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Kronos Quartet — Lux Aeterna
Album: Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack
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Total ratings: 2644

Released: 2001
Length: 3:53
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (394)add comment
 Ipse_Dixit wrote:

This movie is an important reminder to avoid the three Ps,:  NO pills, potions, or powder. Stay natural!

And, you forgot no PSD buttons!  LOL!   
this soundtrack is so haunting
This movie is an important reminder to avoid the three Ps,:  NO pills, potions, or powder. Stay natural!
 Dazzerb wrote:

pretty sure you cannot appreciate this unless you have seen the movie.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen the movie, but I find the melody instantly likable.  Haunting, precise, baroque.
If Requiem For A Dream was made nowadays, the old lady wouldn't be addicted to Tappy Tibbons but to the 24/7 news cycle.
 jmassoglia wrote:

Lord, yes, I hate that I loved this film...
I just read the Wiki on it. Quite the little feel-good flick, huh?

This music and movie helped me quit smoking pot.
 maalik wrote:

One of the best films I have ever seen that I never want to see again.

Lord, yes, I hate that I loved this film...
 Dazzerb wrote:

pretty sure you cannot appreciate this unless you have seen the movie.

I have seen the movie, but I appreciate this on its own merits.
One of the best films I have ever seen that I never want to see again.
this music is as unpleasant as the movie, one of the most depressing films i've ever seen. 
check out "Pieces of Africa"
amazing album!
 Cueburned wrote:
 the sound track of self abuse
 You got  THAT part right. See the movie.

8> 9. Got me at the right time...
I've always liked this one. Solid 8.
just the first few bars of this tune gives me anxiety from thinking about the movie!  Classic film but pretty damn disturbing. I think the music suits the content of the film very well. 
Cello abuse.
A little too dramatic for early AM
 Proclivities wrote:

I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous.


Thanks for the humor. This music was scaring me!
Thought for one very excited moment this was going to be Juice by Growling Mad Scientists. Not to be, sadly.
Drags on forever with no point. Awful.
Every 2nd rate escapology act or illusionist uses this music. Awful.   
This bombastic ... should not be filed under 'Kronos Quartet' .
Geez. Repetitive some?  

 Dazzerb wrote:
pretty sure you cannot appreciate this unless you have seen the movie.

Wow, turned on RP and this was playing...it instantly sounded familiar, I felt it was from a movie. It's been so long since I've seen this movie, I've forgotten so much of it, but this music apparently was burned into my memory. Now I want to watch the movie again!
pretty sure you cannot appreciate this unless you have seen the movie.
Ugghh... Make it stop. Same stuff over and over and over... {#Frustrated}    {#Frustrated}   {#Frustrated}   
This is either the sound track of self abuse for people who love Wagner ... or the episodic music for whatever new cooking show Gordon Ramsey comes up with.  
more like this please!
Well thats blown the mood
 ziggytrix wrote:

I'd give my left arm not to have to sit through that again… {#Doh}

I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous.
This has been played to death with all those "inspirational" videos on Facebook!
Somebody give those violins more than three notes!
 kellipeter05 wrote:
This should be the music played at Bernie Sanders' Inauguration!!

Good one!

Dream on..... 
This should be the music played at Bernie Sanders' Inauguration!!
This throws me back to the most disturbing scenes of this movie. Chilling.
Serious music here, hiphop transposed into a serious classical work:
Composer Clint Mansell  also worked on Aronofsky's first film Pi. 
Both Pi and Requium are noted for their off notes and range of dark, shadowy and obscure emotions, perfectly describing the whirld of opiate delirium.{#Laughing}
Working with Mansell for the first time, the Kronos guys showed up with their simple four- piece band...
In the opening credits (before the title of the movie appears) we can hear the quartet tuning their instruments, before hearing a conductor tap on his music stand to ready the quartet for a performance. The maestro bringing them to attention is Darren!
Both Aronofsky and Mansell grew up listening to Hiphop, and that influenced a lot of their aesthetic decisions both on a musical level and in the rhythm of the editing.
So very cool! Think about this next time you see the movie!
 ttilley wrote:
I don't know why, but I get goosebumps during the violin part. Love this piece.

One of most disturbing movies as well.
 pankman wrote:
Rated this a 7 some time ago {#Shifty} … I must have been very drunk.

Maybe you're very drunk now.
I don't know why, but I get goosebumps during the violin part. Love this piece.
Rated this a 7 some time ago {#Shifty} … I must have been very drunk.
 Karhu wrote:
Sounds a bit like Garbage to me... which I like.

Not Garbage, just garbage...
Probably works well as part of a soundtrack to a gut-wrenching movie but it's just not all that on its own. 
Sounds a bit like Garbage to me... which I like.
 orko wrote:
so happy to hear this song after a very long time. Another great surprise from Paradise... Many thanks! 

