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Dave Matthews — Stay Or Leave
Album: Some Devil
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Total ratings: 695

Released: 2003
Length: 3:56
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Maybe different but remember
Winters warm where you and I
Kissing whiskey by the fire
With the snow outside
And when the summer comes in the river
swims at midnight shiver cold
Touch the bottom you and I
With muddy toes

Stay or leave
I want you not to go
But you should
It was good as good goes
Stay or leave
I want you not to go
But you did

Wake up naked drinking coffee
Making plans to change the world
While the world is changing us
It was good good love
You used to laugh under the covers
Maybe not so often now
But the way I used to laugh with you
Was loud and hard

Stay or leave
I want you not to go
But you should
It was good as good, goes
Stay or leave
I want you not to go
But you did

So what to do
With the rest of the day's afternoon
Isn't it strange how we change everything we did
Did I do all that I should?
That I coulda done

Remember we used to dance
When everyone wanted to be you and me
I want to be too
What day is this?
Besides the day you left me
What day is this?
Besides the day you went
So what to do with the rest of the day's afternoon
Isn't it strange how we change everything we did
Did I do all that I could?

Remember we used to dance
When everyone wanted to be you and me
I want to be too
What day is this?
Besides the day you left me
What day is this?
Comments (146)add comment
Didn't he have a bad experience with his tour bus on a Chicago bridge?  Anybody identify the bridge on the album cover?  Did this album pre or post date that bridge incident?
Dave's voice touches my heart....
 (anonymous) wrote:

This song is good for the ears...

No measurable effect as far as I can tell.
I too enjoy kissing whiskey by the fire. 
The best song I've heard from Dave in years! Great lyrics, and a ton of fun to play on guitar.

Dave Matthews, Farm aid 2008-3 by ~JennyLynn
Great album. Somehow much more cohesive without the "band"...
Basically can't stand this man's music, whether solo or with his group.
not a great DM fan, not a hater either.
this song sounds great to me.

