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Gomez — Miles End
Album: In Our Gun
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Total ratings: 793

Released: 2002
Length: 4:17
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Chinese symbols on his robe
Never gonna match up with that smile
He's wearing mostly black and gold
It's been twelve days
The longest for a while

He's been fortunate
He can't tell a lie
Redheads, blondes, brunettes
They all fall for his lines

He's been king now for so long
His days are numbered
Times have changed, so move along
The dream is over

Draped across Egyptian linen
Even Cleopatra casts an eye
A gossamer see-through zipped up tracksuit
Champagne bottle, ten o'clock on fire

He's been fortunate
He cannot deny
Jacuzzi baronet
With soap suds in his eyes

He's been king now for so long
His days are numbered
Times have changed, so move along
The dream is over

He's been king now for so long
His days are numbered
Times have changed, so move along
The dream is over

We've been waiting for so long
We think it's over
Comments (119)add comment
 Cynaera wrote:
I love Gomez - this is a really good song, and fits in well with the kind of day I've had. I think I'm done - gonna cut my motor and glide...{#Sunny}

So great to come across a Cynaera post for the first time.  RIP Anne  
"He's been fortunate
He cannot deny
Jacuzzi baronet
With soap suds in his eyes"

What great lyrics. Thanks, Gomez!
I'm so glad this is back in rotation. Another RP gem I loved that I had forgotten about.
 var wrote:

well, I'd have to say these guys cease to amaze me. Their new stuff is growing on me, but it's still all good stuff. :)

i just wanted to reply to something posted 21 years ago.  i dig this band.  seen em a handful of times.  when will they have some new stuff coming out?
Love this song.  And the lyrics are written 100% about my brother. King of the womanizers, but now that he is in his late 40s, things have changed.  
 coolpeople_rule wrote:
This is my favorite Gomez voaclist.

Check out his solo albums......OUTSTANDING!!!  ( Ben Ottewell)
RP is killin' it today!  LOVE,Love, love!
This is my favorite Gomez voaclist.
Reminds me a bit of Panic and John Bell.  Like it!
 miahfost wrote:

Yeah, because George Bush wasn't President then.


He was, but hardly "for so long".
Gomez will be in Raliegh in the 20th, supporting their new LP  "Options"...can't wait to see them!!!
 jules44 wrote:

Ben's new lp is fabulous...if you like this ...you'll like it. I love his voice and he is an amazing songwrite

saw him play here in LA, about 10 ft away... he was amazingly good solo

 Pharlap wrote:
did they break up? If so, too bad. Really very catchy songs
no, in fact they're pressing a new album as we speak...  they've always also done their own side projects in addition to Gomez

 Tana wrote:

Just checked in and saw your post. Cool!
On a slightly different note ... this is a Ben song and he has a new album out. Anyone have reactions? What little I've heard is very Ben, which is fine w/me.

Ben's new lp is fabulous...if you like this ...you'll like it. I love his voice and he is an amazing songwrite

 choffman2001 wrote:

Thanks, Tana! I, too, am familiar only with their more recent releases. I took your advice and clicked through to Amazon to purchase the Bring It On AND Liquid Skin CDs! Appreciate the recommendation!
Just checked in and saw your post. Cool!
On a slightly different note ... this is a Ben song and he has a new album out. Anyone have reactions? What little I've heard is very Ben, which is fine w/me.

did they break up? If so, too bad. Really very catchy songs
Never met a Gomez song that I didn't like...make that, LOVE!  {#Good-vibes}
I love Gomez - this is a really good song, and fits in well with the kind of day I've had. I think I'm done - gonna cut my motor and glide...{#Sunny}
Always liked this song best, and the entire album, thanks again bill!

A most excellent song.
 Tana wrote:

Many people point to Bring It On, their first, as their best, but my husband and I got seriously addicted to Liquid Skin. Once you're acclimated, try Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline, which has some variations and expansions on other material, along with Getting Better, done for a commercial but a nice step out. And catch them live if you ever can. We did last Friday night and it exceeded all expectations by far. New album 3/31/09, on Jimmy Fallon that night.

Thanks, Tana! I, too, am familiar only with their more recent releases. I took your advice and clicked through to Amazon to purchase the Bring It On AND Liquid Skin CDs! Appreciate the recommendation!

I really like this band....  there's just something about them.   Kinda like Big Head Todd and the Monsters.    I can tell it's them, but I don't know what it is that attracts me to them.........   

