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Mich Gerber — Eros
Album: Wanderer
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Released: 2008
Length: 5:39
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Comments (172)add comment
Dull as dish water!!!! 
 TallCreative1 wrote:
Weird -- and I like it.

His website states:  'Mich Gerber went through classical training', I'm afraid I cannot discover any technical, musical or other skills, I feel very sorry for the poor cello/bass ...
Weird -- and I like it.
 waterwench21 wrote:

Heard this from all the way across the house.  Yelled to my husband , who the hell is THAT?  He said I don't know but it's awesome.   He said he looks like a cool Uncle Fester. God I love RP.

EXCELLENT TUNE!!    Uncle fester,  Too funny.  LOL!!   
Discovered him thanks to RP and have found it frustrating how hard it is to find his albums - some are completely unavailable
 joejennings wrote:

I Agree!!

Check out Scott Mulvahill on youtube. I recommend "Begin Againers". 
I enjoy hearing his music, definitely innovative! on slightly different note, I was gifted the opportunity to see Les Claypool Fearless Flying Frog Brigade at a small venue in Houston this past July. I remember having mixed feelings about going as I knew nothing about FFFB, Les...sure. Not much into the show I was jumping up and down feeling the music. This dude asked, "Do you know who that is playing guitar?" No, he had a devilish grin and said "That's Sean Lennon!"  They played about a 50 min. version of Pigs by Pink Floyd. Wow! Les pulled out his double base and Whamola and totally rocked the house. The show blew me away. If I had the chance to see Mich Gerber, I would go! 
 waterwench21 wrote:

Heard this from all the way across the house.  Yelled to my husband , who the hell is THAT?  He said I don't know but it's awesome.   He said he looks like a cool Uncle Fester. God I love RP......

LOL!  GREAT TUNE!!  That is why we come to RP!  Thanx RP!   
Heard this from all the way across the house.  Yelled to my husband , who the hell is THAT?  He said I don't know but it's awesome.   He said he looks like a cool Uncle Fester. God I love RP......
Uncle Fester gets down.
 dziebell wrote:

This is better than "Sing Along with Mitch" because there aren't any lyrics.

Hey, don't be dissin' on Mr. Miller!  He was a TV staple in my childhood.  But great comment.  LOL.  Thumbs up.
GREAT!   RP introduced me to him. Now, I have 6 of his tunes on "My Favorites" list. Thanx RP!   
 tm wrote:

It's a double bass you maroon...  and he's quite good at it.

Too funny (maroon)!  Too true!  GREAT TUNE!!   
 Edweirdo wrote:

God I wish he's stop sawing away at that poor cello.

It's a double bass you maroon...  and he's quite good at it.
The more I hear this, the more I like it!!  Thanx RP!   
 Shipp wrote:

This is amazing


I Agree!!
Great Tune!! I never heard of him before this. Thanx RP!
 Shipp wrote:

This is amazing


This is amazing

 ace-marc wrote:

Nope, it is interminably tedious and repetitively boring.
God I wish he's stop sawing away at that poor cello.
 Proclivities wrote:

I think he primarily plays a double bass, not a cello, but I suppose he could be adept at both instruments.
I was surprised to see him listed as a bassist, as I also thought it was a cello, not a bass. Perhaps it's just the very upper register of a bass we're hearing? Or multiple instruments... An accomplished string player could easily adapt between cello and bass playing. I suppose I'd have to see more detailed information on this recording to know what's going on.
 dwlangham wrote:
Holy god this is awful.

 ritajohnson wrote:
Song: Eros / Artist: Mich Gerber / Album: Wanderer
Great stuff! But who is this "Bajka" listed in sidebar as the artist? 
It seems the song 'By your side' on this album features Bajka.
 uksminas wrote:Hypnotic and groovy

I've really come to love MG - thanks RP for the exposure. Quite a cellist! 
 Angry_Old_Man wrote:
Groan groan grooooannn, KLUNK
Kinda, though this is a good example of how important set & setting are (for music in this case) - I'm enjoying it while tirelessly working my desk job today....it's a 7 currently....staying there for now....Long Live RP!!
Groan groan grooooannn, KLUNK
 jkhandy wrote:
yes like banana rhythm 

 gregmu8370 wrote:
My camel is grooving to this jam.
 ritajohnson wrote:
Song: Eros / Artist: Mich Gerber / Album: Wanderer
Great stuff! But who is this "Bajka" listed in sidebar as the artist? 

Bajka Pluwatsch (born 25 December 1978), also known by her mononym and stage name Bajka (pronounced "Bai-Kah"), is a German artist born in India and raised in Portugal and South Africa. She is a poet, singer, producer, and songwriter.
(It's in the notes about the album.)

