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Total ratings: 4932
Length: 9:53
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Did you want bad?
Ohhh, my
It tears me apart
Did you ever fight it?
All of the pain, so much power
Running through my veins
Bleeding, I'm bleeding
My cold little heart
Oh I, I can't stand myself
And I know
In my heart, in this cold heart
I can live or I can die
I believe if I just try
You believe in you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
Did you ever notice
I've been ashamed
All my life
I've been playing games
We can try and hide it
It's all the same
I've been losing you
One day at a time
Bleeding, I'm bleeding
My cold little heart
Oh I, I can't stand myself
And I know
In my heart, in this cold heart
I can live or I can die
I believe if I just try
You believe in you and I
In my heart, in this cold heart
I can live or I can die
I believe if I just try
You believe in you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
Maybe this time I can be strong
But since I know who I am
I'm probably wrong
Maybe this time I can go far
But thinking about where I've been
Ain't helping me start
In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
Goed gezegd!
The whole grammar thread is mildly amusing, but I wish we could get a few comments up to the top that just celebrated what an incredible piece of music this is.
Mildly amusing? It's quite hilarious to me
Unclebud complaining about grammar in poetic lyrics, perceiving it as a possible starting point for the downfall of civilization. Then, as a result we start teaching eachother about ant-f*ckers and flie-an*lizers…
Am I the only one laughing out loud here?
The celebration of the song is in the ratings I guess, and rightly so.
(and yes, I know, I know, flie-an*lizer is not a word in English ('antf*cker' is actually in the Urban Dictionary, who'd have thought that?), but, well, call it translating freedom, it does fit the French "enculeur" quite well imho)
"If you believe in you and I," is incorrect grammar.
This one flunks, and the songwriters should sit through remedial English classes. Not joking; the downfall of our civilization will start somewhere ... rating = 1.
Hopefully, by now, you've had the proper surgical procedures to extract that large, painful stick from your butt.

In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
Sorry, it's 'mierenneuker', 2x n ..

The song describes the singer's cold heart and lack of faith and self-assurance, so on one reading of the lyrics is to put an ellipsis after every "I":
You believe in you and I....
In you and I...
In you and I...
With the ellipsis meant to be in place of:
You believe in you and I [believe in me].
In you and I [in me]
In you and I [in me]
And the ellipses are there because he can't quite believe in himself. Try as he might. Would be poignant, no?
In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
Het is 'mierenneuker'
In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
Actually, it is "mierenneuker" with two N's :-) I hope you get the irony, great comment :-)

You believe in you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
have the word "believe" elided (which is perfectly standard in English): thus
You believe in you and I [believe]
In you and I [believe]
In you and I [believe]
In you and I
Wow, you're an ass. Songwriting and poetry have always taken liberty with grammar. Unbunch your panties for a bit.
Wow, you're an ass. Songwriting and poetry have always taken liberty with grammar. Unbunch your panties for a bit.
I could not find the original post to which I want to reply, so this will have to suffice. I DISAGREE that the grammar is incorrect. I read the words 'you and I ' as a concept, an ideal, in which he believes. e.g. you and I are meant to be together
In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
To paraphrase:
English is said to borrow words form other languages, it does not. It follows other languages down dark alleys, clubs them over the head, and rifles their pockets for loose words and phrases.

Linguistic appropriation: it's for winners.

It's one of the biggest pieces of the last 10 years. No doubt we will still be listening to it in 50 years.
Maybe you're a youngster but I'll be listening to worms crawl in and out of my skull in 50 years....

Just realized that this is the theme tune from Pretty Little Liars.
It was Big Little Lies.

mmhm, love and hate is a seal for excellent albums.

