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Plastic Bertrand — Ca Plane Pour Moi
Album: King Of The Divan
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Released: 1978
Length: 2:56
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Mon chat "Splash" gite sur mon lit a bouffe
Sa langue en buvant trop mon whysky
Quand a moi peu dormi
J'ai du dormir dans la goutiere
Oil j'ai un flash
En 4 couleurs
Allez op
Un matin
Une louloute est v'nue chez moi
Poupee de cellophane
Cheveux chinois

Une gueule de bois
A bu ma biere dans un grand verre en caoutchouc
Ouh) comme un indien dans son igloo

Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi

Ca plane pour moi
Ouh) ca plane pour moi

Allez hop
La mama
Quel panard
Quelle vibration
De s'envoyer sur le paillasson
You are the king of the divan
Qu'elle me dit en passant
Quh) I'm the king of the di - van

Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi

Allez hop
Touches pas ma planete
It's not today que le ciel me tombera sur la tete
Et que la colle me manquera
Ouh) Ça plane pour moi

Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi

Allez hop
Ma nana s'est tiree
S'est barree
Enfin c'est marre
A tout casse
Le bar
Me laissant seul comme un grand connard
Ouh) le pied dans le plat

Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Comments (112)add comment
I used to be Fat, Old, and Stupid, but I’ve lost a little weight.  Still, I have to wonder….   What the hell is wrong with me?  I mean…. I actually enjoyed this tune.  Do I need to see a therapist?
No idea what he is saying. But when it plays on RP my attitude can only improve. Dick Dale could pull that positive uplift off too. Here is to those who keep the positive up front! F the quitters
 Alleggs wrote:

Turned RP on and smiled immediately

it's high for me too


"I found a punk song in French sung by a Belgian, while listening to
Swedish radio station in front of my computer in Poland. Future is
by way of youTube
Brought a big grin to my face - right on, Bill!
you are ze king of ze divan
(qu'elle me dit en passant)
Merci RP
Simply amazing to hear this amazing song on RP !!
Always surprised by RP;, it"s just what I like.
 Sofa_King wrote:

I have no idea what he's singing about, but I have a feeling he's telling me to do something.

He's telling you to get up and dance! 
I have no idea what he's singing about, but I have a feeling he's telling me to do something.
On paar with Iggy's Wild One, that's saying something!

C'est presque un pop parfait - là-haut avec les Undertones "Ever fallen in love"

Disco balls blowing huge lights
strobe  lights
head shaking
What could be better?
reminds me of Gruppo Sportivo - the Mistakes album.
Crazy story!  This is not Plastic Bertrand.  In 2010 he finally admitted in a court case that he wasn't "let in the studio" to sing it.  It was sung by the person who wrote and produced it, and now has all the rights to it: Lou Deprijck.
King of the Couch
Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper
I'm having flashbacks of European vacation

 noe.architecte169 wrote:

Yes a big fake. This is not him who sing but the compositor of the song 😆😆😆. But it’s funny

 johkir wrote:

I still don't understand how he was able to just steal the music of Elton Motello's Jet Boy Jet Girl, and become a bigger hit!

Probably the name, Plastic Bertrand; suits the song. And it's less creepy-sounding that Elton Motello's version, since most English listener's couldn't understand the words, lol.
 jean.frederic.boyer745 wrote:
Plastic Bertrand sur radio paradise, trop bon. que de souvenirs. dommage qu'il n'y est pas plus de chansons françaises. du style "Téléphone" etc...

