This is so good....
It was different then and it's different now but I like!!!
Guilty pleasure!
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home?
 shayde wrote:
Man I love this song (and this whole album).  
Agreed! Really enjoy this album as well.
Another Canadian act that should be for export only like Celine Dion and Nickleback.  The rest of the world can have them.... Crapolla
The overall rating seems low for such an amazing piece. It's worth an 8 for the bass line alone.
Blasphemous rumors and now this. Joy! {#Jump}
 shayde wrote:
Man I love this song (and this whole album).  

Yes, agreed. The production is incredible and this album goes very well with a sunny car ride.
Consistent, "meh". 

Gathered up, some people he had made.
This song always makes me smile and puts me in a good place.
The guy's voice needs to be slower and deeper.
 shayde wrote:
Man I love this song (and this whole album).  

Ditto my friend!!
Man I love this song (and this whole album).  
jenakle wrote:
there was this band that
sucked so ever mightily
it made me bang my head against a bat
and theeeeen
they tried to coooome back
and all over the sufferin' world
the people had deadly heart attacks
ooh ooh oooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooooh

LOL! I can see "Weird Al Yankovic" singing that but of course it would have to be a food parody! {#Lol}
Nifty grouping... "Angel"... "Blasphemous Rumours".... "God Shuffled His Feet"....  "Airline to Heaven"....  In Omaha it's Monday morning...  but... It's still Sunday on RP!!!
This guys have such a great sense of humor regarding life and religion.  The entire set is great!

I can name this song in one soundbite!  {#Roflol}
Clsoing track on this CD is a instrumental piano piece that is haunting and the memorable gem.
 Randomax wrote:
Whatever — I love CTD!!!  I loved this entire album!  The very fact that his voice is soooo distinct is the reason I love this group!

   Me too!  Good to hear this song again.  Very provocative lyrics, I can picture the scene he describes quite clearly!

Also check out The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead from the movie soundtrack "Dumb and Dumber." It's kind of a fun song which I have always liked, especially since Ellen Reid does such a great job of singing with Brad Roberts. Chances are Jim Carey knew some of the band members from his Toronto days and promoted them to cover this XTC track for his movie.

course it would be nice if people would question god but then that's the point of organized religion, right? not to question, but to have faith? I'm so not religious, oh my god.
 kaybee wrote:

 This is a nice followup to the heaviness of Depeche Mode.

What kaybee said!  I haven't heard this song in a wile. Great stuff.

check out the lead singer's solo live tunes (Brad Roberts?)... He definitely has a sense of humour. The set is half comedy act and then just him and his brother doing everything acoustically
 renegade_X wrote:
This guys voice has always cracked me up.
{#Yes}  Yes I think they don't expect to be taken too seriously.  This is a nice followup to the heaviness of Depeche Mode.

 siandbeth wrote:

Jim Morrison
Jim Nabors

Pavarotti, Frank Sinatra....mixing contrived with trained
BTW, sfearII, What if God Were One of Us was Joan Osborne...
Whatever — I love CTD!!!  I loved this entire album!  The very fact that his voice is soooo distinct is the reason I love this group!

Blasphemous Rumours
God Shuffled His Feet...

what's next... Alanis Morrisette's "What if God was One of Us?"

I do like this song, a lot!
hilarious.. i'm a fan.

i swear that sounds like GM to me ...



 F1 wrote:
Long time listener, first time writer. 

God, I hate that voice.
I'm kind of surprised at the black/white division of the comments.  The voice and the song take some getting used to and I wouldn't want to hear it all the time but it's like really spicy food.  Every once in awhile, you have a plate of it and go "$%$#'n excellent". I gave it a 9.

And write some more sometime.

 Odyzzeuz wrote:

Yeah, when it's so so stylized it slips into self-parody very quickly, which CTD jumped that shark long ago. That vocal intonation is hilarious when applied to other songs. Try singing a Beatles song in this style, if you can. It can be a riot.

Ok......"Black bird singing in the dead of ni......."  HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 F1 wrote:
Long time listener, first time writer. 

God, I hate that voice.
Yeah, when it's so so stylized it slips into self-parody very quickly, which CTD jumped that shark long ago. That vocal intonation is hilarious when applied to other songs. Try singing a Beatles song in this style, if you can. It can be a riot.
Long time listener, first time writer. 

God, I hate that voice.
Ooo, a trifecta of angsty reflection: Massive Attack's Angel, Depeche Mode and now this. Nice.
Absolutely 100% sucko-barfo terrible
 orpheus wrote:
what you call "affected" a helluva lot of the rest of us call "talented"

?  One can be talented and still be affected.  I didn't say he wasn't talented!  Sheesh.  

