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Johnny Cash — The Man Comes Around
Album: American IV
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Total ratings: 4096

Released: 2002
Length: 4:20
Plays (last 30 days): 3
"And I heard as it were the noise of thunder
One of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw
And behold a white horse"
(Revelation 6:1-2)

There's a man going around taking names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated quite the same
There will be a golden ladder reaching down
When the man comes around

The hairs on your arm will stand up
At the terror in each sip and each sup
Will you partake of that last offered cup
Or disappear into the potter's ground
When the man comes around?

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to a big kettledrum
Voices calling and voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come

And the whirlwind is in the thorn trees
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn trees
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks
Until Armageddon, no shalam, no shalom

Then the father hen will call his chickens home
The wise man will bow down before the thorn
And at his feet they will cast the golden crowns
When the man comes around

Whoever is unjust let him be unjust still
Whoever is righteous let him be righteous still
Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still
Listen to the words long written down
When the man comes around

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to a big kettledrum
Voices calling and voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come

And the whirlwind is in the thorn trees
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn trees
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks
In measured hundred weight and penny pound
When the man comes around

"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts
And I looked and behold, a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death
And Hell followed with him."
(Revelations 6:7-8)
Comments (471)add comment
Gone too young. 
Pretty awesome! The rare late-career original from JC. Always loved Johnny's original songs more than his covers.
Love this!   And this series .   Can’t remember if it’s on IV or V, but BillG - ya gotta find Tom Petty backing Johnny on Solitary Man.  OMG, they crush it!!
Please somebody persuade the fucking Nick Cave to cover this song.
He will be rewarded with trumpeters, pipers and a million of angels comforting his or her deathbed.
Eternal gratitude.
Definitely 2! 
 CygnusX wrote:

Definitely 10!

I Agree!!
 CygnusX wrote:

Definitely 10!

60 Minutes did a story about Rick Rubin, and this song was featured as Rubin produced it. Or let it be, really. 
Definitely 10!
Throne, not thorn

Then the father hen will call his chickens home
The wise man will bow down before the thorn 
And at his feet they will cast the golden crowns
When the man comes around

Then the father hen will call his chickens home
The wise man will bow down before the throne 
And at his feet they will cast the golden crowns
When the man comes around
I had to privilege of seeing Johnny Cash in the 90s. A free concert, no less, at the CNE in Toronto (free with the price of admission).  It was an amazing experience I will cherish to the end of my days, right from the moment he stepped on stage dressed in black (of course) and announced: "Hi there. My name is Johnny Cash."
 Laptopdog wrote:

I rate very few songs a 10, but I think this one qualifies. A godly man singing about God and who was just about a year away from meeting his maker when he recorded this. I'd call that Godlike.

I think this is the first 10 for me as well.
This was followed by “Losing My Religion”.   It’s that kind of juxtaposition that makes RP so good.  
 dischuckin wrote:

cuz i wanted more info

The song was inspired by a dream Cash had about Queen Elizabeth II in which the queen compared Cash to "a thorn tree in a whirlwind." Haunted by the dream, Cash became curious if the phrase was a biblical reference and eventually found a similar phrase in the Book of Job.

Thank You for the info!
 xrdstv wrote:

First time I have heard this. There is a place in music that transcends the words and the sounds and shares a moment of someone else's soul.

This is one of those songs...

I  agree completely on all counts!!   Thanx RP!  
First time I have heard this. There is a place in music that transcends the words and the sounds and shares a moment of someone else's soul.

This is one of those songs...

