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Alanis Morissette — Utopia
Album: Under Rug Swept
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Total ratings: 847

Released: 2001
Length: 4:44
Plays (last 30 days): 1
We'd gather around,
All in a room,
Fasten our belts,
Engage in dialogue.
We'd all slow down,
Rest without guilt,
Not lie without fear,
Disagree ''sans jugement''.

We would stay and respond and expand and include
And allow and forgive and enjoy and evolve
And discern and inquire and accept and admit
And divulge and open and reach out and speak up

This is utopia, this is my utopia,
This is my ideal: my end in sight.
Utopia, this is my utopia,
This is my Nirvana: my ultimate.

We'd open our arms.
We'd all jump in.
We'd all coast down
Into safety nets.

We would share and listen and support and welcome,
Be propelled by passion, not invest in outcomes,
We would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference,
Be gentle and make room for every emotion

This is utopia, this is my utopia,
This is my ideal: my end in sight.
Utopia, this is my utopia,
This is my Nirvana: my ultimate.

We'd provide forums.
We'd all speak out.
We'd all be heard.
We'd all feel seen.

We'd rise post-obstacle, more defined, more grateful,
We would heal, be humbled and be unstoppable,
We'd hold close and let go, and know when to do which,
We'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe

This is utopia, this is my utopia,
This is my ideal: my end in sight.
Utopia, this is my utopia,
This is my Nirvana: my ultimate.
Comments (131)add comment
il mio sentimento
Very un-Alanis, compared to what I grew up hearing from her.
 Trustocity wrote:
Random thought -- isn't it interesting how "cutting edge" changes its meaning? I mean, eight years ago, Alanis was the queen/savior of alternative pop. Now she's, like, such a sellout. I wonder who among the new edge (Postal Service, Modest Mouse, Nellie McKay) will one day be hocking their wares on VH1 the way past percieved-as-edgy artists do (Sheryl Crow, Alanis, Tori, Stones, McCartney, the list never ever ends).
"Cutting-edge" means the latest, newest, forefront of the field; the avant-garde.  It's meaning does not change.

Rather, artists labeled "cutting edge" tend to fall away for many reasons, including that society views them as old or passe.
 skooba wrote:
Sounds like Alanis has grown up and gotten over all that angst.
Her total acquired earnings probably helped.  (<-- says the cynic inside me.)
Not the biggest Alanis fan, but man...this song is SO beautiful.
This was a 6 for me until I read the lyrics.....now it is a 7.

It reminds me of my own time in India where much time was spent sitting on rugs in small rooms enjoying chai tea and very honest and provocative conversation.
So hard when such a wonderful song reminds you of a time that is LONG gone, with people that are dead to you....  tears...
 Trustocity wrote:
Random thought -- isn't it interesting how "cutting edge" changes its meaning? I mean, eight years ago, Alanis was the queen/savior of alternative pop. Now she's, like, such a sellout. I wonder who among the new edge (Postal Service, Modest Mouse, Nellie McKay) will one day be hocking their wares on VH1 the way past percieved-as-edgy artists do (Sheryl Crow, Alanis, Tori, Stones, McCartney, the list never ever ends).

