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Mumford & Sons — I Will Wait
Album: Babel
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Total ratings: 782

Released: 2012
Length: 4:33
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Well I came home
Like a stone
And I fell heavy into your arms
These days of dust
Which we've known
Will blow away with this new sun

But I'll kneel down
Wait for now
And I'll kneel down
Know my ground

And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you

So break my step
And relent
You forgave and I won't forget
Know what we've seen
And him with less
Now in some way
Shake the excess

'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you

Now I'll be bold
As well as strong
And use my head alongside my heart
So tame my flesh
And fix my eyes
A tethered mind free from the lies

And I'll kneel down
Wait for now
I'll kneel down
Know my ground

Raise my hands
Paint my spirit gold
And bow my head
Keep my heart slow

'Cause I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
And I will wait, I will wait for you
Comments (91)add comment
 bam23 wrote:

Why do I consistently find this band annoying? Their formula appears to me (I have not done the research, admittedly) very consistently the same for every song that I have heard by this band. And I don't like it. This may be a problem with bands that apply the same formula to every song.

I have seen many, many bands and these guys rocked the house like I'd never experienced before. It was a great night. Danced my arse off!!!
I think this is the only song I really appreciate from these guys. Feels earnest.
Why do I consistently find this band annoying? Their formula appears to me (I have not done the research, admittedly) very consistently the same for every song that I have heard by this band. And I don't like it. This may be a problem with bands that apply the same formula to every song.

Banjo Mute - General Woodworking Talk - Wood Talk Online
The Trust Fund Wurzels
I was introduced by my then 13-year-old in 2012 who made us buy tickets to their concert nearby.  They were great live, and this song plays the role of "anthem" with a big crowd.  
Like this - bought the album and then got fed up with it.  Foot still tapping though - might bump up to a solid 6
 Lonestar wrote:
This gimmicky band gets old super-fast. 
All the hipster stuff has a short shelf life.
still crap
 gvan wrote:


Funny!   But I’m still a fan of this band and song. 
 domreo wrote:
How can they possibly have a 6.3 rating?  This mystifies me when looking at the comments.  Goes to show a gimmick can go a long way.  God forbid they win anything at the Grammys, we'll never get rid of them!!

Basically a sweary and unamusing Saw Doctors.
 Lonestar wrote:
This gimmicky band gets old super-fast. 
Agreed. I loved them when I first heard them, but the frantic banjo playing just grates now.
 domreo wrote:
How can they possibly have a 6.3 rating?  This mystifies me when looking at the comments.  Goes to show a gimmick can go a long way.  God forbid they win anything at the Grammys, we'll never get rid of them!!

Many Grammy winners haven't lasted very long.  Remember that nauseating hack Christopher Cross?  He won like a dozen Grammys or something.  Time may be running out for these guys.
This gimmicky band gets old super-fast. 
Mumford? Are you there Mumford? Hey - no need to shout... If you are indeed prepared to wait, how about waiting about fifty years so that I'm safely out of the way before you release any more music? {#No}
How can they possibly have a 6.3 rating?  This mystifies me when looking at the comments.  Goes to show a gimmick can go a long way.  God forbid they win anything at the Grammys, we'll never get rid of them!!
can I just say I love this song!  Thanks for playing it Bill - play more from the album please.  
Good song, but overplayed everywhere right now. 

I agree - how about a taste of something we haven't heard yet from their latest album, instead of the one that is in heavy rotation everywhere?

Please keep it to once a week, maybe twice tops.  I am hearing this everywhere and it's a good song, but it's being Rolling-In-The-Deep'ed pretty bad right now.  Anything becomes toxic in excessive amounts. :(
 Papasmeg wrote:
Hey Bill whats going on here? 6.3 rating, loads of negative comments and you played it 7 time in 30 Days...........Yawn !!!!!!