Just for future reference..... this is NOT DMB...  just the DM sans B
it kind of sounds like a David Grey song is playing in the background on this
This is a beautiful song, as is evidence by my cube mate who 'hates' DMB but asked who does this song.
What a great song.
One of those songs that came out and listened to in a life change situation. Hated the time but love the song.
What a big, steaming pile of pretension.
Christ has he been staying with Chris and Gwyneth or something?
should an artist be judged by his/her fans? If so, then Dave has some problems. I saw him at a major festival some years ago, and the crowd was not only huge but they totally did NOT get the whole festival idea. Rude, aggressive, and territorial. Sad. That point aside, I just don't "get" the buzz about DMB. Sorry.
I haven't heard this song from DMB before and I like it!
MonkeyPod wrote:
Perhaps the way a person acquires their food and the methods of slaughter and environmental impact would be a better fit for your choice of example? Or a person who would choose to let those who prepare their food to suffer poverty when a larger ratio of their disposable income could dramatically improve other's lives. Whether someone enjoys Cheetos or Foie Gras was not the focus of my point.
If your point is that compassion is a virtue, then we're in agreement.
It was good As good goes... What day is this except the day you left me
mikedill wrote:
and what's the deal with corn nuts? Is it a corn, or is it a nut?
Now that was funny!!!! LOL!!
though it has nothing to do with the song, I have to mention that Hitler was not a vegetarian. He wanted people to think so apparently. Just had to set the record straight. Not a bad song though.
I think Dave is "different" in the best possible way. And he is a genius.
Odyzzeuz wrote:
You're confusing character with taste. I'm sure there are plenty of people of virtuous character who have odd tastes. Both Hitler and Gandhi, for instance, were vegetarians. Their personal taste in food were not predictors of their character. So, no, I think that one's choices as a consumer, within norms, predict very little about character. Nice try, though.
Perhaps the way a person acquires their food and the methods of slaughter and environmental impact would be a better fit for your choice of example? Or a person who would choose to let those who prepare their food to suffer poverty when a larger ratio of their disposable income could dramatically improve other's lives. Whether someone enjoys Cheetos or Foie Gras was not the focus of my point.
MonkeyPod wrote:
Observation: Can a person's true character be exposed by what they choose to define: The things they like versus the things they dislike? What about people who express love or hate openly? Just a though.
You're confusing character with taste. I'm sure there are plenty of people of virtuous character who have odd tastes. Both Hitler and Gandhi, for instance, were vegetarians. Their personal taste in food were not predictors of their character. So, no, I think that one's choices as a consumer, within norms, predict very little about character. Nice try, though.
Observation: Can a person's true character be exposed by what they choose to define: The things they like versus the things they dislike? What about people who express love or hate openly? Just a thought.
Limpopoking wrote:
who gives a shit... if u like it, listen to it... if not, don't. i like it, so i listen to it.... (life 101)
Thanks for the advice. I'd already switched to another station for the duration. I'm glad this is bringing joy to someone.
who gives a shit... if u like it, listen to it... if not, don't. i like it, so i listen to it.... (life 101)
Odyzzeuz wrote:
It's only music if you enjoy it. Otherwise it's noise.
Rather subjective. I don't care for the absolute tone of this. "It's only music to you if you enjoy it. Otherwise I feel that it's just noise." Sorry to nitpick, it's just that I can't see myself calling something noise if I don't care for something that's popular... well, unless it's rap.
Well, NOW we're getting somewhere. Odyzzeuz wrote:
It's only music if you enjoy it. Otherwise it's noise.
one word - GENIUS faaaabulus
sesomswim wrote:
open your minds. brilliantly simple melody and poignant lyrics. just b/c you don't get him doesn't make it bad. people like what they like, and a lot of people like this. i'm amazed at the aneurysms people pop over this stuff. it's all just music folks, so enjoy it for what it is.
It's only music if you enjoy it. Otherwise it's noise.
Hey, Dave! Just STAY!
and what's the deal with corn nuts? Is it a corn, or is it a nut? queenjill wrote:
I can't stand this guy. What is the deal with him? He's so AVERAGE. Bleah. 2.
I vote Leave.
steeler wrote:
He often, like here, sounds too disjointed in his vocal delivery for my tastes.
It IS a rather unusual style, clipping off the syllables. But later in the song his phrasing flows more, so there's an interesting contrast going on. I like DM and B a lot, but recognize he's not for everyone. Especially when DMB was so ridiculously overplayed on commercial radio. c.
open your minds. brilliantly simple melody and poignant lyrics. just b/c you don't get him doesn't make it bad. people like what they like, and a lot of people like this. i'm amazed at the aneurysms people pop over this stuff. it's all just music folks, so enjoy it for what it is.