Song: Eros / Artist: Mich Gerber / Album: Wanderer
Great stuff! But who is this "Bajka" listed in sidebar as the artist? 
My camel is grooving to this jam.
Mind numbing...
Holy god this is awful.
 Hannio wrote:

Needs more cowbell?

DEFINITELY!  Or maybe camelbell


A great groove!
 meauclaire wrote:


Needs more cowbell?

May be could've tuned it first perhaps?
(ignor that - i'm a drummer)
Nice 'intro', when's the song gonna start?
His wiki page https://goo.gl/rsgRws describes him as a multiinstramentalist composer and one of the first to use looping delays on stage.    His first album was released in 1997.

In contrast, Ed Allayne Johnsons famous first album "Electric Purple Violin Concerto was released 1992.

Rick Wright was looping delays on Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast in 1968 and no doubt in the live performances.
The lyrics on this song are especially deep.

Yeah but that's, like, my opinion, man.
 AndyJ wrote:
The cello seems to be finding it's place among the many groups from rock to jazz... I guess it speaks to our times in a mellow voice...

Thanks... Wish his record company would realize he has a following all over the world...

I think he primarily plays a double bass, not a cello, but I suppose he could be adept at both instruments.
Hypnotic, dreamy, luscious...yum!
 12stepgazette wrote:
love that eastern sound and hypnotic beat

Wholeheartly agree 
Great song 
somewhere between turkey and iraq...
 12stepgazette wrote:
love that eastern sound and hypnotic beat
Agree totally!! Very fine song!
This is better than "Sing Along with Mitch" because there aren't any lyrics.
I keep waiting to hear Lorena McKennitt's voice.
love that eastern sound and hypnotic beat
 AndyJ wrote:
The cello seems to be finding it's place among the many groups from rock to jazz... I guess it speaks to our times in a mellow voice...

Thanks... Wish his record company would realize he has a following all over the world...
No kidding - after hearing Gerber here on RP I searched fruitlessly for his music in all the usual places, and finally had my daughter send me a CD from Prague. It was worth it.

He's easier to find nowadays, but it's like trying to find certain English authors here in the US. I don't know whether to blame the tangle of copyright laws or what. 
We have a high schooler on our swim team, and his parents named him Eros...{#Think}
It's a might bit squeaky, idnit?
The cello seems to be finding it's place among the many groups from rock to jazz... I guess it speaks to our times in a mellow voice...

Thanks... Wish his record company would realize he has a following all over the world...
Not my "Cup of Tea" and appears to play regularly
I like this but it does sound a little like yet another bolero from Mich (not that I'm familiar with his work outside of RP)
Fortunately I likes me a good bolero I do.
Minimalist piece - excellent
Boring?love it.nice,very nice
i really like this! it has a certain meditative quality. nice one.
 olivertwist wrote:
Hey, greetings in Uppsala. I'm reading the final Larsson book "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest." I wasn't familiar with Uppsala till I read his books. I bet it's a beautiful place. Despite the nefarious goings on in Sweden in those books, I'd really like to visit your country.
Actually I have not read any of his books nor seen the films. I'm a bit contrary when it comes to hype but I guess I'll come to them in due time. Uppsala is quite beautiful and sized just just enough to get all you need without the big city stress. The town is dominated by the universities with about 40-50k students in total. You should visit in late spring or early summer to get the best out of the town.
I opened the comment page for this song and saw i made a huge mistake, so let me correct it:

2 —————> 1
Man, what a slow afternoon. It's 105° outside and my truck has no AC. I come back to the apartment and my AC is out and it's a pleasant 95° inside. And this set of songs is playing:

Mich Gerber - Eros
Vienna Teng - Gravity
Los Lobos - Kiko and the Lavender Moon

I must have done somebody wrong. I apologize to anyone I offended today. I know something with a little more life will happen soon if I can just wait this out.

my thoughts/actions exactly ! bluecshells wrote:




I didn't realize the Hindus invented deep house. Or is it house trance? Somebody enlighten me, please.

 Frater_Kork wrote:
Quite dreadfully boring noodle.

Hey, greetings in Uppsala. I'm reading the final Larsson book "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest." I wasn't familiar with Uppsala till I read his books. I bet it's a beautiful place. Despite the nefarious goings on in Sweden in those books, I'd really like to visit your country.
Quite dreadfully boring noodle.
Ugh. A dreary song to start my Monday.
 Sjaaks wrote:
I can't even find the words for this... {#Stop}
It doesn't have any words!
 sirdroseph wrote:
A bit repetitive, but my Cobras really enjoy it and I do not want to piss them off.
 You might need to hire this guy!