Heu non merci... Chanson française pourquoi pas, mais Téléphone on peut s'en passer
I still don't understand how he was able to just steal the music of Elton Motello's Jet Boy Jet Girl, and become a bigger hit!
I mean come on Plastic Bertrand how cool is that. Its so bad its great.
Where else but RP!! 
Incroyable que ce titre passe sur RP !
Les paroles sont connes mais j'adore ça
For 40 years I've heard the lyric "king of the divan" and just figured it was my brain trying to translate French. Oh. That's what he's saying!
Excellente chanson en français chantée par un .... Belge comme souvent !!!
Turned RP on and smiled immediately
 jaydelong wrote:

Repeated exactly----again on 11/20

C'est pas lui qui chante
Mais c'est même pas lui qui danse 
ça plane pour moi
le pied dans l'plat
Literally, it flies for me too ! 
C'est pas lui qui chante 
Yes à bit fake. This is not hum who sing but the compositor of the song 😆😆😆. But it’s funny
One of the best of "Fake music"
 Stefen wrote:
Repeated exactly
 frustrated1 wrote:
I can't help but like this song.  Craig Ferguson used it as one of his intro songs for "The Late Show with Craig Ferguson"  and his show always made me smile.  Those were   Better times.   Much MUCH better times.  

Fun, bouncy, stupid silly song; that reminds me of Craig.   
*just*  for mentioning Ferguson 

I've been binge-watching his Late Late Show from 2010 on for a year now. He is a generous, brilliant and daring entertainer if there ever was one. 
I can't help but like this song.  Craig Ferguson used it as one of his intro songs for "The Late Show with Craig Ferguson"  and his show always made me smile.  Those were   Better times.   Much MUCH better times.  

Fun, bouncy, stupid silly song; that reminds me of Craig.   
Perfect Power Pop
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Grim then, grim now.  Did well in the UK charts, I recall.  Don't know why.  
Because it's fun.
Einsteigen und losfliegen.
A little bit outdated....but funny to hear that french song on RP ! :) {#Bananasplit}
Ca plane je kif ca plane pour moaaaaahhhhhh !!!!
A new Mozart is born !!!
Plastic Bertrand sur radio paradise, trop bon. que de souvenirs. dommage qu'il n'y est pas plus de chansons françaises. du style "Téléphone" etc...
Génial ! Merci RP
Awesome - I remember this at the time it came out - fun track 
 spitzbart wrote:

Right? Quite a silly song, BUT FUUUUUNNNNN!!!
I can't effing believe it!! Plastic Bertrand. Bill, if you're playing this (which is great!) don't be surprised if you get a bunch of suggestions from me. Excellent!
 mgtom wrote:
Les garçons de la plage?
Nice Rutles reference there !
What?  I feel so provincial.  And I only speak one language... barely.
Huh? Ok I guess
Great song.
Les garçons de la plage?
No! plastic on rp it isn t really serious bill? in fact it isn t his real voice.
Délire !!!!! 😂
Pourquoi pas? 

fatchakulla wrote:
Pourquoi ?

même réaction !!!!
Quoi!!!? Plastic Bertrand on Radio Paradise! :D :D
Simpsons said about francais rock :)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmrnPQ0rckg
aka Jet Boy Jet Girl.
Plastic on RP {#Dancingbanana_2}{#Bounce}
Anyone ever heard the Presidents of the USA's cover of this?
Pourquoi ?
The guitar work is good. 
Its all rock'n roll to me   uuuUUUuuUUU 
Quite terrible, but amusing. And did Manu Chao rip this off for Bongo Bong? Interesting...
ETA: Guess it's the other way around! Though apparently Chao's song was based on a much older one.
My cat "Splash" on my bed
His tongue drinking too much my whysky
When did not sleep?
I had to sleep in the goutiere
Oil I have a flash
In 4 colors
Go op
One morning
A louloute is coming home
Cellophane doll
Chinese hair

A hangover
Drank my beer in a big rubber glass
Ouh) as an Indian in his igloo

That Plane For Me
That Plane For Me

That Plane For Me
Ouh) it's flat for me

Go hop
The mother
What a panard
What a vibration
To get laid on the doormat
You are the king of the couch
That she tells me by the way
I'm the king of the di-van

That Plane For Me
That Plane For Me

Go hop
you busy
Keys not my planet
It's not today that the sky will fall on my head
And that glue will miss me
Ouh) It's good for me

That Plane For Me
That Plane For Me

Go hop
My girl pulled herself
Finally it's fed up
At any case
The sink
The bar
Leaving me alone like a big asshole
Ouh) the foot in the dish
Oh yes indeed, this will wash the taste of Herb A and TTB out of my auditory meatus.
Great memories of this as the background of many an evening.

