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Gorillaz — On Melancholy Hill
Album: Plastic Beach
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Total ratings: 2560

Released: 2010
Length: 3:40
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Up on Melancholy Hill
There's a plastic tree
Are you here with me?
Just looking out on the day
Of another dream
Where you can't get what you want
But you can get me
So let's set out to sea
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me
When you're close to me

So calling the submarines
'Round the world we'll go
Does anybody know love?
If we're looking out on the day
Of another dream

If you can't get what you want
Then come with me
Up on Melancholy Hill
Sits the manatee
Just looking out for the day
When you're close to me
When you're close to me

When you're close to me
Comments (136)add comment
so good.
love Damon.
love Blur.
Never heard the resemblance to Blur until this song just now. Sure enough its Damon!
So underrated.
 bufallo wrote:

Kinda hate the macabre name of the band, but the music is so good, like a blast of an acid flashback that turns out to be way better than you thought it would be--not that  I've ever had one of them, or anything.

Real question: how is Gorillaz macabre? 
Kinda hate the macabre name of the band, but the music is so good, like a blast of an acid flashback that turns out to be way better than you thought it would be--not that  I've ever had one of them, or anything.
A pleasant laptop-pop  ditty -- a solid 6.
 tonypf wrote:

Bumped mine to 9.

The second time I heard this song today (the first one was not RP)... and I'm totally fine with that. 

Just bumped to 9 myself.
This song is irritatingly flat.  How do you screw up pitch on Laptop Rock?
Awww! How sweet!
I hope Noodle is okay
I heard this for the first time at a live concert in Manchester, UK and you could almost feel the collective intake of breath in anticipation after the first note.  It was proper magic and became an instant favourite. 
If you are playing My Favoriteschannel, they will include everything you rated a seven or higher. So I've been moving a lot of songs down from a seven to a six. This is one of them.
Pretty decent for cartoon characters.
 jessemoraga2 wrote:
Thanks RP 
Yes, Thanks, Great Tune. 
And the official video is cool too.
Listening to RP today has lowered my blood pressure and made me smile more than I have in a week.
This song brings back memories from the past. I adore it, so original. Gorillaz well done job mates!
Thanks RP.
 Proclivities wrote:


 fedtho wrote:
Uhm... Feels like a guilty pleasure, but I rather dig this - depressing and happy at the same time, as it has been stated. {#Think}
Why would that make you feel guilty? Gorillaz are aweswome!
 sheshrey wrote:
 edvj wrote:
They “borrowed“ from this....

I do hear what you hear (probably) in that video, but also hearing Mental as Anything in the bass, as well as something else niggling that I can't quite remember...
They “borrowed“ from this....
Yay! {#Jump}{#Sunny}
A cross between man and a certain marine mammal mentioned —
Oh, the hyoom-manatee !!

 msymmes wrote:
Oh what the hec.  Time I gave this a TEN !!

I concur :)
Oh what the hec.  Time I gave this a TEN !!
New Gorillaz coming soon I hear.
Had no idea Gorilaz did this song. I may have to start looking into their albums.
sweet, bouncing and sugary.....fun but fattening 
Human League.
 Depeche Mode.  


 NorthernLad wrote:
Great intertwining of synth hooks.
Woven together like, yeah, a blanket.

Like the hooks that got me in my youth.
When I was a young fish in the stream.

Human League.
 Depeche Mode.  

 I said it.

Well said Jedi master
Just bumped to a NINE for me imho.
Great intertwining of synth hooks.
Woven together like, yeah, a blanket.

Like the hooks that got me in my youth.
When I was a young fish in the stream.

Human League.
 Depeche Mode.  

 I said it.

{#Bananapiano}{#Cowboy}TOOO FUNNY Skydog!  Love it and 'em Gorillaz... 


Skydog wrote:

if you can draw this picture you too can be an artist 

kidding aside, I like this song


I see I'm in the minority, but I just had knee surgery and almost fell trying to get to the computer quickly to hit PSD.
 planet_lizard wrote:
Heard it a million times. Still love it. Like someone coming and putting a big blanket around you.

