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My Morning Jacket — Gideon
Album: Z
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Total ratings: 2751

Released: 2005
Length: 3:23
Plays (last 30 days): 3
What have you told us at all?
Make a sound, come down off the wall.
Religion, should appeal to the hearts of the young.
Who are you? what have you become?
You animal.
Come on.
What does this remind you of?
Truly we have become.
Hated and feared for something we don't want.
Most of us believe that this is wrong.
You animal.
Come on.
What does this remind you of?
Come on.
What does this remind you of?
Come on
Comments (319)add comment
 lattalo wrote:
 just got a puppy, an alaskan malamute, and his name is Gideon.

What has it told us all?
 kcar wrote:

So much yelling on this one, though...

Sorry to read about those memories. 

Ya gotta yell loud if you wanna make those walls come down. 
Every time I listen to this song or any other from this album I think of my friend Robert who introduced them to me while he was a summer intern for me in DC in 2006. He did enough for me to make him 1st author on his first publication. He is now a senior researcher and VP at RAND. I always expected great things from him. Probably because he had such great taste in music. 
 lily34 wrote:

this is the only song by MMJ that i can stand to hear anymore.

i hate when a memory can ruin some music.

So much yelling on this one, though...

Sorry to read about those memories. 
this is the only song by MMJ that i can stand to hear anymore.

i hate when a memory can ruin some music.
This just went from 8 -> 10.... Just cranked!!!!!! Such a great track.. Such a great band.
My morning jacket gives way to my afternoon hoodie...
 sjccroquet wrote:

Bill just dropped into this from This Mortal Coil's Song to the Siren; hearing the kickdrum start in during the last few moments of Elizabeth Fraser's vocals had me literally looking my office in confusion, and then the guitar riff!

One of the best segues I have heard in years of listening to RP, and that is sayin' something!

And he did it again.
Bill just dropped into this from This Mortal Coil's Song to the Siren; hearing the kickdrum start in during the last few moments of Elizabeth Fraser's vocals had me literally looking my office in confusion, and then the guitar riff!

One of the best segues I have heard in years of listening to RP, and that is sayin' something!
 VV wrote:

Amazing song. The album art is a little disturbing though...

I do believe that art is making a statement about humans and the environment. Or rather, what we do to it...
 rjewyo wrote:

A little "Who"?

A little Who who gives a Hoo(t)
Live in KY, seen them many times.  So awesome! 
 VV wrote:

Amazing song. The album art is a little disturbing though...

Sort of a futuristic Hieronymus Bosch, huh?
Amazing song. The album art is a little disturbing though...
Jim to the producer:  "I want it to sound like I am singing into a bucket, in the shower room"

The stylish way of getting dog crap off your shoes
Really great song, both lyics and music. I can imagine playing that lead and then picking up the solo, but it could never be so beautiful.
 stephen.king12101 wrote:
I always turn the volume up when I hear this song
Jim James is gushing with creativity and talent.
I always turn the volume up when I hear this song
I like this, and just about everything RP plays.  My appreciation for music has increased.  Thanks Bill & Rebecca for keeping indie & eclectic dj driven radio out of corporate hands.
Keep rocking in the free world!
Only 7 to me
Going down to 3 
 Stephen_Phillips wrote:
Here is how it might have happened... one day Kathleen Lolley was reading the nursery rhyme "Four and Twenty Blackbirds baked in a pie" while her partner slipped a tab of LSD into her cup of coffee.  All of a sudden things started to become much clearer and so she got out her pen and inks and started to revise the story for the modern day.

Seems logical to me :) 
Perhaps, but many visual artists don't need hallucinogenics, they usually see the world that way without chemical enhancement.  That's why they draw and paint.
really great song) i like it very much) 
My favorite song from MMJ. Can't really get into their other stuff.
With great difficulty and facing many dangers, a city bird escapes to the wilderness, where it falls ill and is rescued by a team of physicians, who cut it open to find that in spite of its arduous journey and great distance traveled, within it still beats the heart of a city...
Here is how it might have happened... one day Kathleen Lolley was reading the nursery rhyme "Four and Twenty Blackbirds baked in a pie" while her partner slipped a tab of LSD into her cup of coffee.  All of a sudden things started to become much clearer and so she got out her pen and inks and started to revise the story for the modern day.

