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My Morning Jacket — Golden
Album: It Still Moves
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Total ratings: 2424

Released: 2003
Length: 4:28
Plays (last 30 days): 4
Watchin' this stretch of road,
Miles of light explode,
Driftin' off the thing I've never done before.

Watchin' the crowd roll in,
Out go the lights, It Begins.
Feeling in my bones I've never felt before.

People always told me,
That bars are dark & lonely,
And talk is often cheap & filled with air.
Sure sometimes it thrills me,
But nothing could ever chill me,
Like the way they make the time just disappear.

Feelin' you're here again,
Hard on my skin again,
Feelin' good a thing, I've never known before,
What does it mean to feel?
Millions of dreams come real,
Feeling in my soul I've never felt before.

And you, you always told me,
No matter how long it holds me,
If it falls apart or makes us millionaires,
We'll be right here forever,
Go through this thing together,
And on Heaven's Golden Shore, We'll lay our heads.
Comments (265)add comment
Every now and then I hear a song on RP and I nod to myself, "Yes, proof that I have great taste in music." and half-way thru the song I realize I 'discovered' that band by listening to RP. The very best kind of loop delay. 
I'm generally predisposed to not like MMJ, not because they're not a god band but I just don't care for Jim James singing style. This song however is nice, solid 7.
hey here’s an idea - not posting the same stupid tripe 3 times in a row. This band is fantastic live and they write excellent songs.
I hate to  say so but I'm really bored with this ethereal harmonising sound.   Just my two pence worth.  
 Dosequis wrote:


And cowbell too !
 Dosequis wrote:


And cowbell too!
 Dosequis wrote:


What a beautiful love song. 
Drummers, what is this shuffle-y train vibe called? Is it with the brushes on the snare? I love it. 
I have no idea why, but I always get a bit of a Glen Campbell vibe on this one. I like it.
 MysteryMan wrote:
First time I have heard My Morning Jacket. I really like this track. Now I need to hear more. 

I bought Z in 2005 and was an instant fan. Love, love, love that album.
Thought for a moment it were the fleet foxes.
First time I have heard My Morning Jacket. I really like this track. Now I need to hear more. 
Everyone sounds great singing in the shower.
 securePoPs wrote:
I work security at concerts and in the past ten months I've seen over 125 acts live & up close.  From the ball park & stadium shows to very small venues.  Just take a look at the tours of the past year and I've been there.  I have to say these guys really rocked.  They played for over 3.5 hrs. and took a five min. break.  Of the 125 plus acts they are in the top 5.   Great live band.

Agreed as to amazing live, listened to them with Neil Young..what an awesome double

One of the first songs
I heard on Radio Paradise.  Years ago.
Haunting then and now.
what a boring boring boring thing ..
 jelgator wrote:
Great late-night-with-a-buzz album {#Cheers}
So....great-any-evening-album then?  I'm still at a 7 on this tune, though maybe hearing the entire album (late at night no doubt) would help....so Long Live RP and the KCLS for having a good selection of music to borrow!!
This is the bread and butter of Radio Paradise, purring along the freeway at 70 mph.  Much rather prefer it than stuff like Ludovico Einaudi or "Prisoner of the Road", which just brings the sets to a standstill.
Everything this band touches is Golden. Love love love their live shows. 
Great late-night-with-a-buzz album {#Cheers}
I thought for sure this was Chinese Translation by M. Ward.
 DaidyBoy wrote:

Agreement, here.  I'm no vocalist, but my ears keep telling me that this guy is all over the place. I thought it was just me.

RP plays a couple from their "Evil Urges" album, I rolled the dice on it and bought it and I crapped out, 
 sirdroseph wrote:
Yea, I keep listening to their songs, trying to see why so many people love them and yet again the answer escapes me!{#Stupid}

Agreement, here.  I'm no vocalist, but my ears keep telling me that this guy is all over the place. I thought it was just me.
 helgigermany wrote:
Nice song from a very good band!

I just wish I could enjoy this band as much as most people do.  Quite pleasant but they seem to be lacking one final piece.
Nice song from a very good band!

I was just thinking the same thing on this Friday. 

Egrey wrote:
It's hard to beat Bill & Rebecca's song selection on a Friday afternoon!


It's hard to beat Bill & Rebecca's song selection on a Friday afternoon!
Not bad for a hipster band. But this is about the only decent MMJ song I've ever heard.
Reminds me of Everybody's Talking.

 LongGoneDaddy wrote:
best thing from the Bluegrass state since Bill Monroe!

 calypsus_1 wrote:

Jim James, My Morning Jacket by for2now2 Gerry Hardy

Halloween at Voodoofest, MMJ in costume

Copyright All rights reserved


..dear santa: i've been a (reasonably) good boy..PLS bring me a morning jacket like this one..thank you! (& y'all too RP-!)..
yeah I usually don't have a problem with MMJ but I'm not feeling very generous to this one, on this day. Probably rate it a Ho Hum (with possible room for increases if my mood improves).

A solid 9........

I like a lot of their other stuff more than this one. Gave it a 6.

Sounds like Fleet Foxes. Not bad.

Jim James, My Morning Jacket by for2now2 Gerry Hardy

Halloween at Voodoofest, MMJ in costume

Copyright All rights reserved

 kaybee wrote:

{#Lol} I'm sure Fred, our resident "grumpy old man" is having a laugh at your response, Cynaera.

Oi! Less of the old, you!

 Cynaera wrote:

I can only shudder to imagine what life in the Nottingham Jury's house must be like, if you actually know what a 20-day old dishcloth in a bowl of dishwater in a grey sink looks like...{#Roflol}  (Just teasing you.)
I'm pretty house-trained these days, Cynaera - I'm just going from memories of living in shared student houses where washing-up was at best a weekly activity...

Can I say that I just can't 'bear' this song? I'll get me coat...

 Cynaera wrote:

I can only shudder to imagine what life in the Nottingham Jury's house must be like, if you actually know what a 20-day old dishcloth in a bowl of dishwater in a grey sink looks like...{#Roflol}  (Just teasing you.)

I like this song - it's sort of perfect for today, where the weather is clear but not real warm, and the snow's melting off a bit.  Gives it a dreamy quality and takes a little of the stress away....

Have fun with your dirty dishwater and your slow-growing grass... {#Wink}
{#Lol} I'm sure Fred, our resident "grumpy old man" is having a laugh at your response, Cynaera.

On another tack, I'm amazed at the number of other RP listeners who seem to suffer from reverb phobia!

 fredriley wrote:
This is duller than a 20-day old dishcloth in a bowl of dishwater in a grey sink...
I can only shudder to imagine what life in the Nottingham Jury's house must be like, if you actually know what a 20-day old dishcloth in a bowl of dishwater in a grey sink looks like...{#Roflol}  (Just teasing you.)

I like this song - it's sort of perfect for today, where the weather is clear but not real warm, and the snow's melting off a bit.  Gives it a dreamy quality and takes a little of the stress away....

Have fun with your dirty dishwater and your slow-growing grass... {#Wink}
 jeffreygoupil wrote:
Visions of bucolic landscapes in my mind. :-)
I was at the Grand Canyon earlier this year and I slapped this over some footage of sunset when I edited my home video together. It was way too perfect.

Visions of bucolic landscapes in my mind. :-)

The singing's very nice and i love the melody! They really have some great songs!!


These guys are phenomenal. I remember hearing "The Way That He Sings" in 2003 and thinking "WHAT IS THIS?" I just stopped dead in my tracks and played it over and over again. When I hear this song, I see the Shenandoah Valley in my mind's eye. I was over the moon when they appeared on American Dad. I turned my niece on to them and she saw them at Bonnaroo last year at 3 in the a.m. Awesome!{#Bananasplit}
 fredriley wrote:
This is duller than a 20-day old dishcloth in a bowl of dishwater in a grey sink. It's so dull that it makes watching grass grow positively exciting. It could put you into a hypnotic trance. Anaesthetists use this recording to put patients into deep coma for open heart surgery. A nailed-on Ho-Hum from the narcoleptic Nottingham jury {#Sleep}
I agree, this jacket does not fit me either no matter how much of an echo box they sing through.

Ok, ok, I will admit because it sounds like M. Ward whom I love, this song is starting to grow on me!  3 -> 7.  See, I am adaptable!{#Lol}

This is duller than a 20-day old dishcloth in a bowl of dishwater in a grey sink. It's so dull that it makes watching grass grow positively exciting. It could put you into a hypnotic trance. Anaesthetists use this recording to put patients into deep coma for open heart surgery. A nailed-on Ho-Hum from the narcoleptic Nottingham jury {#Sleep}
best thing from the Bluegrass state since Bill Monroe!

 flatpicker wrote:
I sure do like these guys!

They are terrific musicians and song writers.

One of the more entertaining live bands out there.


Seeing them next month at Daniel Island in Charleston, SC. Can't wait!
 Dancing_banana wrote:
the music sounds a lot like m ward
Agreed. Like M Ward, the vocals sound over processed, tinny, too much reverb.

Yea, I keep listening to their songs, trying to see why so many people love them and yet again the answer escapes me!{#Stupid}
the music sounds a lot like m ward

Props to a_genuine_find for my best laugh of the day (so far).

My Fox sure looks Fleeting in My Morning Jacket

I sure do like these guys!

They are terrific musicians and song writers.

One of the more entertaining live bands out there.

 mr_toad wrote:
ah bears!!!! someone told me that there enemy number one, maybe bears are our friends too? good song
colbert threat down: bears

Does anyone know -is this song a cover of the America song, or did America cover MMJ?

I love them both.
ah bears!!!! someone told me that there enemy number one, maybe bears are our friends too? good song
 securePoPs wrote:

I work security at concerts and in the past ten months I've seen over 125 acts live & up close.  From the ball park & stadium shows to very small venues.  Just take a look at the tours of the past year and I've been there.  I have to say these guys really rocked.  They played for over 3.5 hrs. and took a five min. break.  Of the 125 plus acts they are in the top 5.   Great live band.    

I've heard the same from all my friends. I'm gonna go see them the next time they come 'round. Pax. {#Daisy}

I work security at concerts and in the past ten months I've seen over 125 acts live & up close.  From the ball park & stadium shows to very small venues.  Just take a look at the tours of the past year and I've been there.  I have to say these guys really rocked.  They played for over 3.5 hrs. and took a five min. break.  Of the 125 plus acts they are in the top 5.   Great live band.    

 Welly wrote:
The bear bothers me.
I suspect the bear is / was slightly more bothered... especially about the tinsel.

 bitterdave wrote:
Even Elvis & Johnny Cash managed to sound like they were in the same zip code as the microphone.  And given today's technology (boom mike stands!), I'm pretty sure these guys are intentionally sounding like garbage (not the band, what I put out by the curb once a week). 
Actually, they sound worse when the echoey effect isn't there.  This is a desperate attempt to mask the fact that they have zero talent.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.

auburntigerrich wrote: Sometimes I enjoy this much production applied to vocals, but these guys' records really do sound like he's singing 10 feet away from the microphone in a gymnasium.

Too droning and mumbly.
out_to_lunch wrote:

I think that happens when you record singing while playing a large guitar, such as a hollow body....remember how cool Elvis or Johnny Cash looked singing with one of those bad boys? yeah....
Even Elvis & Johnny Cash managed to sound like they were in the same zip code as the microphone.  And given today's technology (boom mike stands!), I'm pretty sure these guys are intentionally sounding like garbage (not the band, what I put out by the curb once a week). 
Just had to up my rating to Outstanding.  One of my favorite driving tunes on ipod.
{#Puke}  Absolutely nothing good about this group.

 Excelsior wrote:

Close. They recorded this album in an empty silo, presumably to mask the lousy vocals.

I used to think they recorded in a high school gymnasium, somewhere in the midwest, during the dance after the big Homecoming football game. Could be a silo, though, I guess.
Ok maybe I do like these guys.
Favorite MMJ song. Reminds me of an old western movie.
this really makes me think of Jackson Browne
thewiseking wrote:
something about their sound is really cloying and unpleasant, hollow, like someone singing in a vault.
Close. They recorded this album in an empty silo, presumably to mask the lousy vocals.
Govi wrote:
They always seem like they're performing a job that they are not into; lackadaisical, putting in their time to get their pay and then outa there as fast as their little sneakers can take 'em. No soul or heart in their music.
You couldn't be more wrong. Say it's not your taste, but to say there's no heart or soul is nothing more than your subjective opinion.
Interesting song, but more interesting cd cover art.
-relayer- wrote:
Why do they think singing with cave-like reverb sounds good?
love RP i'm not the only one who notices this stuff
thewiseking wrote:
something about their sound is really cloying and unpleasant, hollow, like someone singing in a vault.
They always seem like they're performing a job that they are not into; lackadaisical, putting in their time to get their pay and then outa there as fast as their little sneakers can take 'em. No soul or heart in their music.
out_to_lunch wrote:
I think that happens when you record singing while playing a large guitar, such as a hollow body....remember how cool Elvis or Johnny Cash looked singing with one of those bad boys? yeah....
big difference...........Elvis and Johnny sounded great
auburntigerrich wrote:
Sometimes I enjoy this much production applied to vocals, but these guys' records really do sound like he's singing 10 feet away from the microphone in a gymnasium. Too droning and mumbly.
I think that happens when you record singing while playing a large guitar, such as a hollow body....remember how cool Elvis or Johnny Cash looked singing with one of those bad boys? yeah....
which albulm is their best? I hadnt heard much prior to finding radio paradise, although i think i caught them at a festival 5 or so years ago
it's like Jackson Browne and the Boss had a love child....
something about their sound is really cloying and unpleasant, hollow, like someone singing in a vault.
This band really hits the spot....
The bear bothers me.
I was a newbie fan of these guys long before I knew they did this song. A particular memory I'll always have is hearing this song with an AMC or TMC trailer of traveling movies or something like that and it was so hauntingly cool and emotion evoking I was thinking that's a damn good promotion and who does that song! When I found out long after buying "Z" I will definitely have to back-track for this one.
a perfect song for the moment! thank you RP! here comes more MMJ...
the live version is better with the pedal steel...but this versions still GREAT !!!
Alpine wrote:
I Love this band!
Ditto!! Everyone who likes MMJ or even who doesn't (might change their minds) should check out their performance on Austin City Limits. Great stuff.
I Love this band!
ky boys rock
Just keeps crawling down the ratings for me - that twangy refrain just gets more and more irritating...
I'm so happy to hear MMJ on RP. Really great, original stuff. I must have seen these guys close to a dozen times now, and I never get tired of them. One of the best rock n' roll bands out right now.
fredriley wrote:
Golden? More like a golden shower, I think ;-|
HEY-YO!!! ...but i disagree.
Makes a good soundtrack. Loses the appeal if you listen too closely.
I hate this less than most MMJ songs. Five.
Golden? More like a golden shower, I think ;-|
Sometimes I enjoy this much production applied to vocals, but these guys' records really do sound like he's singing 10 feet away from the microphone in a gymnasium. Too droning and mumbly.
Are you getting the feeling that someone at RP likes that echo thang? Neko Case is also played ad nauseum and she really overuses reverb, as though her voice isn't enough. I vote MMJ and Neko off the island!
Sounds a bit like Devendrah Banhart.
Nice little ditty.
celadonstone wrote:
I am reminded of "Gentle On My Mind" by Glenn "rhinestone cowboy" campbell. Dont totally know why...I am so picking this album up.
Not "Rhinestone Cowboy" - more like "Gentle On My Mind" or "Galveston," I think. But I can hear the Glen Campbell - or Ricky Nelson - for sure. And that's a good thing.
MrGreg wrote:
I don't think he used enough reverb on his voice...
"We're sending our love down the well ..."
Amazingly, there's a bit of Ricky Nelson about.
Golden It Still Moves
I am reminded of "Gentle On My Mind" by Glenn "rhinestone cowboy" campbell. Dont totally know why...I am so picking this album up.
weevilkinevil wrote:
Wow-- that is the exactly the comment I just logged in to post!
fuh2 wrote:
Yes, very evocative sound.
Evocotive of what?
I like it. Ill have to give the lyrics a listen next time.
Duluoz wrote:
Invokes nastalgia in a wonderful way...doesn't it?
Yes, very evocative sound.
Old_Pat wrote:
Like it. Somehow reminds of some of Ricky Nelson's late stuff.
Wow-- that is the exactly the comment I just logged in to post!
I don't think he used enough reverb on his voice...
Wow. Haunting. My favorite MMJ song so far. I give it a 9.
Like it. Somehow reminds of some of Ricky Nelson's late stuff.
freeone1 wrote:
Nice observation, but actually they recorded in an old silo. So yeah they may have been more than 20ft away from the mic. It's part of MMJ's music that this girl LOVES!
Just wanted to repost this so those who are still wondering about the production could see why it sounds the way it does...
dadofsammy wrote:
For some reason, I always get the feeling they're going to break into the chorus of "Rocky Mountain High". If you were wondering, I don't classify this as a "good" feeling.
LOL!! Totally hear you. But I still like the song.
For some reason, I always get the feeling they're going to break into the chorus of "Rocky Mountain High". If you were wondering, I don't classify this as a "good" feeling.
Love this song, band, CD, whatever. Everything MMJ - there's a great link of them playing with the boston pops on letterman on the RP "Gideon" page. If someone has "Dancefloors" please upload it!!!
I love this! I first heard it here and I am a total convert on this band. COOLNESS.
-relayer- wrote:
Why do they think singing with cave-like reverb sounds good?
Because it does.