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The Raconteurs — Many Shades of Black (w/ Adele)
Album: 90210 Soundtrack
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Total ratings: 985

Released: 2009
Length: 4:24
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Go ahead, go ahead and smash it on the floor
Take whatever is left, and take it with you out the door
See if I cry
See if I shed a single sorry tear
Can't say that it's been that great
No in fact it's been a wasted worried year

Everybody sees
And everyone agrees
That you and I are wrong
And it's been that way to long
Take it as it comes
And be thankful when it's done
There's so many ways to act
And there's many shades of black
There's so many shades of black

Let it out, let it all out
Say what's on your mind
You can kick and scream and shout and say things that are so unkind
Yeah-see if I care, see if I stand firm or if I fall
Cause in the back of my mind, and on the tip of my tongue
Is the answer to it all


Yeah there's many shades of black


Cause there's many shades of black
There's so many shades of black
Yeah there's any shades of black
There's so many shades of black
Yeah there's many shades of black
There's so many shades of black
And there's many shades of black
There's so many shades of black
Comments (101)add comment
 nrelkie1 wrote:

I'd rather be in a dentist chair then listen to Jack Whites screeching guitar.

And Adele's annoying voice!
That solo (I guess it was a guitar) was so shrill.   
I'd rather be in a dentist chair then listen to Jack Whites screeching guitar.
 ottojschlosser wrote:

It sounded like Brian May broke into the studio and added a lead guitar track without anyone noticing. Very odd.

NO that is a classic Jack White solo. NOT from White Stripes days, but this band and The Dead Weather lps. 
i enjoyed that a lot more than any other adele songs i've heard.
Does this version exists in streaming platforms? At least at a glance, I don´t find it in Spotify. Just a version without Adele which BTW does great here.
 Red_Dragon wrote:

WHY the fuck does he do that with a guitar!?

That solo made me close my browser.  Seriously, way out in front and no tone implied or tried.
I am not a fan of this version. I do not think Adele‘s singing works near as well as when the whole shebang it’s preformed by the Raconteurs. They of course play as beautiful as ever. But oh my does the guitar playing towards the end just slays!
 MassivRuss wrote:

How the F does he do that with a guitar?

WHY the fuck does he do that with a guitar!?
 Jelani wrote:

I thought this was Adele.

<- Look left. "w/Adele."
I thought this was Adele.
 MassivRuss wrote:

How the F does he do that with a guitar?

What a screech.
 Love Adele, but this feels a bit half-hearted and BH 90210 really didn't need to be revived. It's pretty scary how some of the cast members from the original show have aged...
How the F does he do that with a guitar?
That guitar solo is interesting, it's like ... Brian May, produced by Les Paul.
That's a song to avoid, apart from the frantic guitar solo. After that it goes on and on. I've asked it before, why don't producers know when to stop a record? If anyone wants an extended version, play it again! I would have given a 6/7 if the song had stopped immediately after the guitar solo, just for bravery, but it went down one point every time she sang the title after that.
 afrixluvguy wrote:
Proof Adele is just a safer version of Amy Winehouse, like diet Coke, or sugar-free. 

Or talent-free.

No, JK; I just don't like Adele is all. 

She's not a "version" of anyone. She's Adele. And she's the real deal. Is sitting in with Jack Black "safer"?? This is a great collaberation.
Proof Adele is just a safer version of Amy Winehouse, like diet Coke, or sugar-free. 

Or talent-free.

No, JK; I just don't like Adele is all. 
 ziggytrix wrote:

The point I was taking from your post is it doesn't matter who performs, whether it's a student who presses all the right keys on the piano or a master who takes it to the next level.  That the material being performed is what you judge, and not the performance of that material.  That you can discern no difference between the playing of Pablo de Sarasate and a elementary school violin teacher trying to play one of his songs.  If that was not your assertion, I apologize, but can you see how absurd that seems?

You say no one can perform a book, so I assume you've never heard of an audio book or "book on tape"?  They're quite popular these days. 

Typical willful misreading of what I write here.  {#Rolleyes}
 planet3one9 wrote:
Make it stop !!! how can jack white be  so good with the white stripes and so horrible with the racounteers?
"Take it as it comes
And be thankful when it's done"
And I do enjoy some Adele songs, and a good number of White Stripes (I don't know much by Raconteurs admittedly). 
Make it stop !!! how can jack white be  so good with the white stripes and so horrible with the racounteers?
It sounded like Brian May broke into the studio and added a lead guitar track without anyone noticing. Very odd.
The best new singer to come around in a while, doing a song written by the best band that one of the best musicians of our era has put together, and people are complaining?

