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King Crimson — One Time
Album: Thrak
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Total ratings: 2429

Released: 1995
Length: 5:19
Plays (last 30 days): 3
One eye goes laughing
One eye goes crying
Through the trials and trying of one life
One hand is tied
One step gets behind
In one breath we're dying

I've been waiting for the sun to come up
Waiting for the showers to stop
Waiting for the penny to drop
One time
And I've been standing in a cloud of plans
Standing on the shifting sands
Hoping for an open hand
One time

One eye goes laughing
One eye goes crying
Through the trials and trying of one life
One hand is tied
One step gets behind
In one breath we're dying

I've been waiting for the sun to come up
Waiting for the showers to stop
Waiting for the penny to drop
One time
And I've been standing in a cloud of plans
Standing on the shifting sands
Hoping for an open hand
One time
Comments (182)add comment
One of their best!
Though personally I prefer the EP version (Vrooom).
The rythem is much more fluid there.
Bill, please, please play something from Discipline or Three is a perfect pair….beautiful period and line-up for KC
Nice Talking Deads followed by KC both with Adrian Belew on guitar.  REalize it's been noted before but Keeping it coming William!
jbuhl wrote:

Was just cranking my Thrak earlier this morning

 On_The_Beach wrote:

Hopefully in the privacy of your own home.  ; )

Probably, but I bet all the neighbors could hear him!!!
Great stuff...Thank you
Nice. I have always felt that Adrian Belew sounds like David Bryne - so here we have the two of them back-to-back. Coincidence? Not.
VERY tasty on the heals of Born Under Punches - well done William! 
King Crimson - with Adrian Belew and Greg Lake are honestly the best Crimson. I love all the others and… nuff said
What?  Waiting for the panty to drop?  

I guess "the world just wants you naked..."
 joejennings wrote:

Maybe. Steve Wilson  is involved with both bands.

Steve Wilson recently  remixed a few early  KC albums  (that orig came out when he was a 5~10 yo)  - so who influenced who?
 nicknt wrote:

Maybe PT sound like KC.

Porcupine Tree definitely sounds like King Crimson. Crimson released their first album when  the oldest member of PT was 11.
 nicknt wrote:

Maybe PT sound like KC.

Maybe. Steve Wilson  is involved with both bands.
 DigitalJer wrote:

Supremely enjoying Fripp and his kooky wife's covers...they're so wonderfully oddball.

I Agree!  
Supremely enjoying Fripp and his kooky wife's covers...they're so wonderfully oddball.
 fortheloveofpete wrote:

Great song, great band, one only wishes Bill would rediscover Three is a Perfect Pair and Discipline

Three Of A Perfect Pair is the right reference.
 joejennings wrote:

Super Great!!   It sounds a lot like Porcupine Tree.

Maybe PT sound like KC.
so after a few gin rickeys and party favors, I can only conclude that this sounds like Sade, circa 1985.  
 tm wrote:

Singer is Adrian Belew… He is also a huge part of KC sound in that particular era of KC.

Just saw him at a small club in NH - what a wonderful evening! He is doing quite well and is such an amazingly happy performer. Glad I finally saw him

Singer is Adrian Belew… He is also a huge part of KC sound in that particular era of KC.
 Stefen wrote:

Who is the vocalist?

Adrian Belew is credited for vocals. 
Who is the vocalist?
 joejennings wrote:

Super Great!!   It sounds a lot like Porcupine Tree.

the other way around, surely.
 joejennings wrote:

Super Great!!   It sounds a lot like Porcupine Tree.

I had never heard this tune before.  The more I hear it, the more I like it!!!
 xcranky_yankee wrote:

does anyone hear Frou Frou's Let Go here?...

I hear Adam Sandler
 xnavy wrote:

Without Fripp its not Crimson - no one else

My thought exactly.
There's been many King Crimsons (RIP) and I loved them all.
Super Great!!   It sounds a lot like Porcupine Tree.
 xcranky_yankee wrote:

does anyone hear Frou Frou's Let Go here?...