Wow... so close to an exciting soccer match that just took place!!!
Sort of sounds like the instrumental version of "Seven Man Army"
 ziggytrix wrote:

I'd give my left arm not to have to sit through that again… {#Doh}

I see what you did there
so happy to hear this song after a very long time. Another great surprise from Paradise... Many thanks! 
Nice song on this, the day of an exciting soccer match!
Beautiful song. Soul crushing movie.
 dwlangham wrote:

It is an anxiety inducing movie. I'm glad I watched it. I'll never watch it again.

I'd give my left arm not to have to sit through that again… {#Doh}
 80poundsOfFury wrote:
part of my inner child died from watching "Requiem".



Yep... this song gives me a wonderful sense of dread.
part of my inner child died from watching "Requiem".

 schayler wrote:
I can no longer watch the movie because it is just too sad to watch Ellen Burstyn's descent into madness, but darn is the music excellent! It always takes me right back to the intensity of this movie.

Yes, and I'd rather not relive it on a Sunday morning when listening to Radio Paradise.  Go back to The Kinks! 
This will be on my eartrax for a cold (sub 40 degrees) m/cycle ride of 400 miles tomorrow.
they should call Blizzard and submit this for next WOW expansion soundtrack
I can no longer watch the movie because it is just too sad to watch Ellen Burstyn's descent into madness, but darn is the music excellent! It always takes me right back to the intensity of this movie.
Want your teenagers to stay off drugs?
Have them watch this movie.
This would make a fine addition to the soundtrack of Guillermo del Toro's masterful film Cronos. It has the right atmosphere of building dread and foreboding, plus a touch of Goth. 8 from the spooked Nottingham jury.

Edit: I'm listening to this now with a pair of decent 'phones, and the deep drum and bass are really coming through and giving me the willies. Seriously disturbing. 9 from the fearful Nottingham jury.
  hasajitjacob wrote:
Soundtrack for the coming Zombie Apocalypse. {#Bananajumprope}
ha ha!
The comments on this song had me laughing out loud to the point where others around me wanted to know what was so funny.

Gawd, I love RP!
As others have pointed out, its a phenomenal film, but not one I would want to see again for health reasons.   In fact Ill just stick to "Finding Nemo", RFAD was more engaging than SE7EN.  or at least that's the memory I have of it.
Not bad...followed really nicely from 'Garbage - The trick is to keep breathing'
Soundtrack for the coming Zombie Apocalypse. {#Bananajumprope}
While this is not what I'm in the mood for something like this, I appreciate that WP plays "non-rock" tracks and artists like this....
 lshinkawa wrote:
This song makes me anxious. Haven't seen the movie; is that intentional?
It is an anxiety inducing movie. I'm glad I watched it. I'll never watch it again.
Oh fer cryinoutloud.  What a load of crap.
Fantastic track from a great film.
Restraint, restraint boys.
 t00lur wrote:
requiem for a dream is empty dorky movie
90% of your ratings are "sucko barfo". No one cares what a troll thinks.
This song makes me anxious. Haven't seen the movie; is that intentional?
 audiophelia wrote:
They also used this in the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the Return of the King. The nerd in me sees the final battle in my brain when I hear this. :?
Perhaps your nerd ears are confusing the strings in this song with those in Howard Shore's "Hope Fails?"

I'm intrigued by this song. I'll have to add Requiem for a Dream to my Netflix queue.
On_The_Beach wrote:
My picks for the Top 10 Movies of the 2000s:
10 - No Country For Old Men
9 - Training Day
8 - The Ring
7 - 21 Grams
6 - Northfork
5 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4 - Pan's Labyrinth
3 - There Will Be Blood
2 - Half Nelson
1 - Requiem For A Dream*
* The biggest travesty in Academy Awards history? Julia Roberts winning best actress for Erin Brockovich over Ellen Burstyn for RFAD.
requiem for a dream is empty dorky movie
 audiophelia wrote:
They also used this in the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the Return of the King. The nerd in me sees the final battle in my brain when I hear this. :?
It's been used in a few trailers (including an early one for RotK).  It most certainly wasn't in the LotR movies though.
 xprovince wrote:
i think watching requiem would help those who didn't like the song...relive the red dress!
Well said!!!
Theme tune to X factor? Britains got Talent?
 Blastcat900 wrote:
this is the second sappy pseudo emotional pompous crap from the same album I've heard in two days. Still YUK
The music is totally pretentious and forgettable. Good movie, though.
Funny, I think the same about the movie as well. Well, not forgettable, but definitely one of the most pompous and pretentious movies I ever saw. 1/10 for both the movie and the track from me. :(
I'm no music expert, but this sounds pretty tedious to my ears.
This song slams me back into the darkest, most disturbing film I know (except maybe for Clockwork Orange). I used to love to watch it, but I can't anymore.  I love the music, and this song, yet it gives me chills to hear it. 
What is RP and Kronos... this is the second sappy pseudo emotional pompous crap from the same album I've heard in two days. Still YUK
The music is totally pretentious and forgettable. Good movie, though. Maybe the music is better with the movie, I haven't watched it but the one time... and I love great orchestral sound track music. This ain't it. Going for a one on this.
Definitely not Kronos' best. 
 FeydBaron wrote:
Trite.  Ponderous.  Bombastic.  Repetitive.  All of the above and more.

