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Cloud Cult — No One Said It Would Be Easy
Album: Feel Good Ghosts
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Total ratings: 2246

Released: 2008
Length: 3:29
Plays (last 30 days): 4
You came up from the ground
From a million little pieces
You're a pretty human being
Yeah, you're a pretty human being

When it all comes crashing down
Try to understand your meaning
No one said it would be easy
Cause living, it ain't easy.

And you were sewn together with a tapestry of molecules
A billion baby galaxies in wide open spaces
And everything you need is here
Everything you fear is here
And it's holding you up
It just keeps holding you up.

You came up from the ground
From a million little pieces
You're a pretty human being
Yeah, you're a pretty human being

When it all comes crashing down
You try to understand your meaning
No one said it would be easy
this living, it ain't easy
Comments (328)add comment
A good staple song for my RP listening. Only ever heard the band here, and quite happy to hear this track. Gave it a 7
Reeks of Arcade Fire + Modest Mouse, I love it!
Bumping to a 9, every time that intro gets me GOING. This song just makes me happy for whatever reason and I really dig his voice. 
Take the first few seconds and use them as alarm clock. You will never get up too late, I promise! BTW I love this band.
Reminds me of Holy Fuck “Lovely Allen.” Which I also like a lot.
How can you not love this?
 forthbrdge wrote:

I like that Bill G pronounced Dah Lute properly. You betcha, eh?

Yah sure! A bit of the way up Nord!
Wow, the seamless transition from Death Cab for Cuties' "Foxglove Through The Clearcut" to this... Really impressive! I thought for a moment I was still listening to the same song. Only on RP of course!
I don't even know what it is about this song but it hits me in all of the right feels. 
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

I think 23 and Me should clone William and dispatch those clones equipped with laptops and playlists like missionaries.
Would rather see that then some some JW types come by

So, so good!

i love this

And you were sewn together with a tapestry of molecules
A billion baby galaxies in wide open spaces
And everything you need is here
Everything you fear is here
And it's holding you up
It just keeps holding you up.

 jpfueler wrote:

And this song has been on here for much of that time.
Heck, Bill plays a good bit of stuff I despise, yet I gladly give him a pittance to keep things going.

I think 23 and Me should clone William and dispatch those clones equipped with laptops and playlists like missionaries.
 flyboy wrote:

That seems pretty drastic after you were here for 13 years.

Why am I writing to someone who has left and will probably never read this?  I don't know.

And this song has been on here for much of that time.
Heck, Bill plays a good bit of stuff I despise, yet I gladly give him a pittance to keep things going.
 flatop wrote:

 One should lock this album  up  in  the same house  along with  Elbow and Modest Mouse and then burn it to the ground.     so bad

Oh my! 
 One should lock this album  up  in  the same house  along with  Elbow and Modest Mouse and then burn it to the ground.     so bad
 blue-ice wrote:

No thank you, good reason to leave RP.

That seems pretty drastic after you were here for 13 years.

Why am I writing to someone who has left and will probably never read this?  I don't know.
Was okay until C3PO began to sing.  
Speaking of galaxies, a story on the front page of this morning's New York Times says there's a "donut" at the center of the Milky Way. Okay, it's a donut-shaped black hole.

So far, this "donut" has consumed the equivalent of four million suns, so maybe it's more likely to consume you before you consume it. 
 jonathansteven wrote:

At first seconds of listening, I thought "Arcade Fire".  At the end, not so much.

I can see that, with all the layers. My knee jerk comparison if I had to make one (kind of hard with this band though frankly) would be to Modest Mouse.
At first seconds of listening, I thought "Arcade Fire".  At the end, not so much.
Thought this was going to be an alternative take on AC/DC and expected someone to shout "THUNDER!!!" - just me?
Good Tune! I never heard of them before. Thank You RP!
 blue-ice wrote:

No thank you, good reason to leave RP.

Good riddance!!! Don't come back!!!! ...and shut up!!!
 blue-ice wrote:

No thank you, good reason to leave RP.

Good go to iHeartRadio radio then

 blue-ice wrote:

No thank you, good reason to leave RP.

Auf wiedersehen, don't let the door hit you on the way out!
No thank you, good reason to leave RP.
 jukes1 wrote:

Thank you RP for introducing this band to me. Lots of hate on the boards, but definitely have become a favorite of mine.

