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Kroke — Usual Happiness
Album: Ten Pieces To Save The World
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Total ratings: 1986

Released: 2003
Length: 5:40
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Comments (217)add comment
Oh, man, long time no hear it, welcome back to Paradise!
 derekd wrote:

And thus God said, "There will be Radio Paradise"

He sure did!

if they ever make "Snatch 2" I hope this makes the soundtrack
I really like them a lot, no need for a shot of vodka, just great musicians and beautiful tune. RP play more of their music please.
 Pilcrow wrote:
WOW – a first Polish band I hear on RP!

Try the Polish Blues band "Dzem"
Tomek i Tomek... most likely not "Kurba", for the latter... for obvious reasons ;-)
Kills me. Reminds my of my club. The Polish Falcons Nest   #188.  
 hayduke2 wrote:
hey anybody remember The Cold War (specifically Radio Free Europe)? Those odd b/w ads on tv where they had "They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway..." then some smoky voiced Bosnian or Polish language'd DJ squarble something about who knows what but man its still parked somewhere in my mind and this kind of Third Man sound sends me way over the wall, and not in a good way man

Didn't the Cold War go away when Global Warming arrived?
boring, have a shot of vodka, then another shot of vodka, then some kale soup, then some borscht . boring
 hayduke2 wrote:
hey anybody remember The Cold War (specifically Radio Free Europe)? Those odd b/w ads on tv where they had "They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway..." then some smoky voiced Bosnian or Polish language'd DJ squarble something about who knows what but man its still parked somewhere in my mind and this kind of Third Man sound sends me way over the wall, and not in a good way man

"On ...  Brohd-vay." That much I remember.
wonderful ...
WOW – a first Polish band I hear on RP!
hey anybody remember The Cold War (specifically Radio Free Europe)? Those odd b/w ads on tv where they had "They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway..." then some smoky voiced Bosnian or Polish language'd DJ squarble something about who knows what but man its still parked somewhere in my mind and this kind of Third Man sound sends me way over the wall, and not in a good way man

I love this..it's repetitive but so is life..suits me fine
"Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
This track quite suits my twilight zone of an afternoon. Just a little absinthe before I stumble down the dark cobbled street to my smoky pit, my red velvet chair and my wise old wiry cat.
The playing reminds me of Farid Farjad, an incredible Iranian violin player. I could have sworn it was him...
I feel like I am watching an episode of The American's.
Yes, this is the real deal original source material, from the darkest depths of central europe, from which Mr. Waits draws much of his inspiration.
Beautiful transition from Chris Bathgate to this!
 Violet8893 wrote:
Love this!! Reminds me so much of Budapest! My favorite city on the planet! :)

Don't you mean your favorite two cities?

Very nice violin concerto ... unfortunately it reminds me of the dentist office, just before they start drilling ....  more gas please!

Im waiting for Tom to Kroke out some vocals about a little bit of poison.
Love this!! Reminds me so much of Budapest! My favorite city on the planet! :)
Brilliant as always.  Love the diversity of the music and finding new stuff
Uplifting without being sweet or obnoxious.  
I first heard Kroke here on Paradise, years ago, and still never tire of their sound.  {#Cool}
Ahhhh...... the essence of why I am an avid RP listener -eclectic segues, music, just a hoot! Byrne to Bathgate to Kroke to Red Clay...nice.
Bill - you crack me up!
Jean-Luc Ponty joins the circus.
Ah. Here comes the bandwagon of Kroke dissers. 
I'm not getting on. I like this.
Maybe not the best driving song I've heard, but I like it.

Ummm I'll pass on this song
 SwissReVox wrote:
Yeah, I'm trying to remember me. Could swear I heard that Track in a movie.
Marvellous................I am Kroke.
Time to switch stations.....sorry Bill but I can't take this shit.
Sometimes I wonder if ten songs are enough to save the world. Then again, if the world stopped its endless bickering and sat down to listen to these ten songs, I'm pretty sure that it would find some semblance of peace—at least enough to reconsider the bickering. It might find a most unusual happiness.
Interesting. Catchy. Is that an accordion in the background?  Worth another listen. Thanks
Wow, never heard Kroke on RP before. Possibly I've missed it judging by the playhist history.

Play Time please !
 patrick30 wrote:

looked for it, didn't find anything. but there is a movie!