This guys voice has always cracked me up. :LOL:
Brad Roberts's voice sure seems to polarize folks. It is so unique for a lead instrument, I don't see how you can ignore it. Seriously, wouldn't you love to hear him hold down the bottom for the likes of, say, Crosby, Stills, and Nash or Chris Hillman, Herb Pederson, and the Rice brothers--both tenor/high tenor oriented ensembles?
there was this band that
sucked so ever mightily
it made me bang my head against a bat
and theeeeen
they tried to coooome back
and all over the sufferin' world
the people had deadly heart attacks
ooh ooh oooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooooh

Excellent playlist! Depeche Mode's "Blasphemous Rumors" to this CTD tune. Thanks Bill!
healyf52 wrote:
When it first came out, I really listened to this CD alot. I think my favorite tune was "When I Go Out with Artists" - cool groove and very satirical. Somehow, the singer's voice sounds deeper than it actually is. He sings primarily in the baritone range. I think it's the way he 'squeezes' the notes out that creates the illusion of a deeper voice.
I saw these folks live in a little club in Las Vegas, back in '94. Brad Roberts' (the singer in question) speaking voice is like rocks scraping together. It is most definitely not contrived. '
Saw these guys at the Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis... way back, bought the album and liked every song on it - many of them more than this one!
funkaholic wrote:
Can you think of a more contrived vocal styling?
Janis Joplin... though I do love her music.
What rathole did this genius go down ??
cool... love their bizarre take on things. I've bought their albums just to see what the next lyrical weirdness would be and was never let down.
I used to like this more (bought the cd when it came out), but... :-\
This doesn't belong here.
mfassett wrote:
Two words... Eddie Vedder. Pearl Jam has 8's and 9's in your ratings, and you don't get any more affected then him!
what you call "affected" a helluva lot of the rest of us call "talented"
AphidA wrote:
He may have a very deep voice but his singing voice is not naturally like that.
Two words... Eddie Vedder. Pearl Jam has 8's and 9's in your ratings, and you don't get any more affected then him!
I enjoy the slight story-tellish manner of the song at least, simple beat, not bad. This calls for a banana foot-shuffling, not quite as holy, but entertaining in it's own right.
One of my favorites...can remember cruising northern New Mexico with this playing...fond memories...
Used to be in the "f-in sucks" camp (during its radio play days). I accidentally bought the CD, though (along with another hundred CDs for a penny). Since then I've come to really like this and several other songs on the album (including When I Go Out with Artists). Give it a listen (if you can stand it).
Can you think of a more contrived vocal styling?
This song always reminds me of the novel, Almighty Me, by Robert Bausch (who is a friend of mine): (click here) He told us how he was inspired, in part, to write this book by his brother-in-law wondering if you were Jesus, would you have to shave, or trim your fingernails. As a matter of fact, I think the bil was a poet, who wrote a poem about that. The novel was bastardized on film, whose the only redeeming feature was Morgan Freeman as God.
This just f-ing sucks. Please continue with decent music.
daviddurham wrote:
Crash Test Dummies?! You've got to be kidding. You're playing this song ironically, right? What a pretentious load of crap. 'God shuffled his feet'? Lit major drop-outs unite.
Lighten up, Francis!
Love the song, how does he keep a straight face singing this
ziggytrix wrote:
What a long way of saying God can't be effed, I mean, He is ineffable. Reminds me of the end of the movie Dogma. :)
I'd rather hear Alanis sing this, honestly.
When it first came out, I really listened to this CD alot. I think my favorite tune was "When I Go Out with Artists" - cool groove and very satirical. Somehow, the singer's voice sounds deeper than it actually is. He sings primarily in the baritone range. I think it's the way he 'squeezes' the notes out that creates the illusion of a deeper voice.
OK....so I like thier music.....and unique voice.....I like the other end of the spectrum too.....Jon Anderson of Yes.....
Crash Test Dummies?! You've got to be kidding. You're playing this song ironically, right? What a pretentious load of crap. 'God shuffled his feet'? Lit major drop-outs unite.
What a long way of saying God can't be effed, I mean, He is ineffable. Reminds me of the end of the movie Dogma. :)
I had this CD when it first came out. I have to say that the whole thing is a little gimmicky to listen to as a whole because of the lead simger's deep bass voice, but a single song interspersed with songs from other artists is very enjoyable. (And that's one of the great things about RP!)
AphidA wrote:
I was so glad to see these jokers vanish into obscurity. Too bad we have to hear this guy's ridiculously affected voice on RP.
Actually this is what he sounds like. It is not affected at all. He just has a deep voice.
I was so glad to see these jokers vanish into obscurity. Too bad we have to hear this guy's ridiculously affected voice on RP. EDIT: Marr wrote:
Actually this is what he sounds like. It is not affected at all. He just has a deep voice.