9 > 10

Awwww Yeahhhhhhh!!!

if you can draw this picture you too can be an artist 

kidding aside, I like this song
 pinto wrote:

That brings up a good point - for some reason I've had it in my mind that Rebecca is responsible for most of what's on the playlist here.  Anybody have any info on that?

Once upon a time, the general mythology held that Rebecca added songs to the playlist (cache of available songs) and Bill then incorporated them into a set. Or not, as the case may be.
 msymmes wrote:
I just bumped this to an EIGHT.

Bill, you have impeccable taste in music.


That brings up a good point - for some reason I've had it in my mind that Rebecca is responsible for most of what's on the playlist here.  Anybody have any info on that?
 fredriley wrote:

What, Sahf Lahndahn? I've heard the Albarn accent described as many things, but never "delicious".

Well, now you have.
I like it, even don't like Gorillaz in general.
 arserocket wrote:
tweeks my nipples good and hard between pliers

Heard it a million times. Still love it. Like someone coming and putting a big blanket around you.

9 > 10
 KaraokeVox wrote:
this guys voice is so yummy i would buy an entire album of just him speaking with that delicious accent.
What, Sahf Lahndahn? I've heard the Albarn accent described as many things, but never "delicious".
so pure and beautiful
Huh. I would not have guessed that this was Gorillaz. 
this guys voice is so yummy i would buy an entire album of just him speaking with that delicious accent.
 tonypf wrote:

Bumped mine to 9.

     one of my favourites for a little while once upon a time ....still good  {#Bananasplit} ....."you are my medicine when you're close to me"...lalalala
 msymmes wrote:
I just bumped this to an EIGHT.

Bill, you have impeccable taste in music.


Bumped mine to 9.
I just bumped this to an EIGHT.

Bill, you have impeccable taste in music.

 plaid wrote:
It's like Gorillaz ate Daft Punk and OMD, and then threw up and this was the result.


That's a compliment, right?
I planted my pole on melancholy hill years ago and I never left...
Uhm... Feels like a guilty pleasure, but I rather dig this - depressing and happy at the same time, as it has been stated. {#Think}
I don't think even my wife would dance round her handbag to this one.  Step left, step right, repeat.
The more I hear this, the more I like it.  Just put it on my wishlist
On a melancholy Labour Day..

Peeman wrote:
nice song


nice song
I love Damon Albarn--a stone genius.
not my taste
 arserocket wrote:
tweeks my nipples good and hard between pliers

tweeks my nipples good and hard between pliers
Happy but boring {#Think}
{#Drummer}  Happy tune!
It's like Gorillaz ate Daft Punk and OMD, and then threw up and this was the result.
Melancholy hill makes me smile
Look his face is nodding to the beat...
Usually not my cup of tea, but I seriously like this one. Same appears for Empire Ants (same record).
All skate, all skate...
Way to tie up the theme. A bunch of depressive songs followed by this.

Love it! 

(for future reference: Space Oddity > Still, All Apologies > Tired of Being Alone > On Melancholy Hill)
Melancholy Hill lyrics (courtesy elyrics.net):

Up on melancholy hill
There’s a plastic tree
Are you here with me
Just looking out on the day
Of another dream

Well you can’t get what you want
But you can get me
So let’s sail out to sea
‘Cause you are my medicine
When you’re close to me
When you’re close to me

So call in the submarine
’round the world we'll go
Does anybody know
If we’re looking out on the day
Of another dream

If you can’t get what you want
Then you come with me

Up on melancholy hill
Sits A manatee
Just looking out on the day
When you’re close to me
When you’re close to me

When you’re close to me

{#Music}                              {#Hug}

               {#Motor}                                            {#Sunny}

Quite likeable.
Gorillaz RAWK!
.....THANK YOU,RADIO PARADISE.......for sets like THIS...........from donovan over pj and lcohen to gorillaz.......
......like this radio station VERY much......{#Cheers}
*closes eyes and sways head back and forth with big grin on my face*
Like a lot!{#Dancingbanana}
this is a fantastic song.