Seems logical to me :) 
 AliGator wrote:
So much love for this. 

Also, Kentucky Kicks Ass.

I growed up there.  Love the landscape still.  Burned out on the way people think, act and vote
Giiiiiiiideeeooooon, get back here you som bitc#!!
Most of their catalogue is hollow. Like early Allman's but devoid of  soul, recorded with echo effects in a mineshaft. Airless.
This one is different. It really soars. 
I have to agree that it's one of the most intriguing — and absolutely one of the trippiest — examples of cover art ever. When it first came out, I scanned it, printed it bigger, put it on my wall in my place in Tokyo...and every person who saw it said it was "disturbing..."
Awesome band! 
 skooba wrote:
Interesting album cover.  {#Stupid}

Yes, it is; it looks like the work of Kathleen Lolley - an artist who does some very intriguing work.
love this. still.
Interesting album cover.  {#Stupid}
Godlike!... love this tune.
 Steely_D wrote:
and this is different from the Rattle & Hum period of U2 how?

Hmmm...  they're both (at least partially) live recordings.  Other than that I'd have to say "in every respect" :-)
Turned up the volume for the preceding Robert Plant song, and I shall keep the volume up.  Good tune.
and this is different from the Rattle & Hum period of U2 how?
Screw the haters- I always loved this!
Don't know why, but I find this band pretty annoying and very samey. Not doing it at all for me.
Giddeyup - and away to PSD. Clippety-clop, clippety-clop...
Fantabulous musical energy. I can hardly ever grasp a freaking word he sings. 
 Dosequis wrote:
They record all their songs at the bottom of a well...........


Man it sure sounds like it.  Working at my desk with this turned down all I hear is this echoey, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooo!!!!" coming from my computer 
So much love for this. 

Also, Kentucky Kicks Ass.
They record all their songs at the bottom of a well...........
Incredible in concert! 
Love this tune!!!!!!!!!
 Lazarus wrote:

rdo, you don't like the pictures my dead best friend's younger brother took? What do you think of this song? I am not your enema...

love this song...

I have turned my sword into a ploughshare.  I have stopped pelting people over the head.
 docuplate wrote:
Cool owlbum cover art...
Surgical team removing the city?  Cool, yes, very.

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing buck ass naked all over the world like bowlegged gypsy muleskinners...  love this song...  love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll...
 richlister wrote:
Huh, weird. I'm staying at a hotel in Las Vegas. The bloke next door is listening to Radio Paradise too! The twat keeps turning it up for some tunes though. There is no one else with him either.


Just as we all suspected...
 Lazarus wrote: 
TMI.  But begs the question, who is his enema?

rdo, you don't like the pictures my dead best friend's younger brother took? What do you think of this song? I am not your enema...

love this song...

 vluvlu wrote:
Thought I was listening to Coldplay!
Probably the 3+3+2 rhythm. But this is awesome.
Lazarus, why do you have to be such a turd? 
 Lazarus wrote:

Here are a couple of pictures that my dead best friend's younger brother took of Jim James live in Boston on 4-26-2013—

Jim James live in Boston 4-26-2013 photo JimJamesliveinBoston4-26-2013_zpsdece97a8.jpg

Jim James life in Boston 4-26-2013 (3) photo JimJamesliveinBoston4-26-20133_zps6ea1bd7a.jpg

Oh, my giddy aunt! TFFPSD

Volume is wayyyy up...  everybody in my church is singing along with this beautiful song...

Everybody in my church demanded that I turn up the volume...  the walls are shaking...

Everybody in my church loves this song...

I love this band's energy. Song after song is a treat. But I am somewhat put off by the singer. In live cuts, especially, cannot he not vocalize the lyrics intelligibly? Is it the audio mix? A lazy voice? Sedatives? I hardly hear the English half the time, instead just a muddy mumble. 
The drumbeat at the beginning just gets to me, it grabs me. And this song just gets better from there. 
Oh, my giddy aunt! TFF PSD to stay awake
Love this song, this album, this band!!! {#Cheers}
 romeotuma wrote:

Everybody in my hotel room just demanded that I turn up the volume...  the walls are shaking...