Hear, hear!
First time I hear this and I dig it!
 ace-marc wrote:

Agreed. Awesome stuff.
And enough with the useless and inane " they  sound like " comments.

I like "they sound like" comments because that helps me grow my musical knowledge.  When I hear a certain sound that I like, I want to hear MORE like it from similar bands or individuals.
 BoFiS wrote:
This song always reminds me of seeing movies at IFC Center in the Village...

here's the intro animation they show before all films:
That's superb. And rather fun to watch along with the intro of this song!
This song always reminds me of seeing movies at IFC Center in the Village...

here's the intro animation they show before all films:
I like that Bill G pronounced Dah Lute properly. You betcha, eh?
I saw the group performance (and art) at the Doug Fir Lounge in Portland a bunch of years ago. Woaw
A musical whirlwind this song is
Some science in a song:
"And you were sewn together with a tapestry of molecules
A billion baby galaxies in wide open spaces"
I listen to On Being fairly often, so was surprised yesterday to find an interview w/CC from four years back. This episode reveals exactly what attracts me to this band (and I suspect Bill too). 
I've liked some other tracks by this lot on here, but this crossed over into 'racket' in the end.
I fully appreciate that this is not for everyone - that's fine - I like it enough - but the album art for this is really "lets have some fun in photoshop". In a good way.
 mrtuba9 wrote:
I just love their sounds...
opposite here 
Is this Bill's "hang in there" playlist? Prior was Trouble by TV on the Radio and I'm feeling a bit better now.
 skyian wrote:
I really like this band. Thank you for playing them.

Agreed. Awesome stuff.
And enough with the useless and inane " they  sound like " comments.
I like these guys, but this song is somewhere between "meh" and tedium for me. 
I love Cloud Cult but when this came on I was sure it was an early Genesis song I'd never heard...
Heard these guys recently.  they are absolutely FANTASTIC.  one of my new all time favorite bands.  depth, quality music, talent.  :)
When it all comes crashing down
Try to understand your meaning
No one said it would be easy
Cause living, it ain't easy.
 jukes1 wrote:
Thank you RP for introducing this band to me. Lots of hate on the boards, but definitely have become a favorite of mine.
Jukes1 this is why I have given up on commercial radio because of the same bullshit I hear day after day, the current from minn KEXP from Seattle WFMU and WFUV from the New York area WMVY from Martha’s Vineyard and triple j from Australia, CKUA from Canada there is a lot of great stuff to hear and listen too
This sounds a lot like it could be Jack White.
Thank you RP for introducing this band to me. Lots of hate on the boards, but definitely have become a favorite of mine.
I just love their sounds...
Love it!  Love 'em.  They sound like Modest Mouse so this gets a high rating from me sitting over here tapping my feet.
I still love this album. The haters can all go PSD! ;p
Right, it is not easy but the question is always why is it?  Now there is an issue to consider. Personally I like music that stimulates thought and even maybe discussion - after all, just maybe that is the point. 
 PopKombo wrote:

no one said it would be easy

A profound statement. {#Mrgreen}
I would almost download this if there wasn't so much synthesizer.
I dig these guys.
This is probably what they play at Guantanamo Bay 24/7 at full volume. So. Awful.
I really like this band. Thank you for playing them.
Thanks RP for introducing me to so much great music, including Cloud Cult.

I guess I understand why some people don't like the vocals, but for me they work.
I guess it is naive music, both the lyrics and the sound - it reverberates inside me like a tuning fork.
This tune and Rain in the Summertime (2 songs before this) are competing for the most juvenile lyrics of the day
 stevendejong wrote:

Three years later and my divided opinion stands. However, if someone fails notice that he is the most miserably terrible singer to walk the face of the earth, perhaps his instrumental ideas aren't that relevant anymore, as we will want to stop listening to them as soon as his wailing starts.
It seems more muddled than a "divided opinion" - it's more like a double negative.  If someone failed to "notice that he is (what you consider) the most miserably terrible singer to walk the face of the earth", why would his "instrumental ideas" lose their relevance?  If one did not consider this singer to be "the "most miserably terrible...etc." (because they inexplicably failed to notice it), then wouldn't that person logically continue to find relevance in the music itself?   Also, what's with the use of the pronoun "we", when you are clearly stating your individual opinion?  Anyhow, I could hear how this guy's voice could put some people off, but I've heard much worse.
I like it. Get me moving for sure. Guess the quality of the lead vocals is a bit divisive. But it could be worse, could be that awful awful Billy Corgan.
 passsion8 wrote:
Sure glad I limited myself to one cup of coffee today. Man, what a hyper mess. Jittery jangle.

