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k.d. lang — I Dream of Spring
Album: Watershed
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Released: 2008
Length: 3:56
Plays (last 30 days): 0
She arrives like autumn in a rainstorm
The threat of thunder above
I'll return from the streets of Melbourne
I'll return my love

This is world is filled with frozen lovers
The sheets of their beds are frightfully cold
And I've slept there in the snow with others
Yet loved no others before

These cold dark places
Places I've been
In cold dark places
I dream of spring

This world is filled with frozen lovers
The sheets of their beds are frightfully cold
And I've slept there in the snow with others
Yet loved no others before

These cold darks places
Places I've been
In cold dark places
I dream of spring

In cold dark places
I dream of spring
Comments (92)add comment
 ginger wrote:
Leapfrogging my previous "7" to a "10" since really anything from k.d. is "Godlike." Forgive my previous oversight. 

Just did the same, 8 to 10.
Love her voice and the song she chooses to sing. A far cry from when we first saw her dressed like a goofy woman in a baby lacy dress and a straw hat with flowers stuck in the band. She knew how to get noticed just like Dolly Parton and the once they had everyone’s attention out came this awesome voice like an Angel sometime and a sexy woman wailing for her lover. Love KD forever.
Leapfrogging my previous "7" to a "10" since really anything from k.d. is "Godlike." Forgive my previous oversight. 
I second that emotion.


Great CD - heavenly voice.

KD Lang - "I Dream Of Spring" Live-acoustic, London (2008):

Dark and cold, yet the voice makes you want to be there.
Amazing voice. I could listen to it all day long.
 hippiechick wrote:
Just love the steel slide (?) in this song.

YES!  was just going to post the same thing...in fact i just bumped it up a notch for just that reason!  i am such a sucker for some slide steel...oooohhhh!
Sarah Boyles sister?
Just love the steel slide (?) in this song.
wow.  I like this.  Interesting song
8 from me
i love her like she was a guy
hey i'm a guy
hey who car4es
{#Whisper}.......................................in another light..since a guest appearance on"PeeWee Herman's Christmas Special"  whoa!!!
 sqqqrly wrote:

Bill!  More C&W please.  Thomas needs the exposure:  {#Moon}
whoa there - hold on hold hold on - this is not the appropriate venue for more cows and weasels

no comment  -  8.
I've liked her since I heard her cover of the Hollies' Air That I Breath, on the CD on which every song relates to smoke (I believe it's called Drag).  She's a very good musician.

 jjbix wrote:
I really like this guy's work, great voice and arrangements.
Mean but devilishly funny. I adore her voice—for my money there's none purer around these days. That said, my high hopes for Watershed as a, well, watershed album for her haven't exactly been met. Sigh. Not that it's a bad album. Far from it. It's just not one I can listen to straight through without getting distracted.

 Crawlmeister wrote:

In reply to my own post. Oh she is Canadian. Well, same thing :)


silly person!  she's singing about feelings — not geography!  Maybe it takes a Canadian to know that......?
 Crawlmeister wrote:
Of course she is singing about Alaska, but I like COLD and DARK.

In reply to my own post. Oh she is Canadian. Well, same thing :)

Of course she is singing about Alaska, but I like COLD and DARK.

tnt_thomas wrote:

Bill!  More C&W please.  Thomas needs the exposure:  {#Moon}
I really like this guy's work, great voice and arrangements.
Don't know, guess I'm in the mood for this song tonight.
tnt_thomas wrote:
please store this song in a cold, dark place.
Chi_Guy wrote:
Too bad Tiny Tim has gone on to Glory. What a perfect duo it would have been ...
handyrae wrote:
I'll vote in the affirmative when we do. Don't get me wrong, I'm in awe of her voice, I just wish she'd do more with it.
Rich3D wrote:
It's been moved and seconded. Do we have a quorum for a vote?
I'll vote in the affirmative when we do. Don't get me wrong, I'm in awe of her voice, I just wish she'd do more with it.
Very nostalgic feeling...Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade. As far as music is concerned, at least.
Papernapkin wrote:
Agreed. Well said.
It's been moved and seconded. Do we have a quorum for a vote?
rockasaurus wrote:
kd lang has a great voice, but her songs all sound exactly the same. Same twangy guitar, same phrasing, even similar lyrics. The novelty is wearing thin.
Agreed. Well said.
kd lang has a great voice, but her songs all sound exactly the same. Same twangy guitar, same phrasing, even similar lyrics. The novelty is wearing thin.
her voice is soooooooo sweet. But just like anything that's too sweet- it makes you want to puke.
Geecheeboy wrote:
So Dreamy.
Ol' Cowboy Lips shore do sing purty.
Mugro wrote:
Is it me, or has there been a lot of k.d. lang on RP lately?
Is it me, or has there been a lot of k.d. lang on RP lately?
rtb wrote:
Maybe Alice Cooper, Welcome to my Nightmare.
rtb wrote:
Maybe Alice Cooper, Welcome to my Nightmare.
I don't get it: Vince Furnier isn't Canadian.
ThePoose wrote:
Bill's on a Canadian jag: Bruce Cockburn, Joni, + k.d Who's next? Neil?
Maybe Alice Cooper, Welcome to my Nightmare.
A beautiful set of songs from our 'Neighbours' to the North.
Bill's on a Canadian jag: Bruce Cockburn, Joni, + k.d Who's next? Neil?
help, what is that? music?
sometimes... when I'm really nervous... I sweat like KD Lang at a Christian Singles Dance...
I normallly like k.d. lang, but I find this a bit dirgelike. 4
squidish wrote:
Yeah. I was just thinking that.
Whatsamattah squidish? I figured YA'LL would go for this, all twangy and all...
The more I listen to her the more I love her
techer2 wrote:
Yeah. I was just thinking that.
Great voice but this song leads to nowhere. Hmmm. Let's try some violins here and there, people will like it...
macadavy wrote:
RP has only four (4) Rush songs on the play list, alas!
That's 4 too many!
westslope wrote:
Out of curiosity, is there a better female vocalist in North America?
Out of curiosity, is there a better female vocalist in North America?
I like this one, but we hear it a lot. Could we hear some of her other stuff?
andrewimft wrote:
She is an absolutely top notch singer, and I think she'll likely be a legend someday.
Hear, hear! Is already, for me. And for Stewed_Mulligan: "maybe Rush?" I wish, seems RP just can't rock that progressively. Sure would be sweet to have Bill take us 'Closer to the Heart' but its not to be, RP has only four (4) Rush songs on the play list, alas!
No argument about the voice. Other than Constant Craving, which is a classic, I find her stuff too, um, MOR, though ... too suited to your local lite FM station for my taste.
Well, she's always changing genres and doing different stuff, and it's not at all all MOR. Invincible Summer is a favorite CD for me, it's like sunny pop rock but with a lot of strange twists in the songs, like unusual key changes and complete changes of melody but it all stays poppy and pretty yet not your usual commercial stuff, too complex for a top 40 listener to handle. And if you like Constant Craving, that whole album, Ingenue is entirely filled with Constant Craving kinds of pop songs which for lack of reference I'd call Joni Mitchellesque. Then she did pure jazz pop duets with Tony Bennett. And of course that doesn't mention the previous start with country music. She gets around, and it's not all just MOR. She is an absolutely top notch singer, and I think she'll likely be a legend someday.
beautiful...i'm at work...it caught my attention...
Lovely. Simply lovely.
Me too, Katie. Me too.
I get it!!!....this is a Canadian set...Bruce - Joni - k.d. -....who's next I wonder??...maybe Rush?
Smooth, cool, beautiful, sophisticated. Loving it.
UltraNurd wrote:
Hmm... how much do you think I could get paid doing that? :oD
Enuff allready;
davyjrshort wrote:
Me like kd's nue musak, it's real purty, and I lik guud spellrs too.
How could you told I was French? Is it because of my tick accident? I do the best I are....
So Dreamy.
What a beautiful voice.
realsleep wrote:
Correcting people on Internet message boards would be a full time job. Stick to the music.
Hmm... how much do you think I could get paid doing that? :oD
realsleep wrote:
You should have used a semicolon instead of a comma to seperate your two sentences. "Purist is a noun; purest is an adjective." Now that *I* am done nitpicking, sit back and enjoy the subtle humor of a flawed grammar battle over the word "purist". Correcting people on Internet message boards would be a full time job. Stick to the music.
My statement does look like a comma splice, since the two phrases could stand alone as sentences. It is not a splice, however; it is a two-element list. One could imagine continuing it: "Purist is a noun, purest is an adjective, and purast is a flooverb.". I would also point out that using a word with the correct definition is vastly more important than conforming to a particular style guide; I would guess that the Chicago Manual of Style, the New York Times, and the MLA all agree on the definitions of "purist" and "purest" while disagreeing on the particulars of comma placement in various contexts. It's not so much the definitions of the words that matter to me here, but the fact that the words are built from morphemes with specific meanings: "-ist", one who does, and "-est", the superlative adjective suffix. And yes, I am a card-carrying member of the Nitpicker's Guild. :oP
davyjrshort wrote:
Me like kd's nue musak, it's real purty, and I lik guud spellrs too.
I's du tu!
keller1 wrote:
Being a fellow Canuck I want to like k.d., I really do. No argument about the voice. Other than Constant Craving, which is a classic, I find her stuff too, um, MOR, though ... too suited to your local lite FM station for my taste. 4.
Her 'Crying' duet with Roy Orbison is the 2nd benchmark.
Keep up the good English lessons folks! We can all use them, including reminders. What a voice! Perhaps one of the best Canadian if not North American female vocalists alive today.
Me like kd's nue musak, it's real purty, and I lik guud spellrs too.
I have liked every cut I have heard from this new album. Is it this good all the way through?
AliGator wrote:
You should not have put that comma there.
Leslie wrote:
You should have spelled separate , correctly.
You should not have put that comma there.
realsleep wrote:
You should have used a semicolon instead of a comma to seperate your two sentences. "Purist is a noun; purest is an adjective." Now that *I* am done nitpicking, sit back and enjoy the subtle humor of a flawed grammar battle over the word "purist". Correcting people on Internet message boards would be a full time job. Stick to the music.
You should have spelled separate, correctly.
UltraNurd wrote:
Purist is a noun, purest is an adjective. You want purest here. And now that I'm done nitpicking, I thought the song was pretty good... mellow.
You should have used a semicolon instead of a comma to seperate your two sentences. "Purist is a noun; purest is an adjective." Now that *I* am done nitpicking, sit back and enjoy the subtle humor of a flawed grammar battle over the word "purist". Correcting people on Internet message boards would be a full time job. Stick to the music.
Nice! She's got such a great voice. I don't always like her music, but the voice...
I probably could have done without the steel guitar, but aside from that this is pretty nice. Her voice is still one of the best of her generation.
keller1 wrote:
Being a fellow Canuck I want to like k.d., I really do. No argument about the voice. Other than Constant Craving, which is a classic, I find her stuff too, um, MOR, though ... too suited to your local lite FM station for my taste. 4.
You should get Shadowland. A real labor of love, and it shows; the album is full of gems.
I don't like k.d. at the best of times, but this arrangement is really nice.
Being a fellow Canuck I want to like k.d., I really do. No argument about the voice. Other than Constant Craving, which is a classic, I find her stuff too, um, MOR, though ... too suited to your local lite FM station for my taste. 4.
Honeyman wrote:
Clearly one of the purist voices around.
Purist is a noun, purest is an adjective. You want purest here. And now that I'm done nitpicking, I thought the song was pretty good... mellow.
Hey Bill! Since you're spinning this type tune by Lang what about one or two of her duets with Tony Bennett? Saw a special on her life on TV the other day and they talked about her relationship with Bennett. It's a fine album and surely there must be 1 or 2 that would fit the RP programming guide.
Honeyman wrote:
Clearly one of the purist voices around.
Yep, second that
Nice to see her back... She's still got a great voice ---
Clearly one of the purist voices around.
welcome to RP k.d lang
Finally some kd!