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Album: Baby 81
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Total ratings: 1520

Released: 2007
Length: 3:09
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Hey there little lovers, why we fighting with each other
Ain't no use in crying like the others
We're fools in need, fools to believe
We're all fools in need too foolish to believe

I'm gonna somebody

Killer don't you please, I got time and time to bleed
And there ain't no use in trying to deceive
I've been fooled by the lover, fooled by the sinner
Fooled myself into thinking I was living

I'm fightin' just to breathe
As I get back on my knees and say
Help me somebody
Help me somebody
I'm fightin' just to breathe
As I get back on my knees

I'm gonna somebody

She said
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution

Hey there little lovers, no more fightin' with each other
Ain't no use in suffering like the others
They're fools in need, fools to believe
They're all fools in need too foolish to believe

I'm fighting just to breathe
As I get back on my knees and say
Help me somebody
Help me somebody
I'm fightin' just to breathe
As I get back on my knees

I'm gonna somebody

Somebody's gonna hurt somebody
Somebody's gonna hurt somebody
Somebody's gonna hurt somebody
Somebody's gonna hurt somebody

She said
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Suicide's easy
What happened to the revolution
Comments (96)add comment
 TallCreative1 wrote:
Elvis Costelllo -- that you?

Well somebody had fun with THAT segue. Elvis Costello Living in paradise to this.
RP I  you
Elvis Costelllo -- that you?
ROCKING SONG! Those sassy little harmonic licks coming in from the side like that -- pure DYNAMITE!
 bdwhitepm wrote:

Can someone suggest something by these guys as their...I don't know album the demonstrates why they have been making music for so long?  This song does not grab me, but I saw them open for another band once in a crappy venue.  I could see there was something there worth while, but it always seems to fall just short for me

Their debut album is a great place to start - perhaps still their very best overall album IMHO. And I like them all. And as someone else noted - their second album is also a standout.
 MJdub wrote:

Super size, cheesy

I'll take 2
Super size, cheesy
 bdwhitepm wrote:

Can someone suggest something by these guys as their...I don't know album the demonstrates why they have been making music for so long?  This song does not grab me, but I saw them open for another band once in a crappy venue.  I could see there was something there worth while, but it always seems to fall just short for me

I would recommend the second album 'Take them on, on your own' (2003).
Whilst these guys hold a place in my heart as I discovered them during my college years - and man how malleable one can be during these years indeed! - 
I do understand your sentiment of feeling like something is 'missing', or maybe subdued.
To be honest, BRMC is just that in many ways; it's about controlled emotions outward, but deep emotions on the inside. Rock 'n roll, quoi  
But give that album a chance as it contains the most variation in songs imo, as well as a specific and rather unique sound I haven't heard back often.
Good Tune!
 cosmiclint wrote:

Love this band. My wife gave me Baby 81 for Christmas a few years back.

Love this band. My wife gave me Baby 81 for Christmas a few years back.
Nice, Bill. Political as ever!
Let me try that again Too much BRMC Bill. They’re not as good to get this much rotation
Too much BM
Can someone suggest something by these guys as their...I don't know album the demonstrates why they have been making music for so long?  This song does not grab me, but I saw them open for another band once in a crappy venue.  I could see there was something there worth while, but it always seems to fall just short for me
Vocals have shades of some weird thing by Yellow Dog back in the late 70's somewhere...
This group has put out an outstanding catalog over the past 17 years.  I follow them as one of my favorite rock bands.  Hard to find a solid good rock band anymore, but they are out there (Black Keys, Black Crowes, etc).
It's good to hear this song performing  during Berlin 2017 live show.  Maybe they will also play it in Zagreb this June.  I bought the ticket :-) )
 helgigermany wrote:
Maybe somebody like it, not me!

Yes^^ and I like it!{#Devil_pimp}
Fab-u-lous segue! An art form in itself! With one of my favorite up-yours sing-along songs!
Lovin' the wicked tweaked harmonic licks in this one, PLUS the rhythm's got me moving...THANKS, RP!
Gawd - why did I not give this a 10 about a million years ago?!  Doing so now, and dancing to that wicked-good choreography...
Just what I needed after a spectacularly crappy day. Like this a lot. Headphones are on and volume is up!
Dammit, RP, if you keep playing good stuff like this I'll NEVER make it to my appointments on time!

Maybe somebody like it, not me!
 Kristi wrote:

This is some frellin' GOOD choreography, and perfect for the song. (Too bad they're not all dressed in black leather - wouldn't that be smokin'?) Love this song.

Ohhhh - this is for YUM!  Love it - dancing like a fool.... {#Dancingbanana_2}{#Dancingbanana}
Well that was FUN!
Anyway - I am still KICKING myself that I was too late to get tickets for BRMC for a gig in a really great smalll venue here in Brighton. Grrrr - it would have been BRILLIANT!