I always sing along...very, very badly I might add to this song!!{#Bananajam}
I like this Goatmess song. Their stuff is so variable to so some only gets a 3 from me and other like this get much higher.
Thank you RP for Gomez, I didn't know about them b4!
Saw these guys at Byron Bay and they are definitely a great band live. Always liked their stuff and it always takes me a moment or two to work out who it is as there is so much variation.

Cake were on immediately after them followed by George Clinton so that was officially a great day.
What a great frickin band! As Bad Company once sang, can't get enough.....!{#Cool}
 missy_pringle wrote:
Very nice.  I love Gomez but haven't looked into their older material, going to do that now!
Many people point to Bring It On, their first, as their best, but my husband and I got seriously addicted to Liquid Skin. Once you're acclimated, try Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline, which has some variations and expansions on other material, along with Getting Better, done for a commercial but a nice step out. And catch them live if you ever can. We did last Friday night and it exceeded all expectations by far. New album 3/31/09, on Jimmy Fallon that night.

 miahfost wrote:

Yeah, because George Bush wasn't President then.

GW was inaugurated in 2001, so yes he was.

Very nice.  I love Gomez but haven't looked into their older material, going to do that now!
If ever there was a band to look out for it is Gomez. Since they started out (commercially) they've moved from being quirky but good to one of those bands you're proud to have in a collection. They continue to get better and better. Get to see them live if you can. My personal favourite song is Rie's Wagon.
Hannio wrote:
If you want it to be, I suppose. But since this album came out in 2002, I would say no.

Yeah, because George Bush wasn't President then.