That is all. 
 danoodles wrote:
Happy tune, makes me smile.
 jhorton wrote:
Anyone remember the, " Banana Splits?"


One banana, two banana, three banana, four.
Anyone remember the, " Banana Splits?"
Must get this into the rotation on the elevators in my trailer park.{#Sleep}
Happy tune, makes me smile.
another lovely - sheer nectar Jeeves
 number7 wrote:

Well Ozzie they continued to make new music after Jim Morrison died.

 ozzie1313 wrote:
I tuned in right after missing Mumford and Sons, and Ray Lamontagne whom I really enjoy.  Since then it has been an unmerciful line-up of garbage.
Well Ozzie they continued to make new music after Jim Morrison died.

 planet_lizard wrote:
8 > 9
Yes, also shift this mark.

Thanks RP

That's a big hook. 
What a crappy segue from Tired of Being Alone from  Al Green's Greatest Hits!!

I tuned in right after missing Mumford and Sons, and Ray Lamontagne whom I really enjoy.  Since then it has been an unmerciful line-up of garbage.
 fredriley wrote:
"Up on Melancholy Hill it's a manatee"? Nurse! My ear trumpet, if you please!
I don't care if that's actually the lyric or not, that's what I'm going to picture from now on because manatees are awesome. Nothin' like sitting on a dock while the sun goes down, watching manatees fart. Aaaah, happy days.

I played this album in the car yesterday after not listening to it for quite a while. I have to say, it really stands up well. Unusual maybe, a bit of a challenge to some listeners too, but I am all for pushing musical boundaries. All hail the Albarn!

This is one of the best ... however have you tried listening/playing the "live on AOL session" version? I think that is brilliant!

"Up on Melancholy Hill it's a manatee"? Nurse! My ear trumpet, if you please!
no no no no no no
No Gorilla would get away with this!
Lullaby for 5 year olds!
 Jelani wrote:
 slartibart_O wrote:
Roger Dean is awesome. He was my idol in high school art class.
THAT'S a Roger Dean?? Wow - his attention to detail has deteriorated since his "Yes"  days.  I think I might have to hide in my Hildebrandt and Alan Lee realm...

Somewhere Dieter is dancing...
8 > 9
 slartibart_O wrote:
Roger Dean is awesome. He was my idol in high school art class.
 anisbet wrote:
one the best albums from 2010
Definitely one of my favourite albums.
And perhaps the best from the Gorillaz.
I like that it can take many listens to form an opinion on their tunes.
Great live show too!

7 -> 9 {#Clap}
 anisbet wrote:
one the best albums from 2010
I would vote "best"

Unique album, i had to get used to it but again Gorillaz rule. On Melancholy Hill gets you of Melancholy Hill.
Whole album is not for me, but this song is just a single track is a lightly masterpiece!

one the best albums from 2010
great stuff!!! thank you for playing in berlin this year!!!{#Notworthy}
 warderblu wrote:

To all you Clash fans Mick Jones & Paul Simonon played on the album and are a part of the current Gorillaz tour (see above)....
They were great on Letterman, especially the "Empire Ants" song with the girl singing {#Clap}{#Jump}{#Devil_pimp} tres cool! (Of course the fact I love the Clash and BAD doesn't hurt!){#Yes}{#Whistle}{#Cool}{#Wink} mick j still has that tell-tale swagger!{#Wink}{#Cheesygrin}

Reminds me of Brian Eno.
 JavaJones wrote:
Hey, not bad. So that's 2 songs off the album that I so far rather like. The case for buying this one is growing...
there was a time ........ when albums bought......... had 1 or 2 songs that had to be listened to a few times before they were tolerable
while the rest of the album was a toe-tingling earlobe grinning mine,mine,mine             {#Eyes}