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Pearl Jam — Black
Album: Ten
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Total ratings: 5272

Released: 1991
Length: 5:28
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Sheets of empty canvas
Untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me
As her body once did

All five horizons
Revolved around her soul
As the Earth reaches the Sun
Now, the air I tasted and breathed
Has taken a turn

Ooh, and all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands
Chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything
All the pictures have
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything

I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter
So why do I sear?

Mm, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the Sun can drop away
And now my bitter hands
Cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures have
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything
All the love gone bad
Turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be, yeah

I know that someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky
But why, why, why can't it be
Why can't it be mine?
Ah, yeah
Uh, woo-hoo
Comments (716)add comment
This song brings back memories of one of my best mates absolutely broken hearted by who he thought was his one true love breaking up with him. He was my flatmate at the time and I can still hear him singing Black from the very depths of his soul back in the early nineties. To end the story on a happy note he ended up marrying another true love and is raising a beautiful family. 
 DanFHiggins wrote:

Man that is an easy TEN.

ELEVEN from me!!!
Wow, only a few notes and I instantly need to listen to the whole album. It throws me back through my teenage years... See ya in 54 minutes! ;))
Really nice descending muted 4 note bass riff.  Perfect intro!
Likely played by Jeff Ament.


Quote from Jeff:

I have to be able to feel the bass. I've worked hard with our producers to make sure that when you play our records on your stereo, you can feel the bass. You might not necessarily be able to hear it all the time, but if you turn it up you can feel the movement in the low end—that it's moving the song. And when it's not there, it should be creating a dynamic.

"What a fucking great song." *

*I wish I could have said that when I was in radio...
 BCarn wrote:

Damn! I was late liking this band. I hate missing liking bands when they're together.

GOOD NEWS!!   They are STILL TOGETHER ,  touring  & recording new tunes!  
Outstanding after all these years✌️
It only gets better with age.
I've had to up vote from an 8 to a 9 simply because the more I hear it, the better it gets. Surely a sign of quality. Plus the live version made me well up with emotion at the audience participation. Such respect. 
this album brings back so many good memories of times before life got in the way. All of a sudden I'm 35 again and drinking too much, seeing too many bands and not caring.
 BCarn wrote:

Damn! I was late liking this band. I hate missing liking bands when they're together.

Well, you are in luck!!!  They are still together & touring!!!   GREAT TUNE!!!
 njswede wrote:

Quite possibly the best rock song of the 90s and top 10 best rock songs ever!

ah ah ah ah !!!
A lot of classic grunge bores me now, but this entire album still holds up.
 junkee_bizness wrote:

I wish I were heart-broken and sing this line, "i know someday you'll have a beautiful life, i know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine?"

Understanding that it's your wish, I disagree.
 DanFHiggins wrote:

Man that is an easy TEN.

and I'm the tenth here to like this comment 
 BCarn wrote:

Damn! I was late liking this band. I hate missing liking bands when they're together.

They're still together. 

Nous sommes à Marseille et on adore RP ! on vous écoute le plus souvent possible, par ce que toute la musique que l'on aime passe surtout sur RP
Longue vie!
Shivers every time!
I was at a show where the band did a 10 min version of this song and I enjoyed every minute. The studio version is a 10. Live, this song is an 11.
For all dreaming, and those already heartbroken. Timeless piece. Ten, easy 
Timeless classic to float away on...
Great song!
Man that is an easy TEN.
Quite possibly the best rock song of the 90s and top 10 best rock songs ever!
Forever! 🖤
 ScottishWillie wrote:
I remember being more taken with this album that Nevermind back in 1991.

 me too. this was the album that gave me hope that glam rock was dying and 'real' rock was making a comeback.

Grunge in the US, Brit pop in Europe in the 90's. awsome!
Kinda like it better when I'm the only one singing along.{#Dancingbanana}
I could listen to this album every day.  
Damn! I was late liking this band. I hate missing liking bands when they're together.
 johnalexford wrote:
Golly - 25+ years ago! Regret not seeing them in concert...A fine choice, RP!
One of my favorite concerts was seeing Pearl Jam from front row center seats at the Great Western Forum in LA in '97. It pays to join fan clubs and get first crack at the tickets. Tenacious D opened for them. I caught a pick Jack Black tossed into the crowd. Good times.

