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Mumford & Sons — White Blank Page
Album: Sigh No More
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Total ratings: 530

Released: 2010
Length: 4:11
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Can you lie next to her
And give her your heart, your heart
As well as your body

And can you lie next to her
And confess your love, your love
As well as your folly

And can you kneel before the King
And say I'm clean, I'm clean

But tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart
Oh tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart

A white blank page and a swelling rage, rage
You did not think when you sent me to the brink, to the brink
You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections

So tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart
Oh tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart

Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
O lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Comments (123)add comment
For pity's sake, PLEASE stop playing these assholes!
Play it, Bill !
Nice to listen to your subtle blend : ) 
Quick, turn it off!!
I am so sick to death of the drivel that the Mumford Brothers spew. Ugh. Please Bill, have mercy, no more of this shit.
  Talk about bad. It takes an effort to be that irritating.
 Proclivities wrote:

I know styles and vocabularies vary greatly among all folks and regions and I don't mean this as a knock to your stylistic choices, but "earnestness" seems like a peculiar word to use in that instance.  By its principal definition, the word is a synonym of "sincerity".  I assume you were referring to this band's excessiveness, pomposity, or exorbitance being "nauseating", more than their devotion or enthusiasm is - maybe not.  Anyhow, I don't much care for their "bellowing" either, particularly on this number.


Your right Proclivities. The proper sentence would have read, "false earnestness" since their act seems put on.
 shakitten wrote:
I just don't understand the popularity of this band. Listening is painful...
I totally Agree it's a mournful dirge at best..

 salzburg4321 wrote:
Banjo = 7
Totally. But sounding like distressed sheep = 1.
Banjo = 7
I just don't understand the popularity of this band. Listening is painful...
 Sasha2001 wrote:
I'm so glad I get to join in and bash a band. At times, they sound like the soundtrack to a Disney straight to video movie. Their earnestness is nauseating, it might be insincere and it's definitely unsustainable. If you already come off as suspiciously "put on," people will grow tired of your self-righteous bellowing before too long.
I know styles and vocabularies vary greatly among all folks and regions and I don't mean this as a knock to your stylistic choices, but "earnestness" seems like a peculiar word to use in that instance.  By its principal definition, the word is a synonym of "sincerity".  I assume you were referring to this band's excessiveness, pomposity, or exorbitance being "nauseating", more than their devotion or enthusiasm is - maybe not.  Anyhow, I don't much care for their "bellowing" either, particularly on this number.

 Sasha2001 wrote:
I'm so glad I get to join in and bash a band. At times, they sound like the soundtrack to a Disney straight to video movie. Their earnestness is nauseating, it might be insincere and it's definitely unsustainable. If you already come off as suspiciously "put on," people will grow tired of your self-righteous bellowing before too long.

Sasha said it much better than I did today.
This is Sick, and not in a good way.  Sick!
Really don't like this.  Pomposity disguised as rootsy sounds 
Somehow I knew Mumford would evoke some cynical killjoy comments from this forum. Thanks for playing it anyway, Bill. *I* enjoy it.
What a bad singer!!
This Album's title needs to be tweaked to "Sing no more."
 Derecho wrote:
I am reasonably certain that that the CIA uses this as part of an advanced interrogation technique.  It sounds like a chorus of mashed cats played at half-speed.
Yes, I hear it! Musical cats that perform very well while being mashed and that play and sing at double speed!  
I am reasonably certain that that the CIA uses this as part of an advanced interrogation technique.  It sounds like a chorus of mashed cats played at half-speed.
 Frater_Kork wrote:

When I rate stuff a 7 i find it Quite Likable.
This braying I rate a 3. 


Syntax, meant to way I understand why people might NOT like this, but I do. 7. There, better?

this one's Bluegrass Kings Of Leon
 dkwalika wrote:
Great album. Best of the year?
ROFL. Good one.
Great album. Best of the year?

I like the angry Irish set
 fatcatjb wrote:
always happy when the braying finally stops

beautifull i love this song so much i could here this for ever ,ever,everrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............................
so damn beautifullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
love this band !!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad I get to join in and bash a band. At times, they sound like the soundtrack to a Disney straight to video movie. Their earnestness is nauseating, it might be insincere and it's definitely unsustainable. If you already come off as suspiciously "put on," people will grow tired of your self-righteous bellowing before too long.
Shut up shut up shut up!

(can't be bothered to come up with something witty this morning) 
I am not a big fan of stingray, but on this band i must agree with him. This is awful!!

This has got to be a parody, like Spinal Tap or The Folksmen, right?

"Mom Ford & her overrated Sons"

takes itself too seriously, pretty awful really {#Beat}
White Blank Page = quite boring song.

 fatcatjb wrote:
always happy when the braying finally stops

Was just thinking that!
always happy when the braying finally stops
The vocal qualities may not be pure, but I enjoy the instrumentation and the emotion (if perhaps a little too dramatic)
 Frater_Kork wrote:

When I rate stuff a 7 i find it Quite Likable.
This braying I rate a 3. 