I love the music on RP and always appreciate the positive comments and stories that folks share, and love exposure to new (to me) regardless of the 'when' the music as created.
But also have to come to love the images / photographs that go along with each piece of music, yet never see a comment on those . . .
My best wishes and deepest gratitude to Bill and Rebecca for all that you do!!
Honey in the heart, 13 thank yous, Long Life!

cuz i wanted more info

The song was inspired by a dream Cash had about Queen Elizabeth II in which the queen compared Cash to "a thorn tree in a whirlwind." Haunted by the dream, Cash became curious if the phrase was a biblical reference and eventually found a similar phrase in the Book of Job.
One of the best albums ever. Redemption. 
Who better to quote passages from the book of Revelations than The Man in Black himself?
It’s impossible for some to accept the idea of forgiveness.
First Class Talent from a completely troubled soul
 sm11 wrote:

Dont get me wrong, im a Johnny Cash fan, just wondering what makes you think he would qualify as a "godly man". A life of debauchery then later singing about God does not a godly man make in my opinion.
IMHO. I think it's about where you end. I can't judge where Johnny "ended".  I've seen plenty of people talking their particular religion and acting pious while they're cheating, beating  and generally abusing each other. Lots of times using that religion as a cudgel to beat each other. A shameful waste of life and limb. 
When the MAN comes around is is an allegory about redemption in any of us...
 Laptopdog wrote:
I rate very few songs a 10, but I think this one qualifies. A godly man singing about God and who just about a year away from meeting his maker when he recorded this. I'd call that Godlike.
Dont get me wrong, im a Johnny Cash fan, just wondering what makes you think he would qualify as a "godly man". A life of debauchery then later singing about God does not a godly man make in my opinion.
How about Man in the Long Black Coat to follow this one?
Hairs on back of neck will stand up.......that voice!!!
beautiful rendition of Revelation
Typo: 'The wise man will bow down before the thorn.' should be 'The wise man will bow down before the throne.'. Also, a wicked song.
Fantastic lyrics ....except for “father hen”. And this from a “country “ artist... 😉
The good news is that since god was invented by man, none of this is true. Still a great song, but about as accurate as Puff the Magic Dragon. A nice fantasy.
Beautifully written and sang The man came around to soon for you Brother
 Laptopdog wrote:
I rate very few songs a 10, but I think this one qualifies. A godly man singing about God and who just about a year away from meeting his maker when he recorded this. I'd call that Godlike.
Nicely said -- knowing something about the Man in Black and a little scripture elevates this song. I'd like to think that he does this song so well that even an unacquainted listener would sense the sublime....
I've heard this in three movies (trying to remember the third, escapes me at the moment).  It opens the credits of The Dawn of the Dead.  It closes an HBO series, Generation Kill.  (While the credits to the last episode were still rolling, I was downloading it to my ipod.)  
Death and killing and the Bible and the apocalypse... Perfect!
 bentonian wrote:
A ten, for the haunting vocals and the poetic lyrics.

Truly I didn't think Johnny had that kind of poetry in him. Read the lyrics, it's worth the focus.

Mr Cash wrote a LOT of poetry, beautifully suited for his countrified voice.

Nice segue from Manic Street Preachers
Long Live                                                                                                                                     Radio Paradise 
                                                                                                                                                    9 -OUTSTANDING
get right so you're ready when gentle Jesus meek and mild comes and picks you up -1 😇
A ten, for the haunting vocals and the poetic lyrics.

Truly I didn't think Johnny had that kind of poetry in him. Read the lyrics, it's worth the focus.
Rick Rubin produced this album.

Listened to an interesting discussion between Malcolm Gladwell and Rick Rubin in a podcast called Broken Record the other day.  
 Laptopdog wrote:
I rate very few songs a 10, but I think this one qualifies. A godly man singing about God and who just about a year away from meeting his maker when he recorded this. I'd call that Godlike.
Okay! You convinced me!!!

gosh, I love those bass chords ending in that low piano keystroke...
 neuticle wrote:
I'm no Christian...but I mock no ones faith..

