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Pink Floyd — Us And Them -> Eclipse (live)
Album: The Dark Side Of The Moon (Immersion Box Set)
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Total ratings: 1321

Released: 1974
Length: 22:05
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (310)add comment
 eeastridge wrote:
Perfect song for this afternoon… I hope the playlist for the 8th of April in 2024 has this ready as well. {#Cheers}

We’re approaching 4/8/24. Why is this day important?
To me, this is PF's homage, in their own way with their own unique, deep artistry, to Abbey Road.  There are quite a number of similarities, starting with 'money'.  And in the end, the love....is eclipsed by the moon. 
No one loves Floyd more than me, but this is a bit lame... I get the impression they were just going through the motions and not really enjoying it as much as I wanted to.

Near Side of the Moon on the left and Far Side on the right.

We're off to get some CBD oil for the wife's diabetic neuropathy but I bet it won't have the same effect as the old days.  Worth a try, though...

8.7?  This track is superlative.  10 surely...
 ch83575 wrote:

Get a good view of the Dark Side of the Moon?  I hear it's all dark... really.

Well, actually no, it isn't 'dark'.  It's just 'The Other Side of the Moon' and we don't get to see it.

But dark it isn't.... 

[/pendant mode]
 kylieh wrote:
Makes me wish I was 17 and listening to this stoned in a panelled basement again instead of 50 and trying to make a work deadline....

I can't think of anything that would make we want to be 17 again.
Long Live                                                                                                                                  Radio Paradise
Rating to me is                                                                                8 - Most Excellent    
Gooooooooood Stuff!
 thewiseking wrote:
The eclipse was cool until this downer ruined it

I thought the eclipse was cool, even through the pinhole and the music.....sorry if either offended you
Couldn't be more apropos.  Thanks, Bill!
 thewiseking wrote:
The eclipse was cool until this downer ruined it

Don't be so hard on yourself.
The eclipse was cool until this downer ruined it
I just punched a hole in a piece of paper and shined it on a white piece of wood on the floor at work. I just impressed the crap out of a bunch of young folks. I am a Sun God ! 
 jbuhl wrote:
I just watched the eclipse through a Coronado SolarMax telescope and the University of Colorado Planetarium.  {#Sunny}

Get a good view of the Dark Side of the Moon?  I hear it's all dark... really.
I just watched the eclipse through a Coronado SolarMax telescope and the University of Colorado Planetarium.  {#Sunny}
Perfect song for this afternoon… I hope the playlist for the 8th of April in 2024 has this ready as well. {#Cheers}
LOVE this version, haven't heard it in a long time on RP.....always a deep breath moment.  Needless to say timely given the Eclipse just occurred in Chicago about 90 minutes ago!

 gmichaelt wrote:

They hum, too. But apparently not for everyone.

I like Pink Floyd. I just posted that to piss off the people who think they are Gods. lol I guess I'm a Troll. {#Moon}
 Schmoogsley wrote:
Pink Floyd sucks!
They hum, too. But apparently not for everyone.
What happens when a psychedelic band takes itself too seriously. 
 Schmoogsley wrote:
Pink Floyd sucks! 

Haven't heard any of these versions on RP for ages....Glad Bill dusted this off!  Looking forward to seeing Roger Waters this summer - you never know when the "last time" will be for these living legends.
TOTALLY agree with this comment.  Roger's lyrics are/were absolutely stunning for a 20 something.  I was 20 at the time. 
maxjboxer wrote:

I was 17 when this was released and you listen to Time written by a 20 something and you say WTF?


 kylieh wrote:
Makes me wish I was 17 and listening to this stoned in a panelled basement again instead of 50 and trying to make a work deadline....

I was 17 when this was released and you listen to Time written by a 20 something and you say WTF?
 Schmoogsley wrote:
Pink Floyd sucks! 

You're cute.
 kylieh wrote:
Makes me wish I was 17 and listening to this stoned in a panelled basement again instead of 50 and trying to make a work deadline....

So feeling this comment.
I think Bill's gone down to the shops or he's having another quick one in the bar!!!
Yes, Roger Waters makes the difference
 Akazungu wrote:
The most perfect of tens. This is why we need an 11 for special occasions :).

How about 10 to an exponent for this one?  10 squared would fit it nicely into the scheme of things!

I don't have this album.  Off to Amazon's wish list! 

Thanks Bill!
 kylieh wrote:
Makes me wish I was 17 and listening to this stoned in a panelled basement again instead of 50 and trying to make a work deadline....

