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Solas — Dignity
Album: The Edge of Silence
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Released: 2002
Length: 4:59
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Wise man lookin' in a blade of grass
Young man lookin' in shadows that pass
Poor man lookin' through painted glass
Fat man lookin' in a blade of steel
Thin man lookin' at his last meal
Hollow man lookin' in a cottonfield
For dignity

Drinkin' man listens to the voice he hears
In a crowded room full of covered-up mirrors
Lookin' into the lost forgotten years
For dignity

I went down where the vultures feed
Would have got deeper, but there wasn't any need
I heard the tongues of angels and the tongues of man
Wasn't any difference to me

Sick man lookin' for the doctor's cure
Lookin' at his hands for the lines that were
Into every masterpiece of literature
Blind man breakin' out of a trance
Puts both hands in the pockets of chance
Hopin' to find one circumstance
Of dignity

Footprints runnin' across silver sand
Steps goin' down into tatoo land
Met the sons of darkness and the sons of light
In the border towns of despair

No place to fade, I got no coat
I'm on the rolling river in a jerkin' boat
Trying to read a note somebody wrote
Englishman stranded in the blackheart wind
Combin' his hair back, his future looks thin
Bites the bullet and looks within
For dignity

Someone showed me a picture and I just laughed
Dignity never been photographed
I went into the red, I went into the black
Into the valley of dry-bone dreams

So many roads, so much at stake
So many dead ends, I'm at the edge of a lake
Sometimes I wonder what it's gonna take
To find dignity
Comments (61)add comment
They took that picture in Philadelphia's 30th street train station (see Witness).  
BRILLIANT... as light.
 ThePoose wrote:

Sounds like Sandy Denny

First thing I thought. That makes two of us.
Sounds like Sandy Denny
Wow, I thought this was Natalie Merchant from 10,000 Maniacs!
Sounds like Annie Haslam!  Love Renassaince!

remember the band renaissance from 1970s?
 calypsus_1 wrote:

Solas Eamon by *BobVPR

©2010 *BobVPR

Éamon McElholm - guitars, keyboards, vocals of the celtic fusion band Solas, last Friday in Portland ... and no I am not their agent, I just appreciate good irish music on St. Patricks Day (and any other day for that matter).

Just FTR, the guitarist on this album was Donal Clancy. McElholm joined the band after Clancy's departure.

Good stuff! {#Music} Sounds a bit like Mary Black, only better {#Mrgreen}
Thought this was Annie Haslam for a bit. It's got a  Renaissance groove.

Solas Eamon by *BobVPR

©2010 *BobVPR

Éamon McElholm - guitars, keyboards, vocals of the celtic fusion band Solas, last Friday in Portland ... and no I am not their agent, I just appreciate good irish music on St. Patricks Day (and any other day for that matter).

I like it!
If I were a believer this is what I imagine heaven would sound like.
Muting man muting his headphones. ....for dignity.

I kid, I kid. It's not a bad little ditty, but it's not, well, all that good to me, either.
 Beastie wrote:

Very 10,000 Maniacs / Natalie Merchant - esque + Celt sound.   I like it.  Thanks Bill & RP!!!