Amen! {#Cheers}
see https://biblehub.com/matthew/25-7.htm  
He's quoting a parable of Christ.  

terryd wrote:

oil lamp wicks


 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:
{#Ask} what does "the virgins are all trimming their wicks" mean?
from the bible. means to have your light ready for when God comes at the end of world. do not be caught unawares.
 NoEnzLefttoSplit wrote:
{#Ask} what does "the virgins are all trimming their wicks" mean?
oil lamp wicks
{#Ask} what does "the virgins are all trimming their wicks" mean?
Brilliant segue from To Repel Ghosts.  
 nagsheadlocal wrote:
What I like best is the sound of this guitar - gorgeous! Anyone know what he used to record this?
Yeah, very crisp
What I like best is the sound of this guitar - gorgeous! Anyone know what he used to record this?
I rate very few songs a 10, but I think this one qualifies. A godly man singing about God and who was just about a year away from meeting his maker when he recorded this. I'd call that Godlike.
Nice segue into the Eels -- and by that I mean the fade out matched the new intro very nicely!
I'm not sure if RP is getting predictable or I'm psychic, but I was expecting this song after the last one...
 Tomasni wrote:
To me  9 - O U T S T A N D I N G

Yes, indeed. And a nice segue to Lord Huron, Bill. 
 Ben_D_Wire wrote:

OK, I'll bite. I think you missed the primary point that the OP couldn't use PSD on his system, meaning he had to listen to something he didn't like. Hopefully he's got that sorted now, and *that* particular problem is solved.
Personally I can't stand most of JC's songs - if there was a ranking of time-to-hit-PSD I'd be right up there with the fastest. Some things just grate, but that's all down to personal taste. And that's why Bill blessed us with PSD, one of the best things about RP. I think you're being a little harsh to suggest counselling to us non JC fans, but I also agree that whining about something being played has no place here, because of PSD. But the whining was about the number of times the artist was being played, not just this particular song, and he does make a valid point.
My advice is not free, but I'll waive my invoice if you promise to donate to RP {#Wink}

                       TWICE in last 30 days ~ 


This track opens over the credits of Dawn of the Dead. And it closes out the final episode of a brief but quite good HBO series, Generation Kill, in 2009  or 2010, about the war in Iraq. Death and war. What better song for the soundtracks than this one?
powerful, prophetic stuff
And the man always comes around.
 sfyi2001 wrote:

  Often, when I see someone whining about RP playing a song, or an artist's material too frequently, I check the frequency of that song's play in the last 30 days by clicking on the album cover to the left of the ratings box, and I've yet to see a song that has been played more than 4 times in the past 30 days. Typically it's 2 or 3 plays. That's once a week, which means if you feel like you're hearing something more often than you like, that you likely have an issue unrelated to music that you should discuss with a therapist or marriage counselor. 
You're welcome and, no charge {#Biggrin}

OK, I'll bite. I think you missed the primary point that the OP couldn't use PSD on his system, meaning he had to listen to something he didn't like. Hopefully he's got that sorted now, and *that* particular problem is solved.
Personally I can't stand most of JC's songs - if there was a ranking of time-to-hit-PSD I'd be right up there with the fastest. Some things just grate, but that's all down to personal taste. And that's why Bill blessed us with PSD, one of the best things about RP. I think you're being a little harsh to suggest counselling to us non JC fans, but I also agree that whining about something being played has no place here, because of PSD. But the whining was about the number of times the artist was being played, not just this particular song, and he does make a valid point.
My advice is not free, but I'll waive my invoice if you promise to donate to RP {#Wink}
 geoffschultz wrote:
I listen to RP on a Sqeezebox and if there's one artist that makes me want a "Play Something Different" via Squezebox, it's Johnny Cash.  Is there a PSD button for Squeezebox?  

Why do I hear so much Cash on RP?  Really,out of all of the good artists that they play, he doesn't deserve the amount of air time that he gets.


