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Mathias Duplessy — Sombaraï
Album: My Mongolia
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Total ratings: 2832

Released: 2013
Length: 3:22
Plays (last 30 days): 2
sorry - lyrics not available
Comments (118)add comment
 Zep wrote:

Chardo herdaman sardihe soreyo
Chardo yotendaa khar sanderaï samberoï
Sara khandaye chombe sandaye kho lindje
Soolkha dandjer Soolkha dandjer ee sombaraï
Chore,re sombaraï charideei sombero
Chore,re sombaraï hamigjor samir djore
Hamakhedarr ee sombaraï sombe djo ir i doy
Somba djare sombe djooor e sombaraï
Chorde he ton daaraï sarindeye chore dongi
Soordo esondaraaï tcharendeyi sorin dogo
Tchama sandee tche sambakai kholin dee khaliyao
Khamba tchendari khamba cedjaari he sombaraï
Tchore he sombarai tcherin dogeï sora djogi
Tchorgi tchorgi tchorgi sombarai tcherin deeegi sori dordoï
Kaba djarare makha dararve sori dee ihin dor
Somba khor somba djaï he sombarai he sombarai he sombarai

But what does it mean?
Chardo herdaman sardihe soreyo
Chardo yotendaa khar sanderaï samberoï
Sara khandaye chombe sandaye kho lindje
Soolkha dandjer Soolkha dandjer ee sombaraï
Chore,re sombaraï charideei sombero
Chore,re sombaraï hamigjor samir djore
Hamakhedarr ee sombaraï sombe djo ir i doy
Somba djare sombe djooor e sombaraï
Chorde he ton daaraï sarindeye chore dongi
Soordo esondaraaï tcharendeyi sorin dogo
Tchama sandee tche sambakai kholin dee khaliyao
Khamba tchendari khamba cedjaari he sombaraï
Tchore he sombarai tcherin dogeï sora djogi
Tchorgi tchorgi tchorgi sombarai tcherin deeegi sori dordoï
Kaba djarare makha dararve sori dee ihin dor
Somba khor somba djaï he sombarai he sombarai he sombarai
 lizardking wrote:

Maybe just a sad troll recently evicted from their bridge? 

nothing sadder than a bridgeless troll. It makes them really grouchy!

Chardo herdaman sardihe soreyo
Chardo yotendaa khar sanderaï samberoï
Sara khandaye chombe sandaye kho lindje
Soolkha dandjer Soolkha dandjer ee sombaraï

Chore,re sombaraï charideei sombero
Chore,re sombaraï hamigjor samir djore
Hamakhedarr ee sombaraï sombe djo ir i doy
Somba djare sombe djooor e sombaraï

Chorde he ton daaraï sarindeye chore dongi
Soordo esondaraaï tcharendeyi sorin dogo
Tchama sandee tche sambakai kholin dee khaliyao
Khamba tchendari khamba cedjaari he sombaraï

Tchore he sombarai tcherin dogeï sora djogi
Tchorgi tchorgi tchorgi sombarai tcherin deeegi sori dordoï
Kaba djarare makha dararve sori dee ihin dor
Somba khor somba djaï he sombarai he sombarai he sombarai
I like how the lyrics are not available, great tune nevertheless.
 rezadent wrote:

So the person who downvotes Kenne's comment; because they expressed joy? Gratitude? Love? Curiosity? or, is it because the downvoter doesn't know about the skip button? but they have time to read the comments and downvote?  

Maybe just a sad troll recently evicted from their bridge? 
Absolutely LOVE this song. Stop whatever you’re doing and turn it up kind of song. Throat singing is such an incredible skill. Sting was wise to have some throat singers on some of his songs. I know it’s not for everyone. Listen carefully and you can hear different harmonics all at once from just the one singer. And no it’s most definitely not Autotuned.
I love it, and my kids too! We have two small fans of Mathias : )
He is completely mad and lost in music!!
Great!! I never heard of him before.  Thanx RP!
 kennewicksheri wrote:

What a joy to hear Tuvan Throat singing...... thank you for sharing this...
Love my Radio Paradise....
Now looking for more by this artist...
Thank you ....  Thank you 

So the person who downvotes Kenne's comment; because they expressed joy? Gratitude? Love? Curiosity? or, is it because the downvoter doesn't know about the skip button? but they have time to read the comments and downvote?  
Thank you for introducing us (me and everyone I meet to whom I immediately say "you MUST listen to this!") to Mathias Duplessy!

Also, the music video for this track is absolutely brilliant despite (or thanks to?!) being homemade  
Be drunk in a desert
this guy is like the "Andrew Bird" of Mongolia.

 bc wrote:

I have no idea what that was, but I liked it.
Thanks for playing something I would never hear anywhere else.

You got that right
 Btravelen wrote:
Fun song!

Who, laddy, who? :o)

I'd never have heard Mongolian music without RP - viva l'ecletticismo!
 reallylost wrote:

Too chunky - not really rhythmic. 

Sorry, perplexed by this comment... In what way is it 'not really rhythmic'?
better than those arseholes the war on drugs
Too chunky - not really rhythmic. 
makes me want to dance

and I'm a bad dancer

but that don't stop me...next attempt at a Wilco show in Sep!!!!

Fun song!
aelfheld wrote:

It's not the foreign language that's at issue but rather the music which, by any perspective, is tedious & unpleasant.

 SnapDragon66 wrote:

Don't paint everyone with the same narrow minded perspective brush as yourself

Aelfheld just needs to get drunk more often. 
What, no lyrics available?! 😛

(Would probably make any auto-trashlator-bot attempt to hang itself by it's own cat-5 cable, lol)
Do I hear the Tuvan Tom Waits?
I like this! Thanks!
 shrn.gillette4116 wrote:
I love this! I went to Mongolia a few years ago and was serenaded nightly by the locals after dinner. Thanks for playing such wonderful music from all over the world!
Look after the king of R n R please 
Bumping this from 7 -> 8, it makes me stop & listen every time
Sing it, brother! 
I love it!
It makes me think that what I would love even more is Mongolian music performed by Mongols themselves and not a lost Frenchman :)
 MrPommeroy wrote:
if we hear such a tune on the main mix what can we expect on eclectic mix...
You'll be suprised, pleasantly I hope 
if we hear such a tune on the main mix what can we expect on eclectic mix...
 dc_zee wrote:
David Byrne and Popeye walk into a bar...
I think I'm picking up a little Bluto too.
 baronsylte wrote:
Check out the music video, it's quite funny. It's on ISpyOnYou-tube

I saw him 'live'  last year - fun!! 
Check out the music video, it's quite funny. It's on ISpyOnYou-tube
Thanks RP.
Sort of grows on and into you. 4>6. May go higher on repeated listenings.
 dc_zee wrote:
David Byrne and Popeye walk into a bar....
and make a great song about spinach while having a beer together!!! 
I really like this, but this time I heard Joan Baez' "Play Me Backwards" at the beginning. Never noticed the similarity.
 aelfheld wrote:

It's not the foreign language that's at issue but rather the music which, by any perspective, is tedious & unpleasant.
Don't paint everyone with the same narrow minded perspective brush as yourself
 maxvonevil wrote:
Funny how every time Bill plays something in a foreign language there's a certain uptick in the SuckoBarfo ratings.  It can't be all Golden Murican' Oldies. Get some global perspective!
It's not the foreign language that's at issue but rather the music which, by any perspective, is tedious & unpleasant.
Funny how every time Bill plays something in a foreign language there's a certain uptick in the SuckoBarfo ratings.  It can't be all Golden Murican' Oldies. Get some global perspective!
I love this! I went to Mongolia a few years ago and was serenaded nightly by the locals after dinner. Thanks for playing such wonderful music from all over the world!
There's a documentary about Richard Feyman's curiosity and joy... told in his quest to go to Mongolia in the 80s (iron curtain still up) so he could experience Tuvan throat singing in person. Delightful. 


Genghis Blues is another good doc about love of Tuva.
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Sore throat!
 RabbitEars wrote: 
Thanks. Quite impressive and I mean that in a good way. . 
I love this guy, saw him in concert. Excellent travel musician. Good word music.
Look the video on youtube. So funny ! 

 edz wrote:
I love to sing along Mathias. 

 dabeyc wrote:
ah not again.
 Yes! And again!

ah not again.
 RabbitEars wrote:
Brilliant! Thanks for that!
check this out

chaque fois, cette mésa me fait sourire
 mojcamojca77 wrote:
it's nice to hear a song in a different language. I don't understand absolutelly nothing, but it is nice :-)
So you DO understand then.  After all, you used a double negative.
it's nice to hear a song in a different language. I don't understand absolutelly nothing, but it is nice :-)
The best music discovery in 2018.
My kid loves it and bounces around whenever I play anything from this guy!

Thanks RP for letting me discover it
Occasionally sounds like Leonard Cohen makes some very short cameos during the song. 
I love to sing along Mathias. 
Anyone found a translation?  I got the first line then gave up on the rest something about the tragedy of Chardo

I believe Mathias Duplessy is singing in Tuvan.
Wow, love this! Surprised it was a Feench artist in Mongolia; thought it might have been South American. Thanks Bill :-)
Not all music has to sound like "ours".  This is better.
I Love This.
Makes me want to travel to Mongolia {#Biggrin}  Love the slideshow.  Where else would we hear this?  NOWHERE!  Thank you Bill & Rebecca.
I went 8→9 on this today.  I recently watched some of Mathias' videos and was impressed by how cool he seems.  Would love to hang out with him in Mongolia some time riding motorbikes and having fun.  Long Live RP!!
wonder how authentic the melody is
sounds westernized
so much awesomeness
Reminds me of David Byrne. Not a bad thing!
(Cleveland, OH)
Posted: Sep 19, 2017 6:16
 [ Reply ]

 shakylegs wrote:
That was rather enjoyable. 

No it wasn't.

Yes it was!
This song rocks!
Love it!!!
Who let the muppet in the studio?
 shakylegs wrote:
That was rather enjoyable. 

No it wasn't.
Hadn't heard this before, but it makes a nice change from 'violins of the world/crazy horse'.

I'm in the "I like this track on its own merits" and not the "I like this track because it shows BillG's eclecticism."

What I find interesting, is that in hearing it now about 7 times, I'm still caught off-guard when I hear the intro - so far I am not able to identifiy it until after I see the song name/track name on the player.

Anyways, as always, Long Live RP!

 kennewicksheri wrote:
What a joy to hear Tuvan Throat singing...... thank you for sharing this...
Love my Radio Paradise....
Now looking for more by this artist...
Thank you ....  Thank you 

Agree with you on all counts!
What a joy to hear Tuvan Throat singing...... thank you for sharing this...
Love my Radio Paradise....
Now looking for more by this artist...
Thank you ....  Thank you 
I have no idea what that was, but I liked it.
Thanks for playing something I would never hear anywhere else.
Mongolian throat singing in this song... low gluttural voice while simulaneously whistling through the lips.  So cool.  
Hearing some incarnation of Paul Pena there.
Thank you Bill for the introduction....I am confident that without RP, a Mongolian tune would have never been added as a treat
haha I just commented that rp "gets" women. guess rp also gets barking, honking, poncho wearing, French, nomadic yodelers! great mix as always. "A Good Life." A great day.
what a barf sound interrupts this song? if it cut, it will turn a good song. imho.
Thanks Bill for the introduction... checkout some of his other stuff... fab!!
 Canlistener wrote:
who the hell told this guy he can sing!?

Your momma?
 ciolca wrote:
What a piece of junk!{#Stop}

Yes, it doesn't sound like anything on my redneck radio! {#Bananapiano}
8 from me.
thanks !
Haha, it's like a musical lucky dip, every 20 seconds it changes to some other random style.
love this {#Dancingbanana_2}
This reminds me of a talking heads song
somebody in RP is not indifferent to mongolian yodeler :)
Give that man a whiskey for his throat
Marginal ...
I for one like it,, which is why I subscribe to R/P,,monthly,,
That was rather enjoyable. 
I blame Paul Pena...
who the hell told this guy he can sing!?
 dc_zee wrote:
David Byrne and Popeye walk into a bar....

With a yodeler...

Reminds of a fun/crazy Western-style movie set in 1939 Manchuria:

What a piece of junk!{#Stop}
 {#Roflol}dc_zee wrote:
David Byrne and Popeye walk into a bar....


 twoplain2sea wrote:
 Khoomei, Hooliin Chor (in Mongolian, ‘throat harmony’), or Mongolian throat singing  is inscribed in 2009 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO, under the name Mongolian art of singing, Khoomei.

Nice information. Love it.
 dc_zee wrote:
David Byrne and Popeye walk into a bar....

Part of me wants to be a wiseass and complain about how this is nice enough but is criminally overplayed on commercial radio.

I'll resist and say instead that I love RP as a destination for hearing stuff like this that I'd never otherwise get exposed to.
Cracked a smile 😀😉😍
This is just sooooo RP. Vive l'éclectisme!
this is fun!{#Dancingbanana_2}
Love it! {#Roflol}
 ronniegirl wrote:
I hate it.  Wait, I like it.  Nope, horrible.  Oh, that's cool.  WHAT?  Yikes.  Ok.  Geez.

 Khoomei, Hooliin Chor (in Mongolian, ‘throat harmony’), or Mongolian throat singing  is inscribed in 2009 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO, under the name Mongolian art of singing, Khoomei.
Funny music {#Roflol}
David Byrne and Popeye walk into a bar....
I hate it.  Wait, I like it.  Nope, horrible.  Oh, that's cool.  WHAT?  Yikes.  Ok.  Geez.