no one said it would be easy
Sure glad I limited myself to one cup of coffee today. Man, what a hyper mess. Jittery jangle.
 stevendejong wrote:
Cloud Cult has me divided. Their instrumental ideas are fantastic. As soon as someone starts singing, I've had it. I actually obtained a full album based on one of their songs (with very little singing), but I never play it.
Three years later and my divided opinion stands. However, if someone fails notice that he is the most miserably terrible singer to walk the face of the earth, perhaps his instrumental ideas aren't that relevant anymore, as we will want to stop listening to them as soon as his wailing starts.
 stratrjb wrote:
We like what we like cause we like it.

and for the half-emptys insert don't before each like.

Nice post.  Agree with this point of view.  There's room for everything.  PSD for me every time with these guys, though.
Killer meets Modest Mouse.....like it
 Weave wrote:

Do you fell better sharing your hate ?  We dont.

It validates mine. These guys stink.

These lyrics remind me of the drunk idiot at the party who thinks he's being profound. 
 Photo-John wrote:

Honorable sentiments. I still hate Cloud Cult.

Do you fell better sharing your hate ?  We dont.
I do love this song very much. Many thanks for it, RP.
Great Band. Alot going on - Rocks and the Lyrics are relevant
 CurrentlyKelli wrote:
Love this band. 
Same here.
Not sure if I like Cloud Cult or not.  Keep playing 'em, please, and maybe I'll figure it out.

Variety is the spice of life, and RP keeps the musical spice in my life.  Lord knows there are lots of other music sources out there in the big, wide world.
Love this band. 
Cloud Cult has me divided. Their instrumental ideas are fantastic. As soon as someone starts singing, I've had it. I actually obtained a full album based on one of their songs (with very little singing), but I never play it.
We like what we like cause we like it.

and for the half-emptys insert don't before each like.
 peter_james_bond wrote:

These are musicians, not cage fighting neanderthals from the UFC. I'm not sure what your definition of wimpy is since the bands you recently uploaded, that RP added to the main playlist; Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros and The Monsters of Folk don't exactly sound like they chew iron for breakfast. You list Band of Horses and Arcade Fire, I would guess that you haven't been to any of their live shows. These bands can be explosive in a live setting, they can also be mellow too, but wimpy as a description of them is so far from accurate that it's ludicrous. And to make matters worse you side with Photo-John, who's comments regarding this band make him seem, at the very least, unbalanced, and at the most, a borderline sociopath.


Yes, but these bands write interesting and melodic folk tunes. I love folk music and slow per se music, it is not the tempo that I object to, you can be extremely loud, fast and wimpy (see Glam Metal). I guess what I am saying if you are going to be wimpy, you better be interesting and IMO which is all we have, I do not feel these bands I complain about are. Ah but that is the beauty of music, it is all subjective. Also adding to the equation is the repitition, these bands I complain about also have something else in common, they are played all.....the......time and if I am going to hear it all the time, it better be outstanding.  As for Arcade Fire, I just think they suck ass and to see them live would just mean they play exciting and explosive suck ass music. Again just my opinion as you have yours. If you disagree, I do not say you are inaccurate and ludicrous, I just say that is your opinion and it differs from mine. BTW, as you might guess, I love the UFC and all mixed martial arts!

 lafcadio wrote:
I just discovered Cloud Cult, thanks to RP.  I haven't been this excited about a band since I discovered the Flaming Lips in high school, but perhaps that says too much about me.  More!!