I feel like he dwells too much on the past in this album. Much more so than previous ones. He used to be enjoyable, but now I get a bit depressed listening to this lovesick drivel he puts out. 3. And not even deserving of that if you ask me.
steeler wrote:
He often, like here, sounds too disjointed in his vocal delivery for my tastes.
when I first heard this song I FELT it and MEANT it because that was exactly what was going on in my life then and its a jerky feeling being bounced back and forth between hope and hate and wonder and worry and trying to let it slide but it just catches like your breath after running away or crying hard
mrryzy wrote:
i dont actually mind this, but i just dont like the look of his smug face on the album cover - that really doesnt help
I would have sworn that guy on the cover is Jeremy Piven. c.
He often, like here, sounds too disjointed in his delivery for my tastes.
NiceGuy2005 wrote:
I thought this guy was dead...not really...but talk about a blast from the past...actually the song is interesting...but then again its is DMB...or is it just DM?
This album is just DM... but since then he's back to recording with DMB. He's always been around, his stuff just doesn't always make it to radio play.
CoYoT51 wrote:
It's simple!!!! Very good melodies, tremendous instrumentists (not evident in this song), deep lyrics. This guy is quite talented, obviously, objectivly!!!
"tremendous instrumentists (not evident in this song)" -> "objectivly!!!" hahahahaha.
It's simple!!!! Very good melodies, tremendous instrumentists (not evident in this song), deep lyrics. This guy is quite talented, obviously, objectivly!!!
i dont actually mind this, but i just dont like the look of his smug face on the album cover - that really doesnt help
I hope Dave doesn't read everyones comments, It might turn him into a Robert Smith type.
For somebody who seems so much to dislike him, you must have listened to a great deal of his music quite a bit to deduce that they're all the same. It doesn't take a good musical ear to notice that, like him or not, his songs hardly all sound the same. Alpine wrote:
The same long boring song he always does. They are all the same!
queenjill wrote:
I can't stand this guy. What is the deal with him? He's so AVERAGE. Bleah. 2.
The same long boring song he always does. They are all the same!
I can't stand this guy. What is the deal with him? He's so AVERAGE. Bleah. 2.
Dave's got depth, you can't deny him that.
Land_Shark wrote:
I have never "gotten" Dave Matthews. It seems as if all of his music is tired and overplayed. When I hear him it's alsmost as if I can feel a headache coming on ... that slow thud to the temple. But, that's just me and I know lots of people like DMB, so I have no problem with hearing them on the RP playlist.
Yeah, I have never gotten it either. The aural equivalent of wallpaper to me ... blends in with the background. And yet some find him a poet. Such makes horseraces, I guess.
I have never "gotten" Dave Matthews. It seems as if all of his music is tired and overplayed. When I hear him it's alsmost as if I can feel a headache coming on ... that slow thud to the temple. But, that's just me and I know lots of people like DMB, so I have no problem with hearing them on the RP playlist.
i only ever listened to early Dave... back in college of course. however, i do kinda like this one... relaxing, and without the backup gospel singers that really got on my nerves in songs such as 'stay'... i'll go 6, maybe 7 after subsequent listens.
I thought this guy was dead...not really...but talk about a blast from the past...actually the song is interesting...but then again its is DMB...or is it just DM?
This is one of the most poetic and "real" song I've ever heard.
Just occurred to me--Matthews' voice would be perfect for music aimed at children. His register would suit tales of animated forest creatures and the like. Think about it, Dave.
OK song. It doesn't really make me mad (like with other posters here). The high pitched yodeling makes me laugh. It's becoming his signature sound in an almost caricature-like way.
OmegaConcern wrote:
Is anyone else as sick of Dave as I am? I used to love his stuff. Now, not so much. Bores me, actually.
I agree. I think the 12-step program killed the creativity.
You hear one Dave Matthews song, you've heard them all. And I didn't like the one I heard. Is this the same one? I can't tell!
Wow it's been a long time since I heard some Dave. In these lesser doses he really isn't that bad.
Stay or leave? Ummm, I take leave please.
Enough! Enough Dave Matthews! What the H is this? whiney radio?
ploba wrote:
is so....
I'm Cute!
Stay of Leave, I choose to leave every time I hear this tired stuff. adios
GChevy410 wrote:
Hey Bill, thanks for playing these songs they are hitting my mood just right. I havent been able to get a woman out of my head in 6 years, and we hung out this past week, and everything came back a 1000 fold.
No stalking allowed!!
Is anyone else as sick of Dave as I am? I used to love his stuff. Now, not so much. Bores me, actually.
Shesdifferent wrote:
He's not even cute
is so....
