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Length: 4:44
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When it snows, when it snows
When the world turns to sleep
Do you know, do you know
Is there something in the wind
Breathes a chill in your heart and life in your wings
Does it whisper 'start again'
Start again
Where is the sun in the night
Is it cold, is it cold
Does it feel left behind
All alone, all alone
Does it wander through the dark
Does it wait for the dawn, wish on a star
Does it stray very far
Very far
Where is your home restless wind
Is it there, is it here
Do you search for a place to belong
Search in vain, search in fear
Or is your spirit everywhere
Is your voice every tree
Your soul of the air
If there's no home is there no death
Is there no death

Thanks bluejay08003 for the suggestion of using this track for critical listening on new equipment. While I'm already at a 10 on this one, I can say the difference is great going from poor equipment (Bluetooth earbuds or Cell Phone speaker) to medium equipment (FLAC sent via USB to a moderately powered Class D dac/amp to good bookshelf speakers) to the great head-fi setup I'm hoping to get sooner than later (as money allows!)
Long Live RP!!
I came here to say something similar. I can see how this track might be blah for somebody listening in passing, but with some high end equipment, it is sublime. Listening right now with some Sennheiser headphones through a high end DAC to a class A tube amp and I just melted into my chair.
I give it a 10. Not because I like the melody, a singers voice, or presentation, or accompaniment, or lyrical sentiment because I haven't actually heard the song—yet (I will soon, but I seldom like the Jennys, whole or in part). It is because it inspired "coloradojohn" to share his in depth solution to the problem that is the 'holy grail of physics"; to define a Universal Field Theory that explains the root relationships, the universality, of all matter and energy. I think he may have attended/participated in symposiums at the Aspen (Colorado) Center for Physics. Perhaps discussions, like the ones surrounding the lecture on "Quantum Simulation of Relativistic Physics with Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates" last January, have piqued his drive to solidify his theory that consolidates of the broad range of energies and phenomena he presented in his RP "Comment" post. I wonder if he caught that one. I wonder what he's done in the intervening years since his "Jennys" post
Just wait till you hear the song!
that be nice summer 2022 show...outside at night

A cautionary example of overconsumption of LSD
coloradojohn wrote:
The exquisite lyrics and the angelic singing in this
get me every time. The subject touches my soul in other ways, too...
When I think of the departed, especially my pious grandmother Velma, or
my friend Jamie, who died in an avalanche, a breeze will come, even on a
sultry Tokyo summer night, as I once proved to a skeptical Okinawa gal I
was dating at the time. The Quantum Flux-Dance of Life is held in the
realm between Electricity and Magnetism, which are interchangeable, and
in the flow between the Anode and Cathode of Existence, Yang becomes
Yin, and back again, without end, as it was in the beginning, is now,
and forever shall be. Amen. Connection to both poles is required,
otherwise there is no flow. Light is only the visible part of
the entire EM spectrum; the unseen is no less a part of things than the
seen. Down at the molecular level, electricity and chemistry are the
same. It is no co-incidence that the hemoglobin molecule juggles the
magnetic iron in our blood, throwing up alternating fields that are
transformed into electric current in the wiring of our nerves, (Qi), and
that the Earth's core is molten iron that throws up the massive fields
that allow enough energy in yet prevent our incineration; these in turn
generate subtle but measurable currents in our bones as we move them
through the corresponding magnetic flux. Our long bones, when flexed by
torque of impact, generate piezo-electric currents that stimulate growth
and healing. The densely concentrated nexus of magnetism in our brain
is quantum-translated into the manifestation of thought. Whenever flow
is sufficient to excite and resonate myriad analogous quantum-effect
manifestations along all relevant channels, a self-perpetuating effect
called quantum-boosting occurs, and proceeds as long as there is
balance. In such a system, there is only the transformation of one thing
into another. Thus, indeed, we may contemplate the idea that there is,
after all, no Death. To properly enjoy and use our time here in this
guise, we must constantly try to remind ourselves, or ask that we be
made aware, so that we do not fear the inevitable turn as the other.
Hard not to wander away for sure
Off you go ... to AM Radio, you won't be missed.
I keep rediscovering the obvious: Your audio equipment really matters. This quiet tune has so much texture across the frequency spectrum that "merely very good" equipment loses. It's a 8/Most Excellent tune on my bookshelf speakers or daily driver headphones, but a 9+/Outstanding track with my Klipsch or QC25s.
The resonances of the percussion and guitar; the harmonies. The low bass notes. Just sublime.
Thanks bluejay08003 for the suggestion of using this track for critical listening on new equipment. While I'm already at a 10 on this one, I can say the difference is great going from poor equipment (Bluetooth earbuds or Cell Phone speaker) to medium equipment (FLAC sent via USB to a moderately powered Class D dac/amp to good bookshelf speakers) to the great head-fi setup I'm hoping to get sooner than later (as money allows!)
Long Live RP!!
I keep rediscovering the obvious: Your audio equipment really matters. This quiet tune has so much texture across the frequency spectrum that "merely very good" equipment loses. It's a 8/Most Excellent tune on my bookshelf speakers or daily driver headphones, but a 9+/Outstanding track with my Klipsch or QC25s.
The resonances of the percussion and guitar; the harmonies. The low bass notes. Just sublime.
Be sure to play the FLAC stream on the best equipment you've got.
You won't be disappointed.
Song sung by Nicky Mehta, my favorite Jenny!
So it went from a 8 to a 9.