3 here also. 

 sirdroseph wrote:

As stated below, I can understand why some might like this, but do not count me amongst them. 7

When I rate stuff a 7 i find it Quite Likable.
This braying I rate a 3. 

As stated below, I can understand why some might not like this, but do not count me amongst them. 7

I like a lot of M&S, but THIS one made me get down off the ladder, come into the other room to give it a 1. 

I love the way these guys use the banjo in the same way Nirvana used the heavy guitar. A slow open and then some serious metal. Because you know, nothing says "intense" like some serious bad-ass banjo.

I really do understand the negative vibe toward the band and their music - I started off that way.  But after a few more listens, I began to feel it and now I really like them.  Too bad they are so grossly overplayed on our local "alternative radio" FM station. . . 
Oh good grief, haven't they fallen into obscurity yet?
{#Hearteyes}J'adoooooooore! My preferred song!

I just bought this CD. The pros: it's consistently good. The cons: I've already heard about half of it, here on RP and elsewhere. Adele's 21, my last purchase, was the same way.
laughing loudly

sieversfam wrote:
They will also be performing n my recycle bin on Saturday.

Ok, If I saw them performing on a street corner or in a park in London or New York I'd probably stop and take a listen for a few songs. I might even remark about how nicely the banjo playing fit with the rest of the ensemble. But when the hat got passed I don't know that I'd feel compelled to leave a tip. And I certainly wouldn't spend $10.00 on their CD which would be positioned near the tip hat.

If, in a year or two they hit it big I'd feel happy for them and tell everyone about how I saw them on a street corner way back when. But I wouldn't follow their careers or buy any of their music.
Some good things coming out of the UK lately, Hitch, Cowell, and now this.  Send more of that over, red rover, red rover.
 Mack wrote:
No, he's not a pirate, Mumford and Sons are a removals firm from Yeovil. The father was famous for being the only removals professional in the Dorset/Somerset area with one arm and the son, famous for his moustache, he's dropped the dining room table on his foot - 'Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh'.
{#Clap} Nice one! About as far removed from the posh background of this bunch of pseudy crooners as you could get. I think I'd rather hear the removals men singing than this bunch of nobs.

They will also be performing n my recycle bin on Saturday.

They will be at Wakarusa Music Festival in Mulberry, AR in June.
No, he's not a pirate, Mumford and Sons are a removals firm from Yeovil. The father was famous for being the only removals professional in the Dorset/Somerset area with one arm and the son, famous for his moustache, he's dropped the dining room table on his foot - 'Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh'.

See them going about their work in the pic from their website:

It's amazing the diversity of tastes that are drawn to this station. I think this song is fantastic. This guy's voice grabs me every time.

 jwb wrote:

None of those things have anything to do with this song being insipid or not, which it is.

Perhaps in your opinion. The song suits me just fine.
Har-ar-har-ar-har-ar-ar, me hearties! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!

We just had The Decemberists on only 4 tracks ago. A bit too much Nu-nu-folk for these ears :(

 rez wrote:
urrrgghhhh James Blunt does emo !!  {#Yell}
Arf! Nicely put {#Clap}
 teapot wrote:

Only bitter hipsters make these kinds of comments. Mumford are a bunch of guys who love to play music, and they worked hard to gain their success. Geez, get a life.
None of those things have anything to do with this song being insipid or not, which it is.
 jwb wrote:
A couple of banjos and some hipster singer can't make this song any less insipid.
Only bitter hipsters make these kinds of comments. Mumford are a bunch of guys who love to play music, and they worked hard to gain their success. Geez, get a life.
A couple of banjos and some hipster singer can't make this song any less insipid.
Been a fan since they started years ago, and this has always been my favorite song. I'm still shocked they are so popular now. The first performance I went to had 10 people in the room. Now they are playing festivals. 
Saw these guys live in Galway Ireland a few weeks ago.  Crowd of 150 people knew every word and clearly loved the band.  The album grows on you with each listening in a weird way, like this song, I didn't think I would like it but The Cave, Little Lion Man are really great songs.

 Dave_Mack wrote:

 Kittee wrote:
Powerful...love it.  The "earthiness" to the singer voice is very pleasing to me.

Yes, I like the intensity of this one, relative to others I've heard from them.
 dogpound wrote:

dogwoman {#Angel}
gender not specified.  dogster  {#Wink}
urrrgghhhh James Blunt does emo !!  {#Yell}
 Ubaldo wrote:

I truly understand what the dogman means!
dogwoman {#Angel}
I like this, but it isn't really putting anything new on the table.  Not that I expect every song or artist to present something unique to the world.

Still, I can see while people think this will get old after a while.  I'm going to enjoy it when it comes up here, but I'm not rushing out to buy their cd anytime soon.  Maybe if I see in the discount bin somewhere for cheap, I'll pick it up.  Otherwise I'm just going to add this to the "heard it before even if I've never heard it" category.

 dogpound wrote:
there's a big part of me that thinks, huh, I should find these guys really annoying.
But I don't, I actually really like them. 

I truly understand what the dogman means!
Play more Mumford & Sons. Best new band in a long time.
Love these guys.  Thanks RP.
Enough Mumford. It was mildly amusing when this came out, now it is grating. The ratings on this tune are going downhill at an alarming rate and with luck this might be the last play on RP. . . and the cover pic will be of them in a charity shop window.

