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Bruce Lash — Lithium
Album: Prozak for Lovers II
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 220

Released: 2003
Length: 4:51
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (130)add comment
 Baum74 wrote:

Sometimes I wished it was.
Like now.
This cover version is even sin in a biblical sense.
Probably the most inappropriate cover version I ever heard. "Subversive"?? please ...

"Sin" can only exist in a biblical sense, and being "inappropriate" makes it "subversive" by definition.
 Frater_Kork wrote:
I'm adding my straw to the Quite likeable pile in order to balance out the Sucko Barfo crowd, note that I am not bashing the naysayers.
This is shaping up to be a most excellent rating curve, provocative music isn't for everyone, you all have your own tastes.

That's not a curve —- it's a left inclined distribution that says "BILL, THIS SONG (AND ALBUM) REALLY SUCK!  GIVE US ALL A BREAK AND FILE IT WITH JAMES BLUNT!!"
I'm adding my straw to the Quite likeable pile in order to balance out the Sucko Barfo crowd, note that I am not bashing the naysayers.
This is shaping up to be a most excellent rating curve, provocative music isn't for everyone, you all have your own tastes.
 Baum74 wrote:

This cover version is even sin in a biblical sense.



"Sin in a biblical sense".

I mean, I absolutely LOVE Nirvana's Nevermind - still. It magically stays crisp & fresh up to this very day.


I also like this musicians take on Lithium. Must be loads of fun to do this kind of stuff...
taking a song and robbing it of all it's aggressiveness & "rock attitude" & of course saving/keeping the lyrics...then putting it in a "girl from ipanema"-environment.

It made me smile. Imagining this getting played in a stupid-business-men-lounge for example.

And I think it's one of the pretty well done covers.

 Geecheeboy wrote:
C'mon, folks.  Music is not cancer surgery. Don't take yourself so seriously.  GOSH!
Sometimes I wished it was.
Like now.
This cover version is even sin in a biblical sense.
Probably the most inappropriate cover version I ever heard. "Subversive"?? please ...

A really interesting take on a great song.  Thanks for playing this Bill !

I certainly mean no disrespect to those grappling with bipolar disorder or any affliction for which lithium-based medications are typically prescribed but folks, really... LIGHTEN UP!  This guy has taken one of the most depressing songs from one of the most depressing (and depressed) artists of our time and set it to a frickin' LOUNGE GROOVE!  I mean come on; taking it serously is just, well... silly.  Instead, try shaking up an icy cold martini, slide on your comfiest slippers, slip on your smoking jacket, sit back and take a big, deep breath of CHILL.  Simply try to enjoy it for what it is... a total goof on what is, amazingly enough, pop culture.

 HarrO wrote:
Great Cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unorthodox, at the least.

Which is a commendation by itself.

Subversive, playful and kinda hip...Just what I appreciate about RP!
C'mon, folks.  Music is not cancer surgery. Don't take yourself so seriously.  GOSH!
 _Bruce_ wrote:
10 seconds into this and I was so atonished by how bad this is that "what the f**k" just came bursting out of my mouth... For the sake of common decency please don't ever play this song again.

whats next? how come RP doesn't play muzak version of the beatle's songs? this is crap.

I really hated this nice elevator music at first.  Then I thought about the cover, then I noticed teh name of the album, and got a little chuckle.  2 ->4
 SusieQ wrote:

Agreed.  Bill is a smart one.  Despite my gripe that, overall, the music played on RP is much too sullen (really - good smart music doesn't have to be), Bill has created a medium for some of the most entertaining (intelligent and creative) musical commentary on the internet. I love the quirky pictures people post. I could spend hours reading and laughing and LEARNING (thank you fellow listeners and Bill..for sharing all your musical knowledge) for hours and hours ....  

ohh!..I'm at work... 

I know what you mean about being at work.  One can really get distracted with these song comments.  Also, it's always a little disconcerting to read screeds you may have written a year ago.  Not that I've ever done that of course. {#Angel}
10 seconds into this and I was so atonished by how bad this is that "what the f**k" just came bursting out of my mouth... For the sake of common decency please don't ever play this song again.

Great Cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Proclivities wrote:
Pretty humorless bunch of disgruntled listeners for this tune.

Exactly, just about the only one who gets it.

I like it. . .

 sbird wrote:
I kinda like it - subversive...