what a great song.  somehow i missed this dylan song the first time around.  i love the lyrics.  i myself have hung out too long in the border town of despair..
ginger wrote:
I have a few Solas albums and have seen them live. They usually have much more of a genuine Celtic spirit and energy to their songs. I was surprised to see this song was Solas. I have to say I find it pretty lame. Don't let it put you off Solas though. If you like Celtic music you will like most of their stuff.
Ginger is spot on. This album was one of the more over-produced ones. Live, their roots shine, especially Seamus Egan.
www.MarkTAW.com wrote:
? This is likeable, though repetitive, but nowhere near Loreena McKennitt's level of musicianship.
What you said!
Damn, this sets of Dylan covers are really a joy. Never heard this one before Another RP hit!.
As someone who was brought up on celtic music (but never really a fan), I find this track lacks something - I cant quite put my finger on what it is, though. Maybe just too over produced and not enough in the performance?
ginger wrote:
I have a few Solas albums and have seen them live. They usually have much more of a genuine Celtic spirit and energy to their songs. I was surprised to see this song was Solas. I have to say I find it pretty lame. Don't let it put you off Solas though. If you like Celtic music you will like most of their stuff.
Thank you, I will keep my ears open for these guys, honestly, had you not posted, I would have written these guys off pretty quick. I'll see if they can come through for me with another listen! (pimp)
I have a few Solas albums and have seen them live. They usually have much more of a genuine Celtic spirit and energy to their songs. I was surprised to see this song was Solas. I have to say I find it pretty lame. Don't let it put you off Solas though. If you like Celtic music you will like most of their stuff.
how do take the substance out of this song? i dunno, but she managed to do it.
Roverfish wrote:
I just don't get why this song's only a 6.3. Maybe the Celtic thing isn't for everyone...
I don't think it's the Celtic thing...I think it's what shayde said.
This is a beautifully put together piece. Unfortunately, the lead singer doesn't really have the depth of range and 'oomph' to totally pull off the feel of the song. With a stronger lead, it woudl be outstanding. I still find myself turning it up and enjoying it a lot though :)
I just don't get why this song's only a 6.3. Maybe the Celtic thing isn't for everyone... I like it.
Best song of 2003, imho.
Patti wrote:
Dylan's a GREAT songwriter, but I have always liked listening to his songs being SUNG by others! pbm 8^)
Me too. Don't tell anyone, but I'm the same way with Tom Waits.
Dylan's lyrics sung by a great voice. Now this is good music!
Dylan's a GREAT songwriter, but I have always liked listening to his songs being SUNG by others! pbm 8^)
Another RP regular that gets better with every listen!
Dylan\'s a great songwriter, but with his garbly whined vocals on the original I never would have thought anything of this tune. This is a very different cover that does much more justice to the melody and lyrics.
I like Solis and I checked out their CD even. I\'m just a little weary of covers. I prefer original stuff -- and well, the covers that they do seem to be the only songs that I really enjoy and come back to.
not bad, not, bad, but how about some Cherish The Ladies for a follow-up? They\'re probably the only celtic band that comes close to the Cheftains
Why do I feel like I'm at a renaissance fair?
Big improvement over the original Dylan version, IMHO.
You can\'t put a shine on one, but you can put it in a pretty box.
Well, I am (with a handful of notable exceptions) pretty hard on Dylan covers. This is not one of those "notable exceptions". But, that said, I don't thing they deserve the slamming they've been getting here. There's a strength and...dare I say it?...dignity to the delivery that's worthy of respect.
A is better than B but C sucks... they\'re just D wannabes. Signed, Z :roll:
Among the many covers of Dylan tunes, this one rates pretty low. Dylan's version had a tension that seems utterly lost in this version.
Saw them live a few months back. They are truly amazing musicians.
Sorry for such a stupid response but... What the hell IS this crap?!? The only thing this has going for it is that it\'s MUCH better than that Loreena MeKennitt (sp?) stuff RP insists on playing. Uggg... Chip
Well I did pick up a CD. How did I get caught up in this Highland Romance thing and end up confusing this Irish band with anything Scottish. As for the name, ah now I\'d be thinking it\'s more likely Gaelic. :roll:
My sentiments exactly, except as a sometime choral singerI have a notion about the name: A tribute to some Scotish music education background? As in "do,re,me,fa SO,LA,ti,do" ? Thanks Bill, I'd forgotten I'd meant to check out their CD. Will fix that today
Originally Posted by catmaven: I agree! Must study up on this group. Strange that it should sport a Spanish name . . . the sound recalls the lonesome north Scotland grassy highlands I visited far too briefly years ago . . . with echoes of the chill I got when I found out the meaning of "barrow," "tumulus," and the like . . . Not a sour note in the bunch, not a screech or a strain, not an off beat, perfect interweaving of instrumentation and vocal . . . I can't find anything to criticize here. This song would be great to hypnotize my Scots blood into another sphere. :D ;)
Originally Posted by mrrmaid1: I am really starting to dig this group. Play more.
I agree! Must study up on this group. Strange that it should sport a Spanish name . . . the sound recalls the lonesome north Scotland grassy highlands I visited far too briefly years ago . . . with echoes of the chill I got when I found out the meaning of "barrow," "tumulus," and the like . . . Not a sour note in the bunch, not a screech or a strain, not an off beat, perfect interweaving of instrumentation and vocal . . . I can't find anything to criticize here. This song would be great to hypnotize my Scots blood into another sphere. :D ;)
Originally Posted by srn: I'll take the Coors if I'm looking for a great Irish band.
Uhh, what? The Corrs are way down on the list of Great Irish Bands. I mean, criminy, Thin Lizzy is higher than the Corrs. So Far.
This sounds like a Celtic Karen Carpenter. Having said that, I actually like Karen Carpenter. One of those simple tunes that just gets caught in your head...
Okay song interpretation, but there is so much great modern Celtic music out there and to my ears, this ain\'t it. I don\'t think this tune is in any way indicative of the quality of recent trad/modern Irish bands.
I think Bill ought to play some of the older Solas (with Karan Casey singing). Might put some of the criticism to rest. Solas really IS an excellent group.
This is nice.......it took me a while to recognize it as Dylan\'s song.
I\'m sorry, but, so far, I\'m hating this group based on their watery version of \"Darkness, Darkness\" and this dish-rag version of a Dylan song. I\'ll take the Coors if I\'m looking for a great Irish band. I just think Solas\' singer has no soul. Her voice is too pure and sweet on these songs; there\'s no personality in it.
That\'s an original way to cover a song! While Dylan\'s own version is, in a contemporary way, rocking and grooving, they turn it into a modern folk/celtic song. Folkmusic keeps haunting him!
Karan Casey is no longer singing with Solas, but this singer (whose name escapes me, sorry) is an excellent alternative. Solas is successfully pushing the limits of \"celtic\" music. Fantastic stuff!
This tune is fantastic, with the high energy and foot-tappability Solas is known for. Deirdre Scanlan's vocals are tremendous, so much like Karan Casey's that I had them confused until I saw the above note, read up on the Solace's latest album, and edited this note. :D