Nonsense, dude. He may have a very deep voice but his singing voice is not naturally like that.
When played at low volume that guy's voice sounds like a fratboy belching contest. Even still, I inexplicably kinda like it.
dmax wrote:
I am inexplicably a huge fan of this album. It's laconic, thoughtful, and sometimes arbitrary and silly. Different sort of voice, different sort of lyrics - and not the mainstream. Not everyone likes it, which is what eclecticism is.
You know, I have always liked this album a lot. Once in a while I'll get it out a play it. Thanks for playing it today, RP!
I haven't checked if anyone else has said the same...but sounds a lot like Nick Cave to me. I like it a lot.
This was quite a song to behold in Victoria in 1994, stage set up on the British Columbia Legislature buildings stairs, 80,000 people in attendance.
I was just thinking of these guys the other day! I really liked this album (yes, album) when it came out. Thanks for bringing it back....
Woo-hoo! Another oldie I hadn't heard in a looong time! So nice when that happens! :-) Pity these folks kinda lost track.
Feeling a little religious today Bill? Sounds Good!
A singer with a voice; Praise the Lord.
Always liked this song.
I like this song - unlike most other songs that use the word "God," this one is laid-back and treats God as a whimsical character. As an agnostic who doesn't really care if there is a God, I found this song to be fun. If you think this is a religious song, I think you are completely wrong. If anything, I think it harmlessly pokes fun at a lot of firmly religious people (see the music video if you don't believe me).
bokey wrote:
This is shaping up to be the clueless creator set.XTC on the way?
Looks like it. Lets blame God for all the bad things that men do to each other. And praise men whenever something good happens. Idiotic reasoning again. I suppose we someone will now blame God for the shooting today. Sorry, but it was some nut case who was able to buy a semi-automatic from a catalogue and then go and shoot up a load of innocent victims. What about looking close and hard yet again at the US stupid, stupid, stupid gun laws! Made, approved and supported by a load of stupid, stupid, stupid American people.
Oh please! That's terrible. I'm not sure God should be in (Radiob) Paradise
This is shaping up to be the clueless creator set. XTC on the way?
I love his sound. Even if I do laugh when I see him sing. If I karaoked and were to get drunk enough, I'd do this tune just for fun.
steve_san_carlos wrote:
The freakin' one hit wonder Crash Test Dummmies? Please! This is painfully horrible. How about some "Paper Lace" next? Ban!!!
One hit wonder only as defined by the number of songs played on commercial radio stations. . .fortunately, we're listening to RP!
The freakin' one hit wonder Crash Test Dummmies? Please! This is painfully horrible. How about some "Paper Lace" next? Ban!!!
Outstandin' piece of music! Can't get enough of these guys!
bbqking wrote:
There's no accounting for taste. This entire album is wonderful. And the voice is captivating.
Had to give this one a 7 just to spite the whiners. Nothing wrong with CTD =)
Brad should be working in radio or making cash doing voice overs for commercials...
Janssen wrote:
Can his voice BE any more grating!!
Hey! We should team him up with Tom Waits! LOL!!!
I hate them because they opened the show for Elvis Costello at Shoreline. A bunch of younsters who'd heard this song played to death on the radio showed up to see the CTD's and then talked through Elvis. I was pissed off, ruined the concert for me. I actually like CTD's but the song brings the beast out now.
Mari wrote:
... Grate voice! ...
I agree. I think it would've been wild to hear a duet of this guy and the lead for Morphine. But since that guy is no longer around, another baritone would work. On the wiki: Brad, Dan, and Ellen returned as Crash Test Dummies at the end of 2002 with Jingle All The Way, a long-rumoured Christmas album. 2003 saw the release of Puss 'n' Boots. Songs of the Unforgiven, the eighth studio album under the Crash Test Dummies name, was recorded not long after Puss 'n' Boots. The Dummies Today On August 6, 2006 a message was posted by Brad Roberts on the band's website stating that the band was more or less done with touring and that he was currently working on an album, with Stewart Lerman, using the optigan and omnichord. Brad also stated that the new recordings will be released for download online, for a modest fee, instead of being sold in retail stores.
jah_blessed wrote:
Yep, definitely a solid 1. And not just because of the voice. Lifeless melody, boring production. Just terrible.
Excellent critique. I never understood how these guys got a record deal.
Weird Al became more famous than these guys doing the parody song from this album....it's a little ironic....don't ya think?
is this song about god getting called for traveling in a pickup basketball game?
dapower wrote:
Sounds a bit like the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs- "It takes the lotion and it rubs it on it's skin" Creepy.
HAHAHA!! Take the lotion from the basket!!!
... Grate voice! ...
There's no accounting for taste. This entire album is wonderful. And the voice is captivating.
Yet another perfectly solid instrumental.
daveesh wrote:
ugh. i can't stand this guy's voice.