Bill needs to keep playing songs like this - why? So that we get to be amused by the pithy humorous comments that everyone writes criticizing it - I've never laughed so hard reading song comments; especially "If you think of Radio Paradise as Bertie Bott's "Every Flavor Beans", this is the ear wax flavor."
Agreed.  Bill is a smart one.  Despite my gripe that, overall, the music played on RP is much too sullen (really - good smart music doesn't have to be), Bill has created a medium for some of the most entertaining (intelligent and creative) musical commentary on the internet. I love the quirky pictures people post. I could spend hours reading and laughing and LEARNING (thank you fellow listeners and Bill..for sharing all your musical knowledge) for hours and hours ....  

ohh!..I'm at work... 
 iam_overlord wrote:
This song has the lowest rating I've ever seen on RP.
People, unclench you jaws, take a deep breath..now another..repeat. Your fingernails are digging into you palms, slowly open up your hands..that's right.. all the way open. You are scowling, open up you eyes wide and blink a couple of times, roll your shoulders....good, now rub your neck...that's right ...keep breathing. Relax...feel that stress float away...now ...is that pain behind you eyes receding? Peace... {#Chillpill} {#Sunny}
Beautiful chord changes. A bit of a disconnect with the words, of course, but so smooth. 
 The_Mrs wrote:

Being bi-polar myself I feel I am entitled as any to reply. "Bruce-Baby" didn't write this song, you want to see mental illness at it's worst? Google the man who DID write Lithium, Kurt Cobain. I can guarantee you, no one was making fun of the drug or those who needed it while writing or performing a cover of this song. Check your facts before you blast. {#Chillpill}

Both the original and the cover of this are great, leave the songs.


Great Statement! You got right to the heart of the matter!
Unmitigated novelty fare! LOL

Just voted with the crowd:  1.
ha! awesome.
 The_Mrs wrote:

Being bi-polar myself I feel I am entitled as any to reply. "Bruce-Baby" didn't write this song, you want to see mental illness at it's worst? Google the man who DID write Lithium, Kurt Cobain. I can guarantee you, no one was making fun of the drug or those who needed it while writing or performing a cover of this song. Check your facts before you blast. {#Chillpill}

Both the original and the cover of this are great, leave the songs.

i think all he's trying to say is that the tone doesn't seem to match up perfectly with the message.  and i can see where he's coming from.

different... but somehow soothing ..
Jokes over!
I need Prozac now please...
 Quixmundi wrote:
Lousy song...lousy topic. Not funny when you live with a bi-polar and have to care for her and lithium is one of the only medications that eases her misery during episodes. Come live in my shoes Bruce-Baby and see how clever singing smart ass lyrics about life saving drugs isn't. Please take this dumb music off RP!!!!
Being bi-polar myself I feel I am entitled as any to reply. "Bruce-Baby" didn't write this song, you want to see mental illness at it's worst? Google the man who DID write Lithium, Kurt Cobain. I can guarantee you, no one was making fun of the drug or those who needed it while writing or performing a cover of this song. Check your facts before you blast. {#Chillpill}

Both the original and the cover of this are great, leave the songs.

Lousy song...lousy topic. Not funny when you live with a bi-polar and have to care for her and lithium is one of the only medications that eases her misery during episodes. Come live in my shoes Bruce-Baby and see how clever singing smart ass lyrics about life saving drugs isn't. Please take this dumb music off RP!!!!
Great tune! And you all are Sucko-barfo slaves {#Whipit}
Easy 10 from me with no regrades

Bill, please more chill on PR! {#Chillpill} {#Chillpill} {#Chillpill} {#Chillpill}
Meh. I'm a huge fan of the original, one of my favourite Nirvana songs so it would be tough to come close. Not sure if I can really say he's really added anything with this version, first time I heard it and it seemed to blend into the background.

Oh wait a minute - he did clarify one of the words in the song  - "I'm not gonna crack" vs "quit"...so many that counts for something (I'm reaching here....)
 iam_overlord wrote:
This song has the lowest rating I've ever seen on RP.
You haven't seen heard Sarah McLachlan's version of Solsbury Hill.

I kinda like it - subversive...

Bill needs to keep playing songs like this - why? So that we get to be amused by the pithy humorous comments that everyone writes criticizing it - I've never laughed so hard reading song comments; especially "If you think of Radio Paradise as Bertie Bott's "Every Flavor Beans", this is the ear wax flavor."