I just don't get it sometimes...

A+++  -- would listen again!!  Never heard this -- it's fantastic!

 TreeFiddy wrote:
What's the point of a cover that's the same as the original?
Does this allow you to play more Jack White, without playing Jack White?

This radio station seems to play a diverse range of music, but the same diverse music on repeat.
What's wrong with say "You don't understand me" by the Raconteurs.

Agreed. The Raconteurs have a small but great selection of songs to choose from. Mix it up a bit
What the hell was that?!?!
Who solo's like that in a song with horns?!?! 
What's the point of a cover that's the same as the original?
Does this allow you to play more Jack White, without playing Jack White?

This radio station seems to play a diverse range of music, but the same diverse music on repeat.
What's wrong with say "You don't understand me" by the Raconteurs.

 nagsheadlocal wrote:
Does she always squeak like this?
All I can think of is a puppy with one of those wheezy-squeaky toy bones.

richlister wrote:

Is she nearly 27?
pmsl... we wish - think she's about 22... {#Sorry} portentously 5 more years of over-play on all other forms of media (including my music students!!!)... sigh
You know, if iTunes would find it in their hearts to sell this song as a single, they'd get my $1.29...
Could have been awesome but I'm not sure they picked the best song

Is she nearly 27?
 rdo wrote:

You are missing my point entirely.  When you hear classical music, you are not hearing Bach or Mozart perform.  You are never hearing the composer perform. Does that help?  You don't see Shakespeare perform his work either, though at least his work can be performed.  Audio book? Bar bands?  What on earth are you talking about?  No one can perform Tolstoy or Proust, though there can be (woefully) inept film or stage adaptations, which in no way could be construed as performances of their genuis, which can only be experienced by reading it.

The point I was taking from your post is it doesn't matter who performs, whether it's a student who presses all the right keys on the piano or a master who takes it to the next level.  That the material being performed is what you judge, and not the performance of that material.  That you can discern no difference between the playing of Pablo de Sarasate and a elementary school violin teacher trying to play one of his songs.  If that was not your assertion, I apologize, but can you see how absurd that seems?

You say no one can perform a book, so I assume you've never heard of an audio book or "book on tape"?  They're quite popular these days. 

nagsheadlocal wrote:
Does she always squeak like this?

Never a big fan of this woman but this is not bad at all, she sounds to be channelling Amy.  90210 soundtrack?  A bit of cognitive dissonance there for a bit.  Like that noisy geetar.
Does she always squeak like this?
Love hearing Adele on RP - didn't expect that, and this track is new to me.  Good stuff.
 ziggytrix wrote:

Not so much controversial as it is silly.  Books are not songs.  I get the analogy, but a better one would be an audio book.  And even then what's "well enough" works a lot better for an orator of a medium where the message is more important than the delivery.  For music this is certainly not always the case!  One need only listen to any of the truly great performers, the ones who have been covered by everyone and their perfectly adequate bar band, to hear where the imitations fall flat.
You are missing my point entirely.  When you hear classical music, you are not hearing Bach or Mozart perform.  You are never hearing the composer perform. Does that help?  You don't see Shakespeare perform his work either, though at least his work can be performed.  Audio book? Bar bands?  What on earth are you talking about?  No one can perform Tolstoy or Proust, though there can be (woefully) inept film or stage adaptations, which in no way could be construed as performances of their genuis, which can only be experienced by reading it.
 rdo wrote:

My aesthetic principle is based 99% on the composition.   I read fiction mainly.  Since books cannot be performed, you might have an inkling what I mean.   I do not care how well someone plays an instrument, so long as they can play the song or whatever piece they are playing well enough.   It is the piece that matters.  I was not aware that was such a controversial opinion. 

Not so much controversial as it is silly.  Books are not songs.  I get the analogy, but a better one would be an audio book.  And even then what's "well enough" works a lot better for an orator of a medium where the message is more important than the delivery.  For music this is certainly not always the case!  One need only listen to any of the truly great performers, the ones who have been covered by everyone and their perfectly adequate bar band, to hear where the imitations fall flat.
Original by The Racounters much better, no doubt. Great song, though.
Did they recruit Mike Oldfield for a "distorted guitar" solo?
Best thing I've heard from her.
Phew, Fred and rod aren't still here squabbling. Liked this song, first time I heard i think. Exit stage right
The lead guitar evokes memories of Blood, Sweat, and Tears.  Very nice!
 gandalfbmg wrote:
I must be the minority opinion, but this is the only song with her I know of where I don't find Adele annoying. I don't get why she's so loved...
For me, sometimes a song is just a "catchy ass song" and I find myself humming it, as I did with "Rolling in the Deep" after the Grammys.  I haven't purchased any of her music however, but apparently many people did.  As it's been said, "There's no accounting for taste."