Well...it is Bill's radio station. While I'm sure that he does take a look at the ratings given to songs, its still his choice what gets played and when. The fact that so many of us keep listening shows that many of us approve of his choices a lot of the time too.
Anyway, 7 times in 30 days is still only about once every 100 hours on average.
Please....stop.... {#Wall}
I'm sooo fatigued with this song!
  chitown wrote:
They are to be commended for releasing the same song over and over and over again.... and making lots of money doing it.
So do you think they are doing that on purpose?  I assumed that they didn't realize that all of their songs sound exactly the same (unlike the rest of the planet).
I like these guys, but what really surprised me is that my 19 year old daughter likes them.  I have been trying to get her to listen to the Avett Brothers, but it's Mumford & Sons that get's her attention.  I am not sure I understand the appeal to the youngsters, but I can't complain.  There is a lot of really crappy music out there that she could be listening to.
i think this is my fav tune they do.
 They are just putting the final touches on the repetitive banjo parts.

  scraig wrote:

I pre-ordered my CD a more than a month ago and it still hasn't arrived {#Sad}

I'm having a sudden urge to play the spoons.
They are to be commended for releasing the same song over and over and over again.... and making lots of money doing it.
Good song, but overplayed everywhere right now.  Please take out of rotation for now, and bring it back in a couple of months! 
Surely to God the world has had enough of Mumford & Sons. I can't turn on any station without hearing them. I mean it's not BAD music but it's certainly not THAT good.
Hey Bill whats going on here? 6.3 rating, loads of negative comments and you played it 7 time in 30 Days...........Yawn !!!!!!
This is some over derived, over effusive,  overrated pop-

 Sasha2001 wrote:
So... There they were on SNL just now with their vests and their bow-legged toe tapping. Seriously, they bring the energy up and down like Nirvana. Nirvana.
I don't really like these guys and kinda think their songs all sound alike, but they totally killed on SNL.  And that bit as the Beatles cover band "Hey Dude" was just great!
Funny. I just switched to RP from SiriusXM because I couldn't stand hearing this song again. (I do like it, but not 10 times a day - everyday!)

And now here it is infecting RP, too.
 toomanyollys wrote:
Every Mumford & Sons song

Every Mumford & Sons song
 (all credit to reddit)

It's funny 'cause it's true!
 Sjaaks wrote:
So.... They picked up right where they left off...
Good news for the ones who love(d) their debut album. Bad news for the ones who hate(d) it...

Nailed it. I never liked the Mumfords but sat through the iTunes online concert they did recently because I thought I might be missing something. Nope. . . I had to turn it off 20 mins in. 

New folk. . . folk off. 
 rockpommel16 wrote:
....i will wait......smiley....for the ending of this horror....
I am with you. This music sounds boring to me! Nothing special with it.
 ploba wrote:
 i love this new album! 
I pre-ordered my CD a more than a month ago and it still hasn't arrived {#Sad}
So I clicked PSD and it went to Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson. Touché.
 blotto wrote:
makes me want to punch myself in the crotch
Oh, please do. And if it isn't too much trouble, could you post it to You Tube and put a link on this page? Thanks.
Wow... This song really knows how to start.  Comes right outta nowhere doesn't it?  I was almost dosing off.
 Sjaaks wrote:
So.... They picked up right where they left off...
Good news for the ones who love(d) their debut album. Bad news for the ones who hate(d) it...

Got me! I laughed.
My wife used to always tell me that the best humour always comes from truth.
Banjo rock. Git it boy.
Every Mumford & Sons song

Every Mumford & Sons song
 (all credit to reddit)

I just woke up and this song was on my radio alarm clock. It fkn enraged me first thing in the morning. 10 minutes later it is on rp enraging me even more. Unbelievable. Today is going to suck

....i will wait......smiley....for the ending of this horror....
So.... They picked up right where they left off...
Good news for the ones who love(d) their debut album. Bad news for the ones who hate(d) it...

 dwlangham wrote:
Oh, my. You again. I would pay good money to keep from having to hear this.

Feature request, Bill: How about letting users configure preferences to automatically activate PSD for them whenever certain songs come up in the rotation.

Yes, I hate this song that much.
....me too,.....more with every listening......hit ass
 ploba wrote:
 i love this new album! 

{#Jump} yeah - it's so beautiful!!
second time heard it, nice!
Oh, my. You again. I would pay good money to keep from having to hear this.

Feature request, Bill: How about letting users configure preferences to automatically activate PSD for them whenever certain songs come up in the rotation.

Yes, I hate this song that much.
 i love this new album! 
So... There they were on SNL just now with their vests and their bow-legged toe tapping. Seriously, they bring the energy up and down like Nirvana.

