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Album: Duality
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Total ratings: 561

Released: 1998
Length: 2:25
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (46)add comment
 phiagurl wrote:
It reminds me of the Israelites escaping Egypt via the desert... Sounds like the sort of thing they might chant. I hope that sounds like a compliment to the song because I mean it as one :p
I thought it sounded like the (remaining) Palestinians going through Israeli road blocks.  One after the other.  
I like this, especially coming not too long after Tonolec's haunting piece. Dig the ethnic voices, eclectic music, & the unified vibe on RP
Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of homeless camps loves this song...  we love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll...
{#Notworthy}{#Notworthy}{#Notworthy} ...Lisa Gerrard.... {#Notworthy}{#Notworthy}{#Notworthy}

marvelous...  we be dancing...
Love her voice! {#Hearteyes}
 stevendejong wrote:

Lazarus raised! :)
I like that!  Cool post!

Love Peter Gabriel's music (except for all the yucky covers on his Scratch My Back album), as well as Lisa's...
Really wonderful album!   Some of my preferred tracks are part of my favorite scene in the movie "Gladiator."
 Lazarus wrote:

Lisa speaks in tongues so beautifully...  everybody in my church loves this song...

Lazarus raised! :)

Lisa speaks in tongues so beautifully...  everybody in my church loves this song...

 coy wrote:
but i'm stoned

whoa but i'm on the wrong playlist
listening to roots reggae and commenting on rp  {#Ask}
If you're really stoned/tired, you might hear bits of "Scarborough Fair" in this one like I do. 
Great song, and amazing album!  Could definitely use more LG on RP. I'm really surprised by the overall low rating?! Perhaps people are not very familiar with her - the comments are strong but the rating is so low - Hmmmmm......?
this is gorgeous!

Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke - Sacrifice, Live
One of the most beautyful live records of Lisa. Just breath taking...

"Powerful, emotional, resonating. Makes the hairs stand on the back of the neck."   Hariboification

"wow , nice use of english difficulties. I don't understand, but the text you have written looks cool to me :d   "    s1e1p1p1e


but i'm stoned

whoa but i'm on the wrong playlist
listening to roots reggae and commenting on rp  {#Ask}
Are we there yet?
this is where I head over to www.wwoz.org
Me likey!{#Meditate}
Oh BTW, many of the numbers on this album were part of the soundtrack to the movie, Gladiator, which is why, despite fredriley's fair comments comparing to DCD, I find this album is quite superlative.  For me, it achieves a level much like Peter Gabriel's Passion album, because the music takes the visuals to a place amazing place they could only gain entry to because of the soundtrack, and vice versa.  The evocative synergy of the two brought tears to my eyes as Maximus only managed to achieve peace and reunion with his family in death.
Oh touche fredriley, moi touche aussi!

fredriley wrote:

I'd aim a bit higher :o)


 romeotuma wrote:
I love Lisa Gerrard...  I yearn to wash her feet...
I'd aim a bit higher :o)

 derekd wrote:
Suggest the Spiritchaser album by Dead Can Dance (of which Lisa Gerrard was in). It is a 10.
As a long-time DCD fan I rated that album as their worst ever by some margin - they just didn't crack African music IMO, and should have stuck to the Goth-style stuff they were so good at. Still, one person's sucko-barfo is another's godlike, right enough. This collaboration produced a pleasant enough album of, for Lisa, relatively 'easy listening', though nothing to write home about. It doesn't grab me anything like the earlier DCD stuff, or Lisa's later work.

Suggest the Spiritchaser album by Dead Can Dance (of which Lisa Gerrard was in). It is a 10.
 romeotuma wrote:

I love Lisa Gerrard...  I yearn to wash her feet...


Reminds me a lot of Bobby McFerrin's voice ensemble, Voicestra.
Immortal Memory is the one to get...great CD.
Johray63 wrote:
Strange, but at the same time familiar sounding music. Nice percussive sounds. Imaginitive. Opens up another, kinda mystic world, a bit. I wonder, do they use an existing lanquage, or are these wordless vocals? Does anybody know?
AFAIK yes, they're wordless - Lisa Gerrard famously uses her voice as an instrument in itself, and many of the 'words' she uses are just sounds that seem right in the context. She sometimes sings in non-English languages, thought. This album is a parson's egg mix - good in parts, but on the whole a little disappointing, as Lisa's edge is blunted by her collaborator's more commercial, mainstream sounds. Worth having, but not a patch on Dead Can Dance stuff, or her solo work.
This is nice. Play more!
more lisa please
Hannio wrote:
Until she opens her big mouth.
Lisa is rubber , dear poster, you're glue ........ :nodhead:
See (click here) for more info...
Originally Posted by revevad1: Lisa Gerrad is incredible.
Until she opens her big mouth.
I have this cd and it\'s great, especially for playing
Lisa Gerrad is incredible.
Without a doubt one of the most unearthly voices ever. Nothing Lisa Gerrard does is wrong.
It reminds me of the Israelites escaping Egypt via the desert... Sounds like the sort of thing they might chant. I hope that sounds like a compliment to the song because I mean it as one :p
Strange, but at the same time familiar sounding music. Nice percussive sounds. Imaginitive. Opens up another, kinda mystic world, a bit. I wonder, do they use an existing lanquage, or are these wordless vocals? Does anybody know?
very good.