ask Leonard
Been a while since I visited this song-site, and it appears lots of you disagree with me about the use of correct grammar. What about spelling? What about subject-verb agreement? At some point, you're not even speaking a recognizable language.
Communication is vital to get your concepts, feelings, ideas, and hopes to other people, isn't it? Why would one intentionally degrade communication?
It's also pretty telling how many self-righteous folks have called me out for being ... well, self-righteous.
By the way, the song's pretty good, except for the incorrect grammar.
See you later, alligator! After while, crocodile!
bye bye troll.
Been a while since I visited this song-site, and it appears lots of you disagree with me about the use of correct grammar. What about spelling? What about subject-verb agreement? At some point, you're not even speaking a recognizable language.
Communication is vital to get your concepts, feelings, ideas, and hopes to other people, isn't it? Why would one intentionally degrade communication?
It's also pretty telling how many self-righteous folks have called me out for being ... well, self-righteous.
By the way, the song's pretty good, except for the incorrect grammar.
See you later, alligator! After while, crocodile!
Are you kidding me? Michael shares this song, and you devote comment space to criticize verb-noun agreement and spelling? Does the music not enfold you? Do you not appreciate the art because a middle school teacher taught you to diagram sentences?
Been a while since I visited this song-site, and it appears lots of you disagree with me about the use of correct grammar. What about spelling? What about subject-verb agreement? At some point, you're not even speaking a recognizable language.
Communication is vital to get your concepts, feelings, ideas, and hopes to other people, isn't it? Why would one intentionally degrade communication?
It's also pretty telling how many self-righteous folks have called me out for being ... well, self-righteous.
By the way, the song's pretty good, except for the incorrect grammar.
See you later, alligator! After while, crocodile!
I think your closing sentence scans better in the form:
spondee - trochee
See you later
In a while
Communication is vital to get your concepts, feelings, ideas, and hopes to other people, isn't it? Why would one intentionally degrade communication?
It's also pretty telling how many self-righteous folks have called me out for being ... well, self-righteous.
By the way, the song's pretty good, except for the incorrect grammar.
See you later, alligator! After while, crocodile!
Meaning "if you believe in yourself and see yourself as you", evocating this emphasis of someone and his vision of himself that makes the "power" of the "I"...
Nonsens for grammar... ?
Or lack of understanding ?

Wow, you're an ass. Songwriting and poetry have always taken liberty with grammar. Unbunch your panties for a bit.
Most likes ev-rrrr!
In french, "enculeur de mouches" same but with flies :)
Lay off the poor ants and flies
It's just a shame that the majority of comments about this brilliant song are about grammar.
Wow, you're an ass. Songwriting and poetry have always taken liberty with grammar. Unbunch your panties for a bit.
LOL! Gave your post a big thumbs up. Wanted to give a friendly warning that this colourful expression may be viewed as highly sexist in the near future. Tiny pretext Cancel Culture seems to be enjoying considerable momentum these days.
Language. There must be a bunch of English teachers -- language and literature -- frequenting these pages. I love it when they correct grammar or spelling. Or point out how the language has evolved.
English is my second language, my current dominant language and I am always learning and relearning.
Please keep teaching and opining away on languages be it English or any other language. Por favorcito.
Incidentally, the OP of this thread should have told us what the OP thought the song would sound like with the correct grammar. Then all would have been forgiven. <vbg>
You're taking a lot of heat here unclehud. To lend you some tepid support, it bugs me too. I sometimes think it is a rule of song writing is to use you and I as an object of a sentence.
But as far as being the downfall of civilization, I disagree. Language is constantly changing and with the speed of communication these days the rate is increasing. Talking about the decline of civilization assumes it reaches a peak and should stay the same or suffer decline. I think civilization is constantly evolving, spiraling up and down. All we can hope for is that each peak is higher than the last and each decline is higher than the last too. (And we don't destroy everything in the process)
Enjoy the ride!
The "you and I" is "I" because it rhymes with "die" and "try" in the preceding lines--it's got nothing to do with grammar; it's poetry.
In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
In french, "enculeur de mouches" same but with flies :)
To paraphrase:
English is said to borrow words form other languages, it does not. It follows other languages down dark alleys, clubs them over the head, and rifles their pockets for loose words and phrases.
That's a not Farfegnugen from the truth!

3000 ratings give it an 8 I'd say its a fav here

Average rating is 8 and just over 2/3 of the votes an 8 or higher.
I love being #1 !!!
Used the skip button to arrive on this tune.
Song had only 1 rating we I arrived.
A little slow at the start and on the long side as well.
Give it a 6 on first hear.
Increased my rating to 7.
Please stop feeding the troll...
He has been quite a successful troll, I'd say...

