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Yoshida Brothers — Overland Blues
Album: III
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Total ratings: 663

Released: 2006
Length: 4:27
Plays (last 30 days): 2
(no lyrics available)
Comments (195)add comment
 fredriley wrote:

It's not a song (clue: no singing) and it's not rotating. I think this is way cool :) - 8 from the Nottingham jury.

12 years later, it's still not rotating. Easy 8 for me too!!!

Great stuff - not taking itself too seriously, very enjoyable - this just brightened up my day :-)
Fun little diddy!!!
 fredriley wrote:

It's not a song (clue: no singing) and it's not rotating. I think this is way cool :) - 8 from the Nottingham jury.

My stepfather thinks it's not music unless someone is playing an accordion.

I don't hate it but I don't understand why they bothered.
like a bicycle peddling itself and I can't get off!

What? Whoa. Wait. Oh, excuse me.  Just dozed off for a second there.  Now, what were we saying?

Just right for getting off my butt and running in place for a few minutes to get the blood moving!
Fun, but goes on too long. {#Sleep}
{#Roflol} it's fun, I like it
My cats get nervous when this plays. . . maybe they worry they will become the instrument?
And too many folks are whining about the lack of cords. . . not to bad for three strings. 
I'd love to see the complaints if Bill played some Microwave Dave or Seasick Steve playing a Diddley Bow.

Come to think of it. . .how about it Bill?

 BigTimber wrote:
sounds like a cover of a Beck song "Go it Alone" from Guero
Yes - that's it. Thank you!

Plink, plink, plink, plink........bleh
 whtahtefcuk wrote:
I am so over this song  3 to 1.  Please remove from rotation.
It's not a song (clue: no singing) and it's not rotating. I think this is way cool :) - 8 from the Nottingham jury.

 MrGreg wrote:

"Okay kids, now that you know three chords, we can play this song..."

Exactly what i was thinking. Slow, 3 chord, kids.
Candela wrote:
Just... YEAAAAYH!! {#Bananajam}


Hey, this is cool. These fellas got the blues. {#Bananajam}
Was this in a movie? I can't recall. I'm picturing Ocean's 11, but I know that's not it. 
Just... YEAAAAYH!! {#Bananajam}

 DaveInVA wrote:
Was cute the first time or two but just annoying now

I am so over this song  3 to 1.  Please remove from rotation.
This is bad and I'm being kind...but I'm really concerned about those poor people that gave this a 10.  We really should help them.
 Felix_The_Cat wrote:

This is quite offensive, I think

more like, "now that we've learned these three chords we can play every song ever"
PS 8->9

 Taraincognito wrote:
Plunk plunk plunka plunk{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunkata plunk{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunka plunk
{Plunkas plagiarized from Peter_James_Bond}
The bananas are in time with the music! LOL!!!
I really like this.  Every time I hear it I start smiling.  Just so happy and infectiously silly.

it sounds like music from TRUE BLOOD! 
kinda cajun swamp music.

 Taraincognito wrote:
Plunk plunk plunka plunk{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunkata plunk{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunka plunk
{Plunkas plagiarized from Peter_James_Bond}

Couldn't have said it better myself.
'cept maybe added: {#Cowboy}
Plunk plunk plunka plunk{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunkata plunk{#Bananajam}plunk plunk plunka plunk
{Plunkas plagiarized from Peter_James_Bond}

I think of this comment every time I hear this song. LOL!

peter_james_bond wrote:
Plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Eek}....this is music...other people like it....give it a chance...plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka...{#Think} stay with it...eventually you'll get it....plunk plunk plunkata plunk.{#Sad}. must... try... harder....{#Yell} plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Arghhh} Damn! I don't get it ...I don't get it...I don't like it {#Doh}{#Snooty} ...maybe next time.

It's got a well crafted funky kinda bluesy/bluegrass groove but it goes nowhere...just kickin' the jams.
Was cute the first time or two but just annoying now
I'll pay twice as much to keep it coming! {#Roflol}
 dwlangham wrote:
I'll pay you not to play this again.
Sorry. I'm already paying him to play it once in awhile.