I must be the minority opinion, but this is the only song with her I know of where I don't find Adele annoying. I don't get why she's so loved...
 fredriley wrote:

It would take many, many pages to refute such a sweeping and plainly wrong statement, but then I suspect you're just having a good old troll and I'm a strong believer in not feeding the trolls. On your principle, though, you'd not give a monkey's how an orchestra plays Mozart or Beethoven or Mahler or any other great composer, because what matters to you is the composition not the delivery. If you can't see just how wrong your statement is in that light then you must think that orchestras like Moscow Symphony or the Hallé are a "dime a dozen". And if you think Adele is just another dime singer, I suggest that you name the 11 others you could buy for your 10 cents.


I stand by my statement, as I would any others I make here (I joke a lot, sorry if you don't find them funny).  It's up to me, and me alone, to decide what I like and don't like.  I really don't have a choice in the matter, do I?  Either I like it, or I don't.  In other words, I cannot choose to like it or not.   I am an aesthete.  My aesthetic principle is based 99% on the composition.   I read fiction mainly.  Since books cannot be performed, you might have an inkling what I mean.   I do not care how well someone plays an instrument, so long as they can play the song or whatever piece they are playing well enough.   It is the piece that matters.  I was not aware that was such a controversial opinion.  There is no right or wrong in the matter.  You sound like an idiot when you say that. 

Now, you are a bit nasty calling me a troll.  Whatever.  You bandy that word about a lot I have noticed.  I really don't care.  Go sharpen your guillotine.


Now that I have more time to finish this...

For you to level the troll accusation as often as you do is the height of hypocrisy.  I know of scores of negative and repetitive posts by you on just one band alone - Radiohead. Radiohead is the flagship band on this station, and a strong consensus has formed around them.  You have nothing constructive to say on the topic, you are just being a troll, by your own definition.  I have no real problem with that.  They're about the only worthwhile comments you make here.  At least they are funny (on occasion).  You are always acting like some self-appointed cop, trying to enforce some sort of etiquette or rules of propriety that exist only in your imagination and that even you don't follow.  I write a lot of the things on the fly, and they are usually gut reactions to the polemical postings of other commenters.  They are generally sincere unless I am obviously being tongue-in-cheek.  I am sure I miss the mark from time to time.  I am pretty busy with work and I don't think I should spend more time posting here than I already do.  I don't have the time or inclination to fully develop my thoughts into essays for you, Fred.  I don't really think that this is a discussion board, but instead a comment board.  There's a big difference.  There are plenty of other web sites out there if you want to feel good and make friends.  This is cutting edge music here.  There should be edginess to the commentary to go with it.  It should be lively. You think I am a troll?  Your screwball, wing-nut opinions would be derided in practically every social circle here in the states if you were an American and spouted them in person.  Maybe I am a minority, dissenting voice here.  I lean Left too, but here I am often in the unusual position (for me) of arguing from the Right.  That's all the time I have for you today Fred.  Sorry. 

 rdo wrote:

There is only one talent that matters in my opinion - songwriting talent.  That includes composing the instrumentals of course.   I don't give a fig how well someone sings or plays the drums or keyboards.   They are a dime a dozen. 
It would take many, many pages to refute such a sweeping and plainly wrong statement, but then I suspect you're just having a good old troll and I'm a strong believer in not feeding the trolls. On your principle, though, you'd not give a monkey's how an orchestra plays Mozart or Beethoven or Mahler or any other great composer, because what matters to you is the composition not the delivery. If you can't see just how wrong your statement is in that light then you must think that orchestras like Moscow Symphony or the Hallé are a "dime a dozen". And if you think Adele is just another dime singer, I suggest that you name the 11 others you could buy for your 10 cents.

 Proclivities wrote:

Having a powerful, multi-octave singing voice is a talent, so Amy Winehouse had a talent - there is simply no debating that - whether or not you liked her or her material.  A talent is not something subject to personal taste, it is a physical (often measurable) aptitude.  Adele does have a similar style, though seemingly a more powerful voice.  Hopefully, she will have more good material to sing in her future.

