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Length: 4:09
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In nomine Christi, Amen Let us go forth in peace
In the name of Christ, So be it
Cum angelis et pueris,
fideles inveniamur We shall find the faithful in the
company of angels and children
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
et elevamini, portae aeternales
et introibit rex gloriae
Qius est iste Rex glorie? Lift up ye heads o ye glorious gates,
and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors,
and the king of glory shall come in.
Who is the king of glory?
Sade, dis-moi,
Sade, donnes-moi Sade tell me
Sade give me
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen
Shall we proceed in peace
In the name of Christ, Amen
Sade, dis-moi
Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
le Bien par le Mal
la Vertu par le Vice
Sade, dis-moi, Pourquoi l'evangile du Mal?
Quelle est ta religion, Ou sont tes fideles?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'Homme
Sade tell me
what is it that you seek?
The rightness of wrong
The virtue of vice
Sade tell me why the Gospel of evil ?
What is your religion? Where are your faithful?
If you are against God, you are against man
Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir ?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme ?
Sade tell me why blood for pleasure?
Pleasure without love?
Is there no longer any feeling in man's Faith?
Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin? Sade are you diabolical or divine?
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi
Sade, dis-moi
Sade, donnes-moi
Hosanna Sade tell me
Sade give me
Sade tell me
Sade give me
In nomine Christi, Amen In the name of Christ, Amen
it’s very layered and ethereal…I just love it.
This is magnificent music for sexy-time. (Trust me!)
What you have to remember is that at the time this was way different than anything else. The production quality still holds up 25 years later. Also IMHO, it should be listened to as an album not as tracks. the way the tracks link together is as good as the tracks themselves. Its like prog rock meets triphop in 1990! try to ignore the pseudo gregorian chant, think of it as a cowbell. Its more Serge Gainsburgh than that.
Still holding after 33. It will hold for ever
This kind of music is called "Kitsch" in Germany.
Ich stimme voll zu. Skip.
Efficiently walks the line of "wildly dated" and "still enjoyable"
I think you mean "not overplayed".
People that go on social media to bad mouth a song are horrible human beings. Think about it.
They're not getting what they expected out of life!
seriously , why do you play this crap ?
why do you listen to RP?
Because rp listeners obviously like it!

Yes, that's why people like it.
Are you shaming your non-musical shits after eating A LOT of food? Cuz this track is great....in fact +1 to 9...LLRP and regular BMs!!
Maximum cheese.
Brilliant comment! You nailed it. ;-)
The degree to which somebody is similar to Sade.

PSD: god yes
Also, nice to see this song can still honk off fundamentalists like in did back in the 90s when it first came out.
...or like in the 1790s when "Justine" came out! I just read the Wiki article on Marquis de Sade and boy...some crazy shit there....sounds like he was a freak to me (also sounds like some of the Game of Thrones stuff that's gotten super popular, eh?)
Also, nice to see this song can still honk off fundamentalists like in did back in the 90s when it first came out.

"Sade"ness? I'm getting a different vibe.

haha, found this - "He recalled management "fell off their chairs" when he requested it, "but it worked"
Seriously you really do not know anything about music to listen to a shit like that.
This guy below seems to be digging it:

Gregorian chants make him hungry.

Sandra can't sing? Then, who can? Yourself?

I think I bought this CD or one similar to it at the time.
I was so ahead of my time and ironic.
Right on. I used to love to put this album on and take a long, hot soak in the tub. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

stevedthomas wrote:
Brings me way back.
I dated her sister. Beautiful, but barmy.
And later their cousin, for that matter. A trend, perhaps?

you are wrong!
The album was titled MCMXC , essentally the clue is in the title dumbass! Recorded and engineered by a Romanian in a german studio with lyrics in French!
It should also be noted that a great deal of electronic German music has had a big influence over much of the popular music we listen to today, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Shultz et al.
"still is" what? you expected it to change what it is? I'm sure it made more money than you or I did over the last 15 years.
Anyway, what was wrong with the 80s, everything? everybody?

Apparently, I really like German pop-crap. Who knew?


You should give the rest of the album a shot if you like this song
edit: by "the album" I mean MCMXC AD, not Pure Moods, which was also good.
Ohhh I do have it..I have ALL of Enigma's. haha Pure Moods opened a portal to New Age and really amazing (although sometimes over the top) music!