A new term. . . barfofolk 

Love these guys.  Check out the song live at Bonnaroo last year https://www.metatube.com/en/videos/34929/Mumford-Sons-White-Blank-Page-HD-720P-live/
Powerful...love it.  The "earthiness" to the singer voice is very pleasing to me.
Not my taste!
I'm still partial to this father & son team.

Sanford and Son
 tipper wrote:

Seriously grim this lot. Something about the guys voice, not to mention the lyrics means I just can't listen to this.

It takes time, believe Bill!

 StoneyG wrote:
Hmm.  Sounds like a big ol' pile of MEH.
Sounds like a bunch of poncey toffs ;)

Seriously grim this lot. Something about the guys voice, not to mention the lyrics means I just can't listen to this.

Hmm.  Sounds like a big ol' pile of MEH.
Gotta soak this in a bit....

Agree with others...just can't get into these guys.
Fake folk bollox.
I really like their sound and the songs peppered in a mix... because... it's tough to listen to the entire album. Every song is about the gal that dumped the lead singer on his ass. I haven't heard a more heart broken wussy since the Little River Band.
 Jazbo wrote:
Thought it was DMB......

What a cruel thing to say.
there's a big part of me that thinks, huh, I should find these guys really annoying.
But I don't, I actually really like them. 
How can they have NO upcoming shows for 2011? Good grief!
 MrSpaz wrote:
I'm just not diggin' these guys that much. The instrumentation is decent enough, but the vocalist is just a taste over the top and the lyrics remind me too much of high school sophomore English class poetry.

Eh, maybe they'll evolve a bit in the future.
they are good, no doubt, but there is some swot feeling, for which these guys would not be my friends on high scool :) probably.
I'm just not diggin' these guys that much. The instrumentation is decent enough, but the vocalist is just a taste over the top and the lyrics remind me too much of high school sophomore English class poetry.

Eh, maybe they'll evolve a bit in the future.

One of my albums of the year and this is a standout track. Supernatural live performers too...

7 {#Arrow} 8

Your ears,mind and heart are opening...This is the power of Radio Paradise :)

alanthecowboy wrote:
Wow... this never happens.  I didn't like these guys at all, and now a couple of short months later I love almost every song.  What the heck is wrong with me.  I don't even like this style of music, generally.  Oh well, better than the other way around...

Perfect song :) Keep up the good work Bill.
Cheers from the Faroe Islands ;) 
sorry, it doesnt cook well :) I can stand it once or twice per week, but that is quite a job. Enjoy it as much you want, I am looking forward what is next.

SinisterDexter wrote:

But it cooks it in a good way, right?  It does for me.  {#Tongue-out}

 petrfas wrote:
por favor, not so often mumford and sons... it cook my brain

But it cooks it in a good way, right?  It does for me.  {#Tongue-out}
Wow... this never happens.  I didn't like these guys at all, and now a couple of short months later I love almost every song.  What the heck is wrong with me.  I don't even like this style of music, generally.  Oh well, better than the other way around...
Thought it was DMB......
por favor, not so often mumford and sons... it cook my brain

All their songs sound the same, which makes overplaying them, that much worse.
 mandolin wrote:
...every time i hear mumford and sons there's a moment when i think it's dan mangan, then listen more closely and realise that it must be mumford and sons...
For me it's just the opposite.  {#Cheers}
Hey, Mumford...sigh no more.

Somewhat annoying.
Harr-arr-arr - they sound like extras from Treasure Island. Shiver me timbers, lad. Pieces of eight, pieces of eight...
Great driving song.

The entire cd is a bit repetitive when listen to whole, but still like it.
 mikexican wrote:
Overplayed. Need a break.
Very plaintive...almost pathetic, voice. I want to hold his hand and tell him everything's going to be okay...or slap him and tell him to shut his pie hole! {#Confused}
OK, I am sold too.. number7 wrote:

I can't stop listening to this disk.
Great new stuff!

Thanks Bill

I can't stop listening to this disk.
Great new stuff!

Thanks Bill
Not bad music, pretty decent... but BURNT OUT on it already. Overplayed. Need a break. Tom Petty too. 
 I think so too..{#Yes} akousa wrote:
These guys show some promise.

What a totally unremarkable song.
 dddenver wrote:
I really hear Dave Matthews.
Heh. I came here to see if anybody else had noticed the similarity.
It doesn't bother me, though (and neither does DM's voice). This song is quite nice.
 Decoy wrote:
meh, maybe I need to hear it a bit more...kind of annoying vocals
I'm forced to agree.  I really hear Dave Matthews.

Not the best song on an otherwise excellent album.

 mandolin wrote:
...every time i hear mumford and sons there's a moment when i think it's dan mangan, then listen more closely and realise that it must be mumford and sons...
Me too.

...every time i hear mumford and sons there's a moment when i think it's dan mangan, then listen more closely and realise that it must be mumford and sons...
These guys show some promise.
meh, maybe I need to hear it a bit more...kind of annoying vocals