I can see a little bit of that...  The tempo and key sounds similar.  Thrak predates Frou Frou's Details by 6-7 years, but I'd like to think that Imogen Heap digs Adrian Belew and roles he's had in the Talking Heads, Bowie, Tom Tom Club, etc.
 jbuhl wrote:

Was just cranking my Thrak earlier this morning

Hopefully in the privacy of your own home.  ; )

 fortheloveofpete wrote:

Great song, great band, one only wishes Bill would rediscover Three is a Perfect Pair and Discipline

I AGREE!!!!!!!!
Adrian Belews influence on KC during his tenure was enormous and superb. Love love love this
Great song, great band, one only wishes Bill would rediscover Three is a Perfect Pair and Discipline
Tony Levin!  I too hope to master the Chapman Stick.  Rather steep learning curve, kind of like a sitar for bass.  Also plays well with a bow.

Chapman Stick - Wikipedia
"Waiting for a penny to drop"
You'd better plant a seed !
Then it will give you more seeds back...
And fruits to eat !
does anyone hear Frou Frou's Let Go here?...
 Ryan_Boru wrote:
I've Adrian Belew a few times recently in a small club in St. Louis and he's amazing!
I'll bet I saw you at those shows as I went to all of them, good stuff!
Кримсоны, любовь моя!
Wonderful band. I was lucky enough to see them several times  in the 70s. Recenty, I met Claire Hamill who supported them on their 1973 tour of the UK. Claire is an amazing folk rock artist much rated by Robert Fripp.
Fripp's  diary is awesome. Read the open letter to him and his response the next day..

I've Adrian Belew a few times recently in a small club in St. Louis and he's amazing!
 jadewahoo wrote:
King Crimson is always a joy to listen to. Depth, drawing one into the nether realms of Being, the MO of KC.
I chuckled at this comment, as the only time I ever saw King Crimson in concert, I was in the KC of MO.
 BCarn wrote:

It does doesn't it?

Nah, not too much. But the voice strangely reminds me of Bowie!
 idiot_wind wrote:
This strangely sounds like Sade. 
It does doesn't it?
This strangely sounds like Sade. 
 Propayne wrote:

I just saw them too - wonderful show.

And I was surprised to see that they added a couple of Belew sung '80s tunes to the set list.

Very interesting how Jakko handled that. 
Gavin Harrison is other-worldly!
 Steely_D wrote:

Current incarnation: FOUR drummers!

Nope - just three. The returning drummer is playing keyboards and sprinkling "fairy dust."
 Steely_D wrote:

Current incarnation: FOUR drummers!

Pat Mastelloto lives in Dripping Springs, outside of Austin. He's worked with a number of Austin-based artists, in addition to about a zillion other projects.
sublime     : )
 aspicer wrote:
Got to see their latest tour about a month ago - incredible!  I highly recommend you go if you are a KC fan at all.  SO impressive seeing 3 full kit drummers at the FRONT of the stage! Wonderfully one of them is Gavin Harrison! {#Drummer}    {#Drummer}      {#Drummer}

I just saw them too - wonderful show.

And I was surprised to see that they added a couple of Belew sung '80s tunes to the set list.

Very interesting how Jakko handled that. 
Got to see their latest tour about a month ago - incredible!  I highly recommend you go if you are a KC fan at all.  SO impressive seeing 3 full kit drummers at the FRONT of the stage. Wonderfully one of them is Gavin Harrison! {#Drummer}     {#Drummer}       {#Drummer}
Have my tickets for their show in October.  Can't wait!!  
 Steely_D wrote:

Current incarnation: FOUR drummers!

Love this tune BTW. 
Just Saw Adrian last night at the Boulder Theater.  He played several tunes on this album.
 Proclivities wrote:

It's cool that they're undertaking a tour again, but honestly, why would any really band need more than one drummer?  Three seems ridiculous, but I guess they have their reasons.

Current incarnation: FOUR drummers!
 jbuhl wrote:
Was just cranking my Thrak earlier this morning

Was just cranking my Thrak earlier this morning
 mapman wrote:
(King Crimson + Pink Floyd + Metallica)/3   =  Porcupine Tree
Steven Wilson (some Porcupine Tree) = (1/5)*King Crimson + (1/5)*Genesis (early) + (1/5)*Yes + (1/10)*Pink Floyd + (1/10)*Jethro Tull + (1/10)*Talk Talk + (1/10)*Kate Bush
almost Radiohead-ish, I like it a lot. ;-)
 coloradojohn wrote:
What a cerebral song...sometimes I get lost in there, drifting with the subtle shifts and Zen-friendly progressions...Thanks, KC and RP!
What cj said.
 Propayne wrote:

Ya know, I gotta agree with you on that. I basically discovered Crimso thru following BB from Yes to KC to UK to Bruford to Earthworks plus his dalliances with Brand X, Gong, Trigger, National Health, Genisis, etc.

I am excited about the latest incarnation of KC with Gavin Harrison on drums.

Would be THE dream team to have both Gavin and Bruford on drums instead of Gavin and Pat. 

Yeah, I'm a big Bruford-head, being a drummer and all. Always liked most of what he's done, so I'm biased of course.

Bill's playing has usually struck me as of course not particularly flashy but when he's not there, you notice he's missing. Like in Yes...Alan is great ofc but when he plays non-Bruford-era material that are his own comps, Yes just isn't the same.

Harrison, sure I can see him as a great drummer in KC.
 BBoyes wrote:
I don't try to overly analyze why I like certain things, but with KC I think it is their sufficiently unconventional and unpredictable composition. It feels mentally refreshing, like I have gotten out of a comfortable groove for a few minutes and looked around me with new perspective. Just sayin...

Can't have too much KC. Not familiar with this album but just grabbed the CD at Amazon with 1-click, and I believe RP gets some token amount for the click-through. Ain't the Internet great (sometimes)? 

I agree completely with everything stated. Us two having a beer or two together would probably lead to an interesting conversation
 westslope wrote:

BTW, Steven Wilson is touring and he is finally coming close to us. 


I will be seeing Steve Wilson this Saturday in NYC
 Proclivities wrote:

It's cool that they're undertaking a tour again, but honestly, why would any really band need more than one drummer?  Three seems ridiculous, but I guess they have their reasons.

Blue Man4 (SP) 2009 Brazil.JPG

It's about that powerful sound man, or something         Time Warp: Blue Man Group Paint Drumming
 Proclivities wrote:

It's cool that they're undertaking a tour again, but honestly, why would any really band need more than one drummer?  Three seems ridiculous, but I guess they have their reasons.

Because they rocked like MoFos. What a great show!
Much more interesting than the latter Belew years, where they were just stringing power chords together. 
Never heard this one from King Crimson before. It's nice, I like it. Might get a higher rating once I hear it a few more times. 
 ShaunJ wrote:

The Crim are currently on tour with 3 drummers (Pat Mastelotto, Bill Rieflin and Gavin Harrison) {#Drummer}

It's cool that they're undertaking a tour again, but honestly, why would any really band need more than one drummer?  Three seems ridiculous, but I guess they have their reasons.

BTW, Steven Wilson is touring and he is finally coming close to us. 
reminds me of Nits, for some reason....{#Think}
What a cerebral song...sometimes I get lost in there, drifting with the subtle shifts and Zen-friendly progressions...Thanks, KC and RP! 
 xnavy wrote:
el unclehud wrote:

Hahahahaha!  I felt the same way years ago when Alan White replaced him on the Yes personnel sheet.  Mr Bruford has a much wider talent than "drummer".

By the wa, I finally came to appreciate Mr White, and saw them plat last month at an open-air venue in Boston.  Vurrrry niiiize.


Without Fripp its not Crimson - no one else

The Crim are currently on tour with 3 drummers (Pat Mastelotto, Bill Rieflin and Gavin Harrison) {#Drummer}
el unclehud wrote:

Hahahahaha!  I felt the same way years ago when Alan White replaced him on the Yes personnel sheet.  Mr Bruford has a much wider talent than "drummer".

By the wa, I finally came to appreciate Mr White, and saw them plat last month at an open-air venue in Boston.  Vurrrry niiiize.


Without Fripp its not Crimson - no one else
 LowPhreak wrote:
If it doesn't have Bruford, it's not Crimson. Pat's a good drummer but nothing like Bill.
Hahahahaha!  I felt the same way years ago when Alan White replaced him on the Yes personnel sheet.  Mr Bruford has a much wider talent than "drummer".

By the way, I finally came to appreciate Mr White, and saw them play last month at an open-air venue in Boston.  Vurrrry niiiize.
 BBoyes wrote:
I don't try to overly analyze why I like certain things, but with KC I think it is their sufficiently unconventional and unpredictable composition. It feels mentally refreshing, like I have gotten out of a comfortable groove for a few minutes and looked around me with new perspective. Just sayin...

Can't have too much KC. Not familiar with this album but just grabbed the CD at Amazon with 1-click, and I believe RP gets some token amount for the click-through. Ain't the Internet great (sometimes)? 
Mentally refreshing - never thought of it like that before but I think you're right about this song...
The last time I saw Belew, he was slinger-in-residence on a Bowie tour. As gifted as Bowie is, I love Belew's vocals. There's an honesty about them.
Saw them do a BRILL show in Tokyo 11 years ago or so and their energy exchange with the audience was really something to FEEL...
 LowPhreak wrote:

If it doesn't have Bruford, it's not Crimson. Pat's a good drummer but nothing like Bill.

Ya know, I gotta agree with you on that. I basically discovered Crimso thru following BB from Yes to KC to UK to Bruford to Earthworks plus his dalliances with Brand X, Gong, Trigger, National Health, Genisis, etc.

I am excited about the latest incarnation of KC with Gavin Harrison on drums.

Would be THE dream team to have both Gavin and Bruford on drums instead of Gavin and Pat. 
I don't try to overly analyze why I like certain things, but with KC I think it is their sufficiently unconventional and unpredictable composition. It feels mentally refreshing, like I have gotten out of a comfortable groove for a few minutes and looked around me with new perspective. Just sayin...

Can't have too much KC. Not familiar with this album but just grabbed the CD at Amazon with 1-click, and I believe RP gets some token amount for the click-through. Ain't the Internet great (sometimes)? 
{#Angel} ........ wonderful stuff Bill; thanks :))
 Propayne wrote:
Going to see Crimson Projeckt here in Richmond next month.

Basically everyone but Fripp. 

If it doesn't have Bruford, it's not Crimson. Pat's a good drummer but nothing like Bill.
Ouite nice !   reminiscent of Alan Parsons Project 
 Typesbad wrote:
Does anyone know where to find digital KC?  I can't find it anywhere short of some obscure Russian site I don't trust.  I'm not trying to get it for free, just trying to get it.  I converted some You tube posts to MP3 to cure my fix but the fidelity does not do the band justice.

There doesn't appear to be any way to legally download (or stream via Spotify) any KC recordings. Crazy but true. 
 Typesbad wrote:
Does anyone know where to find digital KC?  I can't find it anywhere short of some obscure Russian site I don't trust.  I'm not trying to get it for free, just trying to get it.  I converted some You tube posts to MP3 to cure my fix but the fidelity does not do the band justice.

You should be able to get it from the DGM website. 
Absolutely magnificent.  Thank you, Bill.
Does anyone know where to find digital KC?  I can't find it anywhere short of some obscure Russian site I don't trust.  I'm not trying to get it for free, just trying to get it.  I converted some You tube posts to MP3 to cure my fix but the fidelity does not do the band justice.
I recognize that King Crimson was one of the pioneering groups of modern music, but man this song is terrible.
yuk  -

geez, very yuk.

Everybody in my church loves this song...
For anyone who likes this, seek out an album called "the lost letter z" by Thomas Lang - a great lost masterpiece. 
Been a lot of King Crimson the past couple of days... I'm diggin' it.
 dew34 wrote:
another of the had not heard before-so...thanks!-Excellent
Probably the song I LEAST remember from this AMAZING album...yet, I MUST give it an '8'.....

More Crimson PLEASE, Bill!!!!

king crimson lite, indeed                 (not necessarily a good thing)

Going to see Crimson Projeckt here in Richmond next month.

Basically everyone but Fripp. 
Yep. Really liking this!
another of the had not heard before-so...thanks!-Excellent
Wonderful tune - one of the best from Thrak.  LOVE KC!  Wouldn't hurt to hear some stuff from Discipline here as well - probably the ONLY station I can imagine that would actually go there....love RP too!
 bobringer wrote:


King Crimson = (Tool / 2) + (Porcupine Tree - Opeth) 
{#Roflol} I've been cracking up reading all the King Crimson math equations.  They're all well thought out and look quite good on paper but don't forget to factor in ELP somewhere in there.{#Think}

 Deadwing wrote:
I've been a huge KC fan for decades- one of the odd ones that enjoy all phases of their music. I agree that for someone just getting into them Discipline would be a great jumping off point.

I assume that all the hardcore KC fans out there already know that they are playing some live shows this August in Chicago, NYC, and Philly. The 2 Nashville warm up shows are already sold out but there may be some tickets available for the other shows. I bought tickets for me and my hubby the day they went on sale so we'll be at the Thursday night show in Chicago at the Park West.

The lineup this time is-

Robert Fripp
Adrian Belew
Tony Levin
Pat Mastelotto
Gavin Harrison (the drummer from Porcupine Tree)

They've already completed the first of 3 rehearsal sessions and apparently the double drumming (or sonic fury as Fripp puts it) of Harrison and Mastelotto is promising to be very formidable
The downside to living in the bush in Africa {#Think}

 CamLwalk wrote:
I dug this album...a lot.  Saw the Crim in NYC that tour.  Incredible.  Not long after that I saw Fripp, Belew, and Levin at Valentines in Albany (some sort of Crim side project...think it was called Project X or something).  Still can't believe I got to hear Robert Fripp in that tiny club!
Envious ... in a good way {#Cheers}
I was completely unaware of the existence of this track ... thanks! {#Cheers} Timeless rendition! {#Sunny}
(King Crimson + Pink Floyd + Metallica)/3   =  Porcupine Tree

 scrubbrush wrote:
King Crimson = Tool - Porcupine Tree?

King Crimson = (Tool / 2) + (Porcupine Tree - Opeth) 
Back in the day, i was a fan of them. Specially the lyrics were awsome! Lost them on the way of life!

scrubbrush wrote:
King Crimson = Tool - Porcupine Tree?

King Crimson = teacher 

I've seen Crimso 3 or 4 times also.

One of my favorite all-time bands. They've had a long successful career for a reason. 
King Crimson = Tool - Porcupine Tree?

Not typical for KC. But its the KC usual amazing quality. State of the art.
 pianocomposer wrote:
While the true blue KC fan will love LTIA and S&BB, these albums are not for the faint of heart. That stuff is VERY experimental and qualifies as "difficult listening hour" to coin a Laurie Anderson phrase. I would stay away from the older KC stuff until you've gotten used to their more accessible later work. Rare are the KC fans that enjoy the old stuff (like Bible Black and Lark's Tongue) and also like the new yellow-red-blue albums. They are like two different groups that happen to share one common member. To me, they are two different bands and two different sounds.
Thrack, BTW, is kind of a throwback to the old days. It reminds me of a metallic (and more creative) Porcupine Tree. It may be hard to believe that there are better progrock bands than PT, but King Crimson is superior IMO.
Well said. Cheers, pianocomposer!
btw, I enjoy all periods of KC. Seen them live many times and they never disappoint.
Howling, howling, howling, old awful song.
This is my first time hearing this song.  I agree with the earlier poster who described it as timeless.  Nice choice.
 helgigermany wrote:

King Crimson - One Time, still "timeless"... soaring...
Wow. I thought this was some strange sounding Sting tune. (strange for Sting, that is)
Lo and behold it's KC.
Cool, haven't heard this before. 
Really pissed that I missed Adrian Belew the last TWO times he's played at the Aladdin here in Portland. Anyone catch the really big shoe?
First time hearing this ..... really digging it!!   {#Clap}