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The Doors — Break On Through
Album: The Doors
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Total ratings: 2671

Released: 1966
Length: 2:23
Plays (last 30 days): 2
You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side, yeah

We chased our pleasures here
Dug our treasures there
A-can you still recall
Time we cried?
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side

Come on!

Everybody loves my baby
Everybody loves my baby

She get high, she get high, she get high
She get high, yeah

I found an island in your arms
Country in your eyes
Arms that chained us
Eyes that lied
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through, ow!
Aw yeah!

Made the scene, week to week
Day to day, hour to hour
Gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side

Break on through, break on through
Break on through, break on through

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Comments (147)add comment
So much beautiful musical energy in less than 2 1/2 minutes.
Toujours bon pour toujours.
 Al wrote:

Hi Bill, love this song. But I notice you always (?) play the "Ed Sullivan" version? Morrison is supposed to sing " She get HIGH", not "She get --". Just sayin.........

OK, that explains things, I initially thought he was saying “chicken,” but that obviously makes no sense. I have never heard the uncensored version.
 romangaslan wrote:

Only an "8". Oh please!

9 from me!
Only an "8". Oh please!
Jim..  Gorgeous.
 jim_walsh wrote:

I listened to an interview on the radio with Robby Krieger and he talked about how out of control ole Jim became when he drank and apparently he drank a lot

Mr Krieger is a very underappreciated guitarist.  His contribution to The Doors was considerable.

... and apparently he drank a lot.  

Well, I guess that depends on what you think constitutes "drinking a lot".  <chuckle>
 jasko wrote:
Ah those dirty riffs..
This station is clearly promoting smoking pot and sex outside the marriage.  It's just scandalous what this country is coming to.  What's next, someone writing a song about how they undeniably like large buttocks?
 sashaly1968 wrote:

Lizard King

I Agree!!   Thanx RP!   

Lizard King
 Hannio wrote:

Overrated (adjective):  I don't like it, but plenty of others do and I can't figure why.  But the fault is obviously with them, because my taste is impeccable.

No. Your taste is a pecker...
 bobcat1963 wrote:
morrisson was nothing more than a depressive, psychopathic  manipulative creep IMHO.
his music sucks anyway

Their music!  As in The Doors the band.   IMHO, your HO is without merit.
Lol earlier today part of a song reminded me a lot of this one.

Nothing is a coincidence on RP..
 joejennings wrote:

GODLIKE!!!  I was 12yrs old when this album was released. I bought it immediately, because of "Light My Fire", and wound up loving every tune on the album!!!

And, I still continue to love this tune, more & more, every time I hear it!!!  Thanx RP!   
GODLIKE!!!  I was 12yrs old when this album was released. I bought it immediately, because of "Light My Fire", and wound up loving every tune on the album!!!
Ah those dirty riffs..
Pompous git.
Man, I hate the Doors. But there are a few tunes that are good, this being one of them. But in general the image of drunken smartass Dionysian Morrison is a major turnoff. Assholes like that don't need to be in my brain.
But this is a good tune.
I listened to an interview on the radio with Robby Krieger and he talked about how out of control ole Jim became when he drank and apparently he drank a lot
This music was born into turbulent times that seemed all the more shocking as seen darkly through millions of new TV screens. But it seemed like Mom or Dad was always there to change the channel or find another distraction. I remember hearing the occasional Doors song over the radio as a little kid, and thinking, "Wow, these songs are different..." So, which was the true reality, the one of raw violence and greed and lust for war and oil, or the one where turning a dial took away the scene of the child with clothes burned off from napalm that fell from the sky, or of protesters being chased and shot, and replaced it with The Flintstones? Then, as now, it seemed overwhelming to contemplate how human society was forever on the verge of completely unraveling. It was such a thrilling revelation for me to have Jim and his bandmates grab me and shake me awake like that. I wanted more. So... They just...leaped into my soul, man, and -- they're still there...
 MrStatenIsle wrote:

Fifty plus years, and this band stands as one of the most interesting musical acts of this century. Nothing has sounded quite like them before, or since.  

