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Radiohead — Thinking About You
Album: Pablo Honey
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Released: 1993
Length: 2:36
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Been thinking about you, your records are here
Your eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over there
But I'm still no one and you're now a star
What do you care?

Been thinking about you and there's no rest
Shit, I still love you, still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself and what do you care
When the other men are far, far better?

All the things you've got
All the things you need
Who bought you cigarettes?
Who bribed the company to come and see you, honey?

I've been thinking about you, so how can you sleep?
These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet
They don't know what I know and why should you care
When I'm not there?

Been thinking about you and there's no rest
Should I still love you, still see you in bed?
But I'm playing with myself and what do you care
When I'm not there?

All the things you've got
She'll never need
All the things you've got
I've bled and I bleed to please you

Been thinking about you
Comments (106)add comment
It's really Black Rebel motorcycle Club, am I right?
Glad to hear this dusted off on RP! Classic. 
Old School, unplugged Radiohead.  Still love it. 
 casagozo wrote:
Wow, I can't believe that was Radiohead. I've NEVER wanted to find the "skip" button before and I never thought it would be to stop a painfully bad song by Radiohead. I generally love Radiohead, but that is a terrible, terrible song.

What, is Thom not quavering enough for you on this one?

This reminds me of The Waterboys but The Waterboys are way better. Still, this isn't a bad song. Just sounds like Radiohead hadn't found it's sound yet.
The rockin days of Radiohead.
An old friend I've not heard from for ages. Love it.

casagozo wrote:
Wow, I can't believe that was Radiohead. I've NEVER wanted to find the "skip" button before and I never thought it would be to stop a painfully bad song by Radiohead. I generally love Radiohead, but that is a terrible, terrible song.

This is old school Radiohead.  embrace it.   

Perhaps the best song from an excellent album.  What a debut!
You clearly know nothing about this band then.

casagozo wrote:
Wow, I can't believe that was Radiohead. I've NEVER wanted to find the "skip" button before and I never thought it would be to stop a painfully bad song by Radiohead. I generally love Radiohead, but that is a terrible, terrible song.


little known Radiohead.  Love this album.  pure, old school All their albums are great including this one. 
Wow, I can't believe that was Radiohead. I've NEVER wanted to find the "skip" button before and I never thought it would be to stop a painfully bad song by Radiohead. I generally love Radiohead, but that is a terrible, terrible song.
Radiohead, together with Metallica and the Smashing Pumpkins, belong to a category of bands that not only I do dislike, but I actually do not understand how they get any critical respect at all.

But I like one song: Fake Plastic Trees.
Favourite song on the album.
Sometimes we get too much Radiohead and I always think they never got as good as in the begining ... and here it comes this Pablo Honey album song to enjoy them again!
Sing to me Thom!{#Clap}
 lemmoth wrote:

I couldn't agree more - the only comparison of starting from a great point with wonderful songs like this and evolving into increasingly interesting, artistically challenging yet accessible work is the Beatles

I love RH.  Also, I can think of at least a dozen musicians/bands that have similarly evolved as RH over time.  Don't change and you'll have a short career.
Never heard it before. so Beautiful.
 RandomousJam wrote:
So interesting and beautiful how Radiohead evolved over time.

I couldn't agree more - the only comparison of starting from a great point with wonderful songs like this and evolving into increasingly interesting, artisitcally challenging yet accessible work is the Beatles
Thank you RP!
This is a blast to my ears {#Hearteyes} 
 RandomousJam wrote:
So interesting and beautiful how Radiohead evolved over time.

I think you will find three words need to be replaced with depressing, unfortunate and devolved.  This however is beautiful.
So interesting and beautiful how Radiohead evolved over time.
Pablo Honey is a really good album.  I know---for it was I who first discovered Radiohead, like Gore invented the Internet.
I was in Hong Kong at the Hotel Elizabeth in Kowloon late '93 and turning on the tube and there on MTV was Radiohead; my 1st exposure.
Better with each listen. Great lyrics. Totally captures the early '90s malaise.

Shazam!  Love this song!  Amen!
The Radiohead I would appreciate if I heard more of it. 

Everybody in my church loves this song...

Good ....couldv been great ... 
There are some wonderful songs in this early record.

Whatever style or instrumentation or vocal affectations they have chosen over the years, one thing hasn't changed and that is great songwriting.