Shits on empty canvas...
Bill you guys are amazing.  I love the fact I can now play 'My favourites'  
A W E S O M E !
Long Live                                                                                             Radio Paradise
Rating to me                                                                             8 - Most Excellent    BUT WEAK 
down with nihilism!
I couldn't stand Grunge in the 90's and it wasn't until shortly after Kurt Cobain died did i realize how good it can be.  Never liked Nirvana or Perl Jam.  Thank God we still have Perl Jam... And Radio Paradise because that is where I finally got it...
 Grayson wrote:
Oh for f's sake! Please with this tossers' fave song ever... again! I'm asking Alexa to play me some jazz now. Jeez. 

Dude... You're the one claiming to possess a horcrux. {#Roflol}
Love Pearl Jam. Came to them (very) late courtesy of RP.
Oh for f's sake! Please with this tossers' fave song ever... again! I'm asking Alexa to play me some jazz now. Jeez. 
 Stephen_Phillips wrote:
Not good in a song where the singer sings and the guitarist and pianist play the the same riff at the same time and repeat over and over again until it gets so tiresome they have to fade it out.

That's the best part IMHO
Golly - 25+ years ago! Regret not seeing them in concert...A fine choice, RP!
Ahhh.....to be back in college again!
Does somebody actually type out "Ah, yeah/Uh, woo-hoo" for the lyrics feed?
Not good in a song where the singer sings and the guitarist and pianist play the the same riff at the same time and repeat over and over again until it gets so tiresome they have to fade it out.
 GeorgeMWoods wrote:
Horrible. My first thought was AC/DC, Slayer or some such similar crap.


Ahahahahahah! You made my day, thanks! 

Obviously you never listened to any of those bands, right?
 Jota wrote:

Nevermind was a production failure, making that kind of music 'shiny' just doesn't work.  Incesticide is much better in that respect.

I'm not sure if "production failure" is the right term - that album sold around 30 million copies worldwide.
 passsion8 wrote:
Hey guys, you know that feeling after you pee where you get that little shake? Now imagine trying to sing at that moment… And you'll have Eddie Vedder's voice 

Your post leaves me somewhere between
{#Eek}   and   {#Roflol}
Very harsh and crude...but often true. Occasionally Eddie's voice fits the music and lyrics perfectly but not that often. 

Hey, at least he wasn't into ukuleles at this point in his career. 

Hey guys, you know that feeling after you pee where you get that little shake? Now imagine trying to sing at that moment… And you'll have Eddie Vedder's voice 
 ScottishWillie wrote:

I remember being more taken with this album that Nevermind back in 1991.

Nevermind was a production failure, making that kind of music 'shiny' just doesn't work.  Incesticide is much better in that respect.
Image result for pearl jam black gifs
Horrible. My first thought was AC/DC, Slayer or some such similar crap.

I remember being more taken with this album that Nevermind back in 1991.

Another trip back to a specific time.. Long hot summers, swimming in the pool, friends over for BBQ the consumption of too much VB and bourbon and this album blasting out. Different times not necessarily better times.
 Johnny_Wave wrote:
This song still sucks, no matter how many times I hear it.   Automatic PSD

Something brings this along exactly when it's needed..
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Up to 10 today.  My ears consider this to be Godlike.

Godlike every time ! 
My fave PJ tune....and so sad.
Not a huge PJ fan but this is pretty great song.  
Never really listened to this...he's hurtin'
Painting it black wasn't enough, somebody cut back tattooe underneath. It's everyday to me.
what a song and what a debut album.

{#Cry} Brings tears to my eyes
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Up to 10 today.  My ears consider this to be Godlike.

I agree. Still one of my all-time favorite guitar/piano riff endings! {#Bananajam}
 DaidyBoy wrote:
Up to 10 today.  My ears consider this to be Godlike.

Mine too, mine too...
                       I put my best friend in the picture.
             Spread ! New age pilgrims let's go rubbernecking.
          Pretty, Let's go get that big fish from local fish story,
     Please, let's at one point wonder, can we wolf down all in two.
    We sleep  in bungalows, and even the air around us we remember.
Up to 10 today.  My ears consider this to be Godlike.
Is this the third time I've heard this song in three days? I'm home nursing a newborn at the moment so it could be my brain, but I'm pretty sure it's not ...
I heard the first 4 notes and had to make sure I had already given this a 10.  Check.
Back to spreadsheets as serenaded by Eddie Vedder.
do do dee do dowe doo  (repeat ad nauseam).
 rdo wrote:

I just bought PJ 10 so I could add it to my Nano ($6 at Amazon!, you get the digital for free if you buy the CD).  I deleted this song, and Alive, from my playlist right off the bat.  Oh yeah, forgot to say I deleted Evenflow too.