Isn't it funny how someone's love of The Flaming Lips tells you all you need to know about them. Except what it really does is tell you all you need to know about The Lips.
I just discovered Cloud Cult, thanks to RP.  I haven't been this excited about a band since I discovered the Flaming Lips in high school, but perhaps that says too much about me.  More!!
 ddehoyos wrote:

There seems to be a proliferation of mean spirited, hateful comments lately. People, ease up on the extreme comments. If you dont like a song or artist, that's cool, we all have different tastes. But when I see comments like, "Bill, WTF is wrong with you"? or "Are you out of your mind for playing something like that"? It bothers me so much, I almost taking it personally and feel bad for the operators of RP. If you feel that strongly, go start a radio station yourself. If you don't like something, you know where the mute is. More than likely, a new song will play in about 3-5 minutes. I have been blessed with the gift of hearing and we take it for granted sometimes. Let's all be thankful that Radioparadise is on the air because what if it wasn't around? There would be a great big hole in the internet radio world and that would be sad. I have been fortunate to be turned on to so many new artists and reacquainted with old ones over the last few years and I appreciate it. Thank you, Bill.


Honorable sentiments. I still hate Cloud Cult.
No music has ever rubbed the me the wrong way more than this. I consider it my duty to log on and complain. RP is off now and I am listening to the Dead Boys to cleanse my aural palate. And for what it's worth, I am a financial contributor. I think that gives me the right to bitch about this song - over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

Does not sound like Slayer.
I agree, I dont like this song actually but theres no need to get personal in your comments, and no killing!

ddehoyos wrote:

There seems to be a proliferation of mean spirited, hateful comments lately. People, ease up on the extreme comments. If you dont like a song or artist, that's cool, we all have different tastes. But when I see comments like, "Bill, WTF is wrong with you"? or "Are you out of your mind for playing something like that"? It bothers me so much, I almost taking it personally and feel bad for the operators of RP. If you feel that strongly, go start a radio station yourself. If you don't like something, you know where the mute is. More than likely, a new song will play in about 3-5 minutes. I have been blessed with the gift of hearing and we take it for granted sometimes. Let's all be thankful that Radioparadise is on the air because what if it wasn't around? There would be a great big hole in the internet radio world and that would be sad. I have been fortunate to be turned on to so many new artists and reacquainted with old ones over the last few years and I appreciate it. Thank you, Bill.

Good seque from Kris Delmhorst but can't take this annoying song
Kinda annoying.  3
Going to see them live soon. Can't wait !
 sirdroseph wrote:
Yes, they are part of a scary, yes scary, trend of wimpy bands that are proliferating RP with great frequency. Bands such as  Bands of Horses, Muse, Decemberists, Arcade Fire and the like. It would be ok every now and then, but seriously. I feel ya.
These are musicians, not cage fighting neanderthals from the UFC. I'm not sure what your definition of wimpy is since the bands you recently uploaded, that RP added to the main playlist; Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros and The Monsters of Folk don't exactly sound like they chew iron for breakfast. You list Band of Horses and Arcade Fire, I would guess that you haven't been to any of their live shows. These bands can be explosive in a live setting, they can also be mellow too, but wimpy as a description of them is so far from accurate that it's ludicrous. And to make matters worse you side with Photo-John, who's comments regarding this band make him seem, at the very least, unbalanced, and at the most, a borderline sociopath.

 Photo-John wrote:
Makes me want to kill. I am done with RP for the day.
There seems to be a proliferation of mean spirited, hateful comments lately. People, ease up on the extreme comments. If you dont like a song or artist, that's cool, we all have different tastes. But when I see comments like, "Bill, WTF is wrong with you"? or "Are you out of your mind for playing something like that"? It bothers me so much, I almost taking it personally and feel bad for the operators of RP. If you feel that strongly, go start a radio station yourself. If you don't like something, you know where the mute is. More than likely, a new song will play in about 3-5 minutes. I have been blessed with the gift of hearing and we take it for granted sometimes. Let's all be thankful that Radioparadise is on the air because what if it wasn't around? There would be a great big hole in the internet radio world and that would be sad. I have been fortunate to be turned on to so many new artists and reacquainted with old ones over the last few years and I appreciate it. Thank you, Bill.

More like Modest Mouse?

hagz21 wrote:
Sounds a bit like Arcade Fire. {#Clap}

 Photo-John wrote:

I diisagree. Anyone who never wants to kill is not really in touch with their true self. Wanting to do things is one thing. Actually doing something is another thing. And yes, I seriously hate this band.

Yes, they are part of a scary, yes scary, trend of wimpy bands that are proliferating RP with great frequency. Bands such as  Bands of Horses, Muse, Decemberists, Arcade Fire and the like. It would be ok every now and then, but seriously. I feel ya.