Becoming famous and successful disqualifies one from being "cutting edge" or rebellious.  Everyone knows that.
 ExploitingChaos wrote:
Im in a bad mood. This song sucks.
Way to own your bad mood...and when you've decided to be in a good mood maybe you'll find this to be a good tune.....I'm at an 8, finding her voice very gentle now versus back in the 90s....Long Live RP!!
a song of the heart for sure
Famous Blue Raincoatish
Im in a bad mood. This song sucks.
such a beautiful song ! it deserves more than this 6.2 average in my opinion. Her voice is so clear and the music so dreamy, excellent !
should be swept under the rug
I couldn't listen to this again, it's unpleasant. I always enjoyed her other material. :-D
I could listen to this again, it's not unpleasant.  I always enjoyed her material.
Sounds like Alanis has grown up and gotten over all that angst.
Random thought -- isn't it interesting how "cutting edge" changes its meaning? I mean, eight years ago, Alanis was the queen/savior of alternative pop. Now she's, like, such a sellout. I wonder who among the new edge (Postal Service, Modest Mouse, Nellie McKay) will one day be hocking their wares on VH1 the way past percieved-as-edgy artists do (Sheryl Crow, Alanis, Tori, Stones, McCartney, the list never ever ends).
snarf wrote:
This song is like a free ride when I already paid. It's like a black fly... Oh forget it.
;) .
is it old-fashioned janis ian i hear? maybe it's just a flashback. for the record, i'm a huge alanis fan. varied music, strength across a spectrum ... no one-trick pony, in my eyes. er, ears.
i'm not normally so blunt, but she's terrible.
lot's of negativity, my, my....i'll agree that Alanis is an aquired taste for a lot of people.....however, i like her more and more as time goes by; possibly because i write poetry/lyrics myself, and my style is similar to hers - the "stream of conciousness" thing...
i tune out the lyrics on almost every song i listen to, and listen to the music behind the voice. this song works for me, especially if listening her voice as another instrument in the band. i like it.
This song has a Southamerican Folk beat to it...but the voice doesn't click with it
Under Rug Swept........ I wish!
Patti wrote:
PS: please don't tell me you had your tongue in your cheek when you posted!
No tongue-in-cheek.
This song is like a free ride when I already paid. It's like a black fly... Oh forget it.
Pipes wrote:
Like chewing tin foil while dragging your nails down a chalk board only more unpleasant!
You've found nicer things to say about this song than I could. Ecccchhhh.
Like chewing tin foil while dragging your nails down a chalk board only more unpleasant!
Illustr8r wrote:
PYAA! PYAA, I tell you! PYAA!!!
My you toe PYAA, even.
Sounds like she has sold out. The wealthier an artist gets the less creative and emotionless their work becomes...I know, a huge generalisation!
I prefer it when she is wailing and screaming and naked...
So sad that Alanis had to turn into ... well, this.
shari wrote:
She's GOT to learn some vocalization elocution (and pronunciation)! I can't and have never been able to understand a word. She's in the "Michael MacDonald" class of singers. --Shari
I'm not sure if that's a complaint or a compliment. I wish there were more people in the Michael MacDonald class of singers. He can blow!
Now why does no one but RP play this cut? Instead we are forced to hear that fucking 'ironic' song a million gillion times. Until I read the below I had no idea of the lyrics...always just listened to the melody and grouped her voice in the instruments. I still like it. 8 S
Carissa wrote:
Heh. The song playing just before this one was Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah." Finding an appropriate follow-up song to "Hallelujah" is tricky no matter what, but this is a little bit like sitting down to a dinner of steak and wine, and then being served a Ho-Ho for dessert.
Who you callin' a ho?
She's GOT to learn some vocalization elocution (and pronunciation)! I can't and have never been able to understand a word. She's in the "Michael MacDonald" class of singers. --Shari
Patti wrote:
Kevin! I finally found a song that you and I agree on! Except I wouldn't call it "awesome"..."pretty darn good" is how I would rate it! pbm 8^) PS: please don't tell me you had your tongue in your cheek when you posted!
Nope, I rated it an 8.
Skip to my loo, my darling...
This song has come under a lot of fire in the popular press for its smarmy lyrics and to some extent I agree that the utopia she describes would be a hell on earth for ME to live in (but I didn't write the song, right?) However, there are some REALLY beautiful lines in this song that tug at me. "We'd rise post-obstacle more defined, more grateful- we would heal, be humbled and be unstoppable- we'd hold close and let go and know when to do which- we'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe." Wise words for our times. The music is pretty cool too ;)
Pipes wrote:
Painful! :P
Congratulations, Pipes. You've achieved a new benchmark in Emoticon Expressionism.
I like it.
I liked the song before I discovered it was by Alanis ... so now I guess I like an Alanis song. I also didn't know the name of the song, but now it makes sense. I thought she was singing something partially in a foreign language: "this is mayoo toh PYUUUH, this is mayoo toh PYUUH ..." 8O
Painful! :P
apd wrote:
sound's like she's putting-on a (bad) English accent.
LOL. I think that's a Canadian accent.
This is nice. I'd mentally written Alanis off as a has-been and a one-trick pony, but now I think I may have been too quick to pass judgment. I'd like to hear more of this album. 8)
KevinM wrote:
Kevin! I finally found a song that you and I agree on! Except I wouldn't call it "awesome"..."pretty darn good" is how I would rate it! pbm 8^) PS: please don't tell me you had your tongue in your cheek when you posted!
beechwood wrote:
This is surprisingly good!!!
I HATE Alanis, but I'm suprised as well
PYAA! PYAA, I tell you! PYAA!!!
This is surprisingly good!!!
There\'s hope for Alanis yet! Granted, IMO this is an \"eh\" song, but infinitely preferable to the garbled, overproduced angry rants she\'s made lately. :roll:
this song appears to be growing on me, which is frightening
I've noticed that I agree with TYPESBAD from Lakewood alot (maybe because I'm in Downey...) Anyway, there are many better tracks on this album, incl. "21 Things I want in a Lover"
Originally Posted by Typesbad: There is nothing wrong with this song, but I can think of at least a dozen artists that could have done it just as well or better. I hate to dwell on the negative but I like her angry. No one does anger like Alanis!
Originally Posted by Pipes: No one cares about her lousy attitude. It's her lousy voice and crummy lyrics that drive everyone crazy!
HERE HERE!!!!!! I personally like her attitude, can't stand her music/voice...choice of songs......
Originally Posted by MsJudi: Alanis takes a bad rap, mostly from men. In fact, any female rocker with a pissed-off attitude takes a bad rap, but shitty attitudes in male rockers are applauded. Why is that?
No one cares about her lousy attitude. It's her lousy voice and crummy lyrics that drive everyone crazy!
Alanis takes a bad rap, mostly from men. In fact, any female rocker with a pissed-off attitude takes a bad rap, but shitty attitudes in male rockers are applauded. Why is that?
Alanis should go back to grinding her consonants and leave the clear pronunciation to trained professionals. What\'s next, a duet with Tori Amos?
Gave it a five just because anything is better than that shiznit that was just playing.
Originally Posted by Dave_Mack: The song sounds nice, but as usual, her lyrics and phrasing are weak points. "This is my you--toe--pyuh"...Bleah.
sound's like she's putting-on a (bad) English accent. "Bleah" is just about right.
Originally Posted by Carissa: Heh. The song playing just before this one was Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah." Finding an appropriate follow-up song to "Hallelujah" is tricky no matter what, but this is a little bit like sitting down to a dinner of steak and wine, and then being served a Ho-Ho for dessert. Yeah, I'm definitely not a fan of Alanis, can you tell?.....
Alanis is *ok* - sounds a little too angry to my ears most of the time... .jd.
The song sounds nice, but as usual, her lyrics and phrasing are weak points. "This is my you--toe--pyuh"...Bleah.
Originally Posted by great_one: Just imagine how this would sound with a good or at least adequate vocalist!
How about an Aimee Mann cover?
Originally Posted by marycrichards: Bill this is a great set - three beautiful songs in a row, yet they are all inspiring and hopeful. thank you - I am really enjoying this.
Oh Please...why arn't you out shopping for beany babies!
Bill this is a great set - three beautiful songs in a row, yet they are all inspiring and hopeful. thank you - I am really enjoying this.
Originally Posted by deafboytom: This song is class!! How can you diss it, she actually sings really nicely, and the tune sounds like the theme of crouching tiger hidden dragon.... Well, thats it reminded me of!!! Is this being released as a single? Alanis doesn't get much airplay in the UK!!!
How can I diss it? Let me count the ways... I confess, however, that this particular track is the first of her newer stuff that's approached the 4 or even 5 range. Okay, the 4, anyway. And for the benefit of those who feel differently, I'll add the customary disclaimers: perhaps I just haven't found a way to enjoy Ms. Morissette's work; maybe it will grow on me; I guess it's just not my cup of tea/my kind of thing/suited to my tastes, etc. etc. etc
I like it. It grows on you. :p
simply awesome!
Heh. The song playing just before this one was Jeff Buckley\'s version of \"Hallelujah.\" Finding an appropriate follow-up song to \"Hallelujah\" is tricky no matter what, but this is a little bit like sitting down to a dinner of steak and wine, and then being served a Ho-Ho for dessert. Yeah, I\'m definitely not a fan of Alanis, can you tell?.....
If you play this #@*% drivel again, I\'m gonna barf...
Oddly, one of the few Alanis Morissette songs I like. Kinda reminds me of Dolly Parton (who, if one closes one\'s eyes to block out the obvious distractions, can REALLY sing). :)
Gack. What a nasty, annoying whine. Every now and then a singer is so awful I have to find out who it is, and I rush to check the playlist. It seems to be Alanis Morissette about half the time.
I really respect Alanis Morissette, and I think this is a beautiful song. She always has such raw emotion.
This is Alanis? I mean, I like her, but I\'ve never heard this side of her, before. Great to see it in the mix :)
The Alanis song which would be perfect for this station is \"Unsent.\" Haunting, lyrical, melodic in that wonderful bittersweet-minor chord way.
...to be more specific: I have a hard time turning off RP -- Bill, you truly understand programming in a way that few people do these days. I\'m in awe. But thanks to this song, the spell is broken and I can turn off RP and get some work done.
..it\'s like nails on the chalkboards that are my ears...
Aww... shame she lost it really isn\'t it
zzzzZZZZZZZ!!!! :(
Accesible Alanis :) - nice
Damn, Bill. This playlist kicks ass.
Originally Posted by JoeHoya: I'm shocked, and I agree with the consensus. Whereas usually her songs are whiny and musically unchallenging, this one has a nice Sarah McClaughlin feel to it.
I would call it more of Joan Baez like howling. Two thumbs down.
Out of priciple, I hate this woman....she embodies weak music, dumb lyrics, and pop marketing. BUT, that pretty much only applied to her first album (the one with the blow job in movie theater song). But she is getting better.....I like this song a lot! I give it a 7.
Originally Posted by Stuart: Nice. Even after hearing it a dozen times, I still keep thinking this is a new song by Over the Rhine. Is she self harmonizing or is that someone else?
I didn't realize that Over The Rhine had any airplay outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. The group (and band name) comes from what was once a predominently German section of Cincinnati that has, over time, become quite rundown.
I\'ve been more open to Alanis Morissette after seeing a show offered for free by DirecTv ... called Music in High Places. The idea is simple.. take the artists out of the studio, put them in alternative settings and have them perform live and acousticly. Alanis\'s episode was the first I caught of the series... it has so far been one of the best! Ever since that show... I\'ve given a lot more slack where her songs and abilities are because she proved herself doing that show live. Anyway.. Her new album, so far for what I\'ve heard, is pretty good. Thanks RP .. and the Music in High Places episode of Alanis is do out at the end of the month.. it would be absolutely wild to hear some of the music from there... here.. :) -T
Scren is correct. This song bites. While we are on the subject of over-play, Jeff Beck has recorded songs other than Nadia.
THIS SONG GETS PLAYED FAR TOO MUCH!!! something else, please
This is Alanis?! This is the girl who sang the crappy "one hand in my pocket" song? Amazing. I didn't think I would rate anything of hers above a two and this deserves a six. Why doesn't she always do stuff like this? I guess this is a lesson: Never judge a musician too quickly because one day they might actually sing something that isn't total ughness :)
Hmmm... this is quite good. Hope she now makes more stuff like this. Don\'t want to hear more of that annoying, ear-broking \"Ironic\", \"Thank you\" and so on. Check out her unplugged album, then you know what a godlike voice she really has.
This bimbo's "music" is as rank as Canadian beer. Whining is not an art
Originally Posted by scren: i'm not getting anything either-- but i must say it's a relief, since i think alanis stinks! ;)
i wonder if you really know her music. probably not. you should check it out before making resolute comments like that :)
Originally Posted by oldman2112: Where's the music? Seems blocked again?
Same thing over here in the Netherlands. But did you see that monkey on Bill's jeep? Maybe he or she is commiting sabotage!
Originally Posted by oldman2112: Where's the music? Seems blocked again?
i'm not getting anything either-- but i must say it's a relief, since i think alanis stinks! ;)
Where\'s the music? Seems blocked again?
Originally Posted by Stuart: Nice. Even after hearing it a dozen times, I still keep thinking this is a new song by Over the Rhine. Is she self harmonizing or is that someone else?
Yes Hmm...I'm not sure if I was being a smartass or just imprecise. Yes, she's harmonizing with herself. Kevin
There is nothing wrong with this song, but I can think of at least a dozen artists that could have done it just as well or better. I hate to dwell on the negative but I like her angry. No one does anger like Alanis!
I think this is her best yet. It\'s got an Irish flavor to it.
This is an absolutely beautiful song. Possibly her best to date.
Her sound is definitely maturing. when i first heard it, i had NO idea it was Alanis Morissette
Nice. Even after hearing it a dozen times, I still keep thinking this is a new song by Over the Rhine. Is she self harmonizing or is that someone else?
This is a really nice, upbeat tune, isn\'t it? Actually most of her songs from her new album reflect a new attitude towards life, this time not based on anger. I think Alanis is growing up. :)
Too repeatitive.
Woh! Not the best song in the world, but much better than I\'ve come to expect from Ms. Morissette.
Wow, this is the best Alanis song I\'ve heard in a long while.
She\'s so talented, that she doesn\'t need to try so hard, like she often does. So this one is very ok. The same goes for her stage act, in which it looks like she\'s desperately trying to be Mick Jagger.
Originally Posted by drover: Wow, this chick actually has a pleasant voice when she isn't shouting into the mic or shrieking like a banshee. Who knew?
So well said, drover. Good stuff.
Wow, this chick actually has a pleasant voice when she isn\'t shouting into the mic or shrieking like a banshee. Who knew?