And I still really love this song... Similarly, I find Arvo Part's Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten to be a very emotional piece.
{#Clap} This number gives me the willies, on account of the near-subsonic bass notes and portentious choruses. 8 from the disturbed Nottingham jury.

I don't want to be picky, but is this really a quartet? I can surely hear an awful lot of instruments.

 cpw wrote:
Shit just got epic, yo.
For shizzle. 
This does absolutely nothing for me.  My point is mute, or is it moot?

Just wanted you all to know.
How cool would it be if these guys did a Christmas album?!  Would certainly blow those Mannheim Steamrollers outta the water....!

 cpw wrote:
Shit just got epic, yo.
 cpw wrote:
Shit just got epic, yo.
This is a great piece of music - not afraid to pull out all the stops and be unashamed of its bombast. Perhaps it's not cool to not have an ironic smirk and distance, but I'm a big fan nonetheless.

 mandolin wrote:
Mario is running...


Shit just got epic, yo.
Maybe it was good movie music, but after careful consideration, I think this is close to the worst thing on RP ever.
Mario is running...

Great song for an amazing intense movie!
Trite.  Ponderous.  Bombastic.  Repetitive.  All of the above and more.

And I still really love this song... Similarly, I find Arvo Part's Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten to be a very emotional piece.
i think watching requiem would help those who didn't like the song...relive the red dress!
i appreciate a lot of rp's playlist, but stuff like this makes it difficult not to change the station.  really really repetitive in the most difficult way.
That just went on and on without really going anywhere. 
Rather ponderous, I think.
 Mandible wrote:

Music that I consider too creepy to listen to (and yes, I've SEEN the movie) automatic 10.

pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous, kids. DANGEROUS and can destroy your life.

As soon as I hear this, I picture her running down the street in her nightgown, looking absolutely gone. 

Maybe you received the orchestral version by Clint Mansell.  Even though its the same arrangement, the Kronos version does have a slightly different climax (different EQ levels I think).  But I don't know why you would order one and get another.

No_Where_Man wrote:
Need Help here. Just went to Amazon and bought this song. Downloaded it and its not the same version that's played on RP?

Its not as intense at the end. Any idea why?


Carmina Burana anyone?
 AcesUp wrote:

Or an out of control reactor in Japan

You nailed it. This is a creepily beautiful soundtrack.
They also used this in the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the Return of the King. The nerd in me sees the final battle in my brain when I hear this. :?
 evenflower wrote:
epic, perfect background music for the beheading of a 12th century monarch.
Or an out of control reactor in Japan
Went with the film, disturbing 
epic, perfect background music for the beheading of a 12th century monarch.
Good stuff...reminds me of the end of the movie, sort of like that Sigur Ros song in "127 Hours" (which had quite the opposite ending as "Requiem for a Dream"). Both great films.
 No_Where_Man wrote:
Need Help here. Just went to Amazon and bought this song. Downloaded it and its not the same version that's played on RP?

Its not as intense at the end. Any idea why?

Answer below, comment around 8/23 I think.
Need Help here. Just went to Amazon and bought this song. Downloaded it and its not the same version that's played on RP?

Its not as intense at the end. Any idea why?


 On_The_Beach wrote:
The biggest travesty in Academy Awards history? Julia Roberts winning best actress for Erin Brockovich over Ellen Burstyn for RFAD.
By Hollywood politics, Roberts was due.  The voters were just waiting for her to do a "serious" movie to justify voting for her.
whew!  powerful song — love it — 9
Eerie,but awesome just like the movie!
My picks for the Top 10 Movies of the 2000s:
10 - No Country For Old Men
9 - Training Day
8 - The Ring
7 - 21 Grams
6 - Northfork
5 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4 - Pan's Labyrinth
3 - There Will Be Blood
2 - Half Nelson
1 - Requiem For A Dream*
* The biggest travesty in Academy Awards history? Julia Roberts winning best actress for Erin Brockovich over Ellen Burstyn for RFAD.
 tnt_thomas wrote:

Bone-brain. The earth is ROUND... People now have different time zones. New since the InterWeb was invented.


Well said tnt   {#Clap}
 avidfan wrote:
This was the most disturbing film I've ever seen.   Merely hearing this song creeps me out because of the movie....however, both are truly excellent and very powerful.  

The film (about drug addiction) is a must-see (after you've seen it yourself) for anyone who has kids heading into high-school.  

The film destroyed me - it was so emotionally exhausting to watch - but I agree that it is an excellent work. A must-see not only for parents, but also teachers, and even older, mature teens (despite the graphic sexuality towards the end of the film).