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Album: Ma Ya
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Total ratings: 1119

Released: 1999
Length: 5:36
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (57)add comment
Excellent!! I never heard of him prior to RP. Now, 3 of his tunes are on "My Favorites" list.  That is why we come here.  Thanx RP!   
Good Tune!
 DChas wrote:

Wow, I love this,
can anyone provide lyrics?

I found lyrics at LyricsTranslate.com/en/habib-koite-i-mada-lyrics.html that aren't quite translated. I'd really like to see the translation , since blues is so meaningful that it merits the listener hearing the whole story.
West African (esp. Mali) Kora harp and Balafon music is moving, hypnotizing, beautiful like delicate fretwork. T Diabaté, B. Sissoko are W. Africa's classical music. Would love to hear more. It deserves to be much more widely known.
 DChas wrote:

Wow, I love this,
can anyone provide lyrics?

These are the lyrics, probably in his native Manding language, and some in French?


The CD booklet has a poetically interpreted version of the lyrics, and my son transcribed them a couple of months ago, as it happens.

of a love story at secondary school. We were
friends, we walked side by side on the school's way.
We were naïve and the love is born, with projects into the future.
One fine day, our parents were transferred into
different countries. So, we had to be separated.

20 years after, we are still looking for one another.

This has such a calming effect on me right now. I needed it. Thanks Bill
I was ok with this until they started sawing my ears off...
The idea that, if someone does not like world music they must be racist,  really bothers me.   Can we stop with the race baiting?    No matter what is said, some immediately think "how can a race card be slapped on that?". 

Maybe BillG should remove ratings from world music as it is a method for some to express their racial hatred.   Silly right?  

I love this song. There is some world music I do not like so much. There, I said it!

I could say the same about, take your pick, rock, jazz, throat singing, etc.  Which deserve a red card?
To me it sounds like he's singing something about a baby elephant.
 Proclivities wrote:
 ScottishWillie wrote:
Not usually a ‘World Music' fan but I do like this.

 themusicroob wrote:

Am I the only person who sees this comment as analogous to "I don't normally like black people but you're okay"?

You're probably not the only person who sees it that way, but it seems like a fairly weak analogy to me.  "Not usually" being a fan of a particular genre of music is not the same as "normally" disliking an entire race of people.
Agreed.  One can absolutely not be a fan of the genre World Music (as broad as that may be) without having h8red and bigotry in their heart.  I don't care for Celtic music but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean I have a problem with the Irish.  You gotta be looking to be offended to think otherwise.
'I Mada' translated is, 'A Termite'.
Can you hear the little bugger here?
Interesting this was played immediately after Wild Horses by the Stones...certainly has some same characteristics.
 ScottishWillie wrote:
Not usually a ‘World Music' fan but I do like this.

 themusicroob wrote:

Am I the only person who sees this comment as analogous to "I don't normally like black people but you're okay"?

You're probably not the only person who sees it that way, but it seems like a fairly weak analogy to me.  "Not usually" being a fan of a particular genre of music is not the same as "normally" disliking an entire race of people.
Visited Essouira (Morocco) a couple of years ago while working overseas.  Their Gnaoua music festival features a LOT of this mesmerizing music.

Try it outside on a cool, quiet evening.
Wow, loving this guitar work ... must investigate more. Thanks RP
 themusicroob wrote:

Am I the only person who sees this comment as analogous to "I don't normally like black people but you're okay"?

I don't think you are entirely alone, but I do hope that you are in a "minority" in your rush to judgement.
A narrow perspective vis-a-vis musical preferences is not equivalent to racism; although I think it may indicate a lack of imagination.

Pretty good tune, BTW.
 ScottishWillie wrote:

Not usually a ‘World Music' fan but I do like this.

Am I the only person who sees this comment as analogous to "I don't normally like black people but you're okay"?
I was introduced to Habib Koite 2 years ago, travelling through Eastern Morocco and was hooked. Desert Blues at it's finest.
What? No lyrics? Great sound. Thanks for playing.
lovely vibe! thanks RP!

more like this please??   {#Hearteyes}
Wow, I love this,
can anyone provide lyrics?

Not usually a ‘World Music' fan but I do like this.

Very nice tune this early morning. 
Very enjoyable.  Just had me noticeably chill out - toward the end of a tumultuous day.  Never heard of you, but "Thanks Habib & Bamada!"
 nightdrive wrote:
Fucking annoying.
Physician, heal thyself!
Fucking annoying.
Instantly more peaceful, thanks....
Yet another colorful patch in this rich and varied quilt of Radio Paradise. This beautiful and different song is why I listen.
 trashyharry wrote:
habib koite & bamada were among the musical selections provided to me courtesy of microsoft when i bought this computer 2 years ago.good call ms!i absolutely love afropop...
nise to hear habib here, I love him! great great music!
  {#Yawn}..I Yawna

Nice transition from this to the Moody Blues' "Visions of Paradise."
Wow, apparently I'm way in the minority here, but I do not like this, Sam I Am. 
 calypsus_1 wrote:

Habib Koité  by AliThinks
Copyright All rights reserved
Yeee-haw! That's my photo! (Thank you for asking permission to post it.)

I took that when Habib Koité performed at Berea College last year.

Habib Koité  by AliThinks

Copyright All rights reserved

quite lovely
 NeilBlanchard wrote:
Hello Bill,

I would love to hear this one on RP!? Please?

Edit: All right! My upload BTW...


Thank you Neil
I am enjoying this just before to start the second part of my night shift - it's just the right music
 rtrudeau wrote:
Music like this is one of the reasons why I listen to RP.
You and most of the rest of us Trudeau!  Fantastic new stuff plus all the classics—great station, ain't it?!  {#Clap}
habib koite & bamada were among the musical selections provided to me courtesy of microsoft when i bought this computer 2 years ago.good call ms!i absolutely love afropop...
Hmm feels like it penetrating my soul, I feel strange... get it out of me! I dont wanna be a nicer person...{#Sad}
Heh, just listening to Baro on the way in to work this morning.

Seen 'em live - killer show. The guy on percussion (shoot, forget his name) is utterly amazing.

This was my first album, I've since added Baro and Afriki. All three are stellar efforts.
Just fantastic!{#Dancingbanana} I love me some Habib Koite'!{#Clap}

Just saw these guys Friday night.
Holy mackerel, if you ever get the chance, DON'T pass it up.
They are utterly amazing live!

I was first introduced to these guys when my mother-in-law brought me one of their CD's from France...if I had been listening to RP at the time, I already would have recognized them...
 Candela wrote:
I heard of Habib Koite & Bamada first time on RP..
Now I count 4 cds of the band i my hand =)

I was also introduced to HK&B on RP, (but I only got my mitts on this album).

Well worth it!  Preciously the type of music I love to hear on RP.
NeilBlanchard wrote:
Hello Bill, I would love to hear this one on RP!? Please? Edit: All right! My upload BTW... Neil

thank you.  this is so beautiful {#Meditate}

Nice tune.  Great first listen qualities.
I heard of Habib Koite & Bamada first time on RP.. Now I count 4 cds of the band i my hand =)
Beautiful string interplay.
nice song!!
Music like this is one of the reasons why I listen to RP.
Nice tune
Excellent, most excellent! There are some guitar chord changes in there which are so subtle as to be almost invisible, yet they are crucial and beautiful.
Hello Bill, I would love to hear this one on RP!? Please? Edit: All right! My upload BTW... Neil