  Wow, that's exactly how I feel!

Never got into PF, and the PSD button seems to be disabled (for this song only).  Guess that's how the cookie crumbles... :/
The most perfect of tens. This is why we need an 11 for special occasions :).
Makes me wish I was 17 and listening to this stoned in a panelled basement again instead of 50 and trying to make a work deadline....
You'd think these dopey stoners could show a little empathy rather than referring to someone as a lunatic and pumping in stupid giggles, muzak saxophone and a lame chorus
Pink Floyd sucks! 
If it wasn't for the sax player not sticking to the script, it would have been pretty close to the original. Don't know what it is about sax players... lol! 
 jagdriver wrote:

Yesssss! Be nice if this were in the music mix and NOT PSD
 G_Raffa wrote:
Thank you, PSD fairy!


Good one, Bill! I'm in Europe so missing out on the eclipse, but totally feeling the vibe thanks to this. Thanks   {#Good-vibes}
Perfect music for watching the eclipse, here in S Fla! Thanx Bill & Rebecca.
Can you imagine what your life would have been like without DSOTM?
Thank you, PSD fairy!
chillest. saxophone. ever.
heroin in a song... im hooked
 westslope wrote:

Party choice no. 1 circa mid-70s.  

It was, how shall I say, an introspective period.  


I strongly suspect that more people had more sex to this song, this album than any other in the period.  Just a hunch.  

That's why there are so many people with hunches walking around.

Party choice no. 1 circa mid-70s.  

It was, how shall I say, an introspective period.  


I strongly suspect that more people had more sex to this song, this album than any other in the period.  Just a hunch.  

 MsJudi wrote:

You'd be dead wrong.
OK, your  exception proves the rule {#Meditate}
 fuzzy wrote:
This post apparently contained an image that was dragged into the post editor. Sorry, but any text contained in the post after this point has been lost.
 fuzzy wrote:
Must be better when you're on acid...    
Call it what you want, its still the blues to me.

Which is why I love it so much.
Very nice - but I prefer the studio version, perhaps because it is forever etched into my brain. When I listen to the live version, all I hear are the many ways it is NOT what I will forever love. DSOTM: Number 1 on my list of "desert island discs" - a classic study and commentary on "the human condition", something I may need reminding of while I contemplate whether or not to eschew the island life.
Roger Waters is playing bass on this. Too bad it ended so ugly.
 Ghiaap wrote:
... (girls don't like PF, i think).
You'd be dead wrong.
Ahhh yes..... was hoping you would play this again.... thankyou much!
and then there's this.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
 Ghiaap wrote:
In my opinion the RP-community are very much Pink Floyd fanboys (girls don't like PF, i think). But how is it possible to rate everything with a 10? Much of the PF stuff is pompous and overrated, it never brings a shiver down my spine or tears to my eyes.
Uh!  Typical mistake to confuse causes with effects.   I'm a Pink Floyd "fan boy" (since 1969) exactly because they have given me more shivers down my spine and tears to my eyes, enduringly, than any other band, ever.  I don't rate the song a 10 'coz I'm a fanboy, I rate it a 10 because it resonates with something deep inside me that few music pieces ever get to.

I know many people who find PF pompous, but they're generally of the "shove me in the shallow water, before I get too deep" sort.
In my opinion the RP-community are very much Pink Floyd fanboys (girls don't like PF, i think). But how is it possible to rate everything with a 10? Much of the PF stuff is pompous and overrated, it never brings a shiver down my spine or tears to my eyes.
Wow — THAT was one of the best and most impressive (and EXPRESSIVE) stretches of exquisite music ever let slide across the waves and wires that I have EVER heard on ANY station, ANYWHERE.  Truly awesome, incredible, and absolutely as perfect as it gets.  THANKS!
Repeat: Thanks again RP.  Wonderful to hear the entire album!
My monthly contribution is mere gratituity to the genius of Bill & Rebecca and the Radio Paradise concept. The same appreciation you pay with a decent tip for a decent meal served. Always on. Always good. No yack
Bravo Bill. Bravo. Could stand some more good old circa 70's whole sides DJ'n. Love it. Play On.
OMG, this long Pink Floyd set is heaven.  Especially great for a long day at work!  I cannot crank the speakers high enough!
 stunix wrote:
after seeing this live, my speakers just cant recreate how fantastic this was.

 Stingray wrote:



Some might never wake up - tortured to death!


The best is the "Halleluja's" of the "Bimbolinas" in the chorus!

