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Béla Fleck — Shanti
Album: Left of Cool
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Released: 1998
Length: 5:08
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Comments (93)add comment
reminds me of a Charlie Brown Christmas - in a good way 
 liquidvisionart725 wrote:

Wait a minute!  This song (Shanti by Bela Fleck) was just played after Vitamins by Jay Farrar.  VERY similar melody.  Me thinks I know where he got his melody...

Today again on the Global Mix. Works well together.
 tm wrote:

I remember buying this cd when it was released and breathing a fresh of breath air…

Cool!   GREAT TUNE!   
I remember buying this cd when it was released and breathing a fresh of breath air…
Wait a minute!  This song (Shanti by Bela Fleck) was just played after Vitamins by Jay Farrar.  VERY similar melody.  Me thinks I know where he got his melody...
 bilumane wrote:

Its actually a Sankrit word. 

But it does mean peace in Hindi as well. Look it up.
 latimba2 wrote:

btw, it's Sanskrit 
A pedantic correction. 

That’s like saying some English words are Latin even though they are spoken by English speaking peoples.  A colleague of mine was born in India and was named Shanti by his parents and they were all Hindu and as far as he was concerned it was part of his culture and everyday language. Originally back thousands of years it may have been Sanskrit but it has entered the everyday Hindi language of today.
 latimba2 wrote:

I love that everyone needs to correct everyone. So much fun!

btw, it's Sanskrit 
 bilumane wrote:

Its actually a Sankrit word. 

I love that everyone needs to correct everyone. So much fun!
This album and Outbound are my two favorite Flecktone albums. Do check them out! Incredible music!
 Stephen_Phillips wrote:
"Shanti" means peace in Hindi.
Its actually a Sankrit word. 
Coming home?
A sampler from one of the loveliest and most beautiful movie scores ever anywhere. Mark Knopfler is one of the great melody men. But I know of only a few movie scores — LH, Princess Bride, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Cal, Comfort and Joy — that he's composed. He owes us more. 
 Deadwing wrote:

Another vote for Local Hero  (a movie near and dear to my heart)

Yep, unmistakably similar to the Local Hero theme.
"Shanti" means peace in Hindi.
 impediguy wrote:
I don't know exactly why, but I was awestruck by the intro. I guess it's not about the banjo after all. Any instrument put into the hands of an artist so possessed with genious and magic as Bela Fleck transcends into a visceral spell which I helplessly become entranced by and bound to.
Bela Fleck and Chick Corea are on tour this year, check it out…
amazing you tube trailer:


Muzak on RP?!?
I don't know exactly why, but I was awestruck by the intro. I guess it's not about the banjo after all. Any instrument put into the hands of an artist so possessed with genious and magic as Bela Fleck transcends into a visceral spell which I helplessly become entranced by and bound to.
like - but me mp3 downloader won't not downhost that * thing....
I love sitar or Indian (classical) music... But this is elevator music...
 rough1 wrote:
please, i beg of you, stop playing this tedious kind of music
I beg to differ. This is EXACTLY why I come to RP, to hear this eclectic mix. I don't like everything either, but I LOVE the mix. Keep it coming, Bill and all others responsible.
please, i beg of you, stop playing this tedious kind of music
The sound of that drum, impressive !
Other than that..#6
I understand how some people would find this annoying - but I find it builds delightfully from a steady rhythm up to something truly beautiful.  The first bridge is PERFECT - a shift in key that is is a delight.  Shivers!   Past that, Jeff Coffin picks up the pace in his flute playing, and he and Bela launch into a give-and-take jam that rolls along delightfully, right up to the second bridge...

 The_Seeker wrote:
Perhaps the most goddamned annoying album cover of all time.
Mirrors the music

Surprisingly boring...
Perhaps the most goddamned annoying album cover of all time.
 ScottishWillie wrote:
 ohaganclan wrote:

I would like Bill to play Mark Knopfler's "Going Home" after this song. I think you will hear that they have the same melody.
  I don’t think they have the same melody. I think they are the same song, but with a sitar. A pleasant cover none the less.

I have to disagree with you. While "Shanti" uses a very similar melody, it is not exactly identical. It is (in its MO) more like Tchaikovsky's Overture 1812 or Haydn's Symphony No. 94, in my opinion.

 maryte wrote:
For some reason, this sounds an awful lot like Knopfler's Local Hero soundtrack.
Was going to post, but you've nailed it.  I just finished watching the DVD of "Local Hero," and again, I remember why I love it so much. Someone needs to upload that theme!  I would, if I had it.  What a great movie, and a beautiful soundtrack.

Béla Fleck is great, but this just makes me ache for the Knopfler soundtrack...

Great song off of one of my favorite albums!{#Cheers}
I was pretty tired of Bela for a while, but this is just lovely.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti  {#Meditate}
Deadwing wrote:

Another vote for Local Hero  (a movie near and dear to my heart)


This is quite pretty though...

I just read down and realized I have already posted about this  DOH!

 I've done the same thing on other songs.  Getting old is hell.  {#Laughing}
Met Bela before a show at Auburn's outdoor amphitheater in the fall of 1999. I asked him if he thought they might play this song. Unfortunately, he said cause it was cold out, that it would throw the tuning off with his sitar bridge that he uses for this tune. (That might have been his polite way of saying "No." I'm a performing musician – I get it. No harm.) But this was always a favorite from this album. AMAZING band. Most talented group of musicians in the modern era. RP should add "New South Africa" if they don't have it already.
This is a great album!{#Clap} Funny though, I tried uploading my favorite song from it; Step Quiet, just a beautiful song and it got insta sorried and yet they play this one!{#Headache}
The Prodigy should do a drum and base version....
This is so freaking annoying. Can't wait for it to stop
 ohaganclan wrote:

I would like Bill to play Mark Knopfler's "Going Home" after this song. I think you will hear that they have the same melody.
  I don’t think they have the same melody. I think they are the same song, but with a sitar. A pleasant cover none the less.

 Deadwing wrote:

Exactly what I was just thinking!!
I would like Bill to play Mark Knopfler's "Going Home" after this song. I think you will hear that they have the same melody.

Perfect timing for me! 

con paz...

Another vote for Local Hero  (a movie near and dear to my heart)


This is quite pretty though...

I just read down and realized I have already posted about this  DOH!

I always wondered what happened to Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute.
now I know.
For some reason, this sounds an awful lot like Knopfler's Local Hero soundtrack.
Exactly what I was just thinking!!
maryte wrote:
For some reason, this sounds an awful lot like Knopfler's Local Hero soundtrack.
More than somewhat, I'd say...
prickelpit96 wrote:
Nice song, but wrong time. It's about noon here and nobody expects me to fall asleep right now. But I will soooooooooooon....
Still playing??
maryte wrote:
For some reason, this sounds an awful lot like Knopfler's Local Hero soundtrack.
Agreed. That's a good thing in my book.
For some reason, this sounds an awful lot like Knopfler's Local Hero soundtrack.
This song has a pleasing mix of picked and bowed strings.
It seems like a nice elevator ride.
Nice song, but wrong time. It's about noon here and nobody expects me to fall asleep right now. But I will soooooooooooon....
Love this track. It's so simple and peaceful. Makes me think of sitting in a field in the middle of the summer and looking up at the sky.
In my Winamp window the artist shows up as "Bla Fleck", presumably because of the special "e" character. I think they may be right for this song at least.
trekhead wrote:
They should tour with Ben Affleck , just for giggles.
*snarf* coffee everywhere!
This piece has the most awesome bridge in it. Shivers.
drover wrote:
"Galway meets Bangalore" doesn't do much for me.
To each their own. I like it.
Wow.. his Banjo almost sounds like a Sitar! niiiiice
It's great to hear that the Little Drummer Boy is getting work. Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum
CCinSB wrote:
Something about the sitar that calms my soul. I love the sound.
Kind of nice to hear a different, softer side of Bela Fleck. I wouldn't necessarily queue it up all the time, but it's a nice change of pace every once in a while.
I thought it was the Moody Blues :)
Something about the sitar that calms my soul. I love the sound.
troubadour27 wrote:
"Mary" followed by "Shanti" - very clever.
And again, almost one year later. Genius.
majortom505 wrote:
What's with this Bela Fleck?? This sounds like Japanese Steak House Music. P-U
This is kinda boring. Good to fall asleep to.
majortom505 wrote:
What's with this Bela Fleck?? This sounds like Japanese Steak House Music. P-U
Wholeheartedly agree. As a long-time Bela fan, I've gotta say, this is about as bland as it gets.
Bela Fleck and The Flecktones.....a great show, lots 'o talent there, absolutely worth doing.
"Mary" followed by "Shanti" - very clever.
Thor wrote:
If you dig this track, be sure to check out Béla's "Tabula Rasa" disc.
And what if I don't.... ?
What's with this Bela Fleck?? This sounds like Japanese Steak House Music. P-U
If this hasn't been used as background music for an ADHD television drug ad, it should be. I'm damn calm listening to this. Not calm. What's the word? Bored.
If you dig this track, be sure to check out Béla's "Tabula Rasa" disc.
trekhead wrote:
They should tour with Ben Affleck , just for giggles.
Har dee har har!
shayde wrote:
Bela deigned to hold him while I took a picture after the show (this was at the Somerville Theatre in Boston, Feb, 1999)
Great Picture! I love this stuff.
They should tour with Ben Affleck , just for giggles.
Ahh, bela fleck... I've been a big fan of his for a long time, including a concert I went to with my 9 month old son. Bela deigned to hold him while I took a picture after the show (this was at the Somerville Theatre in Boston, Feb, 1999) (click on the picture for the full sized version :)
drover wrote:
"Galway meets Bangalore" doesn't do much for me.
Good phrase to characterize this music! It certainly is a rare mix, at least, gotta give them that. Also, you have to be in the right mood to enjoy such. 8)
Shanti... peace out people!! Nice Indian-ish tune there...
I love how this song fits into the album as a whole; it comes in towards the end; I see it almost as a reprise of "Big Country", slower; just a reminder of where you've been, a rest before the final ascent of the album/adventure/day/life.
shanti. i use that word to end emails, and livejournal entries... people have actually confused it for my name... heh.
Okay, when I first heard this, I thought, "Who in the world did a remake of the Local Hero soundtrack? And why?" When I listened a little longer, I realized it wasn't. Well, 40% of it was, but the other 60% is completely original. (BTW, I'm a big Fleck fan and a huge Knopfler/Straits fan. I just don't want to see either of them sounding too much like the other...)
Lovely. Very nice background music. I can definately see this on a movie soundtrack.
\"Galway meets Bangalore\" doesn\'t do much for me.
Originally Posted by tawanda: The repeating melody sounds an awful lot like the "Local Hero" score by Mark Knopfler
Thank god there are people out there with the other half of my brain! Otherwise I'd go crazy trying to figure out stuff, alone!
The repeating melody sounds an awful lot like the \"Local Hero\" score by Mark Knopfler
Bela is an incredible musician. Look what he\'s accomplished with this song. How can you possibly categorize his music, it\'s all over the place. Bluegrass, jazz, you name it, he\'s recorded a song in that genre! He\'s my hero.