These guys put on a great show. Don't miss 'em. IMHO one of the best blues type voices going today.
babyjuice wrote:
"he's been King for so long, his days are numbered" George Bush reference?
If you want it to be, I suppose. But since this album came out in 2002, I would say no.
"he's been King for so long, his days are numbered" George Bush reference?
Like many of you this is the tune that turned me on to Gomez (thanks RP!). I checked out their most recent album and was slightly let down. I then delved deeper and found Liquid Skin and Split the Difference to be excellent records. Check them out!
This is so good! RP turned me on to Gomez as well, like so many of you. Check out their archived live performance on MSN: (click here)
most gomez songs played on RP draw me to check out who\'s playing this damn good song . .
Gomez is amazing. If you haven\'t seen them live, be sure to. Ben\'s voice is astonishing. And he\'s become an exceptional guitar player over the past 10 years.
Thanks for the introduction to Gomez. This is one of the examples of why Internet radio benefits the group; I went right out & bought the cd once I knew about it.
My sister came back from Ireland with the first Gomez cd. I listened to it over and over on a bicycle tour down the coast of California. I was hooked. Try 'em live, but bring your ear plugs.
Sounds like great driving music! When, oh when will I be able to get RP in my car?
Reminds me of a trip to Amsterdam with this playing in my favorite coffeehouse... ah the memories.
Never heard before, but also very impressive...
At least there are no 1's for this one. Ping One Down, Tux, Ping One Down.
Best Gomez song ever. In my honest opinion. This song turned me onto this band. Still remember the first time I listened to this song after buying the album. The car drive, the landscape passing by me and then this. . . Pure perfection.
Great Band, just saw them in Sacramento, check out my review in the RP Journals.
I'm no highbrow, just a voracious musical omnivore, so... I LOVE Gomez, and RP for introducing me to this and many other fine bands!
For some reason I can not put my finger on, this songs always makes me think of California (the state). Odd, huh? Oh--and in a good way.
Definetly one of the premier bands from the past several years. The singer's voice reminds me of Grant Lee Philips.
Such a great vocal !
This is the only album of theirs I have. I should get more.
This is my favorite Gomez track.
horstman wrote:
This song was the first Gomez song I have heard on Radio Paradise. I have since bought all their albums. This song has such a compelling music line and an ever buildup of sound and intensity similar to rulers whose power rises and rises and then just putters out.
wow, i just signed in to post almost the exact same thing. great minds think alike!
This song was the first Gomez song I have heard on Radio Paradise. I have since bought all their albums. This song has such a compelling music line and an ever buildup of sound and intensity similar to rulers whose power rises and rises and then just putters out. Great tune! Thanks Bill and Rebecca for enriching my life.
They played in Minneapolis last year. I'm really upset I didn't get to see them. I pretty much fell in love with them since their first album, and they just keep getting better and better. Great band.
Dianyla wrote:
Perhaps you should first focus on becoming literate in English before critiquing others on their music (il)literacy?
goes from 8 to 9 great voice & melody...
nice voice....sounds good this afternoon :)
Work? Whattya talkin' about? It's Saturday night. Nice song, great set. An 8. thewiseking wrote:
i like Gomez. i think rating songs is silly. i try not to comment on the opinions of others, unless they mess with me. i like radio paradise i should be working now
i like Gomez. i think rating songs is silly. i try not to comment on the opinions of others, unless they mess with me. i like radio paradise i should be working now
th3boon wrote:
boo on the haters. these guys rock and keep evolving with each album. bad haters, bad.
boo on the haters. these guys rock and keep evolving with each album. bad haters, bad.
Dianyla wrote:
Perhaps you should first focus on becoming literate in English before critiquing others on their music (il)literacy?
What has mastering (perfect) english (capitalized or not) to do with musical taste? Not all here have got a native english tongue. I don't, and I never ever presumed my english is perfect. Probably far from it. But not speaking (or writing) perfect english does not influence my taste, and I only rate songs I actually hear (or have heared in the past).
Tux wrote:
Music illiterates or not (where is your defenition of illiterate?)
Perhaps you should first focus on becoming literate in English before critiquing others on their music (il)literacy?
Roverfish wrote:
That said, this is a great tune from Gomez. According to MY taste.
Mine too, taste be damned. 9+.
Tux wrote:
I must admit I probably did not hear all gomez' songs, and based on the songs I did hear and rate, I don't think I want to...blah blah blah
All hail Tux, defender of musical taste for the taste-challenged. The guy's point was that physicsidiot takes the extreme of posting noise even if he's only heard one song...sometimes, maybe none! His mistake clearly was using the word "taste" which sets you off on a half-page lecture. That said, this is a great tune from Gomez. According to MY taste.
Mugro wrote:
Who is gomez, and why do we have to be subjected to so many of his songs?
He's a Mexican guy apprenhended trying to cross the border, escaped and made his way to Paradise where looking for work in the local vegetable fields stumbled his way to RP and has been holding Bill and Rebecca hostage, forcing them to play his music and do his laundry while pretending that everything is ok. He's also responsible for U2, REM, and 1910 Fruitgum Company. One side note: every negative comment about any of the previously mentioned bands irritates this "Gomez" fellow to the extent that he zaps a jolt of strontium nitrate through Bill's PC causing great consternation to all primates within a three kilometer area.
good song, never heard 'em B4........ :D
Who is gomez, and why do we have to be subjected to so many of his songs?
physicsgenius wrote:
We don't really like the Pearl Jam we already have, why would we want another one?
I loved PJ. I felt, though, like they ran out of staem. Gomez is similar, fresh and A W E S O M E!
Tux Sux Dux Redux!
Music illiterate or not, I really like a lot of these guys tunes. Music is what music does for YOU! If you don't like it, turn the station. We are not "illiterates" because "we" like a certain type of music... Rock on... :sunny.gif:
Love this song, but the MP3 artifacts - the swishy sounds you hear when they reach the chorus - are very obvious. Almost distracting. Bill can you load a new copy?