When this song came on I was once again pondering where Morrison's music  might have evolved to had he stayed alive, with your sentiments in mind.  And, since all my children are now past the age of 27, it struck me even more how very young he was when his life and career ended.  
I still love listening to the Doors, even though my music tastes have broadened and evolved, and I am in a far different head space than I was in my 20's.  (Which, come to think of it, is undoubtably why I managed to stay alive past the age of 27. )
 Fiji5555 wrote:

Yeah what's with THAT?  I don't need hand holding to listen to music, lets hear the original version!

I get that, but it's the "clean" version that's imprinted on my brain, so much that I prefer it. People probably prefer the 1st version they heard.
 jkforde wrote:

am curious to know why as well, very funny that it was edited out as if....
I never heard "She get high" until I recently received a remastered version. According to wikipedia (I know, not a real source, ...), it was censored out early and most releases and radio played the censored version.
A solid ten for Jim and the boys✌️
 nu11 wrote:
I noticed that the amount of love or loathing for this song  changed for me during my life.  Since it came out in my birth year it has been there all the time I am. 
age  0-4, never really heard them so no opinion
age 5-12, nice song but not great
age 13- 25, absolutely hate this song  old school crap!
age 25-45, nice song
age 45- now, this is actually great stuff I wonder why I ever hated it.
Surely the taste swings are not abrupt,  suddenly I turned 45 and  suddenly I think it is great, no,  all transitions are gradual, shaped by every time you hear the song. Remember this when you comment on classics! Or are annoyed by other people hating it, they are just not in the right phase of their life 
I don't rate songs like this, I just skip.  Like you say here, this song has always been around and I wouldn't mind never hearing it again.  Nothing against the Doors, but I can't properly rate this since I am predisposed to being tired of it.  So, PSD.
I noticed that the amount of love or loathing for this song  changed for me during my life.  Since it came out in my birth year it has been there all the time I am. 
age  0-4, never really heard them so no opinion
age 5-12, nice song but not great
age 13- 25, absolutely hate this song  old school crap!
age 25-45, nice song
age 45- now, this is actually great stuff I wonder why I ever hated it.
Surely the taste swings are not abrupt,  suddenly I turned 45 and  suddenly I think it is great, no,  all transitions are gradual, shaped by every time you hear the song. Remember this when you comment on classics! Or are annoyed by other people hating it, they are just not in the right phase of their life 
Simply the greatest.
 Al wrote:
Hi Bill, love this song. But I notice you always (?) play the "Ed Sullivan" version? Morrison is supposed to sing " She get HIGH", not "She get --". Just sayin.........
am curious to know why as well, very funny that it was edited out as if....
Oh go away.
 Piranga wrote:
It's obvious that the most important factors in shaping an opinion about a band are, 1) how old you were when they were in their prime, and 2) where you were on your life's journey.  What's interesting is that some tastes evolve and some don't. Thanks to RP for helping me continue to evolve in year 71. 
Rock on Piranga! Long Live you and RP!!
It's obvious that the most important factors in shaping an opinion about a band are, 1) how old you were when they were in their prime, and 2) where you were on your life's journey.  What's interesting is that some tastes evolve and some don't. Thanks to RP for helping me continue to evolve in year 71. 
 ScottD wrote:
To these 15 year old ears tired of hearing the Dave Clark Five, Hermans Hermit, and the Beatles sing about holding hands and other sappy sentiments that seemed more and more irrelevant to what was really going on in the turbulent sixties this tune cut through with what seemed like an honesty previously denied us. It was truly refreshing!
Ummmmm, nice try. The Beatles singing about "holding hands" was well before this. HH and DC5 probably were broke up by the time this came out.
But by 67  The Beatles were putting out some pretty decent stuffand far from that mop toppy stuff (which is great in its own right)...I could be wrong. 
But, your point is noted though the effort was poor making it.
(And nobody insults the Beatles dammit! lol)
To these 15 year old ears tired of hearing the Dave Clark Five, Hermans Hermit, and the Beatles sing about holding hands and other sappy sentiments that seemed more and more irrelevant to what was really going on in the turbulent sixties this tune cut through with what seemed like an honesty previously denied us. It was truly refreshing!
One of the best intros ever
52 years old ! Music is still outstanding and lyrics relevant.
Fifty plus years, and this band stands as one of the most interesting musical acts of this century. Nothing has sounded quite like them before, or since.  
It is OK to play the album version of the song. Really. Please?
It's from 1967? Mad!
As the lead off track of their 1st album of a band that must be considered as America's best, it nets not only a 10 but a 10+.
 Al wrote:
Hi Bill, love this song. But I notice you always (?) play the "Ed Sullivan" version? Morrison is supposed to sing " She get HIGH", not "She get --". Just sayin.........

From Wiki:
The original album version and all re-issues until the 1990s have the word "high" deleted, with Morrison singing "she gets" four times before a final wail. Live versions and more recent remastered releases have the full line restored. Regardless, classic rock radio stations, the iTunes release and most compilations continue to use the censored version, as it is the version most familiar to listeners.
This song is as old as I am and I love it!!! 
One of the songs that get on my nerves so badly, dont know why but I truly hate this song. Sorry.
 Spiderwoman wrote:
How did people feel when this came out? I wasn't alive. I always wonder. Cause I'm crazy about it. Were people running around pulling their hair out, utterly bowled over?
unclehud wrote:

In small town South Carolina, probably the entire Southland, this anthem to drugs and sex was absolute proof that rock and roll was an instrument of the devil.  "What do you THINK it means?  Light My Fire?  On Her Satanic Majesty's Birthday?  Break On Through to the Other Side?  Of course it's evil!"

Lots of us teenagers began questioning everything the Establishment had told us, looked at each other conspiratorially, and started doing 'evil' things to decide the truth for ourselves.  Those who cared to protect their reputations did our experimenting miles down the dirt roads weaving through the piney woods.  (I still prefer my intoxicated time to be outside in the woods and mountains.)

Thank you, WBBQ-FM, for having the guts to play tunes like this despite what it must have done to your advertising revenue. 

Well then, from almost 5 years ago, this is one of the coolest "I was there, then" comments I've read!! 

As a big fan of this band as my moniker suggests, I've always thought The Doors had the best first track on a debut album...and the best last track, and the best first track on the 2nd side....hell...best debut album!!  Subjective as hell I know; still, something in the "anti-Establishment" that really stirs the rebel in me...and boy I would have had fun if I was born in 1950 (although I might not have made it into the 70s, either cuz of drugs....or Vietnam)

Long Live RP!! 

Love the circus type atmosphere of the keyboards.  Don't trust anyone over 30!  HaHa!!!{#Stop} 
Way overplayed.  I used to love the Doors, and I still like them. But aren't there plenty of Doors songs that RP could play which haven't been so heavily abused by rock and pop stations around the world?!?!
 Hannio wrote:
Overrated (adjective):  I don't like it, but plenty of others do and I can't figure why.  But the fault is obviously with them, because my taste is impeccable.
 arieviln wrote:
One of the most overrated bands in history.

I like them, but they're just ok.


Overrated (adjective):  I don't like it, but plenty of others do and I can't figure why.  But the fault is obviously with them, because my taste is impeccable.
 unclehud wrote:

In small town South Carolina, probably the entire Southland, this anthem to drugs and sex was absolute proof that rock and roll was an instrument of the devil.  "What do you THINK it means?  Light My Fire?  On Her Satanic Majesty's Birthday?  Break On Through to the Other Side?  Of course it's evil!"

Lots of us teenagers began questioning everything the Establishment had told us, looked at each other conspiratorially, and started doing 'evil' things to decide the truth for ourselves.  Those who cared to protect their reputations did our experimenting miles down the dirt roads weaving through the piney woods.  (I still prefer my intoxicated time to be outside in the woods and mountains.)

Thank you, WBBQ-FM, for having the guts to play tunes like this despite what it must have done to your advertising revenue. 

The DEVIL! Land sakes! 

Wow, and I thought I had it bad growing up in suburban MA. A lot of people in the area were Catholics but I think most people weren't all that devout. 
 SchoepTone wrote:
Not a fan of the Doors. Overrated IMO.

 Al wrote:
Hi Bill, love this song. But I notice you always (?) play the "Ed Sullivan" version? Morrison is supposed to sing " She get HIGH", not "She get —". Just sayin.........
Yeah what's with THAT?  I don't need hand holding to listen to music, lets hear the original version!
Hi Bill, love this song. But I notice you always (?) play the "Ed Sullivan" version? Morrison is supposed to sing " She get HIGH", not "She get --". Just sayin.........
Simple yet effective!

Takes me back to my high school days, when I didn't appreciate this then.  I do now, though!


Not a fan of the Doors. Overrated IMO.
While certainly overplayed at this point (and lost some of it's shine for me) - one still cannot deny it's magnificence then and now!
Makes me want to do large quantities of drugs! Especially 'shrooms.
 oldfart48 wrote:

makes me happy I grew up in L.A. (6-18 )   all the local am late nite guys played this


Hey I grew up in South Carolina too and we heard the same music everyone else did including this song.{#Stupid}
 unclehud wrote:

In small town South Carolina, probably the entire Southland, this anthem to drugs and sex was absolute proof that rock and roll was an instrument of the devil.  "What do you THINK it means?  Light My Fire?  On Her Satanic Majesty's Birthday?  Break On Through to the Other Side?  Of course it's evil!"

Lots of us teenagers began questioning everything the Establishment had told us, looked at each other conspiratorially, and started doing 'evil' things to decide the truth for ourselves.  Those who cared to protect their reputations did our experimenting miles down the dirt roads weaving through the piney woods.  (I still prefer my intoxicated time to be outside in the woods and mountains.)

Thank you, WBBQ-FM, for having the guts to play tunes like this despite what it must have done to your advertising revenue. 


Dear unclehud,

Thank you for this insight...there are always ground breakers for the next generation, huh.

Take care in those mountains :) 
 unclehud wrote:

In small town South Carolina, probably the entire Southland, this anthem to drugs and sex was absolute proof that rock and roll was an instrument of the devil.  "What do you THINK it means?  Light My Fire?  On Her Satanic Majesty's Birthday?  Break On Through to the Other Side?  Of course it's evil!"

Lots of us teenagers began questioning everything the Establishment had told us, looked at each other conspiratorially, and started doing 'evil' things to decide the truth for ourselves.  Those who cared to protect their reputations did our experimenting miles down the dirt roads weaving through the piney woods.  (I still prefer my intoxicated time to be outside in the woods and mountains.)

Thank you, WBBQ-FM, for having the guts to play tunes like this despite what it must have done to your advertising revenue. 

makes me happy I grew up in L.A. (6-18 )   all the local am late nite guys played this
Spiderwoman wrote:
How did people feel when this came out? I wasn't alive. I always wonder. Cause I'm crazy about it. Were people running around pulling their hair out, utterly bowled over?

In small town South Carolina, probably the entire Southland, this anthem to drugs and sex was absolute proof that rock and roll was an instrument of the devil. 

"What do you THINK it means? Light My Fire? On Her Satanic Majesty's Birthday? Break On Through to the Other Side?; Of course it's evil!"

Lots of us teenagers began questioning everything the Establishment had told us, looked at each other conspiratorially, and experimented with some of those "evil" things to decide the truth for ourselves. Those of us who cared to protect their reputations did our experimenting miles down the dirt roads weaving through the piney woods. (I still prefer my intoxicated time to be outside in the woods and mountains.)

Thank you, WBBQ-FM, for having the guts to play tunes like this despite what it must have done to your advertising revenue.
Yeah baby, Straits, Smiths, Doors - Rock the legends.  I love this station way more than I imagine my neighbours do.  This is awfully loud for Saturday morning 10am.
I will never see what other people see in this band. They just don't do anything for me!
 Ferox wrote:
Awesome still after 36 years, cannot begin to wonder how this went down in 1966.

   Spiderwoman wrote:
How did people feel when this came out? I wasn't alive. I always wonder. Cause I'm crazy about it. Were people running around pulling their hair out, utterly bowled over?

Not that it matters, but this single didn't even crack the Billboard Top 100.  However, their next single from this album ("Light My Fire") went to #1.

Time flies when we're having fun...  love this song...
How did people feel when this came out? I wasn't alive. I always wonder. Cause I'm crazy about it. Were people running around pulling their hair out, utterly bowled over?
Superb; I don't remember listening 'properly' to it ever before... listen to that Hammond squeal!
In 1993 when I was on an exchange trip to Paris I visited Morrison's grave, just to say I had seen it.
 Businessgypsy wrote:
Note to self: do not piss lophrequa off.


 Ferox wrote:
Awesome still after 36 years, cannot begin to wonder how this went down in 1966.

any classic rock, pop or soul that was a hit on the radio *in it's time*, speaks to that time, as much as it's musicality
Awesome still after 36 years, cannot begin to wonder how this went down in 1966.
Love it 10++++++++++++
 More_Cowbell wrote:
This song is now played on the radio in the un-edited form.  I am surprised that the edited form is played here.

Well, does she get high?
I love it
A Solid 10+,rock on boys!
 More_Cowbell wrote:
This song is now played on the radio in the un-edited form.  I am surprised that the edited form is played here.
The unedited vocal is interesting, but it's nice to hear the version we all grew up on occasionally.
This song is now played on the radio in the un-edited form.  I am surprised that the edited form is played here.
 MiloCorp wrote:
Sorry, but I am only able to give a 3 (Ho Hum) rating to music from the 50 something generation. I don't care how famous/infamous they are. Classic rock has done too much to limit peoples musical scope; nothing wrong with it influencing your tastes, let's just move on. JM definitely made a huge impact on music and bands that appreciated their music, let's hear those other bands.

 mread wrote:

What the ??

How exactly has it done this?  Do you mean that we would have better music today if only there were no Classic rock, or that because of Classic rock people will not try new music?  Either is absurd.


I don't think it's the music itself which could limit people's music scopes, but the media entities (i.e. classic rock stations) which only acknowledge classic rock.  MiloCorp's post implies nothing to the effect that "we would have better music today if only there were no Classic rock" - in fact, the post notes its influence and impact on subsequent music.  Also, whether or not you are aware of it, there are a great many "Classic rock people" who refuse to "try new music".  Personally, I enjoy and listen to music of many eras, but I've had quite enough of this tune.

If you're not listening closely, it sounds like the second verse starts with: "I found an island in your arms/Poultry in your eyes."
 LizK wrote:

Edith Piaf is buried there too, I believe.  An icon of her own time and place.  Let's give her an emoticon. {#Notworthy}   Does RP ever play Piaf? 


I love Edith Piaf, I tried to upload one from her, but got rejected.{#Sad}
 mread wrote:

What the ??

How exactly has it done this?  Do you mean that we would have better music today if only there were no Classic rock, or that because of Classic rock people will not try new music?  Either is absurd.

 Totally agree. Guess we could blame the blues too since that was a major influence on classic rock...it's all interdependent like the circle of life...(ok...that was over the top)

 MiloCorp wrote:
... Classic rock has done too much to limit peoples musical scope ...
What the ??

How exactly has it done this?  Do you mean that we would have better music today if only there were no Classic rock, or that because of Classic rock people will not try new music?  Either is absurd.

lophrequa wrote:
the counting crows of their day
Note to self: do not piss lophrequa off.

I guess all good things come to an end.
 keller1 wrote:
Maybe you had to be there ...

I was, and in 1967-9 there were very few bigger stars on the planet than Jim Morrison —- a pinup in the teenybopper magazines and to the more serious rock press a poet and cultural icon.

For me it's always about the music, and when you consider Light My Fire, People Are Strange, Touch Me, Roadhouse Blues, LA Woman, Riders on the Storm, The End, When The Music's Over, Five to One, The Unknown Soldier, and this tune, among others, these guys belong in the rock pantheon.

Funny, though —- we have over 5,000 tunes in our IPod and not a single Doors tune, probably because their stuff was and continues to be ubiquitous on regular radio.
As one who was there as well, and in the LA area when they were breaking out, the Doors and several other iconic bands of the day were immediately relevant, commenting musically on current events.  The music had immediate relevance that is lost on those who were not there or not yet born.  In the latter case, the music must stand on its own and without the mood that inspired the music, well its just a curiosity that may not inspire any feelings.

The music of the 60's and very early 70's, more than any other period reflect feelings of immediate life and death scenarios.  As we who were there and impacted by the Cold War and Viet Nam die off, I doubt that much of that music will receive any further airplay after we are gone.  A lot of the Beatles, some of the Stones, some of the Who, Kinks, Motown, Elvis, a little Floyd, surf music and pop will be played forever.

But stuff by the Doors, Airplane, Quicksilver Messanger Service, the Dead, Donovan and many others that created music of and for that time will be put on the shelf forever.  Without the people whose emotions these songs captured around, there will be no understanding or desire to hear them any further. All that will be discussed is how simple, raw, out of tune or off key the music or singers were.

Move over Jim, there's a new "Lizard King" in town.
 toolunious wrote:
Awesom! When I visited his grave in Paris 2 weeks ago, 15 people stood there as well. No other grave had this attention :)
Edith Piaf is buried there too, I believe.  An icon of her own time and place.  Let's give her an emoticon. {#Notworthy}   Does RP ever play Piaf? 

Maybe you had to be there ...

I was, and in 1967-9 there were very few bigger stars on the planet than Jim Morrison —- a pinup in the teenybopper magazines and to the more serious rock press a poet and cultural icon.

For me it's always about the music, and when you consider Light My Fire, People Are Strange, Touch Me, Roadhouse Blues, LA Woman, Riders on the Storm, The End, When The Music's Over, Five to One, The Unknown Soldier, and this tune, among others, these guys belong in the rock pantheon.

Funny, though —- we have over 5,000 tunes in our IPod and not a single Doors tune, probably because their stuff was and continues to be ubiquitous on regular radio.

 On_The_Beach wrote:

Right; they couldn't compete with the superstars of today, like Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson & Clay Aiken . . . please.


Sorry, but I am only able to give a 3 (Ho Hum) rating to music from the 50 something generation. I don't care how famous/infamous they are. Classic rock has done too much to limit peoples musical scope; nothing wrong with it influencing your tastes, let's just move on. JM definitely made a huge impact on music and bands that appreciated their music, let's hear those other bands.
Surprise, surprise—-i like the Doors.
One of the most overrated bands in history.

I like them, but they're just ok.
 michaelgmitchell wrote:
Bleh. Another time, another place. We need not revisit this place and celebrate this man.

I think maybe you should read my earlier comment - right below yours. You either missed or ignored it.
 michaelgmitchell wrote:
Bleh. Another time, another place. We need not revisit this place and celebrate this man.
What's this "we" stuff, Mike? Ya got a mouse in your pocket, or what?
Bleh. Another time, another place. We need not revisit this place and celebrate this man.
 bobcat1963 wrote:
morrisson was nothing more than a depressive, psychopathic  manipulative creep IMHO.
his music sucks anyway


Wow. Until you pointed this out I had spent 40 years really liking his music. All that time, wasted. Such a shame.

Ok, my sarcasm brings me down to your level, I think. But, come on. Your opinion is not my fact. Or anyone else's. Seems unwise to me to make sweeping statements like this since they are backed up by no evidence of any kind. Maybe you have some that you could bring up - but you didn't. So we're left with your pronouncement. You don't convince me to consider your point of view by first essentially saying that I am an idiot.

PS: There are plenty of Morrison songs that I am not particularly wild about, either. Nor is this song one of my top 5 Morrison songs. But I still rate it an '8', and I'd give it an 8.5 if I could.
 mfassett wrote:
I logged in to write, if this came out today, the doors would be laughed out of the business with music like this.  But alas, I've already written one negative comment here.  So I won't write another one.  Well, shoot, it's too late.  Dang!  

Like the Purple Princess (see below), I completely disagree. I'm sure this comment was not made to be taken complete literally but it I think it's a bit of an over-reaction even for someone who doesn't like the material. I can think of current artists producing material far less sophisticated - that will, in 40 years, seem seriously dated - than this. In fact, for me, if this were to come out today with the production techniques now available applied to it, I think I would still like it. It's not just that I associate it with that incredible period during the latter half of the '60's.

I found an island in your arms,
A country in your eyes,
Arms that chained us, eyes that lied

Significant. {#Cowboy}
Awesom! When I visited his grave in Paris 2 weeks ago, 15 people stood there as well. No other grave had this attention :)
 mfassett wrote:
I logged in to write, if this came out today, the doors would be laughed out of the business with music like this. 
Right; they couldn't compete with the superstars of today, like Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson & Clay Aiken . . . please.

 bachbeet wrote:
Great song from a great album.  One of the best debut albums in Rock.  One great thing about this opener was that it was a great danceable party song that actually had some "teeth" to it.  As opposed to a lot of the crap that went for party songs at the time.  I've forgotten all those other songs but I always used this one at our parties.  This one and Spencer Davis's Gimme Some Lovin'.  No one could sit still.

ah, an anthem of my senior year
 mfassett wrote:
I logged in to write, if this came out today, the doors would be laughed out of the business with music like this.  But alas, I've already written one negative comment here.  So I won't write another one.  Well, shoot, it's too late.  Dang!  
You are probably right, it wouldn't make any sense now. Different music for different times and Morrison certainly expressed his well.

the counting crows of their day
morrisson was nothing more than a depressive, psychopathic  manipulative creep IMHO.
his music sucks anyway

 mfassett wrote:
I logged in to write, if this came out today, the doors would be laughed out of the business with music like this.  But alas, I've already written one negative comment here.  So I won't write another one.  Well, shoot, it's too late.  Dang!  

I disagree most vehemently.
I logged in to write, if this came out today, the doors would be laughed out of the business with music like this.  But alas, I've already written one negative comment here.  So I won't write another one.  Well, shoot, it's too late.  Dang!  
What a hell of a set to eat dinner to - i've gotten up twice to check out the forums. Nice grouping. (think Young Frankenstein. ha ha)

no comment    -   10.
Great song from a great album.  One of the best debut albums in Rock.  One great thing about this opener was that it was a great danceable party song that actually had some "teeth" to it.  As opposed to a lot of the crap that went for party songs at the time.  I've forgotten all those other songs but I always used this one at our parties.  This one and Spencer Davis's Gimme Some Lovin'.  No one could sit still.
Sorry, but this is just terrible, IMHO.  I just never got these guys.  Even Ray's fantastic keyboard playing can't save this one.  Sorry.  
Ahnyer_Keester wrote:
Oh how I hate The Doors, let me count the ways... But I know that other peeps must like'em or they wouldn't be so popular. So I rated this Sucko-Barfo just to even things out. ya'll go ahead and enjoy, thurned the volume down till it is gone...
I'm with you; I just have never gotten them.
eric wrote:
Sad to hear the Doors on RP :(
And that would be....why?
Black Sabbath, The Raconteurs, The Smiths, Madrugada, The Doors...Now that's what I call eclectic!
Oh how I hate The Doors, let me count the ways... But I know that other peeps must like'em or they wouldn't be so popular. So I rated this Sucko-Barfo just to even things out. ya'll go ahead and enjoy, thurned the volume down till it is gone...