There is only one talent that matters in my opinion - songwriting talent.  That includes composing the instrumentals of course.   I don't give a fig how well someone sings or plays the drums or keyboards.   They are a dime a dozen. 
a perfect song
everything she touches turns to gold. she can do no wrong right now. 8.
not a big fan of the song - but contrary to some other comments, I actually really liked the guitar solo!  very cool sound they got out of that
I'll give it an 8 just because I like that scratchy guitar solo so much.
Pleease take this out of rotation. The original version never gets played, and emphysemic Adele makes me gasp for air, myself. Ugh. 
NICE!! her amazing voice with a great band, throw in a little 50s rock beat in there.
 siandbeth wrote:

Normally a fan of Adele, but this is just making me turn off RP and listening to the straight Raconteurs version. Seriously, does she smoke? Sounds like she suffers from emphysema.  Oh, here's a recent quote
"the down-to-earth star admitted she would rather risk her singing ability than be totally square and kick her smoking habit."

It's totally square to quit smoking cigarettes?  Maybe it just might save her life!!!

Seems to be a short (or open) on the wire to that thar git-tar.

Love this!
The vocalist, sounds so much like Amy Winehouse, it's scary!  Love the vocals but hate that guitar solo, so a '6' only.
 KaiT wrote:
Absolute talent. But one must remember that talent is trained, especially nowadays with a heightened interest in the voice as a musical instrument (ie: Idol contests and the resurgence of Karaoke 'cool'). Voices are such subjective things - someone can have a terrifically trained voice but not appeal to the listener whatsoever. 

Although I love Adele, and as a singer wish I had even an ounce of her ability, I still prefer the straight Raconteurs version of this song. Jack White - being another favourite of mine - simply can't be covered IMHO. 

 Proclivities wrote:

Having a powerful, multi-octave singing voice is a talent, so Amy Winehouse had a talent - there is simply no debating that - whether or not you liked her or her material.  A talent is not something subject to personal taste, it is a physical (often measurable) aptitude.  Adele does have a similar style, though seemingly a more powerful voice.  Hopefully, she will have more good material to sing in her future.
Agree with some of both opinions...I was just saying that though our choir director has a beautifully trained multi-octave tenor voice, I just don't like his sound.  Talent he has.

I wish I knew Amy...I don't want to go down her path... 
Funny, I was hearing Angela McCluskey...  I guess the voice is more common that I had thought.
Bill should follow this one with something from Yes' 90125 album.
 stromdal wrote:

I agree that their voices sound quite alike. They differ in that Adele has talent. And the ability not to kill herself.


We are all killing ourselves: our hate will kill us...and so will what we love.

Some just leave the party earlier than others.

 stromdal wrote:

I agree that their voices sound quite alike. They differ in that Adele has talent. And the ability not to kill herself.
Having a powerful, multi-octave singing voice is a talent, so Amy Winehouse had a talent - there is simply no debating that - whether or not you liked her or her material.  A talent is not something subject to personal taste, it is a physical (often measurable) aptitude.  Adele does have a similar style, though seemingly a more powerful voice.  Hopefully, she will have more good material to sing in her future.
Absolute talent. But one must remember that talent is trained, especially nowadays with a heightened interest in the voice as a musical instrument (ie: Idol contests and the resurgence of Karaoke 'cool'). Voices are such subjective things - someone can have a terrifically trained voice but not appeal to the listener whatsoever. 

Although I love Adele, and as a singer wish I had even an ounce of her ability, I still prefer the straight Raconteurs version of this song. Jack White - being another favourite of mine - simply can't be covered IMHO. 
 siandbeth wrote:

Normally a fan of Adele, but this is just making me turn off RP and listening to the straight Raconteurs version. Seriously, does she smoke? Sounds like she suffers from emphysema.  Oh, here's a recent quote
"the down-to-earth star admitted she would rather risk her singing ability than be totally square and kick her smoking habit."

Adele undergoes surgery in US for throat problems

Busy, ain't it?

This woman can sing!
Impressive voice—but wow, am I getting tired of the song.  
 juanos wrote:
Oh this bird  has such a great voice!{#Clap}

You mean:  And your bird can sing....
 stromdal wrote:

I agree that their voices sound quite alike. They differ in that Adele has talent. And the ability not to kill herself.


Seriously? You went THERE? Well, many would agree that Amy also had talent, and Adele's young. She has a lot a time left for things to go horribly wrong.
 stromdal wrote:

I agree that their voices sound quite alike. They differ in that Adele has talent. And the ability not to kill herself.

Edit:  I agree that their voices sound quite alike. They differ in that Adele has talent and Amy HAD talent.