Pretty humorless bunch of disgruntled listeners for this tune.

This song has the lowest rating I've ever seen on RP.
that was fun.
This is really pretty good. Yes, of course, at first it is a shock to hear a cover like this but it's actually a tribute to the original. Listen to it and you will see this does work. {#Music}
 Aegean wrote:

Right!  So, by that logic, you'll appreciate a cow patty in place of your burger when you order a Big Mac now and then, right? 
If you would accept a Big Mac in place of a burger, you're not doing much for your case against this song.

I didn't like the original.

This really blows, though.

It is really fun to hear this...you can still play the original as a second track, played just a beat behind the cover, and i really like it!  {#Devil_pimp} we've gotta listen to music on many levels

If you think of Radio Paradise as Bertie Bott’s "Every Flavor Beans", this is the ear wax flavor.

BRUCE!!! ummm yah..RICHARD CHEESE called and he wants his act back!
You know, I've always been a strong opponent of the death penalty.

This, " Artist," has forced me to rethink my entire position on that...... 
This ought not be allowed.

I'd sooner trim my toenails with a Cuisinart than listen to this song/album.
Better than the original.
This guy shouldn't insult the dead like this.
 supremo wrote:
Despite the low ratings this song gets, I hope Bill keeps playing stuff like this.  It's exactly what I come to RP for.  Variety, originality.  This doesn't happen on very many stations.  It almost adds a little wit to the programming, like a little inside joke or something.  Brought a smile to my face, I guess is all I'm saying, and I hope it doesn't stop.
Go, Supremo, Go! Uh huh! Uh huh! {#Bananasplit}

  OMG Bill !!!!!!!   ~  I'm howling in pain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like it!!!...I'm not gonna cry.
and still, it's awful.  I want a score less than 1.

I'm sure Bruce is a really nice guy but somehow me thinks Kurt is spinning in his grave.

 supremo wrote:
Despite the low ratings this song gets, I hope Bill keeps playing stuff like this.  It's exactly what I come to RP for.  Variety, originality.  This doesn't happen on very many stations.  It almost adds a little wit to the programming, like a little inside joke or something.  Brought a smile to my face, I guess is all I'm saying, and I hope it doesn't stop.
 I think Supremo says it best!

I think it's a pretty cool version - funny at least!
What the......??

I almost got whip-lash doing a double-take upon hearing this song.  Nirvana a la Lounge Lizard style?  LOL!  Don't know quite what to think of this but I have to tip my hat at the artist having the guts to do it....

sounds like Richard Cheese... if Richard Cheese took himeself seriously. 
this is great.....
 splooge wrote:
Much better than the original. {#Yes}

This. {#Clap}

I just never understood the fawning over Cobain.

 supremo wrote:
Despite the low ratings this song gets, I hope Bill keeps playing stuff like this.  It's exactly what I come to RP for.  Variety, originality.  This doesn't happen on very many stations.  It almost adds a little wit to the programming, like a little inside joke or something.  Brought a smile to my face, I guess is all I'm saying, and I hope it doesn't stop.

I don't mind trying new things, but if something doesn't work about 6-12 spins, let it die.

We need a dance remix! And a country remix.

 lattalo wrote:

This is so funny, Nirvana as elevator music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Bill you rock!!  {#Lol}


Nirvana elevator music.I thought I would hear it in my lifetime, just not this soon. Next up: Eminem elevator music. Hopefully, I am in my 60s by the time that happens, not 30s like this one!

Despite the low ratings this song gets, I hope Bill keeps playing stuff like this.  It's exactly what I come to RP for.  Variety, originality.  This doesn't happen on very many stations.  It almost adds a little wit to the programming, like a little inside joke or something.  Brought a smile to my face, I guess is all I'm saying, and I hope it doesn't stop.
Wow every one hates it. What's a Grouch to do?

10+ ... does this one go to 11?
 obzidian wrote:
Oh Dear....{#No}
Agreed. I suppose it would help if I liked boring music in the first place. 2

LOL! {#Bounce}

This works for me, points to the strength of the original song...good man Bill :)

this is horrible!!! irritating and violates the original song.
 Ndugu wrote:
Bruce told us about this song for Songfacts. He was looking for songs that were hard or angry or alienated so he could make them soothing. Kind of the opposite of what Vanilla Fudge would do. Check it out:


I understand what the guy is trying to do, but...{#Puke}
Ha ha! Quite amusing. I don't want to hear this in regular rotation, but I'm glad to know about this album, and its predecessor. Would be fun to throw on at a party. I have an old "Big Daddy" CD. Same sort of thing.
{#Roflol}Didn't William Shatner cover a few tunes as well?