  Often, when I see someone whining about RP playing a song, or an artist's material too frequently, I check the frequency of that song's play in the last 30 days by clicking on the album cover to the left of the ratings box, and I've yet to see a song that has been played more than 4 times in the past 30 days. Typically it's 2 or 3 plays. That's once a week, which means if you feel like you're hearing something more often than you like, that you likely have an issue unrelated to music that you should discuss with a therapist or marriage counselor. 
You're welcome and, no charge {#Biggrin}


An atheist here too. But as a piece of grand mythology with piercing lyrics and magic music it's awesome.
I love this. I'm an atheist but I revel in the sense of power he sings with, but mostly because it was a genius soundtrack for zombie attack. 
 geoffschultz wrote:
I listen to RP on a Sqeezebox and if there's one artist that makes me want a "Play Something Different" via Squezebox, it's Johnny Cash.  Is there a PSD button for Squeezebox?  

Why do I hear so much Cash on RP?  Really,out of all of the good artists that they play, he doesn't deserve the amount of air time that he gets.

I feel your pain! But yes, there is PSD plugin for squeezebox written by Michael Hurger - "The Radio Paradise plugin can be installed from Settings/Plugins. Make sure you check the "All 3rd party" checkbox."


 geoffschultz wrote:
I listen to RP on a Sqeezebox and if there's one artist that makes me want a "Play Something Different" via Squezebox, it's Johnny Cash.  Is there a PSD button for Squeezebox?  

Why do I hear so much Cash on RP?  Really,out of all of the good artists that they play, he doesn't deserve the amount of air time that he gets.

He gets far less airplay than many of the newer bands. Some of his "half spoken half sung" songs I don't like so well, but you have to accept that he was/is one of America's treasures, for his classic stuff anyway.  Listen to "Hurt."
 handyrae wrote:
I couldn't disagree more with the lyrics, but I still enjoy the song. 

I wasn't really paying attention to the song until I read your comment.  So I immediately gave it a 9 based on lyrics alone.  Woulda been a 10 if the music was actually good. 
 geoffschultz wrote:
I listen to RP on a Sqeezebox and if there's one artist that makes me want a "Play Something Different" via Squezebox, it's Johnny Cash.  Is there a PSD button for Squeezebox?  

Why do I hear so much Cash on RP?  Really,out of all of the good artists that they play, he doesn't deserve the amount of air time that he gets.

Millennials {#Stupid}.

Thank you  Johnny Cash  for
The Man Comes Around

 9 OUTSTANDING  for me  :))

I listen to RP on a Sqeezebox and if there's one artist that makes me want a "Play Something Different" via Squezebox, it's Johnny Cash.  Is there a PSD button for Squeezebox?  

Why do I hear so much Cash on RP?  Really,out of all of the good artists that they play, he doesn't deserve the amount of air time that he gets.
 handyrae wrote:
I couldn't disagree more with the lyrics, but I still enjoy the song. 

What he said.
 phlattop wrote:

No, Cash is hit or miss for me. "Hurt" is brilliant but some of his other "spoken more than sung" tunes make me hit PSD. This tune is OK. 

Cash is (or was) one of those artists that reach a certain point in their career where they can do no wrong in the eyes of their fans. Emmylou is like that too, especially with my local alternative FM station. She could put out a record of her farts and the disc jockeys would fawn over it still. Dylan isn't so lucky with his detractors complaining about his voice.
  He was dying.
A National Treasure.

 unclelonghair wrote:

Something to be aware of is that this was recorded near the end of Cash's life, he was already 5 years into a diagnosis for a neurological disorder and his voice and health were failing.  He died less than a year after the song was released.  Considering he became famous for his deep and virile voice, I find the frailty and forced vocals on this song to be really haunting.

Johnny Cash isn't for everyone and I think you love him or hate him.  I have a standing deal with my son that if he recognizes a Johnny Cash song somewhere he immediately doubles his allowance for the week. 

I have started a similar bounty system with my grandsons for spotting JC tunes. Thanks for the idea, Tio.
 themusicroob wrote:
Discovered this song through RP, so much thanks. What people are saying about the Christian lyrics is fair, but the way I see it a well written song will stand up to listeners of many different opinions. You can listen to this and hear a ridicule of Christian doctrine, or a lament, or a celebration. The lyrics are subtle enough that it maintains its integrity in each context.