Maybe follow up with the French punk band Telephone?
 mread wrote:
Unpretentious indeed.  99% of the notes are B-flat.  Melody be damned!
It's a I-IV-V progression, so it's really about 60 percent of the "notes" (chords) which are B-flat.  Pretty much like most I-IV-V progressions.
 pdhski wrote:
Check out "Jet Boy Jet Girl" by Elton Motello, Chron Gen, or Captain Sensible/The Damned

12 years later, I was going to post this ... ;-)
 Paul_in_Australia wrote:
Isnt this what pop should be?

Simple, unpretentious, danceable and ...fun! But it was described as 'punk' first time around!
Unpretentious indeed.  99% of the notes are B-flat.  Melody be damned!
Love that RP is playing this!  I just heard it in a recently released French film called Rock and Roll with Marion Cotillard.
WOW!  I thought I was the only one who played this on the radio still.  One of the all-time greatest tracks.

AND, I never heard this on RP before, thanks Bill!
Haha...wow...I haven't heard *this* song in a long time :)
I think Plastic Bertrand would qualify as an official one hit wonder band, unless I am missing all the other French hits that aren't played here.
Grim then, grim now.  Did well in the UK charts, I recall.  Don't know why.  PSD for me, sorry fans.
Derp... I always thought it was plage not plane.

It almost made sense since it sounds like a Beach Boys vocal... oh well.
Bill, didn't know you were a fan of baseball. Quite a curve ball you just threw us. 8
 Paul_in_Australia wrote:
Isnt this what pop should be? Simple, unpretentious, danceable and ...fun! But it was described as 'punk' first time around!
It's the clothespin-on-the-nose singing that grates.
Hahahahaha. What a great song.
muzak on rp
And yet my submission of the Screaming Trees "Nearly Lost You" was rejected. There is no justice I say! I give it a 2 because my Grandfather was Belgian, otherwise it's a solid 1.
sometimes I just get so suprised by what get's played on this station and how I just happened to randomly have it on my iriver. so random! love the song.
Isnt this what pop should be? Simple, unpretentious, danceable and ...fun! But it was described as 'punk' first time around!
Hey man, this song rocks. Vive le bertrand. Avec un croissant
An 8, just for the laughs and memories it brings back! Not exactly "good" music but I can't stop laughing when I hear this, so thanks a lot for that!
c'est marrant (funny) ! Plastic Bertrand sur RP
hcaudill wrote:
the French are incapable of producing good music
Sorry, just did my homework. He's French-speaking Belgian, which is just as bad as being French as far as contemporary music goes.
Check out "Jet Boy Jet Girl" by Elton Motello, Chron Gen, or Captain Sensible/The Damned
MM_Prague wrote:
yeeehhaaaaa :-) This brings back memories...
definitely! Whoever uploadet this, Thank You!
biodiesel wrote:
Had my five year old dancing and rocking to this one!
Yeah, maybe we should leave the kids' music off RP. This only reinforces the stereotype that the French are incapable of producing good music (Air, Les Negresses Vertes, and Autor de Lucie being the only exceptions to that rule that I can think of).
Fun, and something I'd hear nowhere else.
Godlike for so many reasons, but mainly just because.
oh this is just fun~! pure fun.
yeeehhaaaaa :-) This brings back memories...
Like much of the greatest rock and roll, it's just sublimely stupid. Idiotic, simplistic, repetitive, silly. And it's bad French. A perfect 10.
I'm both horrified and fascinated!
Daft but fun.
...I...uh... Huh. -mt-
Eeeemmm, more overused commercial music (that I like).
This is awesome stuff.
Had my five year old dancing and rocking to this one!
You guys have the best music by which to grade papers. This was perfect for my kids' superhero reflexive-verb comic strips.
I love these really random RP picks that come lurching out of the past...whoever dug this one up, thanks! Too silly, too fun.
Yes! Now we just need to follow this up with some Catholic Girls.
Mmm, no. It's a lot funnier than it sounds.
C'est dingue!