 SinisterDexter wrote:

Interesting you should say that; I thought it was Amy Winehouse during the first minute of the song - then looked at the credits.
yup, same here.
 SinisterDexter wrote:
Interesting you should say that; I thought it was Amy Winehouse during the first minute of the song - then looked at the credits.
I agree that their voices sound quite alike. They differ in that Adele has talent. And the ability not to kill herself.

 moonsaura wrote:
adele reminds me of the late amy winehouse in this song. 
Interesting you should say that; I thought it was Amy Winehouse during the first minute of the song - then looked at the credits.
I totally agree, original is better than this version

rtwingo wrote:
Very nice, but the original studio version without Adele is better.


adele reminds me of the late amy winehouse in this song. 
 GT66 wrote:

Does every song a singer sings need to be a display of their inner narcissist? It's that constant over-the-top "showcasing" that turns me off to a lot of today's female singers. I don't need to be reminded of your sustained virbrato or octave range in EVERY SINGLE chorus of EVERY SINGLE song. Jeez...


So that's why we hate Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey so much!
Very nice, but the original studio version without Adele is better.

Dunno what it is about this woman, but I love her voice.

There's a fullness, a ripe sensuality, a stretching of the limits that seems to draw me in each and every time I hear her distinct vocals...

 juanos wrote:
Oh this bird  has such a great voice!{#Clap}

First impression: kind of hard on my ears {#Beat}
 GT66 wrote:

Does every song a singer sings need to be a display of their inner narcissist? It's that constant over-the-top "showcasing" that turns me off to a lot of today's female singers. I don't need to be reminded of your sustained virbrato or octave range in EVERY SINGLE chorus of EVERY SINGLE song. Jeez...
 siandbeth wrote:

Normally a fan of Adele, but this is just making me turn off RP and listening to the straight Raconteurs version. Seriously, does she smoke? Sounds like she suffers from emphysema.  Oh, here's a recent quote
"the down-to-earth star admitted she would rather risk her singing ability than be totally square and kick her smoking habit."


 GT66 wrote:

Perhaps she should have a listen to the last couple Roger Waters albums. That'd change her tune right quick.

Having to listen to that Roger Waters' solo efforts could be considered a form of torture.  If she wants to smoke, it's still legal and it's up to her.

 Relayer wrote:
Can we please stop playing this song so much? Just stick with the original version, because it is a great song and this version brings nothing interesting to the table.

thinkin`the same!!
Can we please stop playing this song so much? Just stick with the original version, because it is a great song and this version brings nothing interesting to the table.
 GT66 wrote:

Perhaps she should have a listen to the last couple Roger Waters albums. That'd change her tune right quick.


Or Bob Dylan nowadays...
 siandbeth wrote:

"the down-to-earth star admitted she would rather risk her singing ability than be totally square and kick her smoking habit."


The idiocy of youth.
 ginger wrote:
This song doesn't really seem to let Adele showcase her great voice as much as her solo album does.
Does every song a singer sings need to be a display of their inner narcissist? It's that constant over-the-top "showcasing" that turns me off to a lot of today's female singers. I don't need to be reminded of your sustained virbrato or octave range in EVERY SINGLE chorus of EVERY SINGLE song. Jeez...

 siandbeth wrote:

Oh, here's a recent quote
"the down-to-earth star admitted she would rather risk her singing ability than be totally square and kick her smoking habit."


Perhaps she should have a listen to the last couple Roger Waters albums. That'd change her tune right quick.

 siandbeth wrote:
I don't know, her voice ends too abruptly and disturbs my brain. Like she's a smoker or something. Is she a smoker? I sure hope not. I don't hear it on her other work though.
Normally a fan of Adele, but this is just making me turn off RP and listening to the straight Raconteurs version. Seriously, does she smoke? Sounds like she suffers from emphysema.  Oh, here's a recent quote
"the down-to-earth star admitted she would rather risk her singing ability than be totally square and kick her smoking habit."

 ginger wrote:
This song doesn't really seem to let Adele showcase her great voice as much as her solo album does.

Well, that's probably because it's "The Raconteurs (w/ Adele)", not "Adele (w/ The Raconteurs)"... {#Wink}
Her voice has just enough raspiness to make it real.  Good song.  First time I've heard it.
Oh this bird  has such a great voice!{#Clap}
I don't know, her voice ends too abruptly and disturbs my brain. Like she's a smoker or something. Is she a smoker? I sure hope not. I don't hear it on her other work though.

Wow, nice!  I'd like to hear it again, in fact!  Great song, great cover!
You do realize you just played Adele like 4 or 5 songs ago, right? Ok, cool, just checking.

I was hoping RP would play this great tune! Adel's cover of this Raconteurs song is by far my favorite song from her to date.

This song doesn't really seem to let Adele showcase her great voice as much as her solo album does.
Holy crap... is this real?  Ha ha... this is freaking awesome!

Great song from a great album just got a big old shot of B12. 

EDIT: I don't mean the 90210 album ;-)