You'll regret that someday,my boy.   {#Naughty}
Hard to describe this song...on so many levels...just awesome!!
 LPCity wrote:
The tough and true reality, set to music that does it justice.

For the most part I don't like Pearl Jam's stuff, or Eddie's singing. But the few songs featuring his voice that I like, I love. This is one of them. The last stanza really hits home. 
fitzworld wrote:
This is one of those tunes that NEVER gets tiring!!!

Exactly! I've just shared this and wrote "Anytime, anywhere" 
 fitzworld wrote:
This is one of those tunes that NEVER gets tiring!!!

Well, this is not true for every listener....
This is one of those tunes that NEVER gets tiring!!!
 Stardust83 wrote:
Yes, we get it, Black was a huge hit. PSD from Pearl Jam already, please!!!

Yeah, I have nearly all of Pearl Jam on my ipod.  Never listen to it anymore.
One off the best rock group
 G O D L I K E
 DaidyBoy wrote:

RIP Mr Casem, thanks for all the fun you brought to my childhood and many of the years since.

did you all know that he did the voice for Shaggy in the 70's/80's Scooby Doo series? 
 Wendigo wrote:
One of the best PJ songs.

THE best in my opinion!
Takes me back ....
 lemmoth wrote:
As Casy Kasem would say (Google him young'uns) "This is one of the finest songs of the rock era!"

RIP Mr Casem, thanks for all the fun you brought to my childhood and many of the years since.
The tough and true reality, set to music that does it justice.
Tired of it! Thank god for PSD.
This song still sucks, no matter how many times I hear it.   Automatic PSD
 vaiodon wrote:

Same here, but it was Radio Paradise that made the introduction for me.

I've heard it said that one has only the capacity to juggle a finite number of activities at any time, raising kids definitely qualifies as a double or triple time effort.

That is really interesting when you think of it because I know I do and prolly at lot of us take it for granted that we all think these hit songs are familiar to everyone.  Much of the 60s music played here is new to me.  I am sure to those who were in school at the time take it for granted the music is known to younger folks like me.
 teleskialaska wrote:

As a 50 something year old, I missed PJ when they hit the scene, busy raising kids and all. My daughter burned me a copy of "10" for my 40th birthday. I have been a fan ever since, great album, great band, great musicians. I love Eddie's solo work. Not sure why the angst, I guess it is some people’s nature.

Same here, but it was Radio Paradise that made the introduction for me.

I've heard it said that one has only the capacity to juggle a finite number of activities at any time, raising kids definitely qualifies as a double or triple time effort.
 Peter_Bradshaw wrote:
{#Heartkiss} O U T S T A N D I N G
So much kissing careful not to get cooties
{#Heartkiss}   .... Luv it   "O U T S T A N D I N G"
One of the best PJ songs.
I've been listening to 10 lately, and I am starting to see why a lot of people do not like Ed's voice.  I wonder why the song Jeremy did not make the RP playlist?  That was the 4th hit off this CD and it still sounds great to me.   

As a 50 something year old, I missed PJ when they hit the scene, busy raising kids and all. My daughter burned me a copy of "10" for my 40th birthday. I have been a fan ever since, great album, great band, great musicians. I love Eddie's solo work. Not sure why the angst, I guess it is some people’s nature.

Yes, we get it, Black was a huge hit. PSD from Pearl Jam already, please!!!
 rdo wrote:
GOD LIKE, but still, PSD.......


That's how I feel about it, too.
I was the first person to purchase this CD back in 1990-1991 before anyone knew who they were. I had Temple of the Dog too.  But as much as I enjoyed some of the songs, many of the cuts on Ten just meander for my tastes.  The few songs I like I love, but I've really gotten bored with many of the slow paced tunes.  Ed's voice does not help either, IMHO.
 iTuner wrote:

I find Vedder's later solo work to be superior to his Pearl Jam days. Would much rather listen to his Into the Wild soundtrack than this overly dramatic song. 
Well then you'd have to toss out about 75% of music based on your "overly dramatic" criteria. Understatement has its place, as does dramatics.

