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Total ratings: 4067
Length: 5:05
Plays (last 30 days): 4
I fight for my meals
I get my back into my living
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I don't need to be forgiven
Don't cry
Don't raise your eye
It's only teenage wasteland
Sally, take my hand
We'll travel south cross land
Put out the fire and don't look past my shoulder
The exodus is here
The happy ones are near
Let's get together before we get much older
Teenage wasteland
It's only teenage wasteland
Teenage wasteland, oh yeah
Teenage wasteland
They're all wasted

Nick: Hi, this is Nick at CFRX!
Caller: Um, hi, Nick. Love your show. Can you play "Teenage Wasteland" by the Who?
Nick: ...Uh, you mean, "Baba O'Riley"?
Caller: No, I'm pretty sure it's called Teenage Wasteland.
Nick: (long sigh) Sure.
If I remember correctly, sometimes he tormented them on the phone or when it was time to play the song, he would actively point out the correct name of the song and that the person had incorrectly called it by the wrong title.
Thanks, Nick. Whereever you are, you make me smile every time I hear that song
I'm closer to 70 than 60 and I can't help thinking that the lyrics meanings are perhaps lost on today's youth.
My take as a fellow boomer and also grandfather to a teen, I think every generation of teenagers for at least a century feels a mix of lost, left behind, bitter, and cocky. They're frustrated by their inability to articulate those feelings although often music gives them a chance to express them. And Baba O'Riley is timeless - my grandson gets it, along with rap that I don't get.
'Riley' is a nod to composer Terry Riley.
Listen to his 1968 recording 'In C' and you'll get it.
And Baba is a nod to Meher Baba, an Indian spiritual figure who Townshend followed at the time.
I played this album almost every night I was testing the smoke detectors in my university dorm room '72-'74 (most nights if I'm honest). Forty years later and now I can catch a buzz just by losing myself to this song. Weird

Had this at an 8 cause I was all like F YOU BOOMERS but now it's a 9 because dang it this just rocks.
You're just jealous 'cause we've got the best music.
Listen to his 1968 recording 'In C' and you'll get it.
Banco de Gaia to The Who? Unexpected but i love it!
Does anyone know where the title of the song originated? So many younger people I know think this song is called "Teenage Wasteland"
Who is Baba O'Riley?
That reminds me - I first heard Banco de Gaia here on RP BillG and fell in love. Haven't heard any for ages ........... can we have some soon please, huh?

I'm closer to 70 than 60 and I can't help thinking that the lyrics meanings are perhaps lost on today's youth.
Dude, half the people our age didn't get it when it was brand new
A few days ago on Facebook, a commenter on It's Only Rock and Roll page asked if you had one album and one only as a desert island disc, what would it be? Who's Next was mine. Simply solid energy, first to last.
hard to argue with your choice, Kingart, i love Who's Next but i might choose Quadrophenia...i mean, its got 4 sides...double the music on the desert island!
Banco de Gaia to The Who? Unexpected but i love it!
Does anyone know where the title of the song originated? So many younger people I know think this song is called "Teenage Wasteland"
Who is Baba O'Riley?
According to Wikipedia:
"The song's title combines the names of Meher Baba and Terry Riley, two of Townshend's philosophical and musical mentors"
Wikipedia is the second best thing found on the Internet. All you RP listeners can guess at number one....

Does anyone know where the title of the song originated? So many younger people I know think this song is called "Teenage Wasteland"
Who is Baba O'Riley?
When I was in high school, my friends and I snuck into the school cafeteria that was under construction and spray painted "Teenage Wasteland" on some plywood. I think it was only a year or two after this song came out, so it may have been semi-new at the time...
There is no other song/album combination that compares!
Why this was never a single, I will never know

Snapped just as Pete is above Keith; very nice!

Any dissent?

Average rating 8.7, 92.7% above 7 votes. Looks like little dissent to me.
Thirded. Any dissent?

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Why'd I post this? Just a hint for those of you who can afford your appreciation for RP the same way as I do. I also do the same for KNON in Dallas. Totally worth it.

This is a fairly common comment on these boards. It's true, there are plenty of songs getting overplayed on other stations. Folks who complain about that could stop listening to those stations. I did years ago and highly recommend it. It's allowed me to enjoy again a number of songs that I thought were lost to me from overexposure. Peace.
Ditto here. Really enjoyed hearing this song pop up and gave me a chance to appreciate it's brilliance and power all over again.
Well said! The Who's greatest song. Roger and Pete's best duet. IMMORTAL
This is a fairly common comment on these boards. It's true, there are plenty of songs getting overplayed on other stations. Folks who complain about that could stop listening to those stations. I did years ago and highly recommend it. It's allowed me to enjoy again a number of songs that I thought were lost to me from overexposure. Peace.
Great reply, easmann! I 100% agree with your approach, as FM radio has to sell ads and in order to do so they have a formula on what to play when, etc. BillG and RebeccaG DO NOT have to satisfy advertisers (only us hopefully supporting listeners) and while I understand not wanting to hear suchnsuch - you really can't satisfy EVERYONE always. And like you said, the best way to deprogram our ears from hearing the CLASSICS and thinking "that's been overplayed" is to just stop going there. And then when a great tune comes on here it's a welcome event.
LONG LIVE RP!! Wish I had more $$ to send your way BillG....soon my 17 y/o will be graduated and I'll have a bit more disposable income to dispose of here
treatment_bound wrote:

*insert joke here*
Why did the cannibal get kicked out of school?
Because he was always buttering up the teachers

Maybe a double meaning. It could be referring to a person, or it could be referring to a sortie from a secure position.
noun, plural sallies.
I say nay. Meetcha in the parking lot after last class.
Just klick "Top Lists" ;-)

Bill, where's the 11 option?