ecorunner wrote:
Obviously, you have no idea what these bands are like.....You judge that based on one song. Of course, even on this forum, there is going to be music illiterates that express their opinion.
I must admit I probably did not hear all gomez' songs, and based on the songs I did hear and rate, I don't think I want to 78 Stone Wobble < - > Black-Eyed Dog < 2 > Bring Your Lovin' Back Here < 3 > Catch Me Up < 2 > Detroit Swing 66 < - > In Our Gun < 1 > Me, You And Everybody < 2 > Miles End < 2 > Nothing is Wrong < 2 > Pick Up The Pieces < - > Ping One Down < 2 > Revolutionary Kind < - > Rex Kramer < 2 > Shot Shot < 3 > Silence < 1 > Sweet Virginia < 2 > (but very close to a < 1 >) These 3 Sins < 2 > Whippin' Piccadilly < 2 > So on avarage, I rated Gomez' songs a 1.964. If you can tell me that the songs I did not rate yet would be much better than those I already rated, than you are right, but based on what I heared and rated, I'd rather not hear Gomez anymore at all. Music illiterates or not (where is your defenition of illiterate?), rating is usually based on taste, and taste is personal, and has nothing to do with knowledge about the musicians (normally, but YMMV) 14 May 2005: updated the ratings and the avarage (2.5 => 1.96), since I did rate more songs than in my original post.
Obviously, you have no idea what these bands are like.....You judge that based on one song. Of course, even on this forum, there is going to be music illiterates that express their opinion. physicsgenius wrote:
We don't really like the Pearl Jam we already have, why would we want another one?
We don't really like the Pearl Jam we already have, why would we want another one?
I got introduced to this band a couple of years ago. I saw them live not hearing any of their songs before. They were incredibly awesome, and i had to buy all of their cds. I have seen them twice now. Most excellent live. Thanks RP. Play more
Wasn't paying much attention, but I thought it was Pearl Jam. The vocalists sound similar in delivery....
Gomez are amazing.... more... more... more
Sounds like an updated Harry Chapin...
sfearll wrote:
OK... the last three times I've had to look up from my desk to see "who is that?!" on RP, it's been a Gomez song. guess I'm gonna have to buy a CD or two..! thanks again, Bill! Sarah
Yep - that's exactly how I came to own this one! Love it.
like this group---nice sound and tight tune.....
OK... the last three times I've had to look up from my desk to see "who is that?!" on RP, it's been a Gomez song. guess I'm gonna have to buy a CD or two..! thanks again, Bill! Sarah :sunny.gif:
A little too average for my tastes.
Awesome tune!
Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline is the weakest album. Has some good songs, but a lot of filler. Gomez's other albums are all strong. Take a listen to archived perfomances at (click here).
great lyrics...
shamalama wrote:
Anyone else hear Widespread Panic in this song?
The bass and guitar reminds me of The Sea & Cake. :)
AliGator wrote:
I love this guy's voice. Yum!
Coudln't agree with you more. Mellow and easy to listen to.
trancefussion wrote:
funny you say that, because the first time i heard this track I thought it was WSP. To my benefit it wasn't and I was forced to purchase an album by Gomez, which turned out to be a wise decision. Put simply, these guys can flat out rock, as you can witness from this song.
Funny that I was listening to Widespread Panic the other day thinking how they sound like GOMEZ. Fine by me.
I think I need to buy this cd.......yes, I think I will right now!
I love this guy's voice. Yum!
Going the see these guys at "The Fabulous Commodore Ballroom" next month ----- I am, as the young people say, stoked!
Love it, love it, love it!
bumper wrote:
Gomez. without RP i never would have heard them. now i can't live without 'em. blue moon rising shot shot perfect stuff.
Yeah, it is splendid that RP plays a good amount of Gomez. and kudos to those few commercial stations that make the effort to dig into Gomez.
Gomez. without RP i never would have heard them. now i can't live without 'em. blue moon rising shot shot perfect stuff.
That's some FINE percussion! That's it, I've no choice but to buy this album. Damn you, RP! ;-)
Originally Posted by shamalama: Anyone else hear Widespread Panic in this song?
funny you say that, because the first time i heard this track I thought it was WSP. To my benefit it wasn't and I was forced to purchase an album by Gomez, which turned out to be a wise decision. Put simply, these guys can flat out rock, as you can witness from this song.
Originally Posted by shamalama: Anyone else hear Widespread Panic in this song?
There's a lot of Gomez in there too.
Originally Posted by shamalama: Anyone else hear Widespread Panic in this song?
I thought kinda Tim Buckley.
Originally Posted by yancy: This song is from their 3rd album, which is excellent, but does not does live up to the expecatations set by their first two albums. Of course, the bar was set awfully high. I feel for them: how do you continue to be creative at the same level without completely reinventing your sound? Only a few bands, like Medeski, Martin and Wood, have accomplished the feat...
Yancy- You're missing an album in there. "In our Gun" is their 4th album. There's "Bring it On", "Liquid Skin", and "Shopping Trolley" in there. All three are top notch. It'll be like a new release for you.
Kind of has that 1980\'s-faux-hippie-on-campus sound. That\'s a good thing, I guess. Brings back memories. A universal \"sitting on the grass courtyard next to the library listening to free music and sharing a joint at 3pm on a sunny April day when I should be in class....\" sound.
I agree that this new album lacks something that the othes just \'had\' but I still cna\'t resist. I have seen them 4 times in Phili and it\'s been a rough crowd every time and they always make it a great show. More Gomez needed, for sure :>
I can\'t get over how much I love listening to this song.
This song is from their 3rd album, which is excellent, but does not does live up to the expecatations set by their first two albums. Of course, the bar was set awfully high. I feel for them: how do you continue to be creative at the same level without completely reinventing your sound? Only a few bands, like Medeski, Martin and Wood, have accomplished the feat...
Nice Groove
agreed... more gomez please.
very nice. more gomez, pleez :D
I don\'t get it.
Originally Posted by envy: Liked what I heard so much, went out and bought the CD - Great.
Me too! Used the RP link. Great album - was listening to it this am on the way to work.
damn good stuff.
well, I\'d have to say these guys cease to amaze me. Their new stuff is growing on me, but it\'s still all good stuff. :)