Love it! Fun stuff.
Hmm...sounds like blasphemy to me. 
This, while not totally offensive, just doesn't work.  Next!
Oh Dear....{#No}
This is so funny, Nirvana as elevator music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Bill you rock!!  {#Lol}

I never want to hear this again.
Bruce told us about this song for Songfacts. He was looking for songs that were hard or angry or alienated so he could make them soothing. Kind of the opposite of what Vanilla Fudge would do. Check it out:


 splooge wrote:
Much better than the original. {#Yes}
Yes, very refreshing after hearing the original a couple hundred times. Say ahhh ,  then chuckle-why so serious?.

I so want this record. I love this! hahaha.....

I'm always in the minority with my opinions, aren't I? lol.
Worst song I've EVER heard on Radio Paradise ?
It's in the top 3, that's for sure.

My wife just walked in and was instantly revulsed.
Biiiiiiiiiillllllll !!!!!


all agree,  "my, this is terrible, isn't it ?"

I really cannot listen to this song. Really sickening............

Frighteningly enough, this actually works.  Well, mostly.
I find it quite humorous in a twisted sort of way. I wonder if Richard Cheese knows this guy is stealing his schtick.

Oh.   My.  God.
Bill, please don't put us through that pain again!  {#No}

I've heard two songs from this recording and they're both hilarious.  I can't wait to hear Cities in Dust done by this guy.   Siouxsie and the Banshees done to a bosso nova beat!
"What do you get when you kiss a boy"... totally ripped off the beat and phrasing.

Burt Bacharach would be proud.

Unusual covers of Cobain's songs tend to show what an amazing songwriter he was. Removed from the grunge sonic context, it's clear that his song structures and lyrics can stand on their own. Heard Tori's cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit?
Much better than the original. {#Yes}
TheFriendlyCat wrote:
{#Ask} um... seriously? entertaining, i must admit, but probably only the first time.

And then only for the first 15-20 seconds. After that the realization and horror of what they're doing starts to set in.

Great! In small doses, of course.  Please don't overdo it!

where is the -9000 rating when you need it?

I think they play this CD, on continuous repeat, in Hell.
My that's just terrible, isn't it?

God, this cd is full of lame covers.  This guy seems to think that by just by slowing a song down and giving it a new beat it's going to be hip, cool and wonderful.  WRONG!

{#Ask} um... seriously?   entertaining, i must admit, but probably only the first time.

 montanasara wrote:
Kurt Cobain is rolling in his grave.

naw, i think he'd have a good sense of humor about it, actually.
 montanasara wrote:
Kurt Cobain is rolling in his grave.
doubt it
Funny!  Got my attention. 
It's just plain funny!
I'm thinking "WTF?!" and look at the album title.  {#Lol}  This may or may not fall into the "sincerest form of flattery" bucket, but it's funny as hell.
This just work for me. The novelty wears off quickly and then you're stuck with crap.
Make it stop!!!  {#Puke}
This brings a big, stupid smile to my face. Auto 7.
This from Bruce Lash's website https://brucelash.org/

Bruce has also recently begun playing live shows, after a fashion, in the metaverse Second Life. He streams stripped down, acoustic guitar and vocal, performances live from his home to an international crowd as avatar Winston Ackland.

lol album name fits and ya have to admit ya wonder what next verse is or what Vol 1 sounds like
 KeithT wrote:
...way outta-touch-with-reality sorta way.
I think that's where the Prozak comes in ...

Please make it stop{#No}
Kurt Cobain is rolling in his grave.
Great album name
I really dislike it, though the arrangement seems to work with the lyrics - in kind of a pathetic, oblivious, way outta-touch-with-reality sorta way.
 djengs wrote:
Lovely. Have to go now- this is my floor.

Now this is hysterical. Great cover art, too.

Lovely. Have to go now- this is my floor.
like super great dessert
one or two bites and it's ENOUGH
but WOW what a taste!
 Kahnchris wrote:
Make it your own!

I'm pretty sure the original didn't have a pan flute ... or maracas.

gotta appreciate Bill's sense of humor on this one...but my teeth are hurting now.  please.  stop.