With Audrey Tatou in it! 
 SwissReVox wrote:

Yeah, I'm trying to remember me. Could swear I heard that Track in a movie.
looked for it, didn't find anything. but there is a movie!
There are some days when music just helps to prop me up a bit.  Battling vertigo and a slight depressive episode, nothing I haven't faced before, but the music's helping.  Thanks Bill.
This should be part of the soundtrack of the Grand Budapest Hotel.  Maybe it is.
There is a very odd moment in this song where the mood abruptly switches from whimsical light hearted folk melody to downright sinister.  It's only for a brief period and then it goes right back to the former tone. 
 Stingray wrote:
Unnecessary for RP!

Asking why would be unnecessary as well. 

Stingray, you should eat more ice cream. I think it would improve your mood.  {#Wave}
Unnecessary for RP!
Every time I hear this come up on RP I think that if I had my way, I'd pull all those plaques of human figures and hands raised in peace out of our probes to deep space and just chuck in an RP playlist.
If those beings out there want a view of humanity, the RP vibe is juuuuuust right.
very nice - interesting to see the range of comments.
isn't this the music used on the commercial where the guy's carrying a large glass beaker of green digestive fluid, with a grim "sorry folks" look paste'ed on his mug?     If not it should be
 raga wrote:
30 seconds of this are enought, the rest is a pain

Funny - I came here to find the CD so I could buy it and have a whole day of this. 
Mommy!  Make it stop!!!
30 seconds of this are enought, the rest is a pain
Thanks, Bill!

I had ordered C.Cui's "Feast in Time of Famine"... and have been listening to Borodin...

This brings a craving for strong spirits and hearty meals...

Funny how things work out in a bit of this, that and form a pattern...       
 Love this!!!
Please remove from playlist. Very annoying song :-(
 d-don wrote:
This is what I love about RP. Thanks.

Echo that. Very refreshing. 
This is what I love about RP. Thanks.
very very nice.
Its a shame to have to look at my other screen and get back to work
 kingart wrote:
Movie music. Last Tango in Warsaw. 
That would be a cool movie!
Change it up for God's sake.
RP at it's very best makes my life feel like an indy movie, too horrible to play in a movie house, sometimes pathetic, melancholy or too idealistic, other times brilliant. But always mine. At it's worst it reminds me of the close proximity of commercialism to my soul and makes me despise my education or anything man-made within line of site. 
Movie music. Last Tango in Warsaw. 
My God, will he never get to the end of the street?!?!?!
 PopKombo wrote:
This is wonderful!   Was this used in a movie soundtrack?

Yeah, I'm trying to remember me. Could swear I heard that Track in a movie.
This is wonderful!   Was this used in a movie soundtrack?
I already like it.

Check out this album for more superb playing along with Nigel Kennedy - bridging the gap of understanding between cultures.

Kennedy Kroke 
I like this in a background theme to Herschel buys a Challah loaf from the Street Vendor kind of way.

 tomeck wrote:

Many people of polish establishment, famous writers, journalists people from culture, government etc. are polish jews. Its not oxymoronic phrase in my opinion. Btw, phrase "American Jew" is also oxymoronic for you?

I regretted that statement about 10 minutes after I made it.  And have now deleted it. 
I feel like I'm at a Cirque de Soleil show!  Not bad.
Pretty insipid. 

Kroke-Tomasz Kukurba by desdibuix - miquel
Miquel Bohigas Costabella

Kroke (Tomasz Kukurba)

Copyright All rights reserved

 LizK wrote:

Isn't the phrase "Polish Jew" oxymoronic?


Many people of polish establishment, famous writers, journalists people from culture, government etc. are polish jews. Its not oxymoronic phrase in my opinion. Btw, phrase "American Jew" is also oxymoronic for you?

This made me a non-listener for some minutes. Terrible - or "sucko-barfo" :)

Existential angst polka

 Jelani wrote:
I thought this was little drop of poison by the scratchy throat guy- forgot his name - brain fart. :) 

Tom Waits?
 vandal wrote:
I will see your meh and raise you a ugh
 Stingray wrote:
"This music is stupid for my head!"
Did you misquote yourself?
I think you meant that "Your head is too stupid for this music." 

Just saying... by the way, what are your talents? 
I thought this was little drop of poison by the scratchy throat guy- forgot his name - brain fart. :)

"Kroke (Yiddish for Kraków) is a Polish trio formed in 1992 in Kraków by three lifelong friends and graduates of the Academy of Music in Kraków"

Wow, it's the first Polish recording that I ever heard in RP. :)

Anyone care to dance......slowly.
I really enjoyed this. I'll have to add this to my Astor Piazolla-inspired playlist, with Caravan Palace and others.
It's pretty good.  Too repetitive for anything higher than a 6 though.
different and nice
7>8 This is growing on me.
A Tango played backwards...
 KevH wrote:
Good Lord,  What a wonderful afternoon of music.  Thank you so much Bill and Rebecca 
Yes, I have enjoyed it so.