A few short hours ago I was told my father died today. I sat with him yesterday telling jokes, enjoying the tea and the warm evening.
I took a great picture of him. After a portion of shock has passed i decided the only thing to really sooth me at all would be one of special common threads-the love of music. Hearing this song with passion, I instantly began to dance and cry. This song was healing. My son came and joined me-I want to dance for grandpa too. Thank you radio paradise.
A bit repetitive, but my Cobras really enjoy it and I do not want to piss them off.
Ah, the music of the Subcontinent: love it, hate it, you just got to love it. Fortunately, I really do love it but can understand how to some folks' musical sensibilities it is the sonic equivalent of a poke in the ear.
Make it stop
I like this feller!
ALL Right already, poke me in the eye.{#Headache}
Enough. Next band please!

How do you spell ''raga''?
drone,drone,drone,drone,drone,drone,drone.... a soundtrack to a hangover.
if you like that try his album "tales of the wind"
I like this music very much!!
I like Mich Gerber really different music
I'm going to wonderer to another station. I'll be back!
 a_genuine_find wrote:
Eros: the primordial god of sexual love and beauty. He was also worshiped as a fertility god


My kind of god.
No like it. It marginal track. Also too much world music last time in RP (imho). Last mark's ratio are 1-2, so.

I can't even find the words for this... {#Stop}
I like it.
 namp wrote:
Awful... just awful... => 0
Splendid. . . just splendid. . . =>)
Awful... just awful... => 0
Perfect music to veg out to while running. The beat helps me keep pace. Excellent!
meticialous — << do not know? <<< this oriental somewhat...goood. u online? ok - don't mind me - smoking some pot?
well it is a good song! meticialous, I wonder what this means..do u know....a word a new word for the dictionary
of contemporary eclectic musicians - somewhat —goood music, shure..{#Chillpill}
Yay, haven't heard this one!
 Businessgypsy wrote:
One man's poison... Teach me, you bad, bad violinist!


On second thought. . . . .  Nope, I still don't care too much for it. 
Is this from a movie sound track?  Sounds vaguely familiar, just can't remember were I have heard it.
I'm on the fence about this one  {#Stupid}
Quixmundi wrote:
This song hurts my ears. Sounds like a bad violin teacher on absinthe. Please...make it stop!!!
One man's poison... Teach me, you bad, bad violinist!

Love the oriental touch
This is very cool.
This song really need a sub-woofer for the full effect.

Good thing I've got the ol' 8" Cabasse in my office now - it's thumpin' along with this groove.
 ri_shelton wrote:
ONE of my greatest amusements is when someone blabs "boring". I hear "do a better job entertaining me!" and I respond "let's put you in a gray room with no stimuli for 24 hours and that would entertain ME!"

 EssexTex wrote:
I'm hearing the teacher from "Charlie Brown" again
  (blah blah blah blah.... wannn wannn wannn)  

Not really my thing.. To meditative for me.  I think I'm too type A for this song

ONE of my greatest amusements is when someone blabs "boring". I hear "do a better job entertaining me!" and I respond "let's put you in a gray room with no stimuli for 24 hours and that would entertain ME!"
Wait for it.......Plunk....Plunk  
I Wonder if I'll hear another Plunk ?

Aaaah   now I'm no longer a Wanderer.  Still like the song BTW    —   Plunk!

échame aire! {#Wink}

 Chi_Guy wrote:

{#Sleep}  Hecha me aire...

Mich is one of mine favorites
{#Sleep}  Hecha me aire...
I'm hearing the teacher from "Charlie Brown" again
Not bad but it just strikes me as a rally good stoner tune. Pass the hookah...
It makes my partner more sensual and wonderful at foreplay - it is for sure an erotic song.
{#Lol}  I'm getting a few chuckles from some of the comments below.  For myself, it's about as erotic as a root canal, but it is a good piece.

In Hesiod's Theogony, the most famous Greek creation myth, Eros sprang forth from the primordial Chaos together with Gaea, the Earth, and Tartarus, the underworld; according to Aristophanes' play The Birds (c. 414 BC), he burgeons forth from an egg laid by Nyx (Night) conceived with Erebus (Darkness).
Kind of monotonous and dreary...  {#Rolleyes}
 Misterfixit wrote:
The percussive Cloacoa use is memorial, to say the least.


I did not realize they made an instrument out of a bird's butt.  Human ingenuity is boundless.