Pretty sure he's not doing it as a ridicule of Christian doctrine, since Johnny was a pretty devout Christian.  Despite that (for me, since I'm not a Christian, or even religious) it is a great song.

 AndorianBlues wrote:
It does sound a little like William Shatner, right?
Something to be aware of is that this was recorded near the end of Cash's life, he was already 5 years into a diagnosis for a neurological disorder and his voice and health were failing.  He died less than a year after the song was released.  Considering he became famous for his deep and virile voice, I find the frailty and forced vocals on this song to be really haunting.

Johnny Cash isn't for everyone and I think you love him or hate him.  I have a standing deal with my son that if he recognizes a Johnny Cash song somewhere he immediately doubles his allowance for the week. 
Good bad or indifferent, thank you distant relative Johnny
Discovered this song through RP, so much thanks. What people are saying about the Christian lyrics is fair, but the way I see it a well written song will stand up to listeners of many different opinions. You can listen to this and hear a ridicule of Christian doctrine, or a lament, or a celebration. The lyrics are subtle enough that it maintains its integrity in each context.
 handyrae wrote:
I couldn't disagree more with the lyrics, but I still enjoy the song. 

My thoughts exactly.
I feel about Johnny Cash like a feel about Bob Dylan: Great composer, great musician ... horrible vocalist. Please just play somebody else actually singing his songs!
Seriously, check out the use of this song in this scene:

Always the best
The man can't come. Something about being fictional.
Excellent LP .  All of it. 
 Weave wrote:

Thanks for so eloquently articulating the apparent intolerance underlying some negative comments.
But sharing negative sentiments is for some theraputic, a release, schadenfreude, an outlet for frustration, an affitmation when they find an echo ...there's nothing that beats a good moan.
So maybe we should be tolerant of other's apparent intolerance and continue spreading the joy thru positive comments.
These comments are just more internet vapor, dude. Don't get too serious about any of it.
 TerryS wrote:
Father hen?

Matthew 23:37
 kingart wrote:
This track closed out the HBO series about the Iraq war, Generation Kill. I heard the first 60 seconds as the final credits closed, iTuned it up and had it on my pod before the last seconds. Other than Running the World, a Jarvis Cocker tune that closed out Children of Men, it was the fastest tune load I ever did. 

what he said
Father hen?
I clicked PSD on an absolutely dreadful Pink Floyd song and this came on!  {#Bananapiano}
Wait, I thought "the man" already came around....The Lubavitcher Rebbe!
 handyrae wrote:
I couldn't disagree more with the lyrics, but I still enjoy the song. 

My sentiments as well, and knowing Cash's history, I totally get where he's coming from.
Love this tune.{#Music}
 VH1 wrote:
I am alway shocked to see or better read, how Intoleranz and Igorance are ripe in the world wide web. Music is a completely personal thing, everybody likes different stuff and responds to different music in different ways. Music was/is created to cater for everyone's taste. Where I come from we have a saying: One man's owl is the other man's nightingale.
So I can for the live of me not understand, why so many people become so agitatet and so vile and volatile about one song or the other. RP has the gadet "Play something different", so if one does not like a song, one can choose another one.
But some find it necessay to even become insulting about a song or an artist, this is beyond me.
Music is supposed to be a universal language of tolerance and love.    

But tolerance seems to be the hardest thing for some people. 

Intolerance for others leads to seperation, seperation leads to prejudice, prejudice leads to hate. Isn't there enough of it already in this world? Is it really necessary to bring this into Music as well?

Somehow, I don't think so!


Thanks for so eloquently articulating the apparent intolerance underlying some negative comments.
But sharing negative sentiments is for some theraputic, a release, schadenfreude, an outlet for frustration, an affitmation when they find an echo ...there's nothing that beats a good moan.
So maybe we should be tolerant of other's apparent intolerance and continue spreading the joy thru positive comments.

