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Length: 4:42
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Traffic lights control us
Rockets shoot us up into the stars
Rockets shoot us up into the stars
Letters keep us posted
Numbers calculated
Nothing picks us up when we are down
Nothing picks us up when we are down
Complement the atmosphere
Fill the ground with all our tears
Dry them up to make it clear
We do no wrong
Complement the atmosphere
Fill the ground with all our tears
Dry them up to make it clear
We do no wrong
Strange surrounds each corner
Stains pollute the water
Something for us all to think about
Something for us all to think about
Summer sun protects us
Winter rains torment us
Now it seems to me we can't be free
Now it seems to me we can't be free
Close the door before it's late
We were born to love and hate
Turn it down for our own sake
We do no wrong
You fill your ears with every note
Direction seems the only hope
Its crowded, let's create now
We do no wrong
Common sense protects us
Everything affects us
To the outside light it's paradise
To the outside light it's paradise
A 7 from the Derbyshire Dales jury.
Everything affects us
To the outside light it's paradise
To the outside light it's paradise"
The inside light is paradise ...

What in the hell is an Islamo-fascist? Spend some time with a history book, encyclopedia or dictionary for goodness sake! Keep spreading the culture of fear for profit.
That would be the Muslim Brotherhood primarily in terms of shear numbers of followers and geographic coverage — all countries in N. Africa and extending into the Arabian Peninsula and beyond have large and active MB populations. In fact, the PLO was directly sponsored by the MB, and Hamas is believed to have a strong relationship with Palestinian Muslim Brothers. Believe it or not, Hitler made arrangements w/ the MB, and various Muslim groups throughout N. Africa, the Balkans, and into the Near East in order to assure a virulent anti-Jewish land bridge to the Gulf and Mid-East oil, as well as complete encirclement of the Mediterranean — N. Africa was an essential component of his Third Reich due to the critical role energy played in his dreams of world domination.
To this day, close scrutiny of the MB's transnational agendas reveals heavy-handed, top-down, anti-Israeli, retrograde Islamist dogma that notably isn't so different from the likes of Egypt's military juntas except for the anti-Israeli retrograde Islamism. A broader search for Islamo-fascists touches Saudi Arabi, Kuwait, Bahrain, and the UAE amongst others — they sport "governments" and petro industries that exist to marshal resources (labor and oil) for the sole benefit of a handful of sheiks and princes — this side of the coin was/is allied w/ the British & Americans (Aramco) during the war. Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush, was at the top of the OSS (predecessor to the CIA) at this time as well as being the president of an international bank (name escapes me at this time) that directly loaned money to the Nazis and financed said Allied leaning oil sheiks. That oil relationship continued w/ GW Bush (hello Kuwait) and remains today. That is modern Islamo-fascism in a nutshell — it started after WWI and today is much closer to home than many realize.
Saudi Arabi is the official custodian of the Islamic faith, and for reasons of expediency, they relied upon the Wahabis to prop them up during the war. The House of Saud has been unsuccessful in bottling up the Wahabis' extreme brand of Islamism. The 9-11 terrorists were primarily Saudis, and all were disciples of Wahabism. That hyper conservative, retrograde view of Islam has now spread to Al Qaeda, and we know the current sadness that includes ISIL, which may not be overtly fascistic, yet is keenly aware of and fond of petro-dollars. Ain't Islamo-fascism great?
Complement the atmosphere
Fill the ground with all our tears
Dry them up to make it clear
We do no wrong
Complement the atmosphere
Fill the ground with all our tears
Dry them up to make it clear
We do no wrong
Sounds a whole lot like the melody on George Michael's "Careless Whisper":
I'm never going to dance again
These guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool
I should have known better than to cheat a friend
A wasted chance that I've been given
So I'm never going to dance again...
The way I danced with you

Love this song!
Nobody likes - please excuse the phrase, I know it tends to dismiss the humanity involved - "collateral damage" but please give me some other options for dealing with the situation that involves:
+ Islamo fascusts living among populations who continue to plot destructive acts against any and all - including their fellow Muslims - in order to move forward their goal of global jihad
+ Governments that - for their own domestic purposes - are happy to excepts billions upon billions of aid - of all types - yet refuse to move decisively against said Islamo-fascists (and in fact include high level officials who cooperate with and/or protect these people.
Are choices are:
+ Invasion and occupation as we tried and mostly or completely failed to do in Iraq and even Afghanistan - with massive negative repercussions for years to come - and massive loss of life of the occupied peoples. (the Bush approach)
+ Enhanced diplomatic efforts stepped up humanitarian and educational aid, assistance to local leaders, training police, accompanied by surgical strategic strikes at the leadership and logistical apparatus of said Islamo fascist groups (the Obama approach)
+ Bring everyone home, close our eyes and hope for the best (the Ron Paul approach)
What in the hell is an Islamo-fascist? Spend some time with a history book, encyclopedia or dictionary for goodness sake! Keep spreading the culture of fear for profit.
"insta-sorryed" is what the US feels when it takes out another group of grandchildren and grandparents in Pakistan with remoted-controlled UAVs. Really, really sorry and deeply apologetic is how Israel and the USA will feel when small, poor state actors and small non-state actors acquire and deploy these weapons about 20 years from now.....
I hope folks try to upload Anathema again. Or, please do me a favour, and SPAM the board with a CD recommendation or two. :-)
Nobody likes - please excuse the phrase, I know it tends to dismiss the humanity involved - "collateral damage" but please give me some other options for dealing with the situation that involves:
+ Islamo fascusts living among populations who continue to plot destructive acts against any and all - including their fellow Muslims - in order to move forward their goal of global jihad
+ Governments that - for their own domestic purposes - are happy to excepts billions upon billions of aid - of all types - yet refuse to move decisively against said Islamo-fascists (and in fact include high level officials who cooperate with and/or protect these people.
Are choices are:
+ Invasion and occupation as we tried and mostly or completely failed to do in Iraq and even Afghanistan - with massive negative repercussions for years to come - and massive loss of life of the occupied peoples. (the Bush approach)
+ Enhanced diplomatic efforts stepped up humanitarian and educational aid, assistance to local leaders, training police, accompanied by surgical strategic strikes at the leadership and logistical apparatus of said Islamo fascist groups (the Obama approach)
+ Bring everyone home, close our eyes and hope for the best (the Ron Paul approach)
"insta-sorryed" is what the US feels when it takes out another group of grandchildren and grandparents in Pakistan with remoted-controlled UAVs. Really, really sorry and deeply apologetic is how Israel and the USA will feel when small, poor state actors and small non-state actors acquire and deploy these weapons about 20 years from now.....
I hope folks try to upload Anathema again. Or, please do me a favour, and SPAM the board with a CD recommendation or two. :-)
This is a very good observation. I'm a HUGE Anathema fan, as well as PT. I uploaded some Anathema, but it got insta-sorryed, so I don't think Bill approves of the sound.
"insta-sorryed"? That's a new verb on me, though I think I've got the meaning and it's a nice contraction. Another neologism for our fast-moving Internet lingo :o)
This is a very good observation. I'm a HUGE Anathema fan, as well as PT. I uploaded some Anathema, but it got insta-sorryed, so I don't think Bill approves of the sound.
* Will South (vocals, piano, guitar)
* Tom Welham (guitar, vocals)
* Adam Wilson (bass guitar)
* Brendon James (drums, percussion)
Sweet...yet another PC spin-off. How many ARE there anyway?

PC spin-off? Penzance, Cornwall?
He's in tune and reaches the high notes, so I reckon he can sing, and it's definitely a Coldplay-esque sound (I've just been listening to some CP on iTunes and thought this was CP at first). No' bad - 7 from the Nottingham jury.
I adore Porcupine Tree and am enjoying this. Coincidence?
I also hear a bit of Radiohead and ColdPlay which are both worthwhile listens.
* Will South (vocals, piano, guitar)
* Tom Welham (guitar, vocals)
* Adam Wilson (bass guitar)
* Brendon James (drums, percussion)
Sweet...yet another PC spin-off. How many ARE there anyway?

Hmmm. . . how do we know that Coldplay didn't steal their chops from Thirteen Senses?

I adore Porcupine Tree and am enjoying this. Coincidence?
I also hear a bit of Radiohead and ColdPlay which are both worthwhile listens.
I heard it! But that's a good scary flashback. . .