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Spearhead — Rock the Nation
Album: Stay Human
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Total ratings: 85

Released: 2001
Length: 4:22
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (38)add comment
I like this song. I'm indifferent towards Franti's politics, but he sure can rock at times. Love the chorus.
Folks, it's not RP without some diversity. Please quit your and grow up. I couldn't even read all the comments it's so disappointing. This song has played what? 5 times in the last year? I hope we hear more :p RAP :p and maybe get some tastes of spoken word. If we could get some decent conversation about the tracks, maybe those RP listeners who enjoy something outside of their comfort zone could benefit from the experiences and insights of the many wonderful peeps around here and maybe find something new they like. -ptah
A good song off of a great album; the entire album is lyrically amazing and very diverse musically. I\'d recommend the title track off of this album, along with \"Every Single Soul\" and \"Love\'ll Set Me Free\". And yes, this song is the most rap-like on the album (styles range from old school R&B to Funk), in case that rap is a little too... eclectic... for some people\'s tastes. ;)
Ok, Im going to stop listening to RP for a few days.
Caught this set sitting at my desk. From Hank Williams to Michael Franti: a strange but exhilarating ride!
I gave this an 8. Might go to a 9 with a few more listens. Great flow, interesting lyrics, good music. And its nice to hear a black man rapping on a \"rock\" station. It generally seems that, with the exception of Cypress Hill, the only rap that gets played on rock or alternative stations is white rap: Beasties and Eminem come to mind. Now why would an alternative station (such as 101X in Austin) play Eminem and not Dre? B/C he\'s \"cool\". Why is he cool enough, probably cause he\'s a white rapper and that makes him different and provocative.
good stuff, but we need a little more of this kind of thing. ima upload some stuff from the coup. won\'t get accepted, but it\'s worth a try. and someone said franti isn\'t saying anything new? what is so freaking revolutionary about anything played on rp? it aint rocket science, folks, it\'s music...
Ohhh.... Stay QUIET!!
I have been a Michael Franti fan for years, since Disposable Heros of Hiphopracy days. And I really think it is a mistake to make statements like "I don't like rap" or "I don't like country western" because in my humble opinion and in my experience there are exceptions to every rule. I don't like music that offends me, but Michael Franti is such an important artist and member of the hip hop community, promoting peace and social justice. He's a talented musician, and he's getting an important message out in the world, which is what a lot of hip hop is about. And a lot of the really good music like this isn't getting airplay. Meshel Ndegeocello, for example, is one of the most tallented musicians of her generation, and because she is hip hop, or perhaps because of her politics, she doesn't get a lot of airplay. She was nominated for a Grammy this year though. Anyway, I am fan of many kinds of music, from Dolly Parton to Michael Franti, and there is not conflict of interest anywhere. Good music is good music.
Zzzzzzzzz..... I may live in Berkeley, but this guy has nothing new to say.... this kind of stuff is plastered on phone poles all over town here, but that\'s as far as it ever goes.... If people like this did have power, and a shot at executing (sic) their beliefs, things would be no better than they are now, and might be a damn sight worse. Playing the same game as those he opposes is not the sort of thing I\'m into. My two kopeks.
There can be good rap, there can be bad rap. 99% of all rap is complete garbage. As far as Rap music, this is okay. I wasn\'t immediately scrambling for a change of venue. As far as general music? Its bleah. 10 seconds of editing would have mmade it a lot better. \"Whoop whoop?\" Please. :roll:
Music is meant to stir emotion, and this cut has surely done that. A little hip hop now and again can't hurt. What other station in the world would play this, and a Béla Fleck tune, in the same hour.
This is good. Something for everyone.
Originally Posted by Cy: Gil Scott-Heron's "Revolution Will Not Be Televised" would be an interesting song to segue with this one.
I agree, that is a great song - and appropriate for RP.
Hey, while it may be rap It can still be crap Bom Bom
You know, you can not spell "CRAP" without "RAP"
Originally Posted by tomnam: Most of the comments below are about the genre of music (rap) people like or dislike and not about the music and artist themselves.
Uh, OK. This specific artist and his music sucks. You are right about one thing though. It shouldn't bother anybody. I just turn off the station every time this song is played. Problem solved.
Most of the comments below are about the genre of music (rap) people like or dislike and not about the music and artist themselves. Rap gets a bad rap because of the explotation and forced marketing of negative, hate-filled, self-righteous (c)rap. But that is only a small part of the picture. I personally think Michael Franti\'s Spearhead projects are artistic and I applaud his positivity. He is not afraid to state his opinions and music is his outlet. I\'m not one to listen to rap but I do enjoy listening to the positive messages and powerful points of view that Franti and Co. offer. This particular CD is a great example of using one\'s creative power for a a greater good. Sure he said, \"F**** the constitution, but there is a reason for it outside of just shear shock value. I don\'t feel preached to because I can always turn it off - but I don\'t. I listen to what the man has to say. I don\'t agree 100% across the board with everything he says but his music and sheer energy creates a median for discussion and awareness. I am also into spoken word and thoughtful expression - combine that with urban and world rhythms and you get a potent mix. Anyway, that\'s just my two cents. :D
Originally Posted by rasha: if you can get past the initial negative reaction to rap and all his cursing, he seems to have something important to say... it's never a good idea to just ignore people's feelings, especially when those feelings are so strong...clearly the case here Musically it's not as bad as some rap songs out there...
Gotta agree with you there. Not a big rap fan myself, but this track seems to have a message to it. Gil Scott-Heron's "Revolution Will Not Be Televised" would be an interesting song to segue with this one.
as i write this with the volume turned off, i think to myself, there is no worse aural torture than listening to rap.
Yuck....sounds like summin\'s been yankin\' wif ma radio knob.
I, for one, completely agree with Michael Franti\'s politics and find his music energizing & thought provoking. Thanks for playing this, RP! :D
Bleaaaaaaaaa... :(
Does someone need a hug?
Originally Posted by LAfadeaway: f**k you too. My guess is that you are some uptight white guy in middle america. Doubtful you've ever been f**ked over by the U.S. Government or put on death row for a murder you didn't commit. Go on, keep giving your dollars to the Republicans and the massive corporations to subsidize their yachts, sports cars and SUVs. Whose the sucker?!?
Dog toss :oops:
Crap! Easy, switch off until it's finished ;) Ahh, much better.
You MUST check our Spearhead. Both early albums available are great, the latest (third) has its moments. The first is a classic and one of my most played albums. . . and I\'m really fussy. :D
:D Keeping me on my toes. thanks bill.
Wow - look at all the comments! That alone should be a big sign to keep this song active in the Playlist! rock the mic!
Mix it up, Bill. Right on!