Hey Bill, thanks for playing these songs they are hitting my mood just right. I havent been able to get a woman out of my head in 6 years, and we hung out this past week, and everything came back a 1000 fold.
What is wrong with you guys, this is good music! Dave Matthews has some very bad and some very goood pieces, and this is certainly among the good ones.
If FOX News was a radio station, this is something they would play. Hence, this does not belong on this station.
mafe wrote:
I wanna say this is Coldplayish. Or Coldplay is Dave Matthewsish? Damn everybody sounds like someone else nowadays...
I'm not a fan of DMB at all, but the DMB was around LONG before Coldplay. Also, all rock music (can you even call it that anymore?) can trace its roots to one samll area of New Orleans. . . Congo Square. That is why it all sounds the same. Look it up!
jerseygirl wrote:
i know i am in the minority but i can't stand this guy! what is it that people like? it's grating - yuck.
Jerseygirl, your rating scale indicates a bi-polar disorder. Please seek help.
I wanna say this is Coldplayish. Or Coldplay is Dave Matthewsish? Damn everybody sounds like someone else nowadays...
Maybe this should be titled "take it or leave". Mute.....
catmaven wrote:
Someone below called it "melancholic." YEs, yes, the very word. Also, like the previous song, a lack of singing ability manifests itself. Aren't there any songs with singers? I really hate this wailing. Another minute and you will play that awful woman singing "Rain," the quintessential depressive song. :-s :verysorry: :whip:
Agree that this is not top-notch talent, but it IS some degree of talent and it should be respected. PS- That "awful woman" you refer to has a name, it's Patti Griffin, and oh by the way...she oozes talent, maybe you need your ears fixed?!
i know i am in the minority but i can't stand this guy! what is it that people like? it's grating - yuck.
This is pop music. There's no debating it. DM & JM may not be as talented as many in the indi music industry. But you have to admit they are raising the bar as far as pop music standards. Perhaps having Dave & John as part of the mainstream music scene will help the top 40 listeners realize that the world doesn't need another Britney!
physicsgenius wrote:
The word "talented" in a musical context is usually reserved for people who can sing, write, compose or play.
Likewise the word "genius" is usually reserved for a person with an IQ above that of an earthworm.
seekinggrace wrote:
I agree about the radio. It's sad he's so overplayed because he's very talented and it's unfortunate that his and the band's talent is so peripheral when it gets played as much as it is.
The word "talented" in a musical context is usually reserved for people who can sing, write, compose or play.
number6 wrote:
Can someone please explain to me why Dave Matthews is everywhere on the radio ... and now also on my beloved RP, too? EXPLAIN! Is it because he's cute? His music sucks rocks.
I agree about the radio. It's sad he's so overplayed because he's very talented and it's unfortunate that his and the band's talent is so peripheral when it gets played as much as it is.
Great song!! I sometimes wonder if I prefer Dave Matthews with this group (Tim Reynolds, Trey Anastasio, Brady Blade, Tony Hall, and anyone I forgot) over his normal band. I love both but definitely wonder what would evolve if Dave hung out with his 'friends' more often.
Thanks for playing this!! This is so beautifully sad.
Hey, Dave is doing his this, there is no doubt that he is one of a kind, I love him no matter what he does
Be nice to hear some of the more 'eclectic' dave from say 'before these crowded streets' like: dreaming tree, or the stone. mmm mmm
radiojunkie wrote:
But aside from all these arguments about whether Dave is any good or not, anybody notice that "ca-ca-cha-ca-cha" rhythm he does in the background is lifted whole out of the old John Mayall live recording, "Room to Move"? Anybody care? Didn't think so. :oops:
You are so very observant, I noticed, but I, OH GREAT ONE am not fortunate enough to be as knowledgeable as you.
number6 wrote:
Can someone please explain to me why Dave Matthews is everywhere on the radio ... and now also on my beloved RP, too? EXPLAIN! Is it because he's cute? His music sucks rocks.
He's not even cute
Love this guy and his style. Cannot subscribe to all the haters' reasons, although respect them wholeheartedly. IMHO he's truly awesome and an inspired musician/composer/interpreter.
Can someone please explain to me why Dave Matthews is everywhere on the radio ... and now also on my beloved RP, too? EXPLAIN! Is it because he's cute? His music sucks rocks.
Leave. please.
But aside from all these arguments about whether Dave is any good or not, anybody notice that "ca-ca-cha-ca-cha" rhythm he does in the background is lifted whole out of the old John Mayall live recording, "Room to Move"? Anybody care? Didn't think so. :oops:
catmaven wrote:
Someone below called it "melancholic." YEs, yes, the very word. Also, like the previous song, a lack of singing ability manifests itself. Aren't there any songs with singers? I really hate this wailing. Another minute and you will play that awful woman singing "Rain," the quintessential depressive song. :-s :verysorry: :whip:
Never come to my house.