I just bought PJ 10 so I could add it to my Nano ($6 at Amazon!, you get the digital for free if you buy the CD).  I deleted this song, and Alive, from my playlist right off the bat.  Oh yeah, forgot to say I deleted Evenflow too.

 lemmoth wrote:
As Casy Kasem would say (Google him young'uns) "This is one of the finest songs of the rock era!"

I find Vedder's later solo work to be superior to his Pearl Jam days. Would much rather listen to his Into the Wild soundtrack than this overly dramatic song. 
GOD LIKE, but still, PSD.......
 tkelley wrote:
Can't quite figure out the answer here.  I detest repetitive muzak like The Smiths which is boring, careening between two chords, and unmoving.  Sorry Smith fans.  However, though this tune is largely a repetitive lead line, it is captivating.  Perhaps the chord changes, but it is relentless and moving, like the Cash version of Hurt. Far from PSD, I pressed the up volume button. Hmmmm........


While I am a huge Smiths fans I can easily see why people don’t like them. However to say their stuff its 'repetitive muzak' I don’t understand.

Ten {#Group-hug}
reminds me always of my teenage years...
 tkelley wrote:
Can't quite figure out the answer here.  I detest repetitive muzak like The Smiths which is boring, careening between two chords, and unmoving.  Sorry Smith fans.  However, though this tune is largely a repetitive lead line, it is captivating. 

So funny -- I find the exact OPPOSITE to be true!  I would say;

Can't quite figure out the answer here.  I detest repetitive muzak like Pearl Jam which is boring, careening between two chords, and unmoving.  Sorry PJ fans.  However, though this tune is largely a repetitive lead line, it is captivating. 

Answer is probably Johnny Marr.
Can't quite figure out the answer here.  I detest repetitive muzak like The Smiths which is boring, careening between two chords, and unmoving.  Sorry Smith fans.  However, though this tune is largely a repetitive lead line, it is captivating.  Perhaps the chord changes, but it is relentless and moving, like the Cash version of Hurt. Far from PSD, I pressed the up volume button. Hmmmm........
 softjeans wrote:

Thanks Bill. By the way, probably a dunb question, but what does PSD stand for?
Play Something Different

Hover over the PSD button on the little player at the top left part of the page.
As Casy Kasem would say (Google him young'uns) "This is one of the finest songs of the rock era!"
 BillG wrote:

On average, 0.061% of the people hearing this one click PSD.

Thanks Bill. By the way, probably a dunb question, but what does PSD stand for?
 BillG wrote:

On average, 0.061% of the people hearing this one click PSD.

{#Notworthy}  I guess that means I better shut up now.  {#Biggrin}  Thanks for the info.
God..... You can just feel the pain.

It still moves me, and I've heard this song live almost 20 times and the record version thousands of times.

Chills.  Personally, I could hear this one everyday.  Rock on, Bill....
 rdo wrote:

Well, we now have the quite innovative PSD, the greatest invention since sliced bread IMHO.  Let's hope RP is monitoring the PSD count.  I'd like to see the PSD count posted on every song beside the rating. 

Again, to repeat, this song is one of the best ever. I mean that.  But at some point you just don't wanna hear it no more.   
On average, 0.061% of the people hearing this one click PSD.
 Byronape wrote:

One of the hardest lessons that any teen has to learn is that love, no matter how strong someone feels it, it's the right kind of love unless someone returns it.  If the person can't love you back the same way, then it isn't love worth having.

If I could have made my 15 year old self understand that, my teenage years would have been a lot less miserable.  Effin' girls messing with a lonely teenager's heart just about broke an early me. 

Only time and distance (literally, I moved about 250 miles away) has given me the perspective to see that. 

It's funny, as a teenager I knew everything but clearly didn't understand anything.

 newwavegurly wrote:

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but why, why, why
Can't it be,
Can't it be mine...?
I'm still trying to figure out the answer to this...

..@ Byronape: a-men, bruthah..a lesson many adults can stand to learn/heed too (self: i'm lookin' at You-!)..

..my best bud reminded me of this just the other day..the words may pain, but they need to be heard..
The reason we hear this often may be that nearly 2000 listeners have rated it 8 or above, to date.
....smiley......still an amazing band,-album,-singer,-memories.......a 10 from a german pj-fan & nirvana-hater ......