 AndorianBlues wrote:
It does sound a little like William Shatner, right?

It does sound a little like William Shatner, right?
Absolutely! It was used in a very dramatic fashion. It was a season finale I believe...I remember the agents hitting the pool:


Ahnyer_Keester wrote:
Amazing song. Truly amazing.

Does this remind anyone else of the episode in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles? 


such a happy tune! What's the lyrics about? What? Oh.
when the man in black comes around, I'll stop and listen every time.. {#Cheers}
 handyrae wrote:
I couldn't disagree more with the lyrics, but I still enjoy the song. 

The very way I feel about it myself.

 FrankDebbieCote wrote:
Hate it, all of it. 
Next song please.  
That's what the off switch is used for.
Hate it, all of it. 
Next song please.  
I couldn't disagree more with the lyrics, but I still enjoy the song. 
I think I've heard this song transition from Manic Street Preachers - To Repel...so many times it has now become one song.
(not that I'm complaining or anything)
Love it; all this Revelations stuff is so trippy anyway.
Ever since I first heard this on RP my 'motto of the day' has often been "It's hard to kick against the pricks." Of course, I have my own non-biblical meaning attached.
 Grammarcop wrote:
Allergic to religion. Itching to hit PSD.

It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks...
Amazing song. Truly amazing.

Does this remind anyone else of the episode in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles? 
 Grammarcop wrote:
Allergic to religion. Itching to hit PSD.

So you only listen to the avowedly atheistic, or at least agnostic music here? Lots of music, based as it is on millennia of human thought, has traces of religious ideas embedded. From the other direction, a radio ministry out of Texas back in the 1960s spent a lot of energy working on the wonderful world of tomorrow (its name) in which all words in the English language that were derived from pagan Latin roots would be expunged. That would be a fun future, although I guess that after the words were removed/replaced, the next step would be to remove non-religious music from the airwaves. Fortunately these utopian ideals seem to founder on the shoals of reality, at least to date.
Love this song.
Allergic to religion. Itching to hit PSD.
I love it.  
Just a little holiday reminder for those interesting family get togethers;
"It's hard for thee to kick against the against the prick."
Happy Thanksgiving Rebecca & Bill.
Johnny Cash was an amazing artist!
not my favorite Jonny tune....{#Whistle}
 rockpommel16 wrote:

....absolutely dislike most of your comments......


Now let me tell you something, Streebeck. There are two things that clearly differentiate the human species from animals. One, we use cutlery. Two, we're capable of controlling our sexual urges. Now, you might be an exception, but don't drag me down into your private Hell.
Cash before about 1975 yes, after...no.
 Stingray wrote:
Am I really the only one who neither likes his voice nor his songs?

No, Cash is hit or miss for me. "Hurt" is brilliant but some of his other "spoken more than sung" tunes make me hit PSD. This tune is OK. 

Cash is (or was) one of those artists that reach a certain point in their career where they can do no wrong in the eyes of their fans. Emmylou is like that too, especially with my local alternative FM station. She could put out a record of her farts and the disc jockeys would fawn over it still. Dylan isn't so lucky with his detractors complaining about his voice.

 Stingray wrote:
Am I really the only one who neither likes his voice nor his songs?

 darcand wrote:
Sure makes the hairs on my arm stand up.

EXACTLY !   Sheer musical genius.
We've just repelled ghosts.
Am I really the only one who neither likes his voice nor his songs?
 ch83575 wrote:
Im not interested in deep questions about god and divinity, but I would really like to know what a father hen is.  I have several hens, and I am completely positive that none of them have fathered anything.

That is an allusion to Matthew 23:37, where Jesus says "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing."
In orthodox Christian theology, Jesus is God the Father incarnate, hence the "Father Hen" reference in this song.  There are other passages in the old testament that allude to a God as a mother as well as a father to His people.