Someone below called it "melancholic." YEs, yes, the very word. Also, like the previous song, a lack of singing ability manifests itself. Aren't there any songs with singers? I really hate this wailing. Another minute and you will play that awful woman singing "Rain," the quintessential depressive song. :roll: :-s :verysorry: :whip:
been listening to DMB for over 8 years...this song most definitley is influenced by Coldplay.
ChardRemains wrote:
Oh so that's why I can't stand John Mayer OR Dave Matthews. Thanks for enlightening me!
No problem.
wonderplum wrote:
"wake up naked, drinking coffee, making plans to change the world"- that's me every morning
Yeah that's what I wake up thinking every morning, but instead of making plans to change the world, I make plans to rule the world (pimp)
wxman wrote:
I don't think you would have ever heard of John mayer if it weren't for the influence Matthews had on his development as a musician and artist.
john mayer is to this generation what john tesh was to the 80's :o
ljr wrote:
Dave is loosing is creativity. I think that the best albums are the first few DMB cds. I wish that Dave would stop singing higher than he realy can and come down to earth. For my money John Mayer is far more talented song writer and a better guitarist than Dave.
john mayer =
Leetzy wrote:
Not normally a huge fan, but these lyrics are absolutely poetic. Well done, Dave.Posted 19 years ago by emilym7    [ Reply ]
"wake up naked, drinking coffee, making plans to change the world"- that's me every morning
ummmm... yeah, i think i'll be leaving.
Anyone have a link to the lyrics of this song? There's not one on the DMB site. I found it. Thanks anyhow.
Not normally a huge fan, but these lyrics are absolutely poetic. Well done, Dave.
wxman wrote:
I don't think you would have ever heard of John mayer if it weren't for the influence Matthews had on his development as a musician and artist.
Oh so that's why I can't stand John Mayer OR Dave Matthews. Thanks for enlightening me!
I used to absolutely LOVE Dave Matthews Band... not at all really now. I think if this song was sung by someone else, a different voice, I would enjoy it more. but I still give it a 6.
Have to admit that DM just doesn't do anything for me. Really not sure why. I just find the songs boring for some reason. Recently saw band as part of Vote for Change show in D.C., and it was my first time seeing them live. Thought it might change my feeling about their music, but it did not. Sorry.
I think I don't like Dave Matthews Band so much (too straight forward), but this is nice! a simple, melancholic song...
Mainstream equals bad? How didn't I figure that out? So when Nirvana or Jimi Henrix were popular they were bad? I think I understand now. Someone put it perfectly "snobby haters."
DMB either hits or misses with me. I actually like this song, couldn't figure out why until I read richards comment...I love Coldplay, and this song comes real close to that simple, melodic style, even resembles Chris Martin vocally a little in the end. So this song is nice to listen too, but not sure if I would credit DMB or Coldplay for that
Been enjoying the DM break on RP playlist. Once in a while is better than several times a day. Saw him on the PBS Farm Aide Highlights this weekend - not such a highlight.
I'm just going to say it. I like Dave Matthews, and I'm proud of it. Snobby haterz.
Nice song from him, resembles Coldplay in my ears...
Sin-e wrote:
You and LJR are both serverly retarded...or ignorant. I apologize for someone utilizing techniques not so accepted in the mainstream.
I do not understand your reply. I assure you that I am not retarded. So of what am I ignorant? For whom are you apologizing? DMB? DMB is so mainstream as if they were designed by marketing formula. Please enlighten.
wxman wrote:
I don't think you would have ever heard of John mayer if it weren't for the influence Matthews had on his development as a musician and artist.
Excellent reply, wxman. I totally agree. Now this song instead of growing in me.. it is kind of dimming...hum....
ljr wrote:
Dave is loosing is creativity. I think that the best albums are the first few DMB cds. I wish that Dave would stop singing higher than he realy can and come down to earth. For my money John Mayer is far more talented song writer and a better guitarist than Dave.
I don't think you would have ever heard of John mayer if it weren't for the influence Matthews had on his development as a musician and artist.
Enrique wrote:
Verily! DMB is the milk :( It is good for a musician to push... but not this far past his ability. Gracias a Dios for the mute button. Difficult to say who is worse DMB or John Mayer.
You and LJR are both serverly retarded...or ignorant. I apologize for someone utilizing techniques not so accepted in the mainstream.
ljr wrote:
Dave is loosing is creativity. I think that the best albums are the first few DMB cds. I wish that Dave would stop singing higher than he realy can and come down to earth. For my money John Mayer is far more talented song writer and a better guitarist than Dave.
Verily! DMB is the milk :( It is good for a musician to push... but not this far past his ability. Gracias a Dios for the mute button. Difficult to say who is worse DMB or John Mayer.