Never heard it before. NICE!
Wonderful tune! A nice foreshadow of the depth and brilliance to come.
On balance and over the last 20 years I feel Radiohead is sometimes hit and miss.   except for KidA which is the best 45 minute track of all time.  I have it on a playlist along with Suppers ready, Echoes, Xanadu and Fanfare for the common man.
 StoneyG wrote:

But don't you think it's great BECAUSE it's not immediately accessible?  Isn't all great art?   Why should it be immediately accessible?  It's not a vitamin pill.  I agree, it's all good....
Being "immediately accessible" does not make something bad art either.  Sometimes the message comes across sooner than other times.  However, it does seem I may often have a better appreciation for something I may not have "gotten" at first.  Anyhow, vitamin pills are generally not immediate.

 soulseeker wrote:
Beautiful and haunting. Radiohead ALWAYS rocks! Then and now... IMHO it's all great. Maybe not immediately accessible but I've found that the more I listen, the more whatever album it is appeals to me.
But don't you think it's great BECAUSE it's not immediately accessible?  Isn't all great art?   Why should it be immediately accessible?  It's not a vitamin pill.  I agree, it's all good.  Most of Pablo Honey, in my opinion (oh sorry, IMO), pales in comparison to the rest of their catalog.  For me, both Kid A and OK Computer, for instance, really grew on me over time.

 romeotuma wrote:

Everybody in my motel room be dancing...  love it
how does one dance to this?
Beautiful and haunting. Radiohead ALWAYS rocks! Then and now... IMHO it's all great. Maybe not immediately accessible but I've found that the more I listen, the more whatever album it is appeals to me.
Hadn't heard this for going on ten years I guess, but I can still lip-sync every word from memory - most strange.

Stand out song from Pablo for me. I always found it a bit innacessible, compounded by the fact that Creep garnered the overplayed 'coolness' that it did.

Looking back though Radiohead have still to produce a poor album.
First Radiohead song I have not enjoyed.
Great song! I love it :) And it is amazing how the evolved from a standard Indie band to what they are now...unique!
Thank you for playing this song
 Sloggydog wrote:

Well actually thats the rubbish i was talking of.  Though i heard a few tracks from it accoustic and without the crap added in and i kind of liked them.  Not nearly as much as the 1st two albums but still.
Oh, come now...

OK Computer is one of the great albums of all time.

I like the more recent albums, but I'd understand how fans of the first THREE could be turned off by Kid A and later.

But OK Computer is one of the great albums of all times.  As far as I can tell, that's pretty much general consensus so I'm stating this as fact and not just my own opinion ;-) 
 Sloggydog wrote:
OK so where are all the weirdo Radiohead freaks now.  Here is the evidence that they started a brilliant band and lasted 2 albums before degenerating into the rubbish that their fans seem to back on this site.  Pablo Honey + The Bends(including the my iron lung ep) are awesome.  I wonder what happened in the meeting where they veered away.  "I know lets forget the cool music and lyrics and just put crappy and irritating computer noises in"

Just ran out of ideas i guess. Many bands have 2 alblums in them and no more..(.violent femmes and pixies for instance).
 Pommie wrote:
Radiohead classic before they got a bit arsey

I've never heard the word "arsey" before. Arsey! Yeah!

I'm afraid he can't sing all that well.

 miahfost wrote:

What about OK Computer? That rocks!
Well actually thats the rubbish i was talking of.  Though i heard a few tracks from it accoustic and without the crap added in and i kind of liked them.  Not nearly as much as the 1st two albums but still.
 Sloggydog wrote:
OK so where are all the weirdo Radiohead freaks now.  Here is the evidence that they started a brilliant band and lasted 2 albums before degenerating into the rubbish that their fans seem to back on this site.  Pablo Honey + The Bends(including the my iron lung ep) are awesome.  I wonder what happened in the meeting where they veered away.  "I know lets forget the cool music and lyrics and just put crappy and irritating computer noises in"
What about OK Computer? That rocks!
I wish I was Thom Yorke. {#Dancingbanana}
OK so where are all the weirdo Radiohead freaks now.  Here is the evidence that they started a brilliant band and lasted 2 albums before degenerating into the rubbish that their fans seem to back on this site.  Pablo Honey + The Bends(including the my iron lung ep) are awesome.  I wonder what happened in the meeting where they veered away.  "I know lets forget the cool music and lyrics and just put crappy and irritating computer noises in"
Radiohead classic before they got a bit arsey
 horstman wrote:
I don't think Putin is much further behind George in the devil department (only perhaps much smarter)!
Or the Joker.

Fantastic - never expected this one - but one of my favourites and haven't heard it for ages!

Ironic —- the least Radiohead-sounding track I've heard here, and one I actually don't mind.