I'll pay you not to play this again.
Awww come on let it roll... is dirty little pleasure song...
So goofy, I love it! domo arigato...{#Stupid}
boring boring
Alvin:  That's the worst banjo player I've ever heard.
Dave Seville:  That's not a banjo, Alvin, that's a shamisen.
Alvin:  That's the worst shamisen player I've ever heard.

(from Around the World with the Chipmunks)

 nevar23 wrote:
I can't say why exactly, but this is growing on me, in an earworm kind of way.

Kind of like a bad case of the clap... 

Okaaaayyy...  whatever THAT was...  {#Stupid}
I can't say why exactly, but this is growing on me, in an earworm kind of way.
I agree.  I'm not a fan of this song AT ALL.

Montyontherun wrote:
hmm.. no matter how many times I hear this instrument.. it just still sounds like someone plucking a string attached to an ice cream container... okay.. it's slightly more complex.. it's got three strings... attached to an ice cream container

hmm.. no matter how many times I hear this instrument.. it just still sounds like someone plucking a string attached to an ice cream container... okay.. it's slightly more complex.. it's got three strings... attached to an ice cream container
 BigTimber wrote:
Guitar sounds like a cover of a Beck song "Go it Alone" from Guero

pair of brothers and performers of the traditional Japanese music style of Tsugaru-jamisen ...playing the shamisen. is a three-stringed musical instrument played with a plectrum called a bachi.

like a dulcimer

Boring and repetitive. Just horrible IMO.
 MrGreg wrote:

"Okay kids, now that you know three chords, we can play this song..."
This is quite offensive, I think

Just watched one of the you tube videos and took this from a 6 to a 9  pretty cool stuff

 peter_james_bond wrote:
Plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Eek}....this is music...other people like it....give it a chance...plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka...{#Think} stay with it...eventually you'll get it....plunk plunk plunkata plunk.{#Sad}. must... try... harder....{#Yell} plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Arghhh} Damn! I don't get it ...I don't get it...I don't like it {#Doh}{#Snooty} ...maybe next time.




but i do kind of like it anyway

 spraehbuer wrote:

hehe{#Wave}...plunk plunk plunka plunk...I like your comment {#Roflol}...plunka plunka plunk plunk...so I do this song...plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Dance}

Maybe it's starting to grow on me, I almost enjoyed it this time.
 peter_james_bond wrote:
Plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Eek}....this is music...other people like it....give it a chance...plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka...{#Think} stay with it...eventually you'll get it....plunk plunk plunkata plunk.{#Sad}. must... try... harder....{#Yell} plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Arghhh} Damn! I don't get it ...I don't get it...I don't like it {#Doh}{#Snooty} ...maybe next time.
hehe{#Wave}...plunk plunk plunka plunk...I like your comment {#Roflol}...plunka plunka plunk plunk...so I do this song...plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Dance}

 Don't over analyze people! I think it is quite catchy and I really like it!{#Clap}
Plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Eek}....this is music...other people like it....give it a chance...plunk plunk plunk plunka plunka...{#Think} stay with it...eventually you'll get it....plunk plunk plunkata plunk.{#Sad}. must... try... harder....{#Yell} plunk plunk plunka plunk {#Arghhh} Damn! I don't get it ...I don't get it...I don't like it {#Doh}{#Snooty} ...maybe next time.

"Okay kids, now that you know three chords, we can play this song..."
digging Yoshida bros
funny and pretty cool I think


Interesting for the short term but incredibly gimmicky.  They should try covering the stones, beatles or tull.

I guess I'm feeling more Urban Hipster today.

5 {#Arrow} 6

My old grandfather use to say to me, "Son, opinions are like a**holes.  Everybody's got one and they all stink!"
Edit: The Guitar stringy thingy sounds like a cover of a Beck song "Go it Alone" from Guero

I keep thinking it should turn into an actual song.
It's boring, but I'm still tapping my finger!
Love it.  My first exposure to this one.  Give it a nine for now.  Delightfully twisted.
Kinda interesting at first, but never really rises up.  I give it a "meh".
Boring. Seems like some of the other commentators liked it somewhat on first listen. This was my first and I could honestly live the rest of my life without hearing that one again.
 jedley wrote:
WOW, is this ever lame - which of course means it's ultra-cool among the bored urban hipster set. It'll probably show up in a Tarantino soundtrack at some point. Total garbage.