The voices have aged a bit, but the rock was still there.
Rock on.
Praise those who came before.....this is how it's done. Rock and Fucking Roll.

Boom. Turn it to 10.
edit- High five OTB!
Praise those who came before.....this is how it's done. Rock and Fucking Roll.

Amen Brother!!!
Praise those who came before.....this is how it's done. Rock and Fucking Roll.
*insert joke here*
A priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar.
The bartender says "What is this, some kind of joke?"

CowboyJJ wrote:

Praise those who came before.....this is how it's done. Rock and Fucking Roll.

Moon had to have a third arm!
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
A horse walks into a bar.
Several patrons got up and left as they recognized the potential danger in the situation.

*insert joke here*
A horse walks into a bar.
Several patrons got up and left as they recognized the potential danger in the situation.
Moon had to have a third arm!
*insert joke here*
I was at the same concert with a friend on her 30th birthday.
I dropped flyers down from the upper section to behind the stage asking for a shoutout for the "kid that was all right."
35 years now...concert was in early May.
Wow! Makes me think (briefly) that I am old...nah
Just looked up the setlist on setlist.fm. Boy, was I wrong on my recollection of that show:
Fri., May 2, 1980—St. Paul Civic Center (RIP)
Baba O'Riley was NOT the opener, and THEY CLOSED WITH A SEX PISTOLS SONG (according to this website), which I SURELY also don't remember. I seem to recall "Won't Get Fooled Again" being the last song.
Aud, can you please post your thoughts (remembrances)?
It's too bad I didn't have a smartphone then to preserve a little of what went on!
...here's what I found:
Baba O'Riley
Dreaming From the Waist
Young Man Blues (Mose Allison cover)
Dancing in the Street (Martha Reeves and The Vandellas cover)
Dance It Away (Pete Townshend song)
Pretty Vacant (Sex Pistols cover)
Jimi Hendrix's version of All Along The Watchtower is currently the highest rated song on RP with a 9.649 average.
It was so anti, if you know what i mean. Anti to the my parents to the society...
And later hearing the whole record iloved each song on it. A Masterpiece
You're certainly something that's abnormal.
Ah ah ah, I'd love to have been with you when you wrote that. Quite exhilarating!

Then it comes on RP again! We are pretty much in tune.

Hearing "Eminence Front" used to flog trucks was indeed disappointing. But a new generation who wouldn't be caught dead listening to "Classic Rock" radio hears the song and seeks it out, which keeps it in circulation. I suppose that's why Townsend does it. Does he have shareholders for his catalog now, like Bowie does? If so the decision may even be out of his hands.
According to John Entwhistle's ex-wife, John, Roger and Pete were terrified of being poor and very jealous of the way the Rolling Stones made money. She stated that Entwhistle, who died while touring, only went on the road because he had serious cash flow problems and thought he was close to bankruptcy.
Moon had to have a third arm!
Hearing "Eminence Front" used to flog trucks was indeed disappointing. But a new generation who wouldn't be caught dead listening to "Classic Rock" radio hears the song and seeks it out, which keeps it in circulation. I suppose that's why Townsend does it. Does he have shareholders for his catalog now, like Bowie does? If so the decision may even be out of his hands.
Except that almost every band out there nowadays sells their catalog for commercial use. Many bands sell their songs right after they are written and released. As much as it bothers some, The Who did nothing wrong by going with the changing times.

My interests at the time ensured that I was ogling whilst getting pissed and debating who might and who might not get into a car with you. Those other Whos were lost on me.
They opened with this, and I felt like I was going elevate right off the floor.
I was at the same concert with a friend on her 30th birthday.
I dropped flyers down from the upper section to behind the stage asking for a shoutout for the "kid that was all right."
35 years now...concert was in early May.
Wow! Makes me think (briefly) that I am old...nah
Wins award for Best Use of Who.
Just for the record (lol), 'Songfacts' says -
The title is not mentioned in the lyrics, so the song is often referred to as "Teenage Wasteland." The "Teenage Wasteland" section was a completely different song Townshend combined with his "Baba O'Riley" idea to form the song.
This is the first song on Who's Next, the most successful album of The Who's career. Although this is one of the most popular Who songs, it was never released as a single in America or the UK. It was, however, the perfect song for the up-and-coming Album Oriented Rock (AOR) format that was picking up steam on FM radio. Always played in moderation, "Baba" became a Classic Rock staple and remains on many playlists.
'course, you can't believe everything you read on the internet . . .
should've been 'Meher O'Riley' then shouldn't it ?

And then, when Pete brought back that keyboard riff on Psychoderelict, he simply called it "Meher Baba." 3 or 4 times.