Pablo Honey is a much better album than it gets credit for.  The great irony about Radiohead is that Creep is really a pretty weak song.  "Stop whispering, start shouting" from this album, is awesome.
miahfost wrote:
Oh, and George Bush is evil.
I don't think Putin is much further behind George in the devil department (only perhaps much smarter)!
screechy teen age angst hatemyselfmymommydadmyschool trying new bass chords 'cus they like be like totally total dude i'llfixyou i'll get my pipe and brillo and smokeit then sing aboutdat, yo.
Slipstream wrote:
Ummmm...sorry, but I'm not feeling this one at all.
me either, and they are one of my favorite bands. 3
Ummmm...sorry, but I'm not feeling this one at all.
squidish wrote:
Radiohead is the Pink Floyd of m-m-my generation...
Perhaps that explains why neither do much for me--I'm a generation in between.
Nothing like Radiohead to clear the morning clouds.
squidish wrote:
Radiohead is the Pink Floyd of m-m-my generation...
Radiohead is the Pink Floyd of m-m-my generation...
milehighYinzer wrote:
Seems like we need to keep it more simple for the 75% of the people who can't get the Kid A through Hail to the Theif stuff. Play more stuff from Hail to the Theif and Kid A.
Äshc. Radiohead is a great band, but they try to damn hard to obfuscate their message in an attempt to avoid "selling out." The early records through OK Computer were fantastic, after that they descend into a self-righteous set of electronic doodles, a pastiche of contemporary music. I welcome the alternative to corporate pop fascism but I wish they would leaven their righteous seriousness with a little melody once in a while. Oh, and George Bush is evil.
Been a lot of old Radiohead on RP lately. Seems like we need to keep it more simple for the 75% of the people who can't get the Kid A through Hail to the Theif stuff. Play more stuff from Hail to the Theif and Kid A.
Darkmatter wrote:
I just remembered a very early interview with Radiohead, circa "Pablo Honey". A young Thom Yorke was a bit reluctant playing the album to his mother, because of the "playing with myself" bit. Pretty cute, but things have changed.
From what I heard he was offered a position in Take That, but didn't want to play second fiddle to Robbie Williams. His mum insisted it would be the better career move, but he was adamant to go with the nerdier Radiohead, so she kicked him out of the house. Hence "Creep". (OK, I made that up.)
Anyone else think this has a Plimsouls sound to it? It didn't sound like typical Radiohead to me.
HELL YEA!!! Thanks a pile for this one!!!
algrif wrote:
What do you mean..after.. It sucks bigtime now!
I share the sentiment. The attraction of this band has always eluded me and will likely continue to...
I just remembered a very early interview with Radiohead, circa "Pablo Honey". A young Thom Yorke was a bit reluctant playing the album to his mother, because of the "playing with myself" bit. Pretty cute, but things have changed.
Wow, never heard this and never would have guessed it was RH. Thom's voice isn't making my ears bleed.
mafe wrote:
I just love Radiohead. Pre abduction and post abduction.
Define "abduction"... OK Computer? hmmm
cptbuz wrote:
not long after this Radiohead decided to suck
What do you mean..after.. It sucks bigtime now!
I just love Radiohead. Pre abduction and post abduction.
This one takes me right back to high school.
not long after this Radiohead decided to suck
WOW thanks rp! i forgotten how much i love this song, thanks for taking me back in time a lil
I thought this was gonna be a Nick Drake song from the intro. It's not that much of a stretch to think of him doing this one...
This is almost tolerable.
This album was named from a Jerky Boys call. Wonder if we'll ever hear the Jerky Boys on RP. Pablo, honey come to Florida. Are you washing your ass, Pablo?
you could not have played a better song at this moment in time, this album is still my favorite from radiohead
one my favorite radiohead songs...melts a girls heart
Anyone heard this one in concert recently? Seems like they don't trot out much PH any more... Excellent tune that showed signs of things to come.
Radiohead have revealed little details about the new album to be released in 2006. I have written a couple of articles, including an mp3 of "Arpeggi" and video link for "House of Cards." (click here) (click here)
Still remember those chunky chords & Thom's vocals from Creep that made me stop in my tracks as I passed the video playing on tv. Bought this CD and wondered if they'd ever match the simple brilliance of Creep. Of course they didn't. They blew it out of the water.
I like pretty much every Radiohead song recorded; this is not one of them, unfortunately. Who would've thought this is the same band that made OK Computer?
radiohead = excellent band, excellent songwriting.
This song marked a broken hearted period of my life... Cried a lot to it.
Ugh, I don't know what it is, but so often when I hear a song and think 'ugh, this is almost annoying enough for me to switch over to the LRC' it turns out that it's Radiohead.
These people aren't your friends, their payed to kiss your feet. I love this song.
999_99_999 wrote:
Awesome! The oft, overlooked album that turned me on this band.
Same here! So many discount this album, but it's my first introduction to the band and still one of my favorites. I wonder what it is that people don't take to?
I just love the lyrics of this song. Early Radiohead at their very best. :) Been thinking about you And there's no rest Should I still love you Still see you in bed But I'm playing with myself What do you care? When I'm not there
aww, baby Radiohead! I know it wasn't that long ago, but Thom sounds so young.
Awesome! The oft, overlooked album that turned me on this band.
What an awesome album!
Yeah! Pablo Honey!
Great addition. My favorite track from Pablo Honey.