Came on to turn it up and rate it... 10 already

every time
this song is a show stopper
puts me in a dream like mind
if I'm driving I swerve off the road
it's almost dangerous
Industrial grade GOOSEBUMPS!!!!
coloradojohn wrote:
My goodness.
Thank You for this eloquent comment
This tune from first time hearing a note here on RP some years back it just goes to some place I guess I'm trying to hide from.
Not a bad thing. But embarrassing if a co-worker walks by and asks "what's wrong?" and I have no answer.
My inner child? Inner demon?
Music. What would humanity be without it, souless?
Wow that was rather deeply odd.
RP. My truth serum.
That's beautiful... Thanks for sharing.

Ho Hum at best.
The resonances of the percussion and guitar; the harmonies. The low bass notes. Just sublime.
Right here, with this album.
Right there with you, brother.... 9→10 this song is wonderful. Long Live RP!!
Fully agree. In this day of pick and choose music, I have all their albums in my collection. Simply exquisite sound.

Um, this song hardly conjures up images of "jamming".

This tune from first time hearing a note here on RP some years back it just goes to some place I guess I'm trying to hide from.
Not a bad thing. But embarrassing if a co-worker walks by and asks "what's wrong?" and I have no answer.
My inner child? Inner demon?
Music. What would humanity be without it, souless?
Wow that was rather deeply odd.
RP. My truth serum.
I'm on the other side of the globe and ... I have the same reaction to this song. Music <3.
This tune from first time hearing a note here on RP some years back it just goes to some place I guess I'm trying to hide from.
Not a bad thing. But embarrassing if a co-worker walks by and asks "what's wrong?" and I have no answer.
My inner child? Inner demon?
Music. What would humanity be without it, souless?
Wow that was rather deeply odd.
RP. My truth serum.
I quite understand. It was made much worse (more intense?) by the post of a woman grieving at Arlington Cemetery. It is best to not look through the comments at times like that. Radio P yanks my emotions all over the place at times. Better to have them than not, though.
This song got me through the most difficult time of my life.
"...Soul of the air..."
The future of healing is light and frequency.... I heard recently that our voice is the most powerful healing instrument. God made the Universe with his voice saying "let there be light" and we are made in his image, our voices contain the power to heal. This song is very soulful, and reminds us that heaven is a better place. Interested in an Electric Universe? Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThunderboltsProject
once again, CoJo, your post stopped me in my tracks and required a full read and subsequent re-read; how very well put. If/when I ever get to experience some ayahuasca tea I might come up with something similar to say about existence. Peace be upon you, from Seattle; and ROCK ON!
This tune from first time hearing a note here on RP some years back it just goes to some place I guess I'm trying to hide from.
Not a bad thing. But embarrassing if a co-worker walks by and asks "what's wrong?" and I have no answer.
My inner child? Inner demon?
Music. What would humanity be without it, souless?

I arrived here with PSD , so thankful
a 7 - Quite Likeable for me
This tune from first time hearing a note here on RP some years back it just goes to some place I guess I'm trying to hide from.
Not a bad thing. But embarrassing if a co-worker walks by and asks "what's wrong?" and I have no answer.
My inner child? Inner demon?
Music. What would humanity be without it, souless?
Wow that was rather deeply odd.
RP. My truth serum.

edit 2017_04_18: just horrible, down to 1...
Yes it is

Where do you people come from? Too funny! Incredibly beautiful song - but maybe a little like "wailing!" Keep it coming, RP!

Right on!

Oh, yes - they've hooked me on quite a few. iTunes should be paying RP big time!
When it snows, it snows
I catch a transport
I go to wolf-mother.
This is when she hungers.
All right. I should know better than to reply. However, I am probably as aware of and familiar with the writing of the three you mention as are you. I will not deny that the US has been and continues to be responsible for ill-considered and destructive actions, often at the behest of the worst that we have to offer. But if you think that a silly statement to the effect that everyone else in the world is united in a singular belief somehow proves your statement, then feel free to spout it. But claiming that something must be true because lots of others believe it is sloppy thinking at best. What if I question any of these beliefs? Does this make me wrong because others think differently? Millions of people in those other countries believe that upon death they will be airlifted to an eternal paradise (results may vary somewhat, depending on where a person learned of this magic). I suppose they must be correct because so many believe this. Seems like a pretty decent definition of delusional!
It looks like Tony Blair, former UK Prime Minister is going to be hauled the International Court in The Hague to face charges of war crimes. Bush can't be far behind him.