Nice.  I'll give it a 7, but a much bigger 7 than, say, a Suzanne Vega 7.
Sounds a bit like Arcade Fire. {#Clap}
Interesting concepts in there,  but layered with too many "beeps" for me. That aspect gets on my nerves.
 Cynaera wrote:

Wow - that's a very scary and unnerving comment, Photo-John.  I hope you don't react like this to, oh, a cloudy day, or someone who looks at you wrong. IMO, anyone who ever WANTS to kill might have a couple of screws loose...{#Chillpill}

I diisagree. Anyone who never wants to kill is not really in touch with their true self. Wanting to do things is one thing. Actually doing something is another thing. And yes, I seriously hate this band.
 Photo-John wrote:
Makes me want to kill. I am done with RP for the day.
Wow - that's a very scary and unnerving comment, Photo-John.  I hope you don't react like this to, oh, a cloudy day, or someone who looks at you wrong. IMO, anyone who ever WANTS to kill might have a couple of screws loose...{#Chillpill}
Makes me want to kill. I am done with RP for the day.
Sounded fun but want to hear more from them. 
from a 7 to an 8
 apd wrote:

Oh yeah, I see what you mean - sorta like Koyaanisquatsi?

Life out of balance.  I suppose that ants at warp-speed might be slightly imbalanced... But then, how do I know that what the ants are experiencing isn't completely normal for them, and I'm the one out of balance? {#Ask}
 Cynaera wrote:
Okay, I'm a dork. I really like this song, despite all the other stuff written about it. It still reminds me of an anthill at warp-speed, but it's amazing anyway.
Oh yeah, I see what you mean - sorta like Koyaanisquatsi?

Okay, I'm a dork. I really like this song, despite all the other stuff written about it. It still reminds me of an anthill at warp-speed, but it's amazing anyway.

I really need to go to bed now.
I really wish I could like this song.

Masterful composition, virtuoso techniques, delightful syncopation...

but the lyrics and vocals are somehow inane and pretentious at the same time.

Ho-Hum (what a bummer)
bumping my 6 to an 8!  multiple reasons
Didn't notice the transition between the 2 songs...

Cloud Cult - No One Said It Would Be Easy
Sia - Breathe Me

Juste saw it in the playlist that the song changed

{#Clap} very nice !

I get an image in my mind of a speeded-up video of an ant farm.  I like the song a lot, though...{#Roflol}
 drews wrote:
talking of clouds...look away kids (courtesy of Nicholas Gurewitch and The Perry Bible Fellowship)
Who knew you could have so much fun with a sequencer? Love it.
Thought it was Modest Mouse.
talking of clouds...look away kids (courtesy of Nicholas Gurewitch and The Perry Bible Fellowship)

 nerakdon wrote:
4>9. How did I hate this last time?
Pretty much likewise.  5->7.

 KurtfromLaQuinta wrote:

It's because Bill knows I like it. {#Mrgreen}

you too?! thought I was the only one. I thought this whole album was pretty great, especially if you play it all the way through in order...has a seamless flow that I cant help but appreciate.
Rock on! {#Moon}

 sbegf wrote:
Isn't part of this song used in the UPS, white boarding commercials?  All I can hear when it starts up is..."what can brown do for you..."


 peter_james_bond wrote:

I am surprised at the amount of RP exposure this song gets....{#Think}

It's because Bill knows I like it. {#Mrgreen}
Isn't part of this song used in the UPS, white boarding commercials?  All I can hear when it starts up is..."what can brown do for you..."

An alarm clock going berserk

That's all to say about that song.

 jzekeb wrote:
If RP would institute a program where you could sponsor a song to never be played again, this would be first on my list.

I will pay $20.00 to never have to hear this song again.  It's ok for a one time listen but this seems to be "in heavy rotation" on RP
The beginning is beyond annoying.........

Please Bill can we give this one a rest for a bit?
Otherwise, great job ! and thanks for all you do

 nerakdon wrote:
4>9. How did I hate this last time?
Maybe you haven't cleaned  your ears out yet this morning.

4>9. How did I hate this last time?
If RP would institute a program where you could sponsor a song to never be played again, this would be first on my list.

 window wrote:

It's official - I'm tired of this song, especially the at-first-endearing-but-now-grating blips and beeps. 

I am surprised at the amount of RP exposure this song gets....{#Think}
The mosquito buzzing around my bedroom as I try to go to sleep is less annoying than this song.