I bet!



Party in Motel 6 - till Dr. Pepper arrives!

Huh, weird. I'm staying at a hotel in Las Vegas. The bloke next door is listening to Radio Paradise too! The twat keeps turning it up for some tunes though. There is no one else with him either.
 vluvlu wrote:
Thought I was listening to Coldplay!
Sorry, not even close! I like them both a lot but the two groups aren't similar. 
Thought I was listening to Coldplay!
 Most excellent song. Fabulous album cover. Another one to add to the list of wants.
Exactly the same here! I usually have to hear something a few times to really know if it's worth that extra numerical bump!   {#Cheers}
 Cynaera wrote:
I bumped this from 7 to 8 -the echo, the haunting vocal, the dynamic of the music.... Yep, I love it. {#Sunny}

 romeotuma wrote:
and I love this song...  it builds up beautifully to a climax...

which is much like life here on the edge of Las Vegas...

Almost makes me think that going to Vegas wouldn't suck.  However, I hate hot weather, crowds, stinging insects, biting reptiles, flashy and gaudy storefronts, ostentatious displays of wealth, and dust.

I'm not a big fan of gambling, lack of green on the ground, or tourists either. 

Yeah, I don't get out west much and I'm ok with that.

Dreamy. Incredible song.
Frickin Amazing shows. One of the best touring bands out there today. And besides all that, they make me dance.
Great song live, too...just saw them in D.C. at Merriweather Post Pavilion recently. Love MMJ!
First MMJ song I ever heard. Still good.
Very nice indeed!
Gideon. What Have You Told Us At All?
Make A Sound, Come Down Off The Wall.
Religion - Should Appeal To The Hearts Of The Young.
Who Are You? What Have You Become?
You Animal. Come On.
What Does This Remind You Of?
Truly. Truly We Have Become.
Hated And Feared For Something We Don't Want.
Listen. Listen. Most Of Us Believe That This Is Wrong.
You Animal. Come On. What Does This Remind You Of?
Animal. Come On. What Does This Remind You Of?
Animal. Come On.

A little "Who"?
"Z" is an absolutely outstanding album.  A++
One of my hypothetical "deserted Island" cds.  It astounds me that more of this album hasn't made it into the playlist.  "Off the Record" and "Dondonte" are particular favorites of mine. 

If I ever learn to code in flash, I have a perfect video idea for Dondonte that the wife and I came up with one night while jamming to this cd and enjoying some smoke...
Saw MMJ in concert this past Sunday. Fantastic. Kentucky represent!
best thing these guys have done. this really works...
 romeotuma wrote:

I gave this song one of my rare 10's...  it is soooo good...  love it...

You're such a hoot, romeotuma! ("rare 10's") {#Lol}  I've bumped this up to a 9 - each time I hear it, it just becomes more awesome to me.  How's Las Vegas these days? Up here, we're bracing for a snowstorm that may or may not show up. All the kitters are indoors - I'm such a mother-hen... Glad to have RadioParadise as a companion!

 romeotuma wrote:

Don't be such a poop head...  this song is soooo good for the ears...


You've commented 24 times on how you like this song. Luckily, you can only give each song only 1 ten rating. You totally skew the data here bro.

Are you sure you really like it? It seems every other post on an REM song is you. I'd say you need to get out of Vegas more often.{#Nyah}

 stevebeaver wrote:

What is it that bothers you so?

Wimpy, boring, can't stand the guys voice. That bout sums it up.

Good tune and the cover art by Kathleen Lolley is wonderful!

 h8rhater wrote:

I give you a 1 because you are most offensive and I'm not waiting to see if you will become less so.


Smart move!{#Cheers}
 esacconcia wrote:
BEST. BAND. EVER. Who saw the recent Live on Letterman online concert? They were really good in the Ed Sullivan Theater.
A friend of mine is a producer for David Letterman and she gave me tickets to see the show at the Ed Sullivan theatre and it was simply superb.  What an amazing band.  Furthermore, I was able to see them shortly afterwards at Terminal 5 in NYC and that show was equally as good.

 a_genuine_find wrote:

mmm ... selective caterwauling tolerence?