I am super sick of hearing this track.  It was OK at first, but is totally overplayed and now I turn it down when it comes on.... I usually like RP for the variety, but now I am hearing some tracks way too frequently....
This one was moderately cool for a while but it's worn out it's welcome.  Mute is on.  Too pretentiously weird.
I love lame!!!
Reminds me of the soundtrack from the old N64 game Banjo-Kazooie.
WOW, is this ever lame - which of course means it's ultra-cool among the bored urban hipster set. It'll probably show up in a Tarantino soundtrack at some point. Total garbage.
Could fit onto the soundtrack of Kung Fu Hustle. Really cool fusion.
 leathepea wrote:
Sounds like a Lo Mein Western.

now that there was funny!

Why did I just get a picture in my head of an old, white haired woman sipping sake and drunker than Cooter Brown (Toshiro Mifune?) sitting in a rocking chair going back and forth to the beat?

Dunno........must be waaaay past time to go home for the day and find that bottle of plum wine I've been saving.


 MayBaby wrote:
yea... even the naysayers are tapping their feet, yanno.
It was driving me nuts at first, but now my feet won't stop!

DAMN I dig this!!!

Very cool
Incredibly repetitious and boring.  Gaaah!!!   When will it end?
Totally digging this tune. 8
yea... even the naysayers are tapping their feet, yanno.
Now this is more like it Bill.  Something great i've never heard.  I love RP.

words cannot express my boredom listening to this song.
It just isn't stopping. Painstaking!
This song ist just soooo good...
The combination between slide guitat and the "Shamisen", the (string/synthesizer or whatever) arrangements, the whole feel.
Only RP provides such a feel
Sounds like a Lo Mein Western.

 MojoJojo wrote:
Nothin like hard rockin cat nipples!
No kidding...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RERXiliJfdI
Love this song.
 DaveInVA wrote:
This song makes me visualize tap dancing Samurai for some reason...

Geishas doing a western line dance.  Not sure why.
The combination of the resonator and shamisen is really interesting and inventive.

Plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk plunk.


 pvassbotn wrote:

Well said.

This piece may be unusual, cute, whatever, but it isn't indicative of their sound at all - so much so I won't even bother rating it. And they are just sooo much better live either just the brothers or with support musicians. Their performances are usually a blistering 2 hours or so in which they produce an impressive high-energy aural assault with two acoustic instruments playing both traditional pieces and their own compositions. If you're occaisionally into something different they're worth checking out if they tour your area!  

10! {#Mrgreen}

 joanie wrote:
incredibly boring

I think the player is stuck!!!

This is good stuff.
 MrGreg wrote:
Completely elementary four bar blues.  I guess this is more of a sight gig?

The more I hear this, the more I like it for what it is.

Completely elementary four bar blues.  I guess this is more of a sight gig?

brilliant...just brilliant...
This song makes me visualize tap dancing Samurai for some reason...
incredibly boring
For some reason, I visualize toe dancing elephants.   Probably had way too much fun back in the 70s.

OK, now I want to hear 'em do Foggy Mountain Breakdown! {#Cowboy}
Isn't this kind of long?  We think it's long.  Good, though!
Fun, but how about Jimi's 'Red House'?
Kung Fu Omelettes!
 macadavy wrote:
This conjures up a vision of ox-drawn conestogas wending their way westward! 

. . . past Mt. Fujiyama.  Frontier-town saloons with geishas.

Love it!{#Biggrin}
"Na na na na na na na, gonna go it alooone..."

These guys are great :)  Thanks once again, Bill :D
Funny song
I hear a Beck song in this..."Nah nah-nah-nah nah-nah"
macadavy wrote:
This conjures up a vision of ox-drawn conestogas wending their way westward!
.. inside of a Japanese bar with a small theater!
bokey wrote:
How cool is this? I dunno, it's so cool I just have sit here in my uncoolness and wish I was that cool.
You're not sitting here alone. You're still uncool of course, but you're not alone.
Reminds me a little of Aucostic Alchemy. You know from back in the 80s? Jon and Bill Yoshida.
Like the most twisted down-home version of Tom Waits' "Clap Hands"!
This conjures up a vision of ox-drawn conestogas wending their way westward! Ah, the wild, wild East! (Actually North, the Yoshidas are from Hokkaidō.)
Nothin like hard rockin cat nipples!