That's beautiful! Reminds me Fellini movies...
 von_Hayek wrote:

Man, what is your f***ing problem...? {#Beat}
Stingray calls 'em like he hears 'em.  Unfortunately, sometimes he's amazingly tone-deaf.  {#Lol}  He is who he is and he writes what he writes. Just laugh it off. I'm sure HE does. {#Whistle}
Mmmmmm. Very nice.
Good Lord,  What a wonderful afternoon of music.  Thank you so much Bill and Rebecca 
I like it {#Music}
Like old New York...an Eastern European flair.{#Wave} Interesting, ethnic, emotional melody. I like that RP plays different things like this.{#Yes}

 Stingray wrote:

...and what feeling might that be?
Bet they are Jewish!
They like to come up with such BS!

Man, what is your f***ing problem...? {#Beat}
Yawn {#Yell}
 naviganter wrote:
Leonard Cohens back up band? ;)
Nice with eastern european feeling from the 1920's,,, :)

...and what feeling might that be?
Bet they are Jewish!
They like to come up with such BS!

"This music is stupid for my head!"
 donnyballgame wrote:
This song elicits memories (or at least imagined memories) of sitting in an old theater in a NY borough with about about 80 people, most of whom are wearing woolen clothing and have hats in their laps and that smell of turpentine and tobacco. We are watching a magician, lighted with gas stage lamps, sawing a woman in two.

It reminds me of rats out on the town.
 donnyballgame wrote:
This song elicits memories (or at least imagined memories) of sitting in an old theater in a NY borough with about about 80 people, most of whom are wearing woolen clothing and have hats in their laps and that smell of turpentine and tobacco. We are watching a magician, lighted with gas stage lamps, sawing a woman in two.
Or created memories.Highly recommend The Illusionist with Edward Norton, Jessica Beale, and the astounding Paul Giamatti.  

 AdyMiles wrote:

this song is one of the reasons i often turn off radio paradise

Or at least turn the volume down for a few minutes or until the nausea passes...

Leonard Cohens back up band? ;)
Nice with eastern european feeling from the 1920's,,, :)

Love this, its melancholy air and chilling modulations. +1 tonight.

 LastChance wrote:
I wish this song would do what the name of the band is. . .

I agree.  When will it end?
I wish this song would do what the name of the band is. . .
That was a beautiful song...
 derekd wrote:
And thus God said, "There will be Radio Paradise"

Yay! It's over.
 crockydile wrote:
The world will perish long before this song ends. {#Yawn}
...apparently not

nix on and on....mit einer guten Musikanlage klingt es sehr gut...{#Good-vibes}
And thus God said, "There will be Radio Paradise"
Soothes my gypsy soul. MMMMmmmmmmmm

And so on, and so on, and so on. . .
{#Frustrated}  blech...
On and on and on, constantly the same theme... No, this really annoys me...

 lewie221 wrote:
Is this the only song Kroke ever recorded?

(Trying hard not to express my completely subjective distaste for this overplayed 30-minute long dirge.)
The whole CD is fascinating. Highly recommended—with my completely subjective taste.

 philbertr wrote:
(And just what the hell is a "Grip" anyway?)
Set electrician.

 donnyballgame wrote:
This song elicits memories (or at least imagined memories) of sitting in an old theater in a NY borough with about about 80 people, most of whom are wearing woolen clothing and have hats in their laps and that smell of turpentine and tobacco. We are watching a magician, lighted with gas stage lamps, sawing a woman in two.
Very nice. ...I only see the wedding scenes from The Frisco Kid and The Duchess & The Dirtwater Fox.

 donnyballgame wrote:
This song elicits memories (or at least imagined memories) of sitting in an old theater in a NY borough with about about 80 people, most of whom are wearing woolen clothing and have hats in their laps and that smell of turpentine and tobacco. We are watching a magician, lighted with gas stage lamps, sawing a woman in two.

I could almost smell turpentine and tobacco...
Love this song
 Zocket wrote:
This song is one of the reasons I love Radio Paradise....
Me too!  
Heard it here first, bought the CD, then another.  
This is the territory where really good classical music is going.  
This is what musical evolution is all about.  
To those who think it's too long, think again, and get back on/off your meds.