10 - Bob Dylan - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
10 - Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue

I can handle caterwauling all day long.  It's the off-key caterwauling that makes me hit the mute button.
I bumped this from 7 to 8 -the echo, the haunting vocal, the dynamic of the music.... Yep, I love it. {#Sunny}
BEST. BAND. EVER. Who saw the recent Live on Letterman online concert? They were really good in the Ed Sullivan Theater.
 romeotuma wrote:

turned the volume wayyyy up again for this...  love it...

Don't take this the wrong way . . . but you really have diarrhea of the keyboard

Great band :)
 thewiseking wrote:

not their usual hollow stuff. this trips......


I'm curious. In your comment, how are you defining the word "hollow".?

not their usual hollow stuff. this trips......

 Hannio wrote:
Yuck.  Can't handle the off-key caterwauling.

mmm ... selective caterwauling tolerence?

10 - Bob Dylan - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
10 - Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue
The live version from Okonokos is even better.  I'm not a huge MMJ fan, but the DVD has a fantastic vibe to it — it feels like you're sitting outdoors on a beautiful summer night, listening.
LOVE this song !!!  {#Bounce}
 sirdroseph wrote:
I am still waiting to here a song that I like from this band to understand why so many people like them.....waiting......still waiting.........
Edit: I did, however, give this song a 3 because it is the least offensive tune that I have heard from them so far.
I give you a 1 because you are most offensive and I'm not waiting to see if you will become less so.

 sirdroseph wrote:
I am still waiting to here a song that I like from this band to understand why so many people like them.....waiting......still waiting.........
Edit: I did, however, give this song a 3 because it is the least offensive tune that I have heard from them so far.

What is it that bothers you so?
 romeotuma wrote:

This song builds beautifully, and peaks at the end...  great composition...  love it...

 Wow, these last two entries make it so easy DITTO............... for a lack of a better word
Good song, and good to see Bill on the night shift.  Hope all is well.

I am still waiting to here a song that I like from this band to understand why so many people like them.....waiting......still waiting.........
Edit: I did, however, give this song a 3 because it is the least offensive tune that I have heard from them so far.
This song gives me chills.
 cohifi wrote:
dude sings better than a lot of folks...

And there you have it.  Faint praise indeed.
Going to see them in Charleston, SC in April. Can't wait!
dude sings better than a lot of folks...

Yyooooooowwwww! Lovin' life.....{#Dancingbanana}

This, of course, is boroughed from The Who's Baba O'Riley. But maybe somebody mentioned that already...
Very nice, too!!
 RedGuitar wrote:


–verb (used without object)
1.to utter long wailing cries, as cats in rutting time.
2.to utter a similar sound; howl or screech.
3.to quarrel like cats.
–noun Also, cat⋅er⋅waul⋅ing.
4.the cry of a cat in rutting time.
5.Jim James singing.

1350–1400; ME cater(wawen) (equiv. to cater tomcat (< MD) + wawen to howl, OE wāwan to blow, said of the wind) + waul, var. of wail

cat⋅er⋅waul⋅er, noun

2. wail, shriek, squawk, yowl.


 lattalo wrote:
Love this whole Cd, my next concert at red rocks!!!!
How was the show?  I'd love to see these guys too...caterwauling and all. {#Yes}
Yes! YEs! yES!

My favorite song by MMJ. Great tune.
 Hannio wrote:
Yuck.  Can't handle the off-key caterwauling.


–verb (used without object)
1. to utter long wailing cries, as cats in rutting time.
2. to utter a similar sound; howl or screech.
3. to quarrel like cats.
–noun Also, cat⋅er⋅waul⋅ing.
4. the cry of a cat in rutting time.
5. any similar sound.

1350–1400; ME cater(wawen) (equiv. to cater tomcat (< MD) + wawen to howl, OE wāwan to blow, said of the wind) + waul, var. of wail

cat⋅er⋅waul⋅er, noun

2. wail, shriek, squawk, yowl.

Oh yeah, "One Tree Hill" for sure. 
 lily34 wrote:
wow. this is great. where have i been?
It doesn't matter where you've been. You're here now, enjoy the ride. Bill has set the controls for the heart of the sun. {#Sunny}