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Shpongle — How The Jellyfish Jumped Up The Mountain
Album: Museum of Consciousness
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Total ratings: 1741

Released: 2013
Length: 10:12
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(lyrics irrelevant :-)
Comments (106)add comment
 moodfood wrote:

do you ever have one of those days when you look at your rating and think, "5", what was I thinking? This is clearly an 8 today. 😀

'10' every day from me.....
Dammit, my foot won't stop tapping!! :-)
Shpongled is the new Smurfed!

 pfwashburn wrote:

We all need to be Shpongled now and then !         Wallingford, Connecticut 

I once dated a girl in the original Wallingford , Oxford, England. She lived very close to Brightwell-cum-Sotwell and I always thought that described our relationship very well.
Outstanding track for the travelling psychonaut. 
 gratefulgator wrote:

I'm not totally sure how I feel about this song, but it's always interesting.  I think how I feel about it depends on my mood when I hear it.

You got shpongled
Chemical Brothers docet.
 Coreus wrote:

"Lyrics irrelevant ;)"

"Lyrics irrelevant ;)"
EXCELLENT!!  RP introduced me to them. Now, I'm a big fan!  That is why we come here.   Thanx RP!   
 BillG wrote:

Younger Brother's older brother (see wiki).

Which would mean that Shpongle represents the Kogi! (see wiki
I can see the jellyfish boogying up the mountain in my head
 radioparadise wrote:



Definitely a great one to play loudly with headphones, if not in a giant rave space.  Solid 8 from moi. 
Funny enough, almost every time I shazaam a song in the RP World/Eclectic mix, its a song by Shpongle.... 
Einaudi into Shpongle -- it's shaping up to be a very fine day...
I want to reach this state of mind, oh yes :D
 eileenomurphy wrote:
Not for me! ...but some people appear to like it. ...that is why I come to RP. ...DIVERSITY! ....I am glad I got to hear it once, I will skip next time.

Skipping this is NOT AN OPTION!!!! Why, I never!!! No, but seriously, DO NOT SKIP THIS, EVER.....(Have a Shpongle-icious Day!)  
Absolutely love this ! I dance like a jellyfish going up the mountain. Every time I hear this song and I stop whatever it is that I’m doing and become the jellyfish.
 DanO-1 wrote:
Younger Brother?{#Good-vibes}
Simon Posford.
v e r y   s l o w l y
this is an absolute CRAP. ALL I can do with this Spongle shit is PSD. But it realy makes me angry that such a nonmusic  has find its way to RP. Shame...
First time I've heard this piece - it's a bit too long for my tastes.  My brain maxes out around 6-8 minutes.
Not for me! ...but some people appear to like it. ...that is why I come to RP. ...DIVERSITY! ....I am glad I got to hear it once, I will skip next time.
we need a new rating.  not a number.  not good, not bad.  Just, well...   interesting.  
this is probaly the worst shit ever played on RP. please REMOVE IT from playlist
Love love love Shpongle and all the Posford incarnations. Occasionally falls over into the silly side of bleeps and vocal manipulation but forgiveable: the underlying rhythms, layering of sound, production quality, complexity of time signatures and key modulations -- all brilliant. Keep on Shpongling.
This is way off what I normally listen to...

This is EXACTLY why I love RP!!!!

8 on first listen
help!!!!music please!!!,psd!!!!!
 gratefulgator wrote:
I think this is one of the few songs whose title accurately matches how it sounds...
Good point, but right now this feels like Shpongle is trying to be wild/different/surreal just for the sake of it.
Nice! Thanks for mixing things up a bit
far out!!   if you like this....check out Vinyl Williams....also spacy and psychedelic

and he does amazing interactive videos.  
Dang, these Shponglers are just too much!
 iMario wrote:
….or Pink Floyd's "Several Species of Small Fury Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict" could contend too....and a bizarre track at that....LLRP!!
 Chewie wrote:
And the award for most bizarre track title goes to...
I would disagree on this one, I think Shawn Phillips'

"She Was Waiting For Her Mother At the Station in Torino and You know I Love You Baby But It's Getting Too Heavy To Laugh" 

should have that title 
And the award for most bizarre track title goes to...
Well that was very uplifting! 
Too cool.
Simon Posford & Shpongle - godlike.
do you ever have one of those days when you look at your rating and think, "5", what was I thinking? This is clearly an 8 today. 😀
I just had one of those "What the hell am I listening to?" moments.
Oh, RP. That's what.
Thanks for keeping it interesting!
I think this is one of the few songs whose title accurately matches how it sounds...