 Stefen wrote:

I just wanted to give this graphic a comeback.
I think this works whatever with whatever is playing - I only came back to this track to look at a comment and these guys are dancing to the beat of Manu Chao!  Coolio!
Welcome to Malmö in May, BRMC will play at KB, https://www.kulturbolaget.se/


I've enjoyed just about everything I've heard from BRMC, this is no exception.
like it, play it again.
All of a sudden I can't control my left foot.  Good thing I'm not driving!

 Kristi wrote:

I just wanted to give this graphic a comeback.
 nevar23 wrote:
Oh, excellent segue. BRMC "Berlin" —> Beatles "Revolution"  {#Clap}

Yup, twas brill!
Hey, thanks for this.  Haven't heard BRMC for a while.....  over in this time zone.....
Thanks RP for rockin' the BRMC!
and a place of honor following "All along the watchtower".  i really dig this album

Fun in the same way ACDC is - big dumb fun rock (high praise)!

love this!
Scores 8 just on that opening riff.
Its good but if you really wanted to rock you'd have chosen the Black Keys instead
BRMC version of My Sharona
the knack
Oh, excellent segue. BRMC "Berlin" —> Beatles "Revolution"  {#Clap}
I really do like the way these biker cats bandy about tasty bits of Petty, Primal Scream, and Smithereens, among other things. Some rippin' good runs here on the guitar, too!
Love this song.
Baby_M wrote:
Good music for an early morning speed run in the GTI down country back roads.
Or a 2002 on up Subie WRX Get that tail out!
copymonkey wrote:
If you EVER hear a song like this on ANY Clearchannel station...I'll give you a dollar.
I can't say it was this song, but BRMC has been played on the local New Rock Clear Channel. Before I got my higher speed access back I had only heard BRMC from that station. Not often mind. They get a bit of play from the 2-6 lady who has rather wide tastes and a few contests she can use as an excuse to go outside the normal playlist. She has a "4:20 Turn On" as well and plays some unknowns there as well. She has also been yelled at for playing some odd things that "Don't Fit Our Profile"(from a PD who thinks Old Beasties fits "Nonstop New Rock" being neither new nor rock) Like when she played "It Puts The Lotion On It's Skin. Or It Gets The Hose Again"(forget the band and song name, but it is Buffalo Bill's lines from Silence) They also have "The Adventure Club" on sundays that plays some odd stuff.
a_genuine_find wrote:
what DID happen to the revolution?
Apparently nothing unusual.
what DID happen to the revolution?
CafeRacer wrote:
I used to autocross an '84 GTI. What year is yours?
2008. I almost bought one back in '84, sweeeet little ride, but it was just out of my budget. (Had to settle for a Honda CRX instead--my favorite car until I got the GTI.)
karen wrote:
Ha!Ha! I've also noticed the much clearer air and better than average karma around here lately. You know what they say, it only takes one jerk...
You apparently never met Joe1. He WAS kicked out. Physicsgenius apparently bored of his role here in January.
Baby_M wrote:
Good music for an early morning speed run in the GTI down country back roads.
I used to autocross an '84 GTI. What year is yours?
Good music for an early morning speed run in the GTI down country back roads.
MojoJojo wrote:
Clear-Channel-esque? ( )
If you EVER hear a song like this on ANY Clearchannel station...I'll give you a dollar.
What is my defense if the cops get called on me for crankin' up RP?!?
every now and then you hear a song from radio paradise that breaks out of the pack and runs it in for a touchdown. this is such a song. whoa nellie.
MojoJojo wrote:
Clear-Channel-esque? ( )
maybe. Don't know. I've not listened to clear channel. I do love this album though. It kicks.
Clear-Channel-esque? ( )
Now that is a song to get your blood pumping at 7am on a Saturday. When you have to be at work. On a 3-day weekend. By yourself.
Wow ... somebody's still making actual rock music. 8.
saw them here this summer...i had psyched myself up for a great show and was kind of disappointed. still dig the discs though. rawk on.
This absolutely rocks! It reminds me of the first Jesus & Mary Chain album.
Marr wrote:
Ah just think, soon there will be a whole new generation of RP listeners who've never heard of Pysicsgenius. And when us old fogies talk about him they'll say, in their innocent voices, "Gandpa/Ma, who is the troll you keep talking about....?".
Ha!Ha! I've also noticed the much clearer air and better than average karma around here lately. You know what they say, it only takes one jerk...
Very nice! Hooky, nice tempo and a great way to get the morning blahs out. The more I hear B.M.R.C. the more I like.
ruralfree wrote:
Never been a huge fan of these guys...but everything that RP is playing is great...need to re-visit.
I finally got this. Broke down and binged with six disks. This one is on heaviest rotation and on highest volume. SO cool! Now that I've been able to hear it loud all my ratings seem to be going up a point. Every song a winner IMO
Never been a huge fan of these guys...but everything that RP is playing is great...need to re-visit.
This is good stuff...
musikalia wrote:
Haven't y'all noticed....good old PG is outta here. His use of this space to vomit his unending sarcastic negativity was not only inappropriate, but really bringing the whole atmosphere here down. So I actually emailed Bill to alert him to the troll, which he seemed to have already been aware of and had already taken some action to kick him out and it seems to have worked, yay!
Looks like Physics "90% of everything is crap" Genius is still around, but he hasn't posted in a while. Maybe he found an all-Beethoven radio station more to his liking. This is a great album, btw. I liked their last but this is an oustanding return to form.
ThirdRail_33 wrote:
Now why on earth dont I have this band in my collection yet? Great action.
BillG wrote:
Right you are. He wasn't kicked out, he (evidently) just got bored with his chosen role here.
Ah just think, soon there will be a whole new generation of RP listeners who've never heard of Pysicsgenius. And when us old fogies talk about him they'll say, in their innocent voices, "Gandpa/Ma, who is the troll you keep talking about....?".
Just saw BRMC last week in Orlando. Second time I have seen them, and it was a great show. The sound quality was a lot better as well. BRMC is one of my favorite bands now.....and again I owe that to Radio Paradise. I heard "Rifles" off their first album 4 years ago here, and immediately became a big fan. Thanks again RP!!!!
DrLex wrote:
I don't believe Bill actively kicked him out. First of all, that would be rather un-RP-like. Next, there's no real way to do that anyway (if the account would be blocked, he could just create a new one). PG probably just got bored of spewing the same nonsense all over again. Or he finally realized that it doesn't make sense to listen to a station that plays "90% crap".
Right you are. He wasn't kicked out, he (evidently) just got bored with his chosen role here.
musikalia wrote:
Haven't y'all noticed....good old PG is outta here. His use of this space to vomit his unending sarcastic negativity was not only inappropriate, but really bringing the whole atmosphere here down. So I actually emailed Bill to alert him to the troll, which he seemed to have already been aware of and had already taken some action to kick him out and it seems to have worked, yay!
I don't believe Bill actively kicked him out. First of all, that would be rather un-RP-like. Next, there's no real way to do that anyway (if the account would be blocked, he could just create a new one). PG probably just got bored of spewing the same nonsense all over again. Or he finally realized that it doesn't make sense to listen to a station that plays "90% crap".
musikalia wrote:
Haven't y'all noticed....good old PG is outta here. His use of this space to vomit his unending sarcastic negativity was not only inappropriate, but really bringing the whole atmosphere here down. So I actually emailed Bill to alert him to the troll, which he seemed to have already been aware of and had already taken some action to kick him out and it seems to have worked, yay!
It was pretty obvious, huh? I mean really...if I hated EVERY song being played, I sure would be clicking on someone else's link and not "suffering" over here. P.S. I like these guys. They do pretty good.
arserocket wrote:
Me likeeee before Physicgenius jumps in.
Haven't y'all noticed....good old PG is outta here. His use of this space to vomit his unending sarcastic negativity was not only inappropriate, but really bringing the whole atmosphere here down. So I actually emailed Bill to alert him to the troll, which he seemed to have already been aware of and had already taken some action to kick him out and it seems to have worked, yay!
Black Rebel Motorcycle club opened for the Rolling Stones in Wichita last year. The whole show was just amazing.
Filling in for PG, now that's a scary concept. This band does nothing I haven't heard from, oh, a few thousand other wannabe innovator rockers who really have nothing new to contribute. I'm all for rebellion and disaffection, but please, show me something a bit more substantial. arserocket wrote:
Me likeeee before Physicgenius jumps in.
Pretty rockin'
Seems like they're coming into their own? 8 out of the box!
plaid wrote:
I just saw them in Portland last weekend. I love their studio stuff, but their live performance was... not all that great, frankly. I can blame some of it on the piss poor job the sound team did, but not all of it. The first opener was a Portland band going by the name of The Upsidedown, who frankly sound fantastic. The second opener was The Fratellis, who, honestly, needed to be taken out back and shot.
with you on the Fratellis...Alex Harvey Band without the band, Alex harvey or anything else...just kpphutt
I just saw them in Portland last weekend. I love their studio stuff, but their live performance was... not all that great, frankly. I can blame some of it on the piss poor job the sound team did, but not all of it. The first opener was a Portland band going by the name of The Upsidedown, who frankly sound fantastic. The second opener was The Fratellis, who, honestly, needed to be taken out back and shot.
agnes wrote:
Makes me want a black motorcycle and a club.
Right on brother Agnes
Makes me want a black motorcycle and a club.
YAY! BRMC is probably my favorite band and they are great live. Thank you for playing something from the new album. They're in DC soon and I can't wait so see them live again.
Me likeeee before Physicgenius jumps in.
Let's hear it.