Very beautiful and meaningful - much preferred over their fast paced cutesy stuff.
I have a very good friend, a staunch Republican, who supported the Iraq war—as much as I did not. I said to him once, "Your guy invaded a sovereign nation based on false evidence, lied about it, and got reelected. My guy got a blow job in the Oval Office, lied about it, and got impeached."
Seems America did not like a president who fu**s,
but loved a president who fu*ked millions in the Middle East!
It's time for Cheney & Bush to go.
To go?
To go where? Just "go away" or going to hell?
Y'know, Stingy, there may be hope for you yet.
Thanks "Lizzy" - for your psycho tricks!
Feel already much better!
The photo as well (leave alone my thoughts about "the warring States")

Keep your believes, continue to live a lie. If I were delusional, the whole world outside of DC would be too, since the FREE WORLD shares my view and goes way beyond it!
In 6 weeks is Christmas - get yourself a history book, if Chris Hedges, Prof. Chomsky and Glen Greewald are not already forbidden in US-bookshops!
Delusional - you bet!
All right. I should know better than to reply. However, I am probably as aware of and familiar with the writing of the three you mention as are you. I will not deny that the US has been and continues to be responsible for ill-considered and destructive actions, often at the behest of the worst that we have to offer. But if you think that a silly statement to the effect that everyone else in the world is united in a singular belief somehow proves your statement, then feel free to spout it. But claiming that something must be true because lots of others believe it is sloppy thinking at best. What if I question any of these beliefs? Does this make me wrong because others think differently? Millions of people in those other countries believe that upon death they will be airlifted to an eternal paradise (results may vary somewhat, depending on where a person learned of this magic). I suppose they must be correct because so many believe this. Seems like a pretty decent definition of delusional!
It's time for Cheney & Bush to go.

and also


One correction, sir: Those who agitate for war should be made to pick up a gun and fight it.
With respect,
unclehud, US Navy veteran
ON TOPIC .... aren't these the same Wailing Jennies that often appear on A Prairie Home Companion?
I have seen these ladies on 2 continents and wish many could have the same good fortune.
Simple. Good. Pure music.
I have a very good friend, a staunch Republican, who supported the Iraq war—as much as I did not. I said to him once, "Your guy invaded a sovereign nation based on false evidence, lied about it, and got reelected. My guy got a blow job in the Oval Office, lied about it, and got impeached."
Did your Republican friend have anything to say to that?
Shrub definitely got away with a lot during his time in office and failed upwards as he'd already done through much of his life. I do wonder whether he was genuinely suckered into believing the evidence about WMD programs: George simply is not very bright. Darth Cheney was too paranoid to trust American intelligence-gathering agencies and incompetent when it came to filtering out bad intel. The administration's notion that the invasion would trend neatly into a brief, peaceful occupation (paying for itself through Iraqi oil revenue, according to Paul Wolfowitz)...well, that notion was a clear sign that Bush's inner circle had no idea what it was doing.
I had to laugh when people made positive noises about Dubya's painting efforts—he's not David Hockney, folks, that really is the very best he can do!—but it's sickening that Americans are already willing to forget all the death and suffering he's caused. And causing: Iraq continues to smolder, with a large portion of its northern territory in the hands of the Islamic State.
I'll give the GOP this: when it screws up, it screws up BIG.
I am not sure that this comment deserves a response. However, if you truly believe that America has an appetite for worldwide wars, you are living a delusion.
Keep your believes, continue to live a lie. If I were delusional, the whole world outside of DC would be too, since the FREE WORLD shares my view and goes way beyond it!
In 6 weeks is Christmas - get yourself a history book, if Chris Hedges, Prof. Chomsky and Glen Greewald are not already forbidden in US-bookshops!
Delusional - you bet!
All possible points for album, song, voice, musicians and art-work!
How do you keep moments like this in front of voters when politicians beat the drums of war? We all got suckered into believing that the Iraq war was about revenge for 9/11 and protection against WMDs. Sometimes war is necessary but our government has to be reminded of the human cost of war when it starts talking tough.
I have a very good friend, a staunch Republican, who supported the Iraq war—as much as I did not. I said to him once, "Your guy invaded a sovereign nation based on false evidence, lied about it, and got reelected. My guy got a blow job in the Oval Office, lied about it, and got impeached."