I remain convinced that this is a parody band, like Spinal Tap or the Folksmen.

Has anyone seen Christopher Guest lately? Is this his latest project?

dwlangham wrote:
It's not as bad as it sounds (is it?). But for some reason, this band grates on my nerves.
  dwlangham wrote:
Fuck off already.
  dwlangham wrote:
Poop. {#Crashcomp}
dwlangham wrote:
I'm making myself sit through this torture so I can experience the sweet relief of it ending. Can't come soon enough. And here's the banjo solo backed by the horns.


 blotto wrote:
They use the same recipe for every song they have, it seems.
single banjo, single vocals, buncha banjos, buncha vocals. 
It's worked for them before - no reason for them to stop now, I guess.  It's apparently important to them to make sure that they sound like Mumford & Sons.
Some of the most priceless comments below. I'm starting to think Bill plays M & S just to see how listeners will react.
Music is as it is and its appeal defines the listener, this listener like them others do not, it is simply taste and means you know what you like or don't. No reason to fight or become defensive. You like what you like as I do, so what?        {#Yes}
It's much better when you are there
An a-typical chord structure makes this a gem to me. Nice intertwining of minor chords and decent harmony and energy. Yippee.
I'm making myself sit through this torture so I can experience the sweet relief of it ending. Can't come soon enough. And here's the banjo solo backed by the horns.
M&S makes me change the station EVERY time...RP or otherwise.  Just can't handle it. {#Wall}
Poop. {#Crashcomp}
Again too many banjo style songs played on RP...just not my thing
this gets play, and still no Bill Monroe?
Are we certain this is not a parody, like The Folksmen in "A Mighty Wind"?

makes me want to punch myself in the crotch
jangly banjos.
Fuck off already.
 jnesser wrote:
So tired of this type of music.  Seems like one band comes up with a new sound and gets popular - so everybody jumps on the band wagon playing the same thing and the record labels sign them all to make a fast buck.
Over it. 

I agree nothing wrong with it, nothing right with it. It is just there.{#Yawn}
Just cannot wait for this album.
 dwlangham wrote:
It's not as bad as it sounds (is it?). But for some reason, this band grates on my nerves.

I'm no doctor, but I think in your case(and mine) that if it grates on your nerves, it is as bad as it sounds.
Bill, is that "Babel" or  "babble"? 

JeniQ wrote:
Happy to have new Mumford!

 komainu wrote:

I like that descriptor. I've been referring to it as TweeFolk. Either way it has outlived its welcome.
. . .5.9 and falling. Off the playlist in 3. . . 2. . . .
It's not as bad as it sounds (is it?). But for some reason, this band grates on my nerves.
 deepwoodskev wrote:
Way to evolve, guys.

I like it because it's pop stuff and I like that sort of music but it's funny how derivative it is of not just their own stuff, but other bands who we like to slag as being derivative...

Like I always hear Monsters & Men when this starts but M&M gets slagged for sounding like that Edward Sharpe/Magnetic Zeroes song and so on and on.... 
 ____d wrote:
new Mumford and new Avett in the same day!!
Their albums both come out this month...
...seemed to me that the Avett Brothers got the short end of the music marketing machine with the last album.
Weird that these two artists, who I think are competing for the same $ in this genre, have albums coming out less than two weeks apart.
They use the same recipe for every song they have, it seems.
single banjo, single vocals, buncha banjos, buncha vocals. 
 ____d wrote:
new Mumford and new Avett in the same day!!
Looking forward to both as well as the new DMB album coming Tuesday 9/11.
Happy to have new Mumford!
Very nice!!
 Poacher wrote:
Hmmmm. New Mumford - the same as the previous Mumford. Methinks the Posh Newfolk era has passed.

I like that descriptor. I've been referring to it as TweeFolk. Either way it has outlived its welcome.
Way to evolve, guys.

So tired of this type of music.  Seems like one band comes up with a new sound and gets popular - so everybody jumps on the band wagon playing the same thing and the record labels sign them all to make a fast buck.
Over it. 
Well, it sucked less than the earlier stuff from them..
Hmmmm. New Mumford - the same as the previous Mumford. Methinks the Posh Newfolk era has passed.
new Mumford and new Avett in the same day!!

Revenge of the Toffs!!!!