Well my nipples are so erect they've poked out an eye... just the mere sound of that organ being stroked!! Do like this though
after seeing this live, my speakers just cant recreate how fantastic this was.

Wow, I'm pretty sick of Dark Side of the Moon after forty years now but this performance is pretty amazing.
Uh oh...it's the Pink Floyd orgy-fest. Better make some plans for the rest of the day.
 ShortSharpShock wrote:
For anyone who doesn't understand why this music is amazing, why Gilmour's guitar is some of the most expressive ever committed to vinyl, or why this live performance is better than sex, do like they did when at this show back in '74 - have a sugar cube and shut the * ef * up...
Oh, man!  When I think of all the time, money, and dignity that I have spent over the last 35+ years in the pursuit of sex, when all along, this "live performance" was better.  Oh, well; it wasn't a complete waste: there's still the ambrosial memory of that club-footed, cannery wench from New Brunswick...
Excellent observation ShortSharp!! ShortSharpShock wrote:
For anyone who doesn't understand why this music is amazing, why Gilmour's guitar is some of the most expressive ever committed to vinyl, or why this live performance is better than sex, do like they did when at this show back in '74 - have a sugar cube and shut the * ef * up...

For anyone who doesn't understand why this music is amazing, why Gilmour's guitar is some of the most expressive ever committed to vinyl, or why this live performance is better than sex, do like they did when at this show back in '74 - have a sugar cube and shut the * ef * up...
Please please stop, I'll contribute, I know I've missed a few months but it won't happen again. Just make it stop. PLEASE!!!!!
Thank you for playing thew whole set! 
A run consisting of "Speak to Me", "Money" and now "Us and Them".  Some PF gluttony? Good like too much cajun food. 
Be honest, ol' boys (commenting). Gimme your age!
 Imkirok wrote:

I missed it when I was younger as well, but I saw Roger Waters do DSOTM a couple of years ago and am going to see him/PF do The Wall in June.  I think it lacks something without David Gilmour, but still great stuff.
Oh really....? Still THE WALL? Hahahahaha - that's exactly what I am saying! Among many other things!
This is probably the only radio ever that will play 15 minutes of PF straight. Gotta love Paradise.
 ckcotton wrote:
WHY OH WHY couldn't I have been a bit older so I could have seen this in person


I missed it when I was younger as well, but I saw Roger Waters do DSOTM a couple of years ago and am going to see him/PF do The Wall in June.  I think it lacks something without David Gilmour, but still great stuff.
Also Sprach The Gods of Bluesy Rock...
I really don't understand the 8.8 rating: this version is even better than the album's, and that one is already godlike.



Some might never wake up - tortured to death!


The best is the "Halleluja's" of the "Bimbolinas" in the chorus!

Naughty Naughty.....

I shall go with the common herd and give it a 10 like the majority on here 


Why is Gilmour considered to be a great guitar player? I was able to play such riffs when I was 14-15.

It's just boring, even untalented, if you ask me!


Why me? Ask Knopfler or Dominic Miller (Sting) - they can play the guitar!

Ask a 1000 other guitarists!

 Stingray wrote:





das schweinfutter
WHY OH WHY couldn't I have been a bit older so I could have seen this in person






Not even a shadow of a melody! What has this Sugar-Daddy "Rock" to do with eclectic Rock Music? I will neither ever understand, nor EVEr accept! 

This is pityful "over-60" stadion-rock for those who have never

felt and heard real Rock'n'Roll. Slimey, oily bull!



Headphones on.  Volume up to 11. Lunch is going to have to wait for another 20 minutes.
Diggin the improv parts with Gilmour/Waters/Wright playing off of each other.  Very nice.
Gilmore's guitar work on "Any Colour You Like is brilliant!{#Sunny}
21 minutes, 52 seconds. Looks like Bill needed a long break. Enjoy!
I wore this album out-way back when. No, no Wizard of Oz stuff...Just good music for the time... Then I didn't wish to hear it... *Now* thru the magic of the RP flow...It fits and is welcome... as an old friend in new clothing... It's not the one song...But the human ear and taste that knit such a pleasant experience... Thank You ! Yet-again...
My sunday just got better; one of the 20 min PF live sets and I turn up the volume… wait it continues yes yes yes
First time that I heard the full set... How can I have missed it before?!!!
This is why we listen to RP; any commercial station would go bancrupt pulling stunts like this {#Lol}
Now I just have to get back to do the stuff that I was supposed to be doing this afternoon  
Wow man, That is way cool: 3 PF songs in a row. Turn up the volume!
Home from the usual trying day in the office.. I log into RP and hear the "GodLike" live performance.... I read back in the comments and see that nobody has make the most obvious one.. ... Like...
"Wow Man.. that was waaay cool ! "   

;P    Gus
Guess I'm gunna have spend $122 to buy the box set! 20+ minutes of bliss!
Thank you Bill and RP.  This extended live version is the Cream.  Sadly, I do get tired of hearing so much "standard" Floyd (especially The Wall) - but this, this is Heaven.
I was not familiar with this extended track.  Thanks!!!
Would love it if Bill would give us a heads up in advance when he's going to play these extended - AMAZING - versions so I can position myself for optimal listening!
 TerryS wrote:
Anyone know who the female soloist is? (stunningly beautiful wailing)

johnjconn wrote:

Carol Channing


That was cruel :)

Clare Torry is the answer.

"The Great Gig in the Sky"

In 2004, she sued Pink Floyd and EMI for songwriting royalties on the basis that her contribution to "The Great Gig in the Sky" constituted co-authorship with keyboardist Richard Wright. Originally, she was paid the standard flat fee of £30 for Sunday studio work. In 2005, an out-of-court settlement was reached in Torry's favour, although the terms of the settlement were not disclosed. All releases after 2005 credit 'Richard Wright/Clare Torry' for the "Great Gig in the Sky" segment.

Er, TerryS, your cut and paste about CT singing the amazing vocals on GGITS is correct, but I don't believe she sang on any other track on the album, and I don't believe she ever toured with them. So that can't be her singing on this track. 


Just to let you know that I got home from my b'day night, connected to RP and just had the greatest time listening to the whole track, thx for the present!!!!
  I enjoy this every time.  {#Bananajam}
I recently ragged on the Floyd's omnipresence vis a vis "The Wall" and "Animals". I also disclaimed by stating I love Floyd. Here is one of the reasons why.

Saw them in Phoenix summer of 1987 or 1988. (it was one of those two) A very nice show at Phoenix Municipal Stadium.
 TerryS wrote:
Anyone know who the female soloist is? (stunningly beautiful wailing)

johnjconn wrote:

Carol Channing


That was cruel :)

Clare Torry is the answer.

"The Great Gig in the Sky"

In 2004, she sued Pink Floyd and EMI for songwriting royalties on the basis that her contribution to "The Great Gig in the Sky" constituted co-authorship with keyboardist Richard Wright. Originally, she was paid the standard flat fee of £30 for Sunday studio work. In 2005, an out-of-court settlement was reached in Torry's favour, although the terms of the settlement were not disclosed. All releases after 2005 credit 'Richard Wright/Clare Torry' for the "Great Gig in the Sky" segment.



"apparently Mr Gilmour encoraged her to do it because she didnt have an income, the legalities meant that she was entitled to be credited on the album and paid more than £30.  (the actual sum was not disclosed)


Wow. I like Pink Floyd a lot, but this track is just a tad on the long side. Great in concert, I'm sure, but as the soundtrack to my day at work in the office? Not so much.
more classic album sides or long sets. reminds me of the days I used to listen to vinyl. thx
 myflaker wrote:
this is a real torture... too long for me
please, never play it again
there are other internet radio stations. They aren't as good...but some of them play real nice short songs.

or PSD....PSD...PSD
 myflaker wrote:
this is a real torture... too long for me
please, never play it again
And our whole world revolves around "myflaker."  Isn't that special!  
Thank you; very nice!
Love it! Thanks Bill.
Nice set.  For the fans.
this is a real torture... too long for me
please, never play it again
There are a select few songs out there that require the option of a rating higher than 10.

This would be one of them.
What is happening??  I am in love!!!!!!  {#Heartkiss}
I still just love it every time
 Baketown wrote:
What a great version!

Well, apparently it was live, from what BG was just saying. So there we go. Not really a version but the original! Peace. xo.

 fredriley wrote:

a 30-minute live track is pushing it.
I know this is only part of your post, so I don't want to quote you out of context, but..........

I love long songs! It's like slow food, slow music.......one of the reasons I listen to RP.

Just saying ;)

What a great version!
 lathyris wrote:
Just noticed — this is on sale at Amazon for 63 bucks! Go buy it! (Use RP link, of course!)
I'm going to make this very easy on you: Click here for the Amazon magic.

I saw this at the record store for more than $100 — $63 is a bargain!