can a person have an opus without a magnum?
Nice enough song, but waaaaaay too much play here.
Maybe adding MORE Kiwanuka cuts to the four on RP would help the situation.
"If you believe in you and I," is incorrect grammar.
This one flunks, and the songwriters should sit through remedial English classes. Not joking; the downfall of our civilization will start somewhere ... rating = 1.
You aren't wrong of course. However, I'd say that we are way past poor grammar in the downfall of our civilization.
This is a 4 minute song needlessly stretched out to nearly 10 minutes.
dude....slow down
I almost feel like this is what Ray LaMontagne wishes he was.
I am pretty sure Ray is just what he wants to be....nobody else like him....LLRP
Nice enough song, but waaaaaay too much play here.
3000 ratings give it an 8 I'd say its a fav here

This one flunks, and the songwriters should sit through remedial English
classes. Not joking; the downfall of our civilization will start
somewhere ... rating = 1.
It's started
Look no further than the USA
Moscow's Man got it started

Just realized that this is the theme tune from Pretty Little Liars.
Thanks, I was trying to place it.
Intentionally adding busted speaker distortion to your album sucks Michael Kiwanuka
Interesting, since that 'distortion' feature is what prompted my belated +2 to 8 on this one. I just love how his fuzzy voice is layered on top of that fuzzy guitar, quite a beautiful song considering the sad theme of it. Long Live RP and belated +2s!
So, I had an online 'romance' with a woman I greatly respected and was fond of. Unfortunately I am married and had to break it off. This is the song she sent me. Great song but it always makes me sad and think of her. I hope she is doing well.
Unfortunate for your wife.
In Sweden we have an expression for people like you: "Viktigpetter". Translates to "Peter the Important". It means someone who has to show their perceived superior knowledge at any chance they get. You're a Viktigpetter!
My new word of the day, likely for many days - Viktigpetter
I promise I will not be a Viktigpetter in my application of this little tidbit of Swedish.
Thank you!

OH! And Bill plays a song from London Grammar after - funny coincidence or?
Hey. Why don't' we leave unclehud alone with what irks him and listen to the music. He has been called out by all the folks who are irked by his opinion. Move on. There are lots of positive things to spend your time on.
re: the tune - love the vocals, not so fond of the intro...
Do the archives go far enough back that we can see what the grammer-nazis thought of, "hunka-hunka burnin love!"?
"Is you is or is you ain't my baby" is another favorite!
In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
I just upped my rating to a 9, in retaliation to unclehud's antf*ckery. (And I'm an editor.)
Still, that line from Wings bugs me: "The world in which we live in."
I always thought the line was "The world in which we're livin'"
You do realize that English has been "simplified" very much throughout the centuries, right? (As has every language, actually.) There was a time when verbs were conjugated, for instance. Now, all that remains from that era is the third-person s in present tense and the somewhat rudimentary conjugation of the verb to be. To me as a German native, who still has to conjugate every verb in every tense and decline every noun, that seems like a pretty great decrease of grammatical requirements. A linguistic downfall, so to speak.
My point is: language is changing constantly and that is neither good nor bad. It just is.
Wow, you're an ass. Songwriting and poetry have always taken liberty with grammar. Unbunch your panties for a bit.
Still, that line from Wings bugs me: "The world in which we live in."
That was for brevity - if I'd quoted the whole thing, it wouldn't have made a bit of difference, so I'm not sure what your point is there. Telling people what they can or should discuss here is simply futile.
But you feel free to be you. ;-)
This is some nit-picking bullshit! This is a great song, have you ever heard of "poetic license"?
Do the archives go far enough back that we can see what the grammer-nazis thought of, "hunka-hunka burnin love!"?
I will. I see you cut off the end of my comment. He's been called out. As I wrote before, there are plenty of positive things to spend time on.
OK, forget about the grammar, listen to the guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No thanks. You feel free to be you, though.
I will. I see you cut off the end of my comment. He's been called out. As I wrote before, there are plenty of positive things to spend time on.
Bill we need a 'this one goes to 11' button.
Hey. Why don't' we leave unclehud alone
No thanks. You feel free to be you, though.
Just realized that this is the theme tune from Pretty Little Liars.
It's also the theme song of Big little Lies
well doh, of course not..
That's what "he hasn't finished the sentence means"
(but you are right that wouldn't be perfect either, but hey)

In the Netherlands we have a word for people who get inappropriately worked up about such trivial matters: "miereneuker". Literally translated, it means "ant f*cker".
Go easy on those ants, they never meant you any harm.
Heh, I've heard this from Adam Curry...
And you all took unclehud seriously. Wow.
I guess you didn't read all the way through the comments in timeline order, he came back and doubled down on his comment, so yeah, he was being serious. And a prick.