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The Pretenders — Talk Of The Town
Album: The Singles
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Total ratings: 1765

Released: 1981
Length: 3:10
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Such a drag to want something sometime
One thing leads to another I know
Was a time wanted you for mine
Nobody knew
You arrived like a day
And passed like a cloud
I made a wish, I said it out loud
Out loud in a crowd
Everybody heard
'Twas the talk of the town

It's not my place to know what you feel
I'd like to know but why should I?
Who were you then, who are you now?
Common laborer by night, by day highbrow
Back in my room I wonder, then I
Sit on the bed, look at the sky
Up in the sky
Clouds rearrange
Like the talk of the town

Maybe tomorrow, maybe someday
Maybe tomorrow, maybe someday
You've changed your place in this world
You've changed your place in this world

Oh but it's hard to live by the rules
I never could and still never do
The rules and such never bothered you
You call the shots and they follow
I watch you still from a distance then go
Back to my room, you never know
I want you, I want you but now
Who's the talk of the town?
Comments (159)add comment
Nooo,that would be Stevie Nicks, The singing goat
Best woman rocker, bar none. She writes, sings, plays guitar, has longevity(!) and is just generally one badass woman.

The voice of the 80s without question.
Like this fine piece of music..quite pleasant .. takes me to a fun time long ago
Before the pandy, I saw Chrisy on a double-bill with Stevie Nicks.

Chrisy owned the stage within 2 minutes of coming on. She's still got it.
The more I hear Chrissie Hynde through the years the more I think she has been kind of overlooked and 'underrated' as one of the really good rock singers. She knows how to play with the words, and she sure did have some pipes.
This song will never get old   Easy 9.
 dwhayslett wrote:

You'd have to hit "skip" many times to equal the amount of time it took you to type that.  And "skip" has the advantage that it would have gained you something.

It has gradually dawned on me that this comments section exists primarily to permit the tiny minority who hate any given song a place to vent their spleen. Don't get me wrong--if Bill ever plays a Wings song, I'm going pour my spleen out on these pages. But know that it is pointless to argue with this whining.
 weedyjoe wrote:

A beautiful song and RP plays the longer (original) version.  When it was released on an album (Pretenders II), it only had one chorus.  

Well spotted!
Love this. Such a great song. Solid 9. And it doesn’t hurt that she wears make up to look like Keef!!
A beautiful song and RP plays the longer (original) version.  When it was released on an album (Pretenders II), it only had one chorus.  
I guess people must be wired to hear different sounds, because for the life of me I do not understand criticism of hynde's voice... so distinct, so friggin excellent... don't really think there's another female singing voice as great as hers in the pop/rock genre...
Possibly my favorite Pretenders tune. I dig the rhythmic "stops" at the beginning of each line of the verse and the contrast with the smooth rhythms after that.
 ppopp wrote:
I suppose I could always be thankful it's not Jack Johnson, The Smashing Pumpkins or Coldplay. And that I don't have lockjaw, beri-beri or mumps.
I would be thankful if you would just hit PSD and save your negativity for the unfortunate people in your immediate presence.
 dwhayslett wrote:

You'd have to hit "skip" many times to equal the amount of time it took you to type that.  And "skip" has the advantage that it would have gained you something.
 Agreed. Really don't understand the dumping on artists or BillG and Rebecca for someone's own aesthetic sensibilities. It's like blaming pie because ice cream wasn't on the menu.
Lost some hearing at a concert in St. Petersburg getting up close to listen to this song and the rest of the first and second album being played by the original band before heroin took its toll on them.
I suppose I could always be thankful it's not Jack Johnson, The Smashing Pumpkins or Coldplay. And that I don't have lockjaw, beri-beri or mumps.
 MJdub wrote:
That talking in the background just creeps me the hell out.
That's the least of the problems this song has. Her voice is beyond irritating with all the forced o_O_o_O_ohs. How anyone tortures their ears with this kind of singing is beyond me, but hey. ;-)
That talking in the background just creeps me the hell out.
 be4con wrote:
Everytime I hear her voice it's like fingernails down a blackboard and this one is worse than most. I just don't get Chrissie Hynde. I'm glad you all love her, I feel happy for you but if I never heard another Pretenders song RP would be a more joyous exprience for me.
You'd have to hit "skip" many times to equal the amount of time it took you to type that.  And "skip" has the advantage that it would have gained you something.
An MTV staple.
Anyone remember the 1980 movie Times Square? This was on the soundtrack along with a lot of other great tunes. Brings back memories.
Everytime I hear her voice it's like fingernails down a blackboard and this one is worse than most. I just don't get Chrissie Hynde. I'm glad you all love her, I feel happy for you but if I never heard another Pretenders song RP would be a more joyous exprience for me.
 treatment_bound wrote:

And if you lived in the U.K., you'd have written:

My favourite of theirs/hers. 
Also in Canada
One of the first CDs I ever bought alongside Queens Greatest hits.

Still great today.
I love the drumming, bass and guitar...incredibly tight band.
{#Devil_pimp}still zesty !
Her voice just doesn't do it for me.

Except when she uses her, her, her imagination.
 nickshortie wrote:
Too much Tremolo-o-o-o-o-o-o....

I think you mean "vibrato".
Too much Tremolo-o-o-o-o-o-o....
 treatment_bound wrote:

And if you lived in the U.K., you'd have written:

My favourite of theirs/hers. 

Good point. {#Cheesygrin}
 GreggH wrote:
Chrissie Hynde did songs other than this one, theoretically.

There are at least another 25 Pretenders songs and four or five of her solo tunes on the playlist.
What a super-set of 7.1's.
Thanks, Bill.
 Webfoot wrote:
My favorite of theirs/hers.

And if you lived in the U.K., you'd have written:

My favourite of theirs/hers. 
love The Pretenders  : )

all day yesterday I had to transfer a bunch of inventory into a new storage space and there was this other renter there playing The Pretenders Greatest Hits ALL FUKKIN' DAY MAN!!!  (she was a 60-somethin older Gal who was leaving the space and had to remove tons of dreck) anyway, Chrissie's got a fantastic voice, so it wasn't a drain or anything, but I was actually gonna tell them to try RP (which I often do on work-sites with my cracked-up iPhone) or else maybe ANOTHER BAND FOR CHRISTSAKE!!!
sheeshhh  : P 
Going to a 10 for me for the memories it emotes...... first date , to the one I married and am still with
Some of the best of The Pretenders.
My favorite of theirs/hers.
C'mon Bill, why not less played Pretenders like The Adultress, The Wait, Tattooed Love Boys, Waste Not Want Not, Lovers of Today, I Go To Sleep, Birds of Paradise, Pack It Up...?

Love RP though. Thanks! {#Smile}
The bass line is excellent. The vocals are fantastic. Guitar work is simple but hooky.

This is how you do a great RnR..it ain't rocker science.   
What a voice!  All their stuff holds up so well
Something is amiss....with the sound I mean.  I don't have a good copy of this either so I'm not going to be the one who uploads a replacement
 GreggH wrote:
Chrissie Hynde did songs other than this one, theoretically.

...she could make anything original and bloody sexy too.
Chrissie Hynde did songs other than this one, theoretically.
You've changed.

Have I?

and some say I'm pointless!
Ah, a song of my youth and it has held up so well. 
 Stingray wrote:

And I pretend to love the Pretenders!

Song is pure RUBBISH!

wrong...just wrong...
Classic,  holds up well over time!
Martin Chambers may not be flashy, but, man, he holds this band together.
Some tough comments here.

I'm quite likening it but then haven't really heard much of the Pretenters - perhaps too young :) 
I see its time for the daily Pretenders bone...

back when its over...... 
It's Chrissie Hynde's fault that I thought my tape deck's drive belt is slipping. But now I know it's just her cranking eieieieieieieieieieieieiei voice.

 bokey wrote:

And she plays an instrument exceptionally well. The woman is beyond awesome.
Indeed - as an instrumentalist, a songwriter, a vocalist AND a frontwoman. She's in a class by herself.

And this song is the band at the top of their game. Never get tired of it.

 STEVIE1 wrote:
Chrissie Hynde is one of the best female rock singers ever.

And she plays an instrument exceptionally well. The woman is beyond awesome.

 kurtster wrote:
James Gang, The Cars, The Outsiders, Filter, Nine Inch Nails ...  
The Cars came out of the Boston area, though I think Ben Orr was from Ohio, but there were The Isley Bros., The O'Jays, Devo, and Pere Ubu who came out of The Buckeye State.

This is one of the Pretenders songs that the overplaying has not bothered me yet. Clear Channel sure has picked on them though trying to ruin everything they did.{#Sad}
Love this song and most others by the Pretenders.

And I pretend to love the Pretenders!

Song is pure RUBBISH!
 Panama_Floyd wrote:
Bill, just a small comment..this song was originally on "Pretenders II".


Apologies in advance for being another one of those folks that can't stand the "greatest hits" link, instead of one to the original work...{#Tongue}

Chrissie bought her blouse off the Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery markdown rack...

Judging by the preceding photo posted by peter_james_bond, it appears Wikipedia needs a higher wattage light bulb on their site.

This song was originally on the Pretenders II album.

 iscoot4peace wrote:
alcal74 wrote: Another great Ohio band...CH is an amazing artist.

Hannio wrote:

Huh.  What was the other one?  I'm totally drawing a blank
iscoot4peace wrote:

iscoot4peace wrote:
Don't forget The Breeders, Guided By Voices, and the Ohio Players.  (I roll kinda old school.)

James Gang, The Cars, The Outsiders, Filter, Nine Inch Nails ... 

The Pretenders came along, my musical life changed forever — and I'm so grateful for that!  Chrissie rules!  Thanks for having this on the playlist, Bill and Rebecca.
Not my taste!
Duh factor 9....  hing-ga-din-ga-durngin...

Bill, just a small comment..this song was originally on "Pretenders II".


Apologies in advance for being another one of those folks that can't stand the "greatest hits" link, instead of one to the original work...{#Tongue}
Not bad, but the singing.... {#Neutral}

"Maybe tomoooooorrrroooooo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ow"

The song itself, not bad at all!

6 (cause of the singing)
The pause...then guitar hit hooks me everytime. One of the first videos I ever saw, back when MTV still played videos.
 tpa29970 wrote:
Chrissy Hynde was my first crush!  I wonder if she remembers me?
Just saw her a month or two ago with the current Pretenders band. She looked great. She didn't mention you, though.
 alcal74 wrote:
Another great Ohio band...CH is an amazing artist.

Hannio wrote:

Huh.  What was the other one?  I'm totally drawing a blank
iscoot4peace wrote:

Don't forget The Breeders, Guided By Voices, and the Ohio Players.  (I roll kinda old school.)

 alcal74 wrote:
Another great Ohio band...CH is an amazing artist.
Um... Chrissie may have been from Ohio originally but the Pretenders are really an English band.  They were formed while Chrissie was in England during the time of the first punk bands.

 Hannio wrote:

Huh.  What was the other one?  I'm totally drawing a blank.

Devo. Pere Ubu. Afghan Whigs. (I know that's three, but still...)
Oh but its hard to live by the rules
I never could and still never do
Rock on, Chrissie! {#Dancingbanana_2}
 alcal74 wrote:
Another great Ohio band...CH is an amazing artist.

Huh.  What was the other one?  I'm totally drawing a blank.
Chrissy Hynde was my first crush!  I wonder if she remembers me?
Another great Ohio band...CH is an amazing artist.
 jlind wrote:
Don't forget Neko Case, she's gotta be one of the best artists of today regardless of gender.
 fredriley wrote:

That's a fine cri de coeur, Lyndra. It sure doesn't seem as if there are anything like the number of strong female artists that there were back in the 80s. I think that's partly because punk was a major opening for women because it shattered the stale patriarchal music world that had stagnated by the late 70s, and as a result you got artists like Sioxsie Sioux, Debbie Harry, The Giant Slits, Verruka Salt, Alison Moyet, and many others, including of course Chrissie Hynde. Eventually the music 'industry' recuperated (to use a Situationist term) the rebellion of punk and the status quo ante was partially restored, marginalising women and independent artists. This process has reached its zenith/nadir (depending on your viewpoint - nadir IMO) in the corporate noughties, where McMusic reigns supreme and patriarchal attitudes are back bigtime, hence Britney Spears, Rohanna, and the many other Barbies/Stepford Wives manufactured to appeal to male fantasies of f*ck dolls.

For all that, though, there are some strong female artists around who don't use sexuality to sell but are pretty damn sexy - KT Tunstall comes immediately to mind (and she reminds me a lot of Chrissie Hynde), Tracey Chapman another. We could do, though, with another punk-style explosion to shatter the music industry again. All IMHO, naturally :)


The Yeah Yeah Yeahs also ROCK.  I can't believe we don't hear them more on RP.
Don't forget Neko Case, she's gotta be one of the best artists of today regardless of gender.
 fredriley wrote:

That's a fine cri de coeur, Lyndra. It sure doesn't seem as if there are anything like the number of strong female artists that there were back in the 80s. I think that's partly because punk was a major opening for women because it shattered the stale patriarchal music world that had stagnated by the late 70s, and as a result you got artists like Sioxsie Sioux, Debbie Harry, The Giant Slits, Verruka Salt, Alison Moyet, and many others, including of course Chrissie Hynde. Eventually the music 'industry' recuperated (to use a Situationist term) the rebellion of punk and the status quo ante was partially restored, marginalising women and independent artists. This process has reached its zenith/nadir (depending on your viewpoint - nadir IMO) in the corporate noughties, where McMusic reigns supreme and patriarchal attitudes are back bigtime, hence Britney Spears, Rohanna, and the many other Barbies/Stepford Wives manufactured to appeal to male fantasies of f*ck dolls.

For all that, though, there are some strong female artists around who don't use sexuality to sell but are pretty damn sexy - KT Tunstall comes immediately to mind (and she reminds me a lot of Chrissie Hynde), Tracey Chapman another. We could do, though, with another punk-style explosion to shatter the music industry again. All IMHO, naturally :)

 STEVIE1 wrote:
Chrissie Hynde is one of the best female rock singers ever.


Chrissie Hynde is one of the best female rock singers ever.

 Lyndra_Ski wrote:
This song changed my life.  I had never heard a voice or song like that before.  Then when I discovered it was written and played by a woman, backed up by a male band, I was flabbergasted. I also was interested to see she didn't exploit her sexuality to sell her music, but she was sexy anyway. This album was raw, different, real, and it was quality songwriting, production and performance.  I thought rock/pop might be changing, and the world would see more women who can really write and really play and be unique.  Sadly, I was wrong.  We're back to artists like Ashlee Simpson and Britney Spears.  Sure there are some exceptions, especially in the '90's, but why aren't more women playing guitar/drums, producing, really writing? I worked in the music biz for 11.5 years and to be honest, it's still a boys club. I don't get it.  It doesn't take upper body strength to create "rock" (for lack of a better word) music.  Are we just always going to be the guitarist's girlfriend? 
That's a fine cri de coeur, Lyndra. It sure doesn't seem as if there are anything like the number of strong female artists that there were back in the 80s. I think that's partly because punk was a major opening for women because it shattered the stale patriarchal music world that had stagnated by the late 70s, and as a result you got artists like Sioxsie Sioux, Debbie Harry, The Giant Slits, Verruka Salt, Alison Moyet, and many others, including of course Chrissie Hynde. Eventually the music 'industry' recuperated (to use a Situationist term) the rebellion of punk and the status quo ante was partially restored, marginalising women and independent artists. This process has reached its zenith/nadir (depending on your viewpoint - nadir IMO) in the corporate noughties, where McMusic reigns supreme and patriarchal attitudes are back bigtime, hence Britney Spears, Rohanna, and the many other Barbies/Stepford Wives manufactured to appeal to male fantasies of f*ck dolls.

For all that, though, there are some strong female artists around who don't use sexuality to sell but are pretty damn sexy - KT Tunstall comes immediately to mind (and she reminds me a lot of Chrissie Hynde), Tracey Chapman another. We could do, though, with another punk-style explosion to shatter the music industry again. All IMHO, naturally :)

 Cynaera wrote:
Okay.  I'm not understanding a lot of the criticism. All I know is that when I was in Oxnard/Ventura in the very late 70's, this version of The Pretenders pulled me through some pretty awful times (I bear a scar that always reminds me of that time.)  "Talk of the Town," "Up The Neck," and "Kid"...  Those were my first exposure to The Pretenders.  My time in hell yielded sorrow and discovery - and the discovery was the incredible music of The Pretenders.

Nope - no bad to say regarding this song.  When The Pretenders were at their very best, they jerked the chain and demanded to be noticed. I'd love to see them reunited (well, minus a key member who cashed in before the train reached its destination...)  I know it won't happen, but still - if I have to keep my optimism alive, this is one of the things on my list.

Just rambling and venting.  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....

I don't know where you live, or how bad you want to see them... but "here 'tis"!

This song changed my life.  I had never heard a voice or song like that before.  Then when I discovered it was written and played by a woman, backed up by a male band, I was flabbergasted. I also was interested to see she didn't exploit her sexuality to sell her music, but she was sexy anyway. This album was raw, different, real, and it was quality songwriting, production and performance.  I thought rock/pop might be changing, and the world would see more women who can really write and really play and be unique.  Sadly, I was wrong.  We're back to artists like Ashlee Simpson and Britney Spears.  Sure there are some exceptions, especially in the '90's, but why aren't more women playing guitar/drums, producing, really writing? I worked in the music biz for 11.5 years and to be honest, it's still a boys club. I don't get it.  It doesn't take upper body strength to create "rock" (for lack of a better word) music.  Are we just always going to be the guitarist's girlfriend? 
Okay.  I'm not understanding a lot of the criticism. All I know is that when I was in Oxnard/Ventura in the very late 70's, this version of The Pretenders pulled me through some pretty awful times (I bear a scar that always reminds me of that time.)  "Talk of the Town," "Up The Neck," and "Kid"...  Those were my first exposure to The Pretenders.  My time in hell yielded sorrow and discovery - and the discovery was the incredible music of The Pretenders.

Nope - no bad to say regarding this song.  When The Pretenders were at their very best, they jerked the chain and demanded to be noticed. I'd love to see them reunited (well, minus a key member who cashed in before the train reached its destination...)  I know it won't happen, but still - if I have to keep my optimism alive, this is one of the things on my list.

Just rambling and venting.  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....

dpath2o wrote:
This song is for sock framers and barn door painters
Bank Guard: What the Hell kind of clown are you? Grimm: The crying on the inside kind, I guess.
k_trout wrote:
i had the privilege to see Chrissie and The Pretenders open for The Who in 2006 in Dallas - she blew me (and quite frankly, at least that night - The Who). What a talent! During the set, she removed her jacket just "just to show you that my ass hasn't got fat" HA
ROFL! Sounds like Chrissie. I had the good fortune to see them in Memphis TN (IIRC) shortly before JHS died. I can't recall where I read it, but she had one of the greatest quotes I've ever heard about aging rock musicians. Something to the effect of "..the music used to be really important, but now it's just like I have this really cool hobby."
i had the privilege to see Chrissie and The Pretenders open for The Who in 2006 in Dallas - she blew me (and quite frankly, at least that night - The Who) away. What a talent! During the set, she removed her jacket just "just to show you that my ass hasn't got fat" HA
I love it when Bill plays the Pretenders. I think their songs just keep sounding better and better. It's crazy to me that this is now "classic" rock. It sounds just as fresh today as it did when I first heard it - maybe even fresher. It's certainly different from anything coming out now. Thanks for the awesome music, Chrissie!
I may be just standing up for my generation here, but it's a 10 to me.
dc_zee wrote:
Isn't that also the cinematic source of the Sludge Sisters singing something like "I'm a Damn Dog Now"? (Sorry Alejandro!) Ah, good times...
I saw that movie in Cincinnati back in the day when I was down there for an interview. Cool soundtrack if I (faintly) remember..
Fav Pretenders Song ... Merci
In the studio while recording : 5.6 on the Richter scale!
A very fine (and successful) pop song.
dpath2o wrote:
This song is for sock framers and barn door painters
Mail Pouch baby!
Luvin' it!!! Thanks Bill!
This song is for sock framers and barn door painters
Song about her affair with Ray Davies?
squidish wrote:
This was used in a fun movie about 2 punk girls called Times Square. Did anyone else see it? Tim Curry is in it, too.
Isn't that also the cinematic source of the Sludge Sisters singing something like "I'm a Damn Dog Now"? (Sorry Alejandro!) Ah, good times...
prickelpit96 wrote:
I feel sorry for your bad taste.
I've gotta agree with that guy. This is a crappy song. Actually, unlike the mainstream of the out-of-the-mainstream, I tend to dislike most Pretenders. They just don't work for me.
electronicthroat wrote:
wow, what a crappy song.
I feel sorry for your bad taste.
wow, what a crappy song.
squidish wrote:
This was used in a fun movie about 2 punk girls called Times Square. Did anyone else see it? Tim Curry is in it, too.
YES! Such an obscure but good movie!
She definitely rocks harder than most female rockers of today. It's not quite "I'll Stand By You" but I like this one.
This was used in a fun movie about 2 punk girls called Times Square. Did anyone else see it? Tim Curry is in it, too.
She came before all the previous women rockers listed. She blew the doors open for all the lady rockers . She still rocks unchallenged today, maybe w/ the execption of Miss Smith.
steeler wrote:
Lucinda Williams or Chrissie. Might be a tie.
Mmmm.....what a wonderfully difficult decision.....I may have to ponder this one for quite a while.
Marr wrote:
Garbage has a good reply/compliment to this song. It would be cool if Bill would play them back to back. Later - Ah, nobody has uploaded that one.
That is an excellent suggestion nonetheless!
highwindows wrote:
Is there ANY female singer with a sexier voice than Chrissie?
Lucinda Williams. Might be a tie.
Garbage has a good reply/compliment to this song. It would be cool if Bill would play them back to back. Later - Ah, nobody has uploaded that one.
highwindows wrote:
Is there ANY female singer with a sexier voice than Chrissie?
Yes. Ethel Murman.
highwindows wrote:
Is there ANY female singer with a sexier voice than Chrissie?
I could listen to it all day, even if she was simply reciting something as banal as a traffic report: There's a jacknifed tractor trailer on I-95, eeeee ive
Quintessential quality 80's. Lots of memories of this one on MTV. highwindows wrote:
Is there ANY female singer with a sexier voice than Chrissie?
Margo Timmins.
Simply the best. At the peak of her powers....
indypaul wrote:
In a word, NO!
... Yes! ... That is No! ... Yes? ... ...
highwindows wrote:
Is there ANY female singer with a sexier voice than Chrissie?
In a word, NO!