Eleven months later - MORE MORE!!
 Langata wrote:
goes well with a bud!
What doesn't?
I'm not totally sure how I feel about this song, but it's always interesting.  I think how I feel about it depends on my mood when I hear it.
Awesome. This is what makes RP great...and sometimes greatly annoying! (Though rarely for the latter) Keep up the good work you folks!
I don't hand out 9's all willy-nilly. 10.
Thanks to RP for turning me on to strange and tasty Shpongles like this.  
We all need to be Shpongled now and then !         Wallingford, Connecticut 
 jlundin6 wrote:
The worst shit I ever heard. Please don't play it again
If this is the worst shit you've ever heard, you need to get out more!
Celtic Cross seems much more suited to RP than Shpongle. Not complaining, I love anything by Simon Posford but I've heard a ton of Shpongle and YB on here but never Celtic Cross.

Solid 8 for me , there are better Shpongle tunes but this still makes me want to dance.
I was relistening to the first 2 shpongle albums last week. some really great tracks there. Bill explore more shpongle
 jlundin6 wrote:
The worst shit I ever heard. Please don't play it again
this is sphong of the highest order - a 9 from me!
Merry Christmas ~ your music is a gift all year!  
me lika this,
their live youtube concerts are worth watching     ( in HD  of course)
my dear lady says their kinda like Cirque de soleil  musos doing a trip
Nice To hear them here. Not my favorite track by far. They do better stuff when it's more "organic". A nice alternative to Ozric Tentacles. Thanks, Bill.
shpongling away. eloping conformity..
The worst shit I ever heard. Please don't play it again
Maybe fine at a rave, but for just listening, it's giving me a headache. Maybe I ned more drugs.
If  I were out on the playa at Burning Man wearing neon, this might work.
 ExploitingChaos wrote:
If u like this, its actually their worst album
And if I don't like this, is it their best?


That's hypothetically speaking of course, because I find this enjoyable. Reminds me of Orbital's early stuff.
Back when this was "fresh" it was called  Rave Music and we took ecstasy.   Now it's EDM and we take Molly.   That's so it all still seems cool. 
If u like this, its actually their worst album
 bobcanna1 wrote:
Pure torcher .... beam me up Scottie!
Hopefully Scotty can teach you to spell.
Paused this one, silence is better.
 david16 wrote:
There’s so, so much better electronic music out the that you guys could be playing...
...go on...
Nice for a change, but goes on waaaay too long. More than 10 minutes!
What did you put in my coffee this morning, Bill?
I read "Spongebob" first time I glanzed over the name...{#Eek}
There’s so, so much better electronic music out the that you guys could be playing...
 Langata wrote:
goes well with a bud!

Everything goes well with Bud &/or a bud Mate!
Pure torcher .... beam me up Scottie!
Wow! Love it! Guess it divides the audience on age, but light one up and try again if it didn't rock your boat the first time... munchies music!! {#Yes}
Segue that into Chopin or Vivaldi.

I dare you.....
 VH1 wrote:
Very weird! And weird is good!

I second that emotion... :)
Loving the flashback to a simpler time, warm summer wind and no cares.  Rave on.

(explosion of jellyfish)
Messing with Jean Michel Jarre 
Ouch. Not my genre therefore,  I'll file this under "Shyte".
Please. Make. It. Stop! Pure disco torture...
Reminds me of "Home".
Definitely 9 or better.
Ravey Davey heaven.  Tedious to my ears.
goes well with a bud!
I'm sure this song choice will be a lightning rod for Bill...but I like it! 

I'm craving BRC playa dust between my toes and this in my ears!

Thanks for surprising us, once again!
Would have preferred it jumped off rather than up
Good, but long. Like, how much longer? Sometimes long can be good, but this one is starting to get tedious.  Sometimes I wish I could fast-forward a song to see if I can handle listening to the rest of it or if serious boredom is going to set in.  Well, I can't wait any longer, time to PSD - unfortunately the 3rd one since Jethro Tull's Bouree. 
Very weird! And weird is good!

please shpongle this song
To be shpongled is to be kippered, mashed, smashed, destroyed 

 kingart wrote:

Umm, what's a Shpongle?


I think it is some sort of British Flaming Lips condition
Jellyfish - How the Shpongle Crawled Up the Mountain. 

Umm, what's a Shpongle?

{#Stupid} hmmm just for the trippiness lol I'll give it a semi thumbs up lol 
Very nice. 8.
Hell in Paradise...{#Fire}
 kojiroh wrote:
I'm sorry, what?

Yeah, that's what it said!

this is getting harder to listen to ... 3=>2
 DanO-1 wrote:
Younger Brother?{#Good-vibes}

Exactly what I thought!!
Right now an 8 because I have to shut it off and go back to work.
 DanO-1 wrote:
Younger Brother?{#Good-vibes}

Younger Brother's older brother (see wiki).
Shpongle always puts a smile on my face and a hop in my skip! Thank You.
Younger Brother?{#Good-vibes}
wow!! this is cool dance stuff!  and triiiippppyyyy
I'm sorry, what?