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Length: 5:15
Plays (last 30 days): 0
And would you call it to His face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
And yeah, yeah God is great
Yeah, yeah God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see?
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like Heaven and in Jesus and the Saints
And all the Prophets
And yeah, yeah God is great
Yeah, yeah God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home
Tryin' to make His way home
Back up to Heaven all alone
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
Yeah, yeah God is great
Yeah, yeah God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home
Just tryin' to make His way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to Heaven all alone
Just tryin' to make His way home
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
6. Reveal to Republican “Prophet” that Dems control the weather and earthquakes and are using them for election interference.

Gods' To Do List:
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
6. Reveal to Republican “Prophet” that Dems control the weather and earthquakes and are using them for election interference.
This is one of those baffling songs. It's such a lame melody, uninspired lyrics, totally bland and meaningless. Can't figure out how it became so popular and is being replayed here.
You're obviously baffled often.
Uninspired lyrics? How so? What do you think the lyrics are asking or implying? (Hint: they're actually doing both)
If you had but one question to ask of God what would it be? I won't answer for you readers here but my question would be one word. I'd open my arms out as wide as I could by way of emphasizing all that is reality and I'd ask.....WHY?
I said pretty much the same here (about 8 years or so ago)
Q: 'What would you ask if you had just one question?'
6. Create Radio Paradise
7. Create Häagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Chocolate.
I strongly Agree with creating RP! ...I have type 2 diabetes. 1 out of 2 ain't bad!

Gods' To Do List:
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
6. Create Radio Paradise
7. Create Häagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Chocolate.
Gods' To Do List:
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
1. Create Humans; 2. Get us out of the messes we get ourselves into when we have no alternative but to ask for His help; 3. Clean us up so all our desires can be fulfilled and all our tears wiped away. Another way of looking at it ... and a truer one.
R.I.P. MiMa (struck by lightning).
and lots of horse farms!
Near the big river too!

Yep, this is indeed Joan!
What if God Smokes Cannabis? Yep, this
If God had long hair, and a goatee
And if his eyes were pretty glazed
If he looked spaced out
Would you buy his story?
Would you believe he had an eye infection?
And yeah, yeah, God looks baked
Yeah, yeah, God smells good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God smoked cannabis?
Hit the bong like some of us?
Drove a tye-dyed micro-bus?
And he subscribes to Rolling Stone?
When God made this place, in the beginning
Did he plant any seeds?
Or did he put them there for Adam and Eve
So they'd be hungry for the apple that the snake was always offering?
And yeah, yeah, God rolls great
Yeah, yeah, God smells good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
What if God smoked cannabis
Do you 'spose He had a buzz
When He made the platypus
When He created Earth our homes
Does He like Pearl Jam or The Stones?
And do you think He rolls His own?
Up there in heaven on the throne
And when the saints go marching home
Maybe He sits and smokes a bone...
They also have a big river! The Ohio River.
and lots of horse farms!
Your irrelevant

Your irrelevant

It's funny that people hate on songs that make you think...
It seems that people 'thumb down' comments that comment on making you think on things that make you think.
Boy, this song holds up so much better than I ever would have given it credit for at the time. That guitar-tone is almost "godlike" all by itself, wow!
I Agree!!

There's an Anchorage in Kentucky. Who knew.
They also have a big river! The Ohio River.
Every time I hear this I can't help but think of the parody, "What if God smoked cannabis, hit the bong like some of us, drove a tie-dye micro bus and subscribed to Rolling Stone..."
Thx for the tip :D I didnt know that version, quite hilarious
Every time I hear this I can't help but think of the parody, "What if God smoked cannabis, hit the bong like some of us, drove a tie-dye micro bus and subscribed to Rolling Stone..."
Actually those would be much smarter, tongue in cheek lyrics than this pathetic trite.
Hallelujah... Yodelayheehoo
I love Joan. She made her bones in Standing in the Shadows of Motown
Joan Osborne: What becomes of the broken hearted? - YouTube
Sainthood granted.
Thanks for the recommendation. Just watched this. Fantastic!
Which tv show was that?
Joan of Arcadia of course.
this is not a great song, but i like it a lot. a guilty pleasure if you will
and if you like Joan of Arcadia, check out Early Edition.
Gods' To Do List:
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
6 Let the believers die of COVID since they won't get the vax
This is as insipid as "What I Am" by Edie Brickell. That's the best I can say about it.
Totally agree: equivalent leves of insipid-ness: i.e. none whatsoever!
what a truly awful song. shite lyrics, dreary
I can't imagine having such poor taste in music - you would miss so much.
But I guess ignorance is bliss.
Not hard to imagine..... your living it
This liberal agnostic loved the tv show, was miffed when one of the few the intelligent programs on air was cancelled.
Which tv show was that?
Every time I hear this I can't help but think of the parody, "What if God smoked cannabis, hit the bong like some of us, drove a tie-dye micro bus and subscribed to Rolling Stone..."
Do you think he had a buzz
When he made the playtpus?
Also the singer on that parody sounds a whole lot like Joan Osborne.
Joan Osborne: What becomes of the broken hearted? - YouTube
Sainthood granted.

I can't imagine having such poor taste in music - you would miss so much.
But I guess ignorance is bliss.
You've provided plenty of evidence that you have no need to imagine such. It's almost adorable that you think you do.
I can't imagine having such poor taste in music - you would miss so much.
But I guess ignorance is bliss.

Who's the man with the beard and the halo?
Hello darkness my old friend . . .
I heard Joan at a Folk Festival live, and she just blew us away with her other songs. What a voice! It's too bad those don't get as much play as this one, which is probably her least favourite.
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
+1 to 7 based on this comment. LLRP
I've seen her a couple of times in concert, and am an unabashed fan. Best moment, at Yoshi's when I was entranced by her "Tangled Up In Blue" and, at the end, she stopped and said "Wow. That went someplace special."
Lots of good songs, and a really engaging performer. Worth your attention - even without "hits."
I'M wearing a mask and voting for Joe. Got a problem with that?

Who's the man with the beard and the halo?
the mid 90s ...thanks for reminding me RP......

The closed-minded conservative is triggered just as easily, as evidenced by your comment.
The difference between knowledge and faith is sometimes hard to understand.
Years ago the Episcopal archbishop of San Francisco said, "Faith is the opposite of certainty."
At great odds with many zealots' thinking. I have found that quote to be a foundation of my understanding, and it eloquently speaks to the "difference between knowledge and faith." It's all about opening your heart, not closing your mind.
The liberal rational atheist is easily triggered.
Straw Man Alert!!
"I gave you everything to make it work." George Burns in Oh God.
The liberal rational atheist is easily triggered.
The closed-minded conservative is triggered just as easily, as evidenced by your comment.
The difference between knowledge and faith is sometimes hard to understand.
BTW - God is a sadistic slob who lives in rainy Brussels.

1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
Who's to say?
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
THANK YOU for this list.....I can't wait to slide this in to my next convo w/ the religious folks I know, just to piss them off...hehehehahahah….and I'm at a 6 on this one, not sure if I like it more and rate low cuz it's about god or what....Long Live RP!!
1. Create Humans
2. Drown Most
3. Randomly Favor One Group
4. Kill Myself (For 3 Days)
5. HIDE!
Stream of consciousness alert....
...The song says something that needs to be said. Beyond that, not much. Except for the sizable royalties she's pulled in over the years... there is that.
( phew, thanks RP... needed that. )
She didn't write this song, so her royalties may not be that sizable.
probably because the liberal rational atheist is correct
Um. No it's not.
Guitarist Eric Brazilian

The liberal rational atheist is easily triggered.
probably because the liberal rational atheist is correct
This liberal agnostic loved the tv show, was miffed when one of the few the intelligent programs on air was cancelled.
The liberal rational atheist is easily triggered.
... never noticing that they were triggered, too
Yeah, but at least the muzzle is pointed in the right direction.

Kaw wrote:
The liberal rational atheist is easily triggered.
The liberal rational atheist is easily triggered.
nobody calling on the phone, except maybe the the pope in Rome~
yeah, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah! What if God was one of us?"
"Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope, maybe, in Rome"
Absolutely groundbreaking.
'Bout like "Says he's got a bad cough, wants to get paid off..."
Sometimes, it's just fun words.
"God"? I always thought she was saying "Todd".

You'll get no argument from me that some atheists are as over-the-top as some believers. All sides are only human and everyone is full of shit, but rather than grabbing some ball and running with it, I just accept that I simply cannot KNOW that there is a supreme being and I'm totally OK with that. I think that "believers" often confuse belief with knowledge — two very different things. To me, yeah, that's messed-up and the cause of uncountable conflicts between people throughout history.
SquiddlyDiddly wrote:
'Lack of belief is not dogma; that would be impossible' Really?. . . I guess you have never met a dogmatic Atheist then. . .
'Claiming you know something that you have no earthly way of knowing is just messed-up... on every level.' Really? Just because you don't know, doesn't mean the same for everyone. . . . just saying.
Stream of consciousness alert....
1-1=0. There is no need to carry The One.
Lack of belief is not dogma; that would be impossible. There simply is no real truth to defend.
If we had the real truth, we wouldn't need blind faith, we would just know -
like when we know that it's raining... not like when we know that it's going to be a good day. Ya know?
Claiming you know something that you have no earthly way of knowing is just messed-up... on every level.
I'd rather be accused of cynicism than of stupidity. The "I Doubt It t-shirt" beats the "I'm With Stupid t-shirt" every time.
The song says something that needs to be said. Beyond that, not much. Except for the sizable royalties she's pulled in over the years... there is that.
( phew, thanks RP... needed that. )
'Lack of belief is not dogma; that would be impossible' Really?. . . I guess you have never met a dogmatic Atheist then. . .
'Claiming you know something that you have no earthly way of knowing is just messed-up... on every level.' Really? Just because you don't know, doesn't mean the same for everyone. . . . just saying.

Glad my fellow listeners agree, from what the vote totals suggest.
You know, one thing I appreciate about the eclectic playlist is the ability to call up the lyrics, either here or the web and find out what they were actually singing/saying. True, some were over played in the past... But once in the past 30 days... Not too bad. And maybe it was when I was not listening. And as BillG just said: "Glad you are listening, whether you are exploring the lyrical connections, or just tapping your feet." Glad you are here, timmus.

Glad my fellow listeners agree, from what the vote totals suggest.
"Nobody callin' on the phone'Cept for the Pope, maybe, in Rome"
Absolutely groundbreaking.
ROFL.. right you are about that "incredible poetry".
What a wimp.
That's no insult in my book. Simple and innocent and open-minded works well for me. If you've every been to a mass (as I had to during much of my childhood) you'll know that all the prayers and hymns and ritual really just add up to the simple expression "God is great".
I don't get the 67 sucko-barfos for this one - is it really that hateful? I wouldn't put it in the RP top 10, but it's listenable. Still, one listener's sucko-barfo is another's godlike, and long may that continue :)
As one of those yahoos who find this clever and deceivingly simple folk song as 'godlike', may I share a smile. :-)
I said pretty much the same here (about 8 years or so ago)
Q: 'What would you ask if you had just one question?'
A: 42