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Length: 5:40
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We place our theories down
Why man must bring us to our knees
Before he sees the weakness of his sinful plan
The power in his hand
Will never touch a friend
Throw your hatred down
Throw your hatred down
Meanwhile in the underworld
The weaknesses are seen
By peasants and presidents
Who plan the counter-scheme
Children in the schoolyard
Finish choosing teams
Divided by their dreams
While a TV screams
Throw your weapons down
Throw your weapons down
The wheel of fortune
Keeps on rollin' down
The street that's paved with sinful plans
There but for circumstance
May go you or I
Dressed in gold lame
Find a place to stay
Throw your hatred down
Throw your hatred down
Throw your hatred down
Throw your weapons down

For those who are interested in the work of this artist:
The hanging sculpture, titled Identity Crisis belongs to Brooklyn artist Michael Murphy, who writes that it, "is about the United States rooting its image in violence and intimidation." Shift your perspective from the front to the side, and the whole thing ceases to be America, instead becoming one giant handgun.
You can find more of the artist on https://www.perceptualart.com/
Definitely worth a visit!
This record was recorded with Pearl Jam as the "band" with NY. You can hear the influence NY had on the group on the PJ ep Mirkenball and the album No Code which followed their time with NY.
Some regard the time making this record as helping Pearl Jam to get over the intensity of their early career and help set them up for the lengthy and rocking career that they have had. Don't know how true that is, but I am glad that this record happened.
Scrolled until I found this comment. Well said (and representative of my 30+yr. love affair with this band.! I thought, "Oh Good! I don't need to post." But, here I am anyway :D Enjoying this moment!

For those who are interested in the work of this artist:
The hanging sculpture, titled Identity Crisis belongs to Brooklyn artist Michael Murphy, who writes that it, "is about the United States rooting its image in violence and intimidation." Shift your perspective from the front to the side, and the whole thing ceases to be America, instead becoming one giant handgun.
You can find more of the artist on https://www.perceptualart.com/
Definitely worth a visit!
Gun enthusiasts will argue it's not violence and intimidation but rather the right to protect yourself and your property. Though I haven't figured out why weapons of war are sold to the non-military public. Just baffles the mind. I've often said the human race is the only species on this planet that is not evolving. Very sad.
Sadly, a year after your post, we have the murder of George Floyd.
Who was a criminal thug with a LONG record of violent offences. He DIED of a fentanyl OD and was not murdered. BUT: 2016, Tony Timpa WAS actually murdered in a similar situation, except for: NO drugs, HE called 911 for help ~ and the cops - who actually killed him - (all on body cam) got off with a slap on the wrist.
Bet you never even heard of Timpa though.
Now, ask yourself WHY?
You. Are. Being. Played.
This cranky, old , self absorbed asshat should take some of his own advice.
Go back to worshipping your orange tin god.

For those who are interested in the work of this artist:
The hanging sculpture, titled Identity Crisis belongs to Brooklyn artist Michael Murphy, who writes that it, "is about the United States rooting its image in violence and intimidation." Shift your perspective from the front to the side, and the whole thing ceases to be America, instead becoming one giant handgun.
You can find more of the artist on https://www.perceptualart.com/
Definitely worth a visit!
oh my gosh! that is intense! how someone's mind must work to envision this from both angles. just wow. amazed.
The man simply nailed it.
I was there too and totally agree. He is a force of nature when playing live. My best Glastonbury set of all my years there.
The man simply nailed it.
Neil makes and orchestrates such a rich tapestry of textures and resonances, and is able to raise it all to a feverish level of intensity!

I totally agree with your point!

For those who are interested in the work of this artist:
The hanging sculpture, titled Identity Crisis belongs to Brooklyn artist Michael Murphy, who writes that it, "is about the United States rooting its image in violence and intimidation." Shift your perspective from the front to the side, and the whole thing ceases to be America, instead becoming one giant handgun.
You can find more of the artist on https://www.perceptualart.com/
Definitely worth a visit!
This piece of "art" has no point despite it's attempt at it. Just like this song from an angry jerk who wants to silence anyone's views but his own. He needs to throw his hatred and weapons (popular influence) down.

Just wondering, do you capitalize White also?
While Neil might be considered left, the message is not about left or right. It is universal. Throw your hatred down, or as a true yogi might say, master your anger!
Neil ,obviously, can't master his own.
Another very appropriate song for the crazy times we're living in at the moment. Racism and hatred must never be normalized.

Yes it rocks! His Backing Band on this Album wasn´t Crazy Horse as usual. Pearl Jam is the backing Band and it´s their drummer Matt Cameron!

We place our theories down
Why man must bring us to our knees
Before he sees the weakness of his sinful plan
The power in his hand
Will never touch a friend
NY may have been psychic about DJT
If you were of draft age when the National Guard gunned down 4 college students and then heard "Ohio" for the first time live during the Four Way Street concert (as I did), you would not think so.
In fact, given what happened earlier this week, the line, "What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground. How could you run when you know?" sounds more connected to reality than ever. (For when this post gets old: 17 students shot to death in their high school in Florida.)
I have no real idea why, but I just can't stand this guys music.
Unless you were there in the 60's and very early 70's, he does seem to be an acquired taste. But he's certainly had his moments and within his body of work there are some amazing recordings. Gotta appreciate him putting it all out there even when sometimes it doesn't work all that well...
While Neil might be considered left, the message is not about left or right. It is universal. Throw your hatred down, or as a true yogi might say, master your anger!
I prefer the yogi's version. It's less accusatory, more constructive...

Is this the reason, why Putin started war? Is he unhappy not to be mentioned in this picture?
Talented song writer.
But, his politics are unhinged from reality.
I humbly beg to disagree. Many, if not most, of the really talented song writers create songs that make us imagine a world where love is the norm, and where politicians actually make laws that benefit all.
The fact that activists for social change often use the songs of these artists as a part of their rallying cry, demonstrates their impact. I applaud Neil Young and others like him.
AND I applaud Bill and Rebecca for playing so many songs from these artists. It's one of the main reasons that I continue to support RP and stay tuned in, especially in these turbulent times (as all times appear to be).
In a deeper sense, this is certainly true, but in a very direct sense on CBS Thursday's "Late Show" Neil has called Trump (right wing) a hater of women ("misogyny") and a racist, while taking the opposite view about Bernie Sanders (left wing), whom he supported in the past presidential elections:
This song was written and released about 20 years before Neil Young's appearance on The Late Show.
As the post you responded to said about this song: "While Neil might be considered left, the message is not about left or right."
Tom Petty's "Runnin' Down a Dream" followed by this Neil Young gem. What a great way to start my weekend! I hope the downstairs tenants don't mind hearing this pensioner doing a wild kitchen dance on this Saturday morning.

He is still jammin' out!!!!!


Where is this piece from? It is VERY impressive. Who is the artist?

What a awesome piece! And so American!

I don't know that racism and hatred have been normalized. What HAVE been normalized are the corrupt pay-for-play Citizens United dark money politicians who usually do whatever their patrons pay them to do. That is what has been normalized, and if indulging racism, intolerance and violence against immigrants and people of color is what the secret donors expect for the maintenance of their power, that is what we get. It's about fear and control. I don't know that racism and hatred, per se, are by themselves the only issues, although they are very much in the mix. If you want to lower the temperature and the hatred, get rid of many of the fucking politicians bought by big undisclosed money. They steal our money --A HUGE AMOUNT OF OUR MONEY -- and our votes, our public lands and our environment. With fear and guns and power money they can really screw things up. On the scale of it, what are 10 - 15,000+ lives lost per year to racially-stoked gun violence and economic oppression to keep reminding the peons who the fuck is in charge? VOTE. Then with one hand shake your neighbor's hand, and with the other flip the middle finger to these hosebags. Just sayin'.
You mean like the public sector unions and their political patrons? Couldn't agree more.
I don't know that racism and hatred have been normalized. What HAVE been normalized are the corrupt pay-for-play Citizens United dark money politicians who usually do whatever their patrons pay them to do. That is what has been normalized, and if indulging racism, intolerance and violence against immigrants and people of color is what the secret donors expect for the maintenance of their power, that is what we get. It's about fear and control. I don't know that racism and hatred, per se, are by themselves the only issues, although they are very much in the mix. If you want to lower the temperature and the hatred, get rid of many of the fucking politicians bought by big undisclosed money. They steal our money --A HUGE AMOUNT OF OUR MONEY -- and our votes, our public lands and our environment. With fear and guns and power money they can really screw things up. On the scale of it, what are 10 - 15,000+ lives lost per year to racially-stoked gun violence and economic oppression to keep reminding the peons who the fuck is in charge? VOTE. Then with one hand shake your neighbor's hand, and with the other flip the middle finger to these hosebags. Just sayin'.
So true. I've worked for the Koh Bros, Rodger Ailes and Dick Chaney. Our system is so screwed up it is mind boggling.
But not the Weezer another group
you first
Agreed. Tell that to the left.
justin4kick - I'd like to share this, where could I find a link for it? thanks
Michael Murphy's Epic Anti-Gun Artwork for the DNC in 2016.
Constructed of dozens of suspended black gun sculptures—ranging from handguns to assault rifles, the installation is a perspective piece that changes in shape as the viewer walks around it.
Michael Murphy (sculptor) - Wikipedia
maxresdefault.jpg (1280×720) (ytimg.com)
michael-murphy-02.gif (600×338) (scene360.com)
Wow. I goggled "3D gun art" Mr. Murphy's anamorphic sculptures are stupendous! I even like his non-gun stuff better. Long Live RP and the rabbit hole I've already headed down!!
Seems to me that's exactly what we've been doing with the cancel culture!
Agreed. Tell that to the left.
Not sure where you live (presuming the USA), but in every part of the country I've been to, when there are protests, this and songs like it are coming from the left and not from the guys with body armor, hawaiian shirts and AR-15s.
Incidentally, this is what Neil had to say about the lyrical content of Mirror Ball, the album containing this song:
"There's idealism and reality, the two have got to come together yet there are always major problems when they do. Maybe that's the crux of what I'm trying to say in this new album. It's also a commentary of the differences between my peace and love '60s generation and the more cynical '90s generation."

It's amazing how good he can sound with a competent drummer.
Agreed. Tell that to the left.
That is awesome, justin4kick.
Pleasantly surprised to see no thumbs down votes.
justin4kick - I'd like to share this, where could I find a link for it? thanks
That is awesome, justin4kick.
Pleasantly surprised to see no thumbs down votes.
Like him or not, you can't deny it
Deny what? That's he's a criminal idiot that is working for Putin and undermining our very democracy and country?
If you were of draft age when the National Guard gunned down 4 college students and then heard "Ohio" for the first time live during the Four Way Street concert (as I did), you would not think so.
In fact, given what happened earlier this week, the line, "What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground. How could you run when you know?" sounds more connected to reality than ever. (For when this post gets old: 17 students shot to death in their high school in Florida.)
As of 7/22/20: 31 empathetic people and 2 gun nuts have voted on this post.
Two great tastes that taste great together!
Sadly, a year after your post, we have the murder of George Floyd.

That is awesome, justin4kick.
Pleasantly surprised to see no thumbs down votes.

Some regard the time making this record as helping Pearl Jam to get over the intensity of their early career and help set them up for the lengthy and rocking career that they have had. Don't know how true that is, but I am glad that this record happened.
"Hater" = doesn't agree with my thinking, so he/she is to be hated.
Hum, no, i think the message is pretty clear:
Throw Your Hatred Down
"Hater" = doesn't agree with my thinking, so he/she is to be hated.
C'est juste la jalousie de ne pas avoir eu cette chance là. Voir Neil Young en concert.

For those who are interested in the work of this artist:
The hanging sculpture, titled Identity Crisis belongs to Brooklyn artist Michael Murphy, who writes that it, "is about the United States rooting its image in violence and intimidation." Shift your perspective from the front to the side, and the whole thing ceases to be America, instead becoming one giant handgun.
You can find more of the artist on https://www.perceptualart.com/
Definitely worth a visit!

While Neil might be considered left, the message is not about left or right. It is universal. Throw your hatred down, or as a true yogi might say, master your anger!
In a deeper sense, this is certainly true, but in a very direct sense on CBS Thursday's "Late Show" Neil has called Trump (right wing) a hater of women ("misogyny") and a racist, while taking the opposite view about Bernie Sanders (left wing), whom he supported in the past presidential elections:
While Neil might be considered left, the message is not about left or right. It is universal. Throw your hatred down, or as a true yogi might say, master your anger!
Like him or not, you can't deny that....he's a piece of shit....
had to finish your thought on that one

Like him or not, you can't deny it
Not one of his better protest/social, political commentary songs but still good. Young manages this immediacy, this loving impatience that is frankly, not that common. Others try but do not pull it off so well.

It is just one photo, but yeah, nice chemistry.
I don't know that racism and hatred have been normalized. What HAVE been normalized are the corrupt pay-for-play Citizens United dark money politicians who usually do whatever their patrons pay them to do. That is what has been normalized, and if indulging racism, intolerance and violence against immigrants and people of color is what the secret donors expect for the maintenance of their power, that is what we get. It's about fear and control. I don't know that racism and hatred, per se, are by themselves the only issues, although they are very much in the mix. If you want to lower the temperature and the hatred, get rid of many of the fucking politicians bought by big undisclosed money. They steal our money --A HUGE AMOUNT OF OUR MONEY -- and our votes, our public lands and our environment. With fear and guns and power money they can really screw things up. On the scale of it, what are 10 - 15,000+ lives lost per year to racially-stoked gun violence and economic oppression to keep reminding the peons who the fuck is in charge? VOTE. Then with one hand shake your neighbor's hand, and with the other flip the middle finger to these hosebags. Just sayin'.
Yes, indeed!
No, Tom Petty has that wrapped up solid.

Well, then it's probably a good thing that RP usually doesn't play much Niel.
Neil, on the other hand FRIGGIN ROCKS and as everyone knows is way UNDER rated.

Is your day job being a music critic?
I grew up really digging Neil, but I'm finding him more and more irritating as time goes on. There are some classics, but just about everything w/electric guitar is almost unbearable.
The "orange guy" loves the people of his country and that's interpreted as hatred.
Up is down and black is white. The world has done gone to hell.
Let’s be honest... the “orange guy” loves himself. Everything else is clearly BS.
Ok, wow. So... apparently there's hatred coming from all different directions.
And I'm pretty sure (I'd hope at least) ol' Neil was talking about alllllll hatred.
ExploitingChaos wrote:
The "orange guy" loves the people of his country and that's interpreted as hatred.
Up is down and black is white. The world has done gone to hell.

Ok, wow. So... apparently there's hatred coming from all different directions.
And I'm pretty sure (I'd hope at least) ol' Neil was talking about alllllll hatred.
ExploitingChaos wrote:

kingart wrote:
sfyi2001 wrote: