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Total ratings: 1093
Length: 1:50
Plays (last 30 days): 2
and he hung his wild years
on a nail that he drove through
his wife's forehead
he sold used office furniture
out there on San Fernando Road
and assumed a $30,000 loan
at 15 _ % and put a down payment
on a little two bedroom place
his wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
made good bloody marys
kept her mouth shut most of the time
had a little Chihuahua named Carlos
that had some kind of skin disease
and was totally blind. They had a thoroughly modern kitchen
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan
they were so happy
One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths
drank 'em in the car on his way
to the Shell station, he got a gallon of
gas in a can, drove home, doused
everything in the house, torched it,
parked across the street, laughing
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red then
Frank put on a top forty station
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed North
Never could stand that dog
Tom waits is awful!
What a dumb, shallow observation. You better watch your god damned mouth
That was the 70's, my parents could only afford to rent because the rates were all in the teens, until the early 90's when they could finally afford to purchase their first home.
Total messed up and great. I love Waits this is the first time I've heard this.
This just segued into Burning Down The House again about a month later. I had already given Tom's Godlike Frank's Wild Years a 10. Later I made the connection and thought, I'm cool with that.
No thanks
It works well in the context of the whole album. Not the album associated with this track on this page, but Swordfishtrombones. I wouldn't want to listen to this track repeatedly much, but I do love it.

"Frank's Wild Years (For Frankie Z.)"
Well Frank settled down in the Valley
and hung his wild years
on a nail that he drove through
his wife's forehead
he sold used office furniture
out there on San Fernando Road
and assumed a $30,000 loan
at 15 1/4 % and put down payment
on a little two bedroom place
his wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
made good bloody marys
kept her mouth shut most of the time
had a little Chihuahua named Carlos
that had some kind of skin disease
and was totally blind. They had a
thoroughly modern kitchen
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan
they were so happy
One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths
drank 'em in the car on his way
to the Shell station, he got a gallon of
gas in a can, drove home, doused
everything in the house, torched it,
parked across the street, laughing,
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red then
Frank put on a top forty station
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed north
Never could stand that dog
this sunny Sunday feels like Spring, smiles and deep remembrances : )
No thanks
F that.
"Frank's Wild Years (For Frankie Z.)"
Well Frank settled down in the Valley
and hung his wild years
on a nail that he drove through
his wife's forehead
he sold used office furniture
out there on San Fernando Road
and assumed a $30,000 loan
at 15 1/4 % and put down payment
on a little two bedroom place
his wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
made good bloody marys
kept her mouth shut most of the time
had a little Chihuahua named Carlos
that had some kind of skin disease
and was totally blind. They had a
thoroughly modern kitchen
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan
they were so happy
One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths
drank 'em in the car on his way
to the Shell station, he got a gallon of
gas in a can, drove home, doused
everything in the house, torched it,
parked across the street, laughing,
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red then
Frank put on a top forty station
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed north
Never could stand that dog
AphidA wrote:

i think you need this shirt
Nighthawks at the Diner is the record you are referring to. The song is Intro to Eggs and Sausage.
A fine record.
Wow— I'm not the only soul in Beijing listening to Radio Paradise? Very cool. RP, PRC. PRC, RP.
I get the impression people think it's cool to like Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, and similar crap because they're told they should like it.
F that.
SweTex wrote:
Same thing could be said about Wilco, which you gave a ten.
Hmm. IMHO, you're both wrong.
F that.
Same thing could be said about Wilco, which you gave a ten.
I had a girlfriend she was from Michigan, went to Michigan State, had a 165 IQ. She introduced me to Mickey's which we used to make boilermakers. She had a great Dog, named Emma, and two black cats, Flotsam and Jetsom. We would drink those boilermakers all night, on friday's bbqing brats, and metts. God i miss those B'Makers!

Reminds me of a restaurant review: "The food is terrible, and the portions are small too!"
I like this song though.
Sure! Seriously skunky! But sooooo easy to drink from that barrel-shaped jar.

Yes, very good music actually.
Back in the summer of '83(?)... getting to work early before sunrise to beat the heat (it was still 98f out).
Pulling up to the house I was working on, I would drive around it to get the best signal I could get from KROQ FM Los Angles. It was an effort to get a good FM station in this desert (still is 26 years later!). My stereo in my truck was a really sensitive tuner, so I could get L.A. stations with a little static.
I had a system rigged up that had a !00% fader, so I could shut the speakers off in the truck then output to a household 110 plug in the bed of my truck. I used extension cords for speaker wire and ran two speakers into the house I would work in.
Good ol' Larry Woodside played this one. So everytime I hear it, it's a flashback to that hot summer morning.
Thanks Larry.
And thanks Bill!
One of Waits funnier songs and that is saying something!!
Oh, it is. One of the classic RP pairings, IMHO!
There is no basis for that impression. It's your own imagination.
People (like me) think it's cool to like Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, and similar "crap" because we actually really like it. Only an arrogant cuss would think that we only "pretend" to like Waits and Cohen because somebody told us to.
He'll only set your house on fire.
I'm insured.
tom waits - frank's wild years
...dare i hope for soul coughing next?..
Hell yeah! "Down To This", perhaps?

He'll only set your house on fire.
give me one similarity between tom waits & cohen.....
don't know cohen too good to judge, but Tom waits is unique!
Love it.
F that.
Naw ... that's people who listen to Radiohead.
It is frickin impossible to get tickets Waits' live shows. One of the great frustrations of my life ...
mandolin wrote:
tom waits - frank's wild years
...dare i hope for soul coughing next?..
and again today....same order for the first two.
poetry in motion
love the commentary
nothing beats this for me....just a man with a great imagination who knows how to use his skill to WOoOoo my ears into a great story!
tom waits - frank's wild years
...dare i hope for soul coughing next?..

In what universe have Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen ever been forced down anyone's throat? You could make that statement about a lot of groups; but it sounds ludicrous when you attach Waits and Cohen's name to it.
Then there's us who like music for the hard of thinking.
Thank you!

What a dumb